The World This Week
The World This Week
BBC World Service
via Podcasts
I miss you, when are you coming back?
I am waiting for your return after covid-19 Pandemic
Miss this podcast
We’ll, I don’t think this podcast will be returning. Too bad. I loved the weekly synopsis.
Yum food
It was great
But it seems like they're not making episodes anymore.
Straight to the Point
Provides a succinct synopsis of the week’s events largely absent of the filler that you’ll find in by the hour or day newscasts.
Bbc world this week
Absolutely essential listening. More than just a recap of the so-called top stories—it identifies important stories that didn’t get much play and highlights them, and puts the headlines you’ve already read in context. So even if I have kept up all week, I always learn something new.
Great, concise summary of weekly news
There aren't that many podcasts out there that provide a summary of the week's news. I've tried a few other ones, and I like this one the most. I prefer weekly news summaries over daily or hourly or breaking news. since I think a weekly format gives people the time to reflect upon what stories are actually important instead of reporting the thing that just happened a minute ago. I agree with another reviewer here; I wouldn't mind if the program were slightly longer and there was a little more depth for each story, but I'm glad this podcast exists.
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A Student and Podcast Listener
A suggestion
I switched to this podcast because the daily BBC world report podcast was too much to keep up with every day. I enjoy the weekend edition, but wish it were more extensive — maybe twice the length, twice as many stories. The daily podcasts were too much for me, but this weekly review isn't quite enough.
Sammy Roth
Loving this podcast from Florida, U.S.A.
I can't express how much I appreciate the BBC world service. Our local news outlets in America are highly influenced by politics, $, personal interests and rarely cover world affairs. I used to catch the world service on my local public radio station, with my radio alarm clock - but since smart phones have come about we don't use our alarm clocks anymore - this fills the void! The only pitfall is waiting a week.
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Coral She-V
I don’t listen to it...
…but I feel sorry for it because BBC has been pushing it for a year or so and it has garnered only one comment and a handful of ratings. If BBC weren’t funded by taxpayers, this unwanted and unneeded show would be cut.
Is good quality news.
Benjamin Ikuta