What Drives You with Kevin Miller
What Drives You with Kevin Miller
Kevin Miller - Drive Guide
via Podcasts
Fruitfobia misinformation
Bananas do not come from Chile if you want solid information about fruit interview Robby Bárbaro and Cyrus Khambatta two people with diabetes Mastering Diabetes . It is fat and high protein that is the problem
Envor Hoxca
Uplifting & Insightful
This is one of the few podcast that I have listened to consistently for the last 4 years. It is insightful, uplifting, and makes me think. I appreciate the information that Kevin and his guest take the time to share with us every week. Thank you!
Angela Cov
Love this podcast!
Kevin’s an exceptional host who just keeps raising the bar. I’ve been a listener for years and I truly appreciate his commitment to delivering outstanding content. Kevin does his research, follows his curiosity, asks deep questions, and brings out the best in each guest. I learn something new and interesting with each listen. Highly recommend!
One of the best Podcasts
What Drives You has become one of my favorite podcasts. Every episode inspires and encourages me to raise the bar on who I know I can become. Interviews with great thought-leaders resonate in a powerful way. And Kevin’s conversational interview style is incredibly engaging. Thank you Kevin Miller!
Good content and useful information
Longtime listener and firt time poster. Kevin's show is so informative and the information provided in his show is applicable to just about anyone who strives to better themselves. I've been listening to his show ever since he transitioned from the Zig Ziglar podcast to start his own podcast. I highly recommend this podcast to everyone who wants to improve their overall health or just to be informed.
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So insightful and impactful
What an enlightening and informative podcast. Kevin Miller bring such tremendous content and insights on mindset, self help, and what truly lies beneath. His guests are spot on and I appreciate the thoroughness of each interview! Well done!
Thank you for what you do.
Thank you for what you do Dr Kathryn Meeks DPT PT CAE
Timely topic
Just had a team meeting at work for planning new year and this topic was high on the list for our team. Helpful tips to avoid/be aware of burnout.
LC 72
Inspired and impacted
After working at the same job for over 20 years of creating beautiful smile through orthodontics this show helps me to understand how to deal with the daily challenges of management and sales. His words are always soothing and encouraging! Thank You Kevin!
Thin real soon.
Well Done Kevin
I've been listening to Kevin for a few years now and have traveled with him as his show has grown and evolved. He's at the top of his game. He's confident, honest and caring. It's a pleasure to to a regular listener
Fantastic host, great content and guests!
Recently came across the Self Helpful podcast and am really enjoying it! Loved your conversation with Laura Tremaine about her research on the importance of friends and how to cultivate friends. Learned so many helpful and amazing takeaways, including the 10 friends every woman needs. Can't wait to listen to more episodes. Thank you!
BP Writer
Great Podcast!
Episode 1 with Renée Marino is the latest GREAT episode from this podcast. I am often inspired by Kevin’s work and his ability to draw out his guests. This episode, like so many before it, really resonated with me. I am eager to read Renée’s book. I look forward to upcoming episodes.
Peter I Phone
Great guide to health- but think about the advertisements please
I’m listening to how to parent my children to be more healthful and loving the information, then the discussion is interrupted by an add for donuts??? Then Wendy’s? “If it comes through a window, it isn’t real food”? I appreciate that sponsors help keep these podocasts coming, but this seems quite contrary to the messages you are promoting.
Show 11/16/22
Kevin and Randy, thank you for this thoughtful and thought-provoking discussion on self-worth and where we find it. I, too, cannot get away from the bedrock of God as this source. To be aware of being created in the image of God by God to be in fellowship with God is foundational. When all points fail besides, these remain and pick us up and point us in the right direction. Many times listening to your discussion I got tears in my eyes reflecting on my own life and that of others. I’ve so much to be thankful for and so much room to grow. It was meaningful to “grapple” with you guys today.
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Leah, WV
Great podcast
I really enjoy this podcast. All the different types of people Kevin brings on. It’s not just one area or your life, he hits on everything. I’ve been introduced to several great books and resources through this podcast so I am very thankful.
The BEST podcast ever!!
I’ve been listening to this show since its beginning. Kevin interviews and talks about the very things that I need!! All of his guests are great and the topics are what I need for my own life. My favorite day is when Kevin and Randy are on the show together. I’m 58 years old and the topics are so relevant to how I choose to live my own life. I listen to a lot of health podcasts and this is my favorite. Thank you all, I’m also envious (in a good way ) of the friendship that you all have!!! Kathy
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Great Podcast , Covers a wide range of topics!
This is a great podcast covering everything from how to stay healthy, how to grow and develop personally, and how to overcome obstacles in life. Kevin bring incredible speakers to the show and asks great questions of the speakers which results in thought provoking conversations. I get some great takeaways from every episode . I’m grateful to Kevin for putting this show together and sharing the knowledge with his listeners.
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Very helpful!
Kevin is doing an amazing job choosing deep and healing topics. Very helpful to whoever is looking for achieving internal peace and personal growth.
Health_ Coach
I enjoy listening to this show and the deep discussions Kevin hosts about life, health, career and balance. The guests are very insightful and interesting. Glad to see you have women guests on lately too.
Great content
The guest list is impressive and the questions are great! I wish Kevin wasn’t too much into himself and let the guest answer the questions fully and share their own experiences accordingly. I admire Kevin for his remarkable life and accomplishments, however, I’ve noticed that the interviews are more of an opportunity for the host to talk about himself.
Insightful and Impactful
I just wanted to take a moment and say thank you for creating such an impactful podcast! I believe that we all have a voice that deserves to be heard. Thank you for putting this into the world! BE UNBROKEN! @MichaelUnbroken
Valuable Content
I originally found this show in 2014. I listened pretty consistently from 2016-2020 and gained so much value from the different authors and interviews Kevin brought out. To be fully transparent, I stopped listening in 2020 because I felt that as a leadership podcast, they were not rising to the level needed in our current climate. I was disheartened that they avoided the controversial subjects rather than modeling how to lean into them. Recently I saw they had Tyler Merritt on, whom I admire and respect. I was curious how they would approach this conversation. I greatly appreciated the humble way Kevin led a conversation around race that was clearly difficult for him, but he was so transparent. And then I appreciated in the follow up episode how he engaged with Tyler around his spiritual beliefs, which I completely shared as well. I will probably be returning as a more consistent listener because these episodes helped restore my trust.
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Continuously Rambles.
The host is a rambler. Seems like he is conducting interviews for his own personal validation. Constantly talks about him self and Dominates the interview vs. developing high quality questions and allow for the guest to go deeper. Show is better when Tom Ziglar is on. Tom shares high quality information and quality facts and expertise.
glenn mutz
Life-Changing Content Powerfully Carrying on the Ziglar Legacy
This is one of my go to podcasts. The guests bring critical, life-changing messages and I so appreciate how Kevin curates to find people who can speak practical wisdom in clear, applicable ways. In addition, Kevin brings uncommon vulnerability, sharing how the messages apply in his own life, often asking the questions I would ask in that same situation. Thank you Kevin for being a student in my place so I can learn based on the great questions you ask! I highly recommend this show, but be warned, you may end up buying a lot of books written by the fantastic guests. :-)
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Horrible, Horrible
Love Zig & Tom. Bought, read & listened to tons of stuff. Laura on the “Millionaire podcast ‘ . So counter to what Dave Ramsey teaches. Very complicated advice . Risky at best. Beer & liquor ads . That seems so anti Ziglar. Lost a tremendous amount of respect
Make It apart of your morning ritual!
Kevin Miller is an asesome podcast host that ask penetrating question that gets to the heart of the issue. It's mind blowing that he is joined by Tom Ziglar as they review Zig's old quotes and clips and discuss their application in today business environment. I keep listening because I love their deep dive discussions on the law of attraction and all things regarding the subconcious mind. I am now a huge fan of this podcast and I highly reccomend you listen to this podcast!
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davids reviews
Great show!
Kevin and Tom, hosts of the podcast, highlight all aspects of business, inspiration and more in this can’t miss podcast! The hosts and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
Connect your Company..Monty Moran
Great show, as usual! I’m sitting in front of Chipotle having lunch from there as I’m listening! Keep it up. Love this show so much
Always Inspiring
I’ve been listening for over a year, and I have to say that I am ALWAYS inspired after listening. Even if at times the content itself doesn’t directly apply to my situation, the hosts & guests are people that truly want to make a difference (and are making a difference) in the lives of others. That message always comes through and never fails to inspire!
Great podcast🔥🔥
I just wanted to take a moment and say thank you for creating such an impactful podcast! I believe that we all have a voice that deserves to be heard. Thank you for putting this into the world! BE UNBROKEN! @MichaelUnbroken
Hit the subscribe button! 🔥
If you’re looking for motivation, inspiration, and actionable tips to level up your life and career - hit the subscribe button! The Ziglar Show is packed with amazing insights and has truly impressive lineup of guests across industries. Kevin is an excellent host who does a fantastic job engaging his guests in meaningful conversations. Definitely recommend listening and subscribing to this empowering podcast!
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Love this show
Great to listen to on my ride to and from work!
Content matters
Loved hearing Zig son, Tom carryon the legacy of his father. I know both his parents are proud of him. Glad I found this podcast and look forward to many more injections of positive ideology. Thanks for being available.
Planting a seed
First of all Zig Ziglar is one of my favorite people. The first episode I listened to of this podcast was life changing for me. It planted a seed of information & knowledge that I will nurture & grow into a forest. Thank you!
The best
Zig Ziglar was greatest!
Joe Edelman
Motivated me to want and do more
The Ziglar Show motivated me to want and do more. It helped me be more authentic and changed the want I spoke with leaders at all levels. It motivated me to go back to grad school and ignited by business.
BAM!! Episode 833
Kary has been a mentor, coach and inspiration for the past 5 years! Kevin, thank you for providing this stage for Kary’s message. This podcast is wonderful and I am glad that KARY can serve the audience. Keep tuning in to this podcast AND grab your copy of Unhackable today!! -Jonily
Jonily Z
This pod cast speaks to my purpose and touches my heart. I work for Habitat for Humanity and my role is to coach individuals and families on breaking the cycle of poverty with the focus on living their purpose. I would love to share this pod cast, book, and more of Kevin and Sam’s message with our families. This pod cast will change our world. Thank you 🥰
Great meaningful conversations
This show is a great example of the promise of what podcasting can deliver: meaningful conversations with interesting people that can change your life and the world. Thanks Kevin and Tom. I appreciate all you do and who you are. Stay strong the future needs you - Tom Schwab
Interview Valet
Awesome insights great energy !
Thanks guys all the way from Dubai and Now a Cali resident! Keep sending those positive messages Thanks Gideon
B2B Sales Degree
Hi All, I just wrote my first sales book- B2B Sales Degree Any sales guys or managers looking for an easy and effective read for their team should check it out! All support appreciated thanks !!
One of the best
I really love listening to the Ziglar show. Very real, great guests and interviews. I also find it to be motivating, it really puts you in the right mindset. There's also a lot of great insight to gain from listening.
Encouraging, Inspiring, and Genuine
Kevin Miller does an excellent job hosting this podcast. I always enjoy his thoughtful questions to the guest. Kevin is genuine with his own life struggles and successes which make him relatable. This is a podcast I never miss! I have been a longtime fan of Zig. I love hearing his sound biblical beliefs and how to relate them to today. The Bible is alive and always applicable. I really enjoy Kevin and Tom sharing their faith in Jesus. This podcast is always at the top of my recommendation list. I know you will be encouraged and blessed to listen!
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TM is wicked. Repent!
Love it.. makes my week
As a route driver, always anticipating for the next episode . I have learned so much this past year listening to the show. 5* Thanks, J. D. from GJ.
JD-from GJ.
Love this
I love the positivity I get from this show! Thank you so much for sharing the good news and helping me grow as a young working professional.
Amazing and faith inspiring
I have listened to this podcast for awhile now but the last couple I have listened to with Mark Batterson and Dr Lee Warren are truly amazing and have greatly encouraged my faith when going through a hard time. The openness and realness of both of these gentlemen in their episodes is commendable and relatable with an immense amount of wisdom. Thankful for these episodes and this podcast in general!
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Thankful and inspired
I listen to this podcast every night! It has become quite a part of me. Thank you for helping me become a better person! I need to also write my story to be able to understand others ! I am quite the people pleaser and I am trying to use the word NO! As Ziglar says No is a complete sentence!
Great, but...
Great content but the quality of the sound needs fixed. Need a high pass filter or something the “S’sssss” are piercing.
Ziglar Legacy
One of the podcasts that I listen religiously. I love how Zigs’ teachings are very timeless and filled with Gods’ words - this podcast relates Zigs’ teachings with the world right now.
Alans wife
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