Twenty Thousand Hertz
Twenty Thousand Hertz
Dallas Taylor
via Podcasts
Family fun
I love listening to the show with my kids. We love guessing the mystery sound and the topics are so engaging. My girls will randomly mention a fun fact or interesting tidbit that they learned while listening. Please keep the shows coming. I’ll definitely be using some of the shows in my class to teach my middle school students.
One of the best
Consistently interesting and entertaining episodes. Covers topics and historical developments in a concise and informative manner.
Weirdly under-listened
There’s many podcasts I love, and frankly, there’s others that I’m more excited when they come out for… But there are none as impressive as this.
So unique and satisfying
I’m echoing the often-repeated sentiment of many other reviewers, so hopefully this doesn’t sound cliche by now. This is easily one of the most interesting and well-produced podcasts available. Posing and answering questions I didn’t even realized I had. This is really such quality work, I appreciate this podcast so much. Incredible.
🌟Nothing else like it🌟
Thanks for the depth and keeping it clean. I can freely recommend this to all my friends and young ones. Thank you for all of the research and efforts you and your team put into each episode. This pod stands above others and it shows. Please keep it up! Love the mystery sounds!
You should do one on mick Gordon
Mick Gordon did the modern Doom games soundtracks and Wolfenstein games
Sentent Eyeball
Best show EVER!!! :)
Very well done, funny, and just good. The mystery sounds are very ingenious and interesting. I love and recommend it to all. It also dives deep into the recognition of the people who help make it. Love it a lot and I hope you do to! :) :) :) Just love Love LOVE it! I can live
5 stars
My hobby is audio editing and sound design for podcasts. And I learn so much through this podcast. Keep it up guys
Definitely a five star review
I love this podcast so much It’s the best
Diana J foster
Really worth a listen!
I really enjoy the Twenty Thousand Hertz Podcast. I have been listening for several years now and look forward to each episode. I find the topics very interesting and have learned a lot. I have narrowed down the number of Podcasts I have Twenty Thousand Hertz is definitely a keeper.
Thank you
I’ve been listening to your podcast for 7 years. Thank you so much for all the care you put into it. I can hear every note, every penny, every click. This podcast is artistic in its love for sound.
snuffles 379
In my top 3
Just a really well done podcast. Subject matter is always interesting. Dallas and other contributors are pleasant to listen to. Mystery sound always fun.
High quality of work
Fantastic podcast
I love everything about this podcast. From the mystery sound each episode to deep dives on some of the worlds most interesting sounds.
Great podcast!
This is one of my favorites! I heard about it on NPR a few months ago, and now I’m listening from the beginning. Every episode is well-crafted, thoughtful, fascinating, educational, entertaining. I can’t say enough good things about it. I have been telling everyone I know about this podcast!
Soooo well done.
This podcast is really well mixed and incredibly human. The host is honest and vulnerable. Whether you love sound or not, this is worth a listen. After you listen you might end up noticing sound and loving it even more.
So interesting!
Each episode is a work of art. So many interesting topics and they just keep them coming.
Something for everyone!
Twenty Thousand Hertz is a quality podcast where the hours of work put into each episode are readily apparent. More than that, it’s a well-curated journey through the sounds of the world around us, from the average to the extraordinary. That said, even their dives into what would seem to be rather mundane, result in captivating analysis that elevates those sounds to fascinating and engaging experiences. I’m a sound mixer, so I love to nerd out on sound discussion, but when I was introduced to Twenty Thousand Hertz, I immediately informed my wife that we had something to play on our next road trip. She was skeptical, not wanting to spend a long drive listening to technobabble. It only took one episode to get her hooked. This is NOT an industry-targeted podcast. There’s definitely plenty for working sound professionals to enjoy, but there is so much more here. Whether it’s about the art or the science of sound, or somewhere in between, there’s literally something to interest and entertain everyone. Kudos to the team behind Twenty Thousand Hertz for such a well-thought-out, well-designed, and unique podcast.
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Cabin 2
Great show
Makes you want to pay attention to everyday sounds
Bery good
very very good good good
Amazing pod but at what cost
This podcast is really great but it sounds SOOOO good that now it feels like all the other podcasts I listen to sound terrible:(
guy who has a small complaint
Absolutely Stellar!
I found out about this gem of a podcast through the Jordan Harbinger show where Dallas was interviewed about sound. I really appreciate the topics, stories, and the way these stories are told. I plan on getting a subscription. This is an incredible podcast! And I truly appreciate the truly clean work you put out, such a lovely relief from a lot of content out there. Keep up the good work!
Tobias A. Gosnell
Been here since inception
I’ve been listening to Thai podcast since it started and from day one it has always hit the right notes. Love the topics spoken and dissected about, the audio quality is also superb. I usually like listening through my Sonos speakers that really introduces the quality of the audio mixed by the host. I’m just glad that you guys have been going hard this long, hope you guys continue to keep releasing quality, fun, and interesting podcast episodes!
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Beautiful show
I listen to all podcasts at double speed, except this one. It is a beautifully well-designed show with an amazing soundscape and I enjoy luxuriating in every second.
Niño Pirata
Fascinating sound design podcast
This podcast deals with sound design in a way that you’ve probably never thought about. Whether it’s sonic logos or sounds around you that you would never even think about, this podcast explains them all. And obviously the podcast itself sounds great.
Fascinating, Well-Made Podcast!
Super interesting topics treated with thoughtful research and a driving curiosity. Makes for a fascinating listen. Thanks for the hard work in creating this!
Has turned into feature length ads
Their shows are now just 30 minute ads, they aren’t even subtle about it.
Great Podcast
I only had to listen to one episode to tell this was a great podcast. I would like to say that I think the music and sound effects of The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild. It’s a great game with a great Soundtrack, and, with the recent release of Tears Of The Kingdom, everyone has caught Zelda fever. Overall it’s a great podcast. -Henry Lucius, age 11
(no particular order) Let’s not be kidding - Atlas Obscura - This American life - The Moth - The Bowery Boys - Twenty Thousand Hertz - The Retroist Retro Podcast - Heavyweight - Anthropocene Reviewed and Brought to you by…
4577467 stars!!!
The quality of this show is bananas. Every episode is a total mind-bending adventure that will teach you to see (or hear) the world in a new way. I relisten to my favorites all the time! Like The Booj. Great episode.
Take me out to the ball game!
Love your show, but this episode, especially! 😭 Growing up in Massachusetts, Fenway Park and the Boston Red Sox games were such a treat for our family. My dad instilled a love for baseball in some of his seven daughters. Being a veteran of both World War II and the Korean War he was very active with the local VFW. Often they would hire a school bus to take a group of veterans into Fenway Park. In the 1970s, one of my sisters started going with them. She had her glove, her ball cap and the scorecard in her program and was probably around 11 or 12 years old. Hearing about Katie Casey brought up this image if my sister: riding on that school bus with all those older veterans, her blonde hair cascading down from under her Red Sox hat. My father would bring his trombone and play The Charge Song to get the crowd going. I remember watching the games at home on TV and I could hear him.... and the crowd cheered. Thank you for bringing the good memories 😭.
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Surprises around every corner
This podcast delights me with each episode and reminds me to keep listening to the sounds in my life. The episodes are well researched, engaging and a treat to my ears. I am not an audiophile, but am leaning that way with each episode. This podcast is definitely worth your listening time.
Outstanding Podcast
Twenty Thousand Hertz is a must-listen for people of all ages. Each episode is beautifully produced and the topics are fascinating. I highly recommend this podcast to everyone - especially those interested in sound design or sound in general. Thank you, 20k team for making all episodes/bonus content available to everyone from now on!
Surprisingly Great
An offbeat topic brought to life. The ad jingles episode was fascinating. I think TTH needs its own sonic jingle too!
Twenty Thousand Hertz
This is a great podcast, and I have listened to every episode. Outstanding production value, and interesting topics. My only gripe is that sometimes the time between posting is longer than normal, I don’t know if this is a problem with week counting or something else. Other than that this is a great show!
Love it
Great human interest show Very well produced and hosted , always learn something and it’s easy to listen to
Sarah Gayle
Learn things about sound
Did you know there are ultrasonic sounds being emitted by our mobiles that are being picked up when you go shopping? Subscribe to learn more amazing facts for your next dinner party.
One of my few Never Miss podcasts
I follow lots of podcasts but only a few are “must listen”, and this is one of them. Each episode is fascinating and expertly produced. 10/10, would recommend!
Sound matters!
Love this podcast. I can’t wait to listen to every episode. Dallas Taylor is a sound expert and these are great stories. Thanks! I also appreciate having you and the family as neighbors :)
Always tickles my curiosity
As a work professional graphic designer, my life revolves around visuals…. But, the content of 20k is always interesting and highly educational. Once you find this podcast, it’s in the regular rotation. Keep up the good work!
Cee unit
Fascinating stuff!
The thing I admire about this podcast is that if you are in the sound industry in some fashion, you’ll find it interesting on one level and if you are just your average, Joe or Jayne, who doesn’t have any professional experience with sound, you’ll find it completely interesting on a different level. it’s just cool stuff!
Really fun podcast
Of all the podcasts I listen to, this one is the most fun. I love sound design, and Dallas does a fantastic job of exploring it from all angles. It’s very well produced, both from a sound and content perspective. My one wish is that it would go deeper on technical topics, at least occasionally.
I can’t overstate
I love this podcast, and it’s one of very few I honestly wouldn’t know how to improve!
Great show.
There is a lot put into the production of this show. As a music teacher, I enjoy the thought provoking subjects of how sound affects so many different aspects of our lives.
5 stars
Great content. Great sound design. 👏🏻
So good!
You should celebrate with your team and your family
#Biggest fan of all time
This show is very soothing to listen to. Dallas has a great podcast voice and his content is very interesting. There are many different episodes, so if you aren't interested in one episode, its easy to find one you will. Love the show, please keep making episodes!!
Dallas, you sound like a robot
As a sound designer and musician for many years, I love finding podcasts that dive deep into the world of sound. 20,000 Hz explores great topics, shines a light on some very esoteric developments and inventions throughout the years, and helps the average listener just how important sound is to their world….but that’s who this podcast is for: the average listener. If you’re a professional, than there is a high chance you’ve heard these stories before, whether through publications, interviews, or academics. If you’re new and curious to this world, this podcast is a good primer. Unfortunately, my biggest gripe is Dallas Taylor’s narration. His cadence and the timbre of his voice make him sound EXACTLY like that robotic voiceover voice heard on countless TikTok videos. It’s completely unlistenable and breaks the experience for me. Dallas, dude, your podcast is great, but maybe hire someone else for the voiceover work, eh?
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One of the best podcast out there
Versatile content, great background score, great production, guest speaker script n voice modulation is top notch n matches the host. Don’t miss out
One of my favorites
If you are a sound nerd, or have a lot of nostalgia tied up in sounds, THIS is the podcast.
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