Therapy Thoughts
Therapy Thoughts
Therapy Thoughts
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Great stuff!
Where did the show go?
Where has this podcast been my whole life?
So grateful to Tiffany for putting together such an amazing podcast and taking all the time that I know it takes to record these episodes and polling all of the fellow therapists in her practice and around the country. Thank you for all the work that goes into this, it has been so enlightening and such a light in a time of turmoil and change!
First time listener
And I’ll be back! Listened to your episode on toxic positivity and am a new fan! Thank you thank you! Susie Pettit
3 buoys
Very modern and digestable
Loved the podcast. I will be back for more!
Very insightful
She’s so easy to listen to, very good at getting the point across in a way that’s easy to understand and grasp. It’s a must listen to podcast for anyone who had an unhealthy upbringing (which I think is most of us, sadly) Thank you Tiffany!
THE most important work
The work Tiffany is doing here is beyond important. In this time of conflict and division Tiffany Roe is teaching us all what it means to be present with our own and others mental health. So many of our cultural norms support high disordered mental health and Tiffany breaks this down in an easy to digest way. Not only is her support of people very clear but the life learned empathy she’s acquired comes through in every word. Do yourself a favor, choose an episode with a title that grabs you and listen for yourself. We all only stand to gain perspective and improved mental health from leaders like Tiffany Roe.
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K, Dyer
Fantastic Energy
This podcast gives such great insights without any fluff. The host is fantastic.
I always learn so much
The knowledge Tiffany shares on this podcast is truly a gift. I constantly learn from her and my life is better because of the skills/lessons she shares.
Amazing strong woman
I was so lucky to have Tiffany as a professor in 2015! I continue to learn from her kindness. Very blessed to continue learning from her through this podcast!
Fantastic podcast✨✨
I just wanted to take a moment and say thank you for creating such an impactful podcast! I believe that we all have a voice that deserves to be heard. Thank you for putting this into the world! BE UNBROKEN! @MichaelUnbroken
Tiffany is the best
Down to earth, real life educational tips and strategies for mental health providers and clients alike. She’s so cool and wish we could be friends :) Thanks for all you do in the mental health field -@abbienichole_rd
This podcast has been life changing for me. I’ve purchased a few of your courses as well. SOLID GOLD.
Very relevant
Really appreciated the episode with practitioner Kimberly Johnson. Thank you for airing such needed perspectives and important information. As a parent of a Q+ child I need/crave more information and support resources. Thank you for being part of the solution.
Eye roll
Wanted to like this and queried myself why I had strong negative reactions. So intensely jargonistic with therapeze, in the same breath underestimating her audience by alerting them to, like, “majorly valuable content” while repeatedly underscoring the obvious that listening to podcasts is totally not therapy. No one would mistake listening to this woke instagrammable hype for something they would spend real money on.
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This podcast is so incredibly helpful. Thank you for offering your wisdom and authenticity, Tiffany Roe!
The WORST!!!
Like, duuuude! This girl is, like, trying to get deep, ya know, but, like, she can’t cuz, like, she just, like, needs to hit on all liberal buzz topics like asserting that Trump supporters are all racist and homophobic without giving reasons why they think that about certain people based on their conversations with said individuals. Bruh, she, like, comes this close to walking the line of enlightenment and hitting on real empowerment and self actualization through extreme responsibility and accountability before nose diving into victimization and scarcity as a solid excuse for feeling disenfranchised in life. Like, if I sat in a room full of therapists for a week I doubt I would hear people labeling themselves a therapist as much as this lady does in an hour of listening to her podcast or viewing her insta. She, like, has a long way to go before she’s even basic, bruh! Be mindful what you choose to accept as truth from this narc in Shamanistic clothing. Ugh. I had such high hopes for this gal.
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So happy you’re back!
This has helped me so much. I would very much appreciate an episode on grief. Keep doing what you do best either way !! Thank you.
Thank you
Episode 2 was powerful and vulnerable. It was so valuable to me.
I need this in my life
A delight and insight
What an amazing resource full of love, understanding, realness and helpful and amazing tips. As a therapist and avid listener, I’m truly in awe with what Tiffany has to say, offer and inspire A must listen
Eli Weinstein
This is so helpful for me, someone considering therapy 🤍 I don’t often review things, but this one gets 👍👍👍
SO grateful for this podcast!!
Tiffany is so real and passionate about bringing value to the lives of others and using her knowledge, experience, and skills to do so! She asks such powerful, challenging questions making her a fantastic interviewer and she’s super fun to listen to. She takes on some hard to discuss topics and does so with grace and love. Thanks for all you do Tiffany! You make the world brighter ☀️❤️
Sarah Anne Maas
Love this podcast! So grateful Tiffany addresses so many difficult subjects. I’ve learned so much and feel heard and valued!
this podcast is a supplement for therapy
I go to weekly therapy, currently on zoom. I love it. I’m grateful for it. This podcast is like an extension of therapy for me.. like taking a supplement, like vitamin D, but for mental health. this podcast makes me think, challenges my rooted beliefs, and ultimately I think makes me a more balanced person. I’m thankful for the anti diet talk and love for intuitive eating. Diet culture controlled me for the last 7ish years of my life (I’m 22) and this podcast is a safe space for me that reminds me of the joys of a life without dieting. Tiffany- you are incredible! Such a light in this world. Thank you so much for reminding me to put me first.
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Balance your audio
Edited horribly I can’t here either of your guests at all your way louder than they are
Miss Tiffany is so smart!! She works with people very well!! I am eleven and enjoy this podcast extremely so it’s basically good for any age it’s SO helpful if you have displeasing thoughts or you feel like you aren’t good enough or you are drowning in grief. This is just a great podcast!! If you just want to smile and you don’t see how then listen to her podcast she will give you more then a few reasons to love yourself just the way you are and to have self love and self care. Taking care of myself doesn’t mean “Me first” It means “Me too” -R.L. Knosts
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Tiffany Roe is fantastic, compassionate, and so intelligent. I love the topics she’s covered so far and I hope she continues to cover them at her own pace in the future! Listening to the Orthorexia episode literally changed my life. Thank you Tiffany!
Decent, too much self promotion though
I thought some of what she said rang true and was helpful. But her tone isn't very soothing and it's sometimes kind of brash. The way she talks on this podcast is kind of droll and boring and loses my interest. She also talks about her courses and video group sessions for like, half of the 15 minute podcast lol so it's kind of half self promotion. Seems like selling stuff is more important to her than actually helping people
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So much more than body love
I found this podcast through other intuitive eating suggestions and have found so much more than just body love. Your episodes on depression and suicide were especially powerful and I hope every single being on earth will hear them. Thank you so much for offering your professional thoughts, it means so much.
It helped!
I had a miscarriage in 2019 I was six months and been having trouble emotionally to get through it especially a year later... especially since I haven’t been able to get pregnant again. This was such a great episode! I will try the tools. I shared it with friends. Thank you.
Life changed
Just started listening and I love it , I’ve since learned to actually pay attention to my emotions and be okay to be feeling whatever I’m feeling
Changed my life!
I love Tiffany Roe. She has changed my life in ways I will forever be grateful for.
Love this podcast!
I seriously love this podcast! She’s so honest and genuine. She offers up amazing tools you can use on a daily basis. If you can’t get enough I highly recommend her online courses as well.
Too many ads
28 minute podcast with over 8 minutes of advertising. Holy cow.
I’m Hooked!
I’ve only listened to one episode “anxiety” and I am already HOOKED!! I love getting rid of stigmas and talking about the “not so easy things” can’t wait to hear more! Growing up with a LCSW mental heath therapist mother I have heard about these things and have thought it so weird that others don’t talk about them. Thanks Tiffany!
Alyiah S.
Thanks Therapy Thoughts!
This podcast will blow your mind with research-based concepts that can really change your life for the better! Don't wait, just start listening! Tiffany's tools are no joke.
Gulping and swallowing
I can’t stand that I can hear her swallow so loud. I love the information but I’m one of those people that is hyper sensitive to chewing so I keep getting agitated when she pauses 😫
Real talk
I love how she honestly talks about real issues. Real talk that doesn’t drone on for hours. Straight to the point and meaningful. Thank you!
Love Tiffany!
She is phenomenal. Short, sweet, and to the point! So many good nuggets!
Tiffany’s podcast and Instagram are DOPE and HELPFUL
I crossed Tiffany’s Instagram page back in July 2018. Then I started listening to her podcast. I love her thoughts and ideas. I am mentally healthier because of her Instagram and podcast. 💕 Her stuff is real if you just let yourself go and believe in the “process.” Thank you Tiffany. I’m a military spouse, 2 kids (2,4) and I just recently had a breast lump removed January 3rd. We move again in April 2019 and I plan to get a therapist soon! I love your pages thank you for putting great info into the world.
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Life Changing
I’m so grateful for Tiffany Roe & all the work she does. These podcasts are eye opening & beyond life changing. She’s helped my mental health immensely. I will always be indebted to her for not hating myself and my body every day anymore. 🙏🏼❤️
My current obsession :)
Currently obsessed with this podcast!! Very meaningful in my own work and the work I do with clients. Thanks for all the information and positivity you share with the world.
My favssss
This podcast is amazing! I don’t know how I came across this podcast, but I am thankful that I have. I love the wide range of topics! I also enjoy how often podcasts are uploaded! It’s such a treat to be a listener.
Such an incredible listen! Tiffany is hilarious, understanding and has great content to uplift.
Lauren Mae June
This has been absolutely one of the most helpful podcasts I've listened too. She is very clear and understandable, she relates well. I love it!
This podcast is absolutely great! It’s like having another therapy session!
Life changing podcast!
This podcast is so wonderful! Each episode is filled with so much knowledge and encouragement! I feel like every time I listen I learn so much about myself and how I can live a more whole and content life. Can not recommend it enough.
Basically Free Counseling!
Tiffany is amazing! I’m always floored at what I can learn in about 20 minutes! She has seriously saved my relationship with myself!!! Best Podcast ever!!!
Informative and loaded with helpful information
Tiffany is passionate about what she shares on her Podcasts, she’s very knowledgeable, and motivates you to strive to be better.
I like the idea of this SO much - but the “dude”, “man”, “rad”, lingo kind of takes away from the messaging for me. Just my opinion - might not bother others. I feel like I’m listening to someone from the Bachelor in Paradise talk about fairly important topics and it’s tough to keep listening/take it seriously.
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