The Young Turks
The Young Turks
TYT Network
via Podcasts
Communist revolution
Leftist propaganda and hatred. Almost comical to be honest
Truth to power
san juan 22
Thanks for calling out the lies and distortions
I subbed after hearing you call out Dana Bash’s lies and much more. We are living in the United States of AIPAC, not America.
QANON of the left
Extremism, radicalization and manipulation can happen to anyone, including the left. Case and point.
nick bartholomew name
Excellent source for balanced news
Great podcast and channel
Aoun Akram
Too legit to quit
Great reporting of facts first and then separates into opinions with great guests. Especially love when Trae is on. Cenk with Ana is the dream team
Stereo dreams
So happy to hear Nina… she always tells it like it is.
Chris Turner 75
My favorite podcast
I listen to this everyday. My very favorite news network. I always try to look at the full picture of world events to form my own opinions and I’m often surprised that 9 out of 10 times my views align with Cenk. I love the way that Cenk allows his hosts to air their own views even when ( on many occasions) do not align with his. I still find after all these years TYT to be one of the fairest shows on air. This network feels like home to me. It’s a place where I feel I belong.
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Fell off
I still like The Damage Report as a show. 🤷🏽‍♂️
Not appreciated!
Normalizing 45’s hate speech and threats of violence is not appreciated. We all know what he meant. I think Ana has taken this a step too far.
Stardust 9
Honest show
Tyt is the best
A bunch of pseudo reasoning idiots
You’re a bunch grifters with no common sense.
A trailhead
TYT is awesome!
I love the community and commentary of the TYT network.
Slide into reactionary positions
It’s sad to see Kasparian’s rightward lurch but the entire channel has been going in this direction for a long time. They are pathetic. Not too long ago, they even went out of their way to stake the centrist claim. They did a whole thing where Uygur talks about how they’re centrists and they stand for the positions a majority of Americans stand for. The problem is that this isn’t the whole story. For example, when discussing the cost of living crisis, they never say “we need rent stabilization”, it’s always “build more” or “prevent corporations from owning”, which are minor issues. Unfortunately, this show has become unlistenable. Kasparian is always whining about reactionary nonsense and saying “I’m just keeping it real”. Try to catch one single proposal to improving anything she whines about that actually works. Not a one. You thought they made fun of Dave Rubin and Jimmy Dore enough, right? It’s laughable. Just wait. Kasparian will do some big announcement about being an independent or something sooner or later.
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Strung Out
Centrist trash.
I wonder if Ana Kasparian is still whining about terminology that is seldomly used. Oh, wait she is. LET IT GO, ANA. You are embarassing! These people hedge right on every major issue. They are not leftists in the slightest.
Since Election Night, 2016…
I was introduced to TYT by friends with whom I spent election night eight years ago. It was via their YouTube channel that we followed the results as they came in. Obviously, the night was devastating. But for me, there was at least a silver lining in the discovery of TYT. I’ve been a member on & off ever since (being disabled and on a fixed income keeps me from always being able to afford it). It was a gigantic eye-opener for me, realizing the hidden biases of mainstream media. Their independence from corporate control at TYT is invaluable- their consistency and transparency is peerless. Their analysis is from a progressive perspective, but their content is 💯% fact-based. They give credit where it’s due, and always make corrections should facts in the stories they’ve reported on change. They’re simply the best!
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How did I not know this?!?!
I watch the show every day and did not know there was a podcast. Love Cenk and Ana both!! Two of the only honest journalists left in the world.
J. Pabel
Best Progressive Show
I have been a faithful listener since 2016. I love that they are unbiased. The give you Facts! They are just as critical of the Democratic Party as of the Republican Party. When they give you their opinion they give you reasons why they feel that way. I love you guys. The only news channel that I fully trust!
Wrong episodes being released as podcasts
A couple of times now I have waited until the next morning to listen to the full show and it is not the right show. For example trying to listen to the Thurs show on Fri am and it is last Fridays show in my feed labeled as the Thurs show. Very annoying.
I’m done…
Was a daily follower, but am deleting & unfollowing because I cannot take the anti Israel rhetoric … byebye✈️✈️✈️
I watch TYT every single night as I believe Ana Is AWESOME & always speaks TRUTH SHE stands up for the truth and she is very articulate sophisticated and intelligent journalist with integrity and I will always watch TYT. Cenk is passionate I’ll give em that. I love watching Ana speak and her face always makes me smile she’s too beautiful that’s besides the point I wanted to add that. Great job as a team
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INDEPENDENT MEDIA!! Fairest Show in America
You CAN NOT trust CORPORATE mainstream media RED or BLUE!.. CNN-FOX-MSNBC-ABC-CBS are CORPORATIONS taking advertising dollars from CORPORATIONS! Duh!!! Ever wonder why you see advertising from defense contractors on TV? or the general public can’t buy anything from them!?? oh!..Did you forget to buy that rocket launcher for your husband last year for Christmas or a fighter jet!????? They buy advertising on CORPORATE mainstream media channels so that they won’t talk negatively about the defense contractors using OUR tax money to fund wars! When wars start there is no delay in funding, but helping homeless or veterans-for some reason we can’t afford it??? Absolutely ridiculous bulls**t! They are lying to your face!!!! Yes, Cenk rage is a shocking at times but he explains that he does this on behalf of the voiceless who are being forgotten..We would all want someone like Cenk on our side if it was you or your loved ones in these horrific circumstances!
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I used to like this podcast
I started listening when Anna won her award for a sound clip. But this podcast is so hateful and talk bad about everyone and everything. I always feel like Cenk is yelling at me and this whole thing just sparks anger in me. Stressful podcast. Stop yelling Cenk. Not to mention Cenk and Anna always trying to talk louder than the other.
Corrupt government got you down?
When the rage inside has no place to go and you just need a release, come to Cenk and Ana, and they will do it for you. It’s so nice.
Cenk had me on the floor laughing! And he IS the third: Madison Cawthorne, George Santos, and now Tim Burchett. The government corruption picture is getting clearer and clearer. Great story. Love you guys! -Niles
45 Year Old Change
For most of my life, I felt politically homeless but identified as a slightly right leaning Independent! I happened to run across the TYT YouTube channel and caught an episode in the middle of one of Cenk’s passionate rants. I was shocked to see someone speak so boldly in favor of common sense policy! I’m now an 8 month viewer, first time subscriber, and PROUD Progressive voter! Thank you to all @ TYT for standing up for the everyday American!!
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R.F.- Florida
Been a fan for almost a decade
Contrary to David Pakman's style, TYT is unabashed and energetic. I actually prefer David, but I get my life energy from Cenk and Ana. Also Cenk, if you don’t appear on the Missouri ballot, then I’m gonna frickin write your name in for the Primary - don’t make me do that, get on the ballot you jerk!
Progressive News you can trust
I am consistently sharing videos from TYT, TDR, Indisputable, and The Watchlist and have an entire page dedicated to Rebel HQ on my Progressive News website because Cenk, Ana, John, Jayar, and the crew are the reason I came to realize that I was Progressive and not just a Democrat. TYT reports the facts and the channel is made possible by the members NOT corporate donations! If you want to hear what’s really going on, even if it means attacking the behavior of the Dems in government, then TYT is the podcast for you! -Zany Progressive News
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One of the few outlets which will call killing babies, killing babies, which will call ethnic, cleansing, ethnic cleansing, and which will call out crimes against humanity for what they are. I am so ashamed as an American that our mainstream media is so captive to you know who that literally saying the truth gets you in trouble. Isreal and its crimes are more of a damning comment on America and its freedom vs anything to do with the Middle East . To my fellow Americans, they are more of us than them, it’s time to stop being passive, or scared, and vote and throw the rascals out.
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mantis eats
Refreshingly honest
Appreciate hosts ability to express humanity and views along with the news. I will continue to listen daily.
When look back in a couple of years and see the progress that Biden accomplished we will wish we had more faith
Stable genie
This show is the the epitome of fear mongering
The show is decent some good talking points but to much fear mongering. Plus Jenk is not able to run and its funny that he thinks he can run.
Tantrums won’t win.
Although I am super progressive, Cenk’s screaming tirades completely turn me off so I quite sure they would have an even stronger negative affect on the middle of the road voting public. He sounds like the aggressive ( at same time ) whiney, non-compromising jerks at the other end of the political spectrum. Biden has disappointed me too at times, but he manages to get things done that Cenk never could no matter how much he yells. I would rather put my hopes in Biden’s team doing a better job of messaging than hoping America will get behind an Angry Old Turk. Love Ana and the opening theme music.
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I tried to listen to the Vivek Ramaswamy episode. Every word out of the hosts’ mouths was “gotcha journalism” fishing for sound bites. I feel bad for Vivek that he took time out of his day for this waste of time. I did get a laugh out of them using ad space to encourage listeners to leave a review & “take the reviews back from the trolls!”😂
Oct 27
Oct 27 episode is chef’s kiss. I wish all Americans listened to the facts presented by Turks.
SanAnton Rose
Biased Terrorist sympathizers.
I started listening to get a different perspective on the Israel Hamas war. So first of all prepare for lots of swearing and yelling to get your feelings going. The facts used like 5000 Palestinian civilians killed come from Hamas health authorities. They will quote terror News networks as absolute facts. After 5 episodes it’s all the same fear mongering and yelling their opinions in order to persuade you that Israel is evil. I’d suggest looking elsewhere.
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We must do better
Enjoy as a Conservative
I’m a conservative through and through, but I love to listen to TYT to get accurate perspective of the other side. Left wing media like CNN, MSNBC etc. are terrible outlets. Although I disagree with TYT on probably everything, they are honest and have true conviction in everything they say. We need more media like this on both sides
Very argumentative, talk over each other, talk over guests, and very closed minded.
Balanced view on politics/news. People before profits
Great at calling out both political parties for their failures. And stands up for American people over corruption corporations.
average joe that guy
Real News
Been listening for years. Keep up the good work!
Thank you
For the FACTS. Been listening to TYT for years. This is the only news outlet I trust.
A Horrible Program from Horrible People
This show is like a weird portal into some sort of grotesque realm where human beings do not have souls.
cenk should run for president, said nobody ever. this guy has a serious god complex. how does anyone take these people seriously?!? they’re a disgrace to actual progressives fighting for real change.
The Home of Progresives
Ana has no filter. Cenk is so good that he got fired by MSNBC. Definitely a win for Independent Media
95% awesome
I agree with Cenk, Anna and the rest of the crew 95% of the time - my main beef is with their takes on Ukraine. I was yelling at the screen when Cenk said Elon/Starlink had a point about stopping the Black Sea fleet attack, he’s never been so wrong and I want him to admit as much based on what has happened since. In this case, the military industrial complex is the lesser of two evils and I HATE when leftists/liberals/progressives say we can’t possibly end genocide in Ukraine and accomplish goals for working people at home simultaneously… we can and must do both.
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Real progressive
Wow I hope nobody believes these people!
Progressive 321
Really bad
Why name yourself after a genocidal group? lol you think these people represent the working class? They are antithetical to poor working people in all ways, especially Anna. What a joke. Only thing I can reasonably assume is controlled opposition.
Reputable news source
My favorite source of news
Funny and brilliant
Cenk and Ana are both are wicked smart, patriotic and have a witty sense of humor. They offer such a refreshing change from corporate and right-wing corporate media that’s’ ubiquitous. They are progressive, and are beholden to neither political party, but they do lean to the left. It’s rare to see analysts not have an agenda and just want to report the truth. Cenk makes so much sense and sees how insane the world and our country has become so he shouts often. And I totally relate! Dealing with all the stupidity is exhausting!!! Political gridlock, loss of body autonomy/freedom, domestic terrorism, unfettered crony capitalism, corruption, violence and inequality are,once again, the crazy issues of our times. Ana is always super cool and compliments Cenk especially when he rants…. Which is pretty much all the time. I laugh out load at Cenk because otherwise I’d be crying at how far we’ve fallen. Wake up people! We have been manipulated by the elite since our inception. We are now a corrupt plutocracy and sliding into fascistic authoritarianism. Take the power back….listen to Cenk and Ana and let’s vote out these corporate shills masquerading as public officials.
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Critical American
I admittedly do not listen to these folks very much. But I do give them a chance. But it is difficult to get through an entire episode. The bias and dishonesty on this show is truly an insult to thinking people. If you love being in a liberal echo chamber, you’ve come to the right place. Enjoy!
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