The Wellness Mama Podcast
The Wellness Mama Podcast
Katie Wells
via Podcasts
Wonderful information
Information on so many topics! I wish I had this when I had littles!!
Love it
I love this podcast, but it does have a lot of ads
This podcast offer such a wealth of knowledge and inspiration.
Really informative!
I listen to Katie’s podcast and read her weekly newsletters consistently. It is a major resource I rely on for health knowledge and products. As a bonafide health nut, I have been studying health topics for years and Katie is one of my primary sources. I trust her product choices because she is so knowledgeable and experienced.
Useful and informative podcast!
I’ve been listening to the Wellness Mama podcast for years, it’s a staple of mine (even though I’m not a mom yet). Katie is super knowledgeable and she interviews amazing guest speakers who are on par. The only problem I have is that almost every time I try to listen on Apple Podcasts it says the episode is unavailable. This has been happening for months and seemingly only with the Wellness Mama podcast. So I switch to Spotify and have no issues. Not sure what is going on with AP but it needs to be looked into. Thanks Katie for all your hard work!
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Katie’s Wellness Mama podcast transforms you in easy to listen segments. The wisdom she shares will change the way you live your life and see the world!
Elaine Glass
Vast amounts of good info
This is a huge library of health information for practically everything you would need or want to know! I love to send clients to her index on her site to search for specific episodes for things they’re dealing with. Keep up the good work!
Love this podcast!
Thank you Katie for being courageous, thoughtful and so hardworking to produce this podcast which consistently has timely information and encouragement in holistic living.
Great info
I enjoy the topics and learn something new each episode. Some I put into practice, some do not align with my ideas but I open my mind and can always learn.
Used to be my favorite podcast, no longer…
Katie’s new direction based on feelings, healing ourselves, and disregarding science is such a bummer. I loved the old wellness mama where I could go for science backed help. Though I agree that our mind and bodies are connected, her new religion of eastern mysticism simply is not what I’m looking for
My fave podcast!
I always learn something interesting and helpful on these podcasts. Katie is a wealth of knowledge and she brings out the best in her guests with her insightful questions. I look forward to every new episode. Thank you, Katie!
Informative but not empowering
The recent episode with Sarah Banta was a very informative episode but had more of a fear based approach than one that I found to empower. I love this podcast for many reasons but not these last few episodes.
100% helpful
Always has very helpful and enlightening guests and information, great questions and product recommendations Thank you Katie!
So good!!
I love this podcast and it goes from themes of holistic health to destressing in everyday life. Katie’s podcast is not only a wealth of information when it comes to wellness, but she brings on the most amazing guests! I cannot recommend this podcast enough.
Lisa Jendza episode
Thank you so much for addressing the subject of encouraging creativity in our kids! It is so lacking in our public education system now and nice to know of more options for fostering such an important skill. Am definitely going to check out her resources. We all need more encouragement in this direction in today’s algorithmic society!!
Used to be a WINNER
Loved this podcast until it started (and continued) to be about children instead of adult health. Enjoy, if that’s your stage in life.
Dr Shivani Falls Short
While I have been a long time listener and reader of Wellness Mama & appreciate so many guests & topics covered, I found the latest podcast on parenting w Dr Shivani, clearly from an Eastern tradition/country, to be jarring & unhelpful. As a Christian I don’t really appreciate being told that message disciplining children with negative aversives are “so stupid and lack common sense.” —- Update—- I’m less and less a fan of this podcast in general. I am a Christian… Katie seems to have left that behind. In the episode about the divorce she talks about no longer caring about many of the physical aspects of wellness, such as EMFs… I disagree. I’m not a fan of divorce at all, and the general tone of the show is just no longer resonating with me. I liked the OG Wellness Mama & since she’s put her to death w an obituary & all, I probably won’t be tuning in anymore. 🤷‍♀️
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Mama Szrama
Thank you for your beautiful vulnerability in your 700th. You’re such an inspiration!!
Relatable content
I have been listening for many years. I always enjoy the podcasts. The topic is very interesting to me. I am always looking for ways to be more healthy, for longevity’s sake. I am looking forward to more interviews regarding post menopausal women and our hormones and vitamin levels and how to optimize them.
The best podcast
Love this podcast.
My Favorite Podcast!
Wellness Mama has changed my life, I listen to every episode. Katie is direct and to the point which I love because I'm a busy mom that doesn't have time to listen to chit chat. I learn so much from her podcast. My family is healthier and happier because of it!
If you want to feel like your best self, come along and listen to Katie’s podcasts!
I enjoy listening to Katie about a myriad of subjects. Podcast 700 was one of my favorites. The words she used to describe her transition to where she was to where she is now were mesmerizing to me. I learn so much for her and her amazing guests!
Make this work again today
She does amazing at interviewing people, and pulling out the right questions. I can always trust the information that I get from these podcasts. She has a real talent at interviewing. I can’t recommend her podcast enough.
Jess Massey1414
Knowledge you never knew you needed
I have loved nearly every podcast she has done! Knowledge is truly power and I now have more power and tools available to me for my wellness and the wellness of my family. In America true health and how to be healthy has been lost. I’m so glad that I found this access to expounded knowledge and now a tool for me to know how to move forward in healing. Thank you Katie and to all of the experts who have shared their knowledge. 💕
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One of my Favorites
I learn incredible information in each episode!
You can change your life!
Katie has the most amazing experts on her podcast. I have changed The trajectory of my family’s health and wellness. Keep up the good work!
Great resource for improving overall livelihood
I love this podcast! Not only for overall health do I find it informative but also as a Mama trying to provide the best life for my young kiddos. Katie provides great health information from a holistic approach. I love the interviews she does and how she ends with her guests book recommendations.
Like a brilliant best friend
Katy is so intelligent yet down to earth. I love listening to all her podcasts and reading her blogs. She has so many interesting guests and personal stories - it’s like chatting with a good friend! Thank you for all you do Katy! I will always be one of your best supporters!
Best blogger and podcaster
She is a wealth of knowledge. I’ve been following for many years, and her blog and podcast drastically helped to improve the health of me and my loved ones. So grateful for Wellness Mama!
Hi Speed
The only reason I don't give Katie a 5 star rating is that she, and especially some of her guests talk SO fast, trying to get in SO much information in SO little time that it wastes MY time as I have to keep rewinding to catch something I just couldn't comprehend. I just listened to Episode 186 with Dr. Anthony Gustin because I need an easy, low maintenance diet for inflammation and weight. His advice was excellent and interesting. Thank you, Katie for putting his info in the show notes. I realize he's Intelligent, energetic, and passionate about his work and has limited time on a podcast BUT he was talking so fast he could not even enunciate his words. By the time the podcast was over, I was extremely irritated.
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Wellness Mama for the WIN.
I can not get enough of Wellness Mama even though all three of our kids are grown adults. I truly wish I had found her podcast when we were raising kids but regardless Wellness Mama was a ton of helpful life information. There’s a nugget in every single episode. Katie is easy to listen to and her and her guests give actionable advice! Every day l look forward to hearing her kid say, “welcome to my mommy’s podcast!” So cute!
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Very informative and easy to implement
I listen to this podcast regularly and would recommend it to anyone looking for a functional nutrition and medicine podcast. The topics covered are typically easy to implement and are presented in a way that makes sense.
Amazing and Loved it!
I definitely recommend this one to all the moms I know and love… put it in your favorites for sure!
Shared with all my friends
I discovered this podcast two weeks ago and have been gobbling it up! I love that it busts many myths around health and gives such positive advice and is evidence-based! As an analyst myself, that is super important to me. I’ve shared this with all my friends and love listening in on my commute! My health/wellness is one of my number one values and this offers sound advice to continue growth on my journey.
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I found this podcast last week and I have been binging episodes. I’m loving the diversity in the episode content. Learning a wide range of health tips and benefits. I have already purchased some minerals from the mineral podcast and I can’t wait to learn how else I can improve my family’s health! Keep up the good work. This world needs people like you and your guests!
The show, the ads and everything here
In a world where motherhood can be incredibly isolating, I find so much community in listening to this podcast! I feel more confident stepping out of the conventional and exploring the possibilities for a life that could be different from the norm. I love the wide array of topics covered here, giving me the ability to draw my own conclusions and cultivate my own philosophy. Thank you Katie! To address the ads- I personally appreciate the fact that you’ve put the ads together at the beginning so that if I don’t want to listen, I can just start the podcast at minute 5! I understand that the ads are what drive you being able to bring us this wonderful outlet. So thank you for making it easier on the listener, and congratulations for having such wonderful show sponsors!!
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Katie always has thoroughly researched, thoughtful, and practical topics and guests in her podcast. I always learn something new that I can add to our daily lives without feeling too overwhelmed with having to do everything perfectly. Thank you, Katie!
Follower for years
We have four kiddos, I’ve been a fan of Katie’s for years. She’s guided me when I was stumbling as a new Mom way back when for healthy and true things for our children. Her knowledge and kind voice is so wonderful I’m very grateful for her in all the years I’ve read her blog and now listening to her podcast as Top notch! Thank you!
A great use of your time
Love this podcast, very useful and informative.
Northen Dwarf
Great Health Tups
I always pick up some great health tips each time I listen.
Lots of ads at the top
I was excited to listen and turned it on when I got in the car. Unfortunately there was over 5 mins of nonstop ads before the show starts. It wouldn’t be that annoying if I wasn’t driving and couldn’t skip over. I actually like listening to ads because I like to learn about new products. But it was just a lot. Finally able to pull over and skip and the actual content was really useful. I wish the ads were broken up and in the middle of the program cuz I was really close to just switching to another podcast. I am still following tho. Good stuff!
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Great info on hydration
Really enjoyed this podcast on hydration. Got so many tips and learned some very interesting new things that I would like to research further. Want to listen again and take some notes!
Life-Altering Material!
Wellness Mama has offered so many new tools to add to my “be as healthy as I can” goal bag! Such a judge-free, positive platform to lift up those of us that want to heal ourselves inside and out through cleaner living! I listen to certain episodes over & over as I gleen new information & advice that are science-based, sensible, & easy to follow. Katie, thank you for opening up to us about super personal items! It makes you so relatable, & let’s us know we’re not alone.
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Truly love this podcast
Amazing content and as Katie would say, “a wealth of knowledge.” As someone who does not read medical journals or any of that kind of stuff I’m so thankful for The Wellness Mama for making that information digestible in a fun and respectful way. Definitely not just for mamas, this is for anyone who is interested in improving their health or really just wanting to expand their knowledge on anything and everything. Thank you for this podcast! -mother of 2 and expecting my 3rd❤️
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Best Podcast of All Time
This podcast makes learning about health fun and interesting, even if you don’t have an innate interest in that topic. Katie is a natural interviewer and is knowledgeable about every topic so she is able to guide the conversation and contribute meaningfully to the subject.
Great listen!
Love love love this podcast! Always incredible info. Recommend 10/10!
Content that will change generations
THE PODCAST that offers wellness in pure form! Been a listener for years; my family thanks you!!!
Spot on
Always interesting and concise.. Good bites of inspiration from across the world.
805 MM
Thank you…
Episode 628 with Dr. Cassie Huckaby brought me here. I listened on repeat. Love! đź’›
Great show!
Very well done interviews with a variety of well informed guests. Not afraid of controversy.
Bob J2
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