The Uncurated Life Podcast
The Uncurated Life Podcast
Cindy Guentert-Baldo
via Podcasts
Love it!
Love that not every episode is about ✨planners✨ and Cindy has a great take on a ton of interesting topics. So happy you’re back!
Refreshing & Honest
I love the straight forward way of speaking that Cindy has. She is honest and up front and talks about life and planners in a way we can all relate to. Planning is about planning to make our lives smoother and sometimes life hits big bumps and it’s okay to talk about those bumps. It isn’t all pretty stickers and what company has the most releases and it’s nice to have a podcast that doesn’t just fixate on those things. This podcast along with P&W are my two favorite planner podcasts because they are honest, real and a little spicy! Keep it up and I’ll keep coming back for more of The Uncurated Life.
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Thank Goodness!
So glad this is back!! Can’t wait to listen to the new episodes and the backlog. A must listen!!
Snarky Honest Reality with Heart
Cindy is such a plus to the planner community, especially the more “mature” generation. Her blunt honesty breathes a breath of fresh air, into what had become showmanship, bragging, and a materialistic “craft”. She makes her viewers (on YouTube), and listeners (in this podcast), FEEL her crumbling the walls; as she bears her soul, and shares her thoughts on life, and the world in general. She makes no apologies for being real, the occasional profanity, or honesty. A great podcast. Thank you Cindy!
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Great show!
This podcast is great! Really enjoy her discussion topics. The host is very relatable. Highly recommend this podcast. It helps my workday pass quickly. Can’t wait for more episodes.
Cindy is my favorite Youtuber, planner person and now podcaster! I knew she was doing a podcast and I got so behind listening to it. Currently binge listening to all of them! Keep betting you Cindy because you’re awesome!
Nicole Neeley
My preferences are very specific
This podcast is so specific to me, my hobbies, and attitudes. The things that interest my brain are covered in this podcast. Thank you for this.
I could seriously listen to these all day long, I personally tend to wait until i have a few unheard built up and just press play and listen while driving or getting work done. Such amazing REAL topics and Cindy always seems to make me feel better and i can relate on a high level.
Kayla Bissell
Too Negative
If you’re miserable and you want someone to envelope you in misery then this is for you. She will tell you all your excuses are valid and that you hold no control over your life. If you think that’s helpful to you and will help you grow as a human being, rock on. I grew up poor and without a stable family and if I listened to her I would not be where I am now. When deciding who to follow, think first if you’d like to trade places with them. If you would, then listen to their advice. If not move on. This is one I would pass up.
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Trying to figure out how I feel about this message. It’s something to think about for sure.
Love this podcast- especially episode 73
I have long loved this mood and I know and love Cindy but the toxic positivity episode really hit home for me! I have always thought of myself as a positive realist but I realize that sometimes I have been the bearer of toxic positivity. I have also been in the receiving end of it. I will most definitely be more aware and make a conscious effort to not spread toxic positivity! Thanks Cindy!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Love it
I love this podcast - you don’t have to be a part of the planner community to enjoy it and Cindy is just the wittiest.
Now a podcast fan because of Cindy!
I’ve never really listened to podcasts before; however, Cindy has pulled me in! It’s real and relatable! Plus I work from home and it’s a great to listen to while I work! Planner peeps rock!
Love you and Jesse - more relationship, marriage, life, etc. talk. That was real and amazing!
Putting things in perspective
You know, Cindy really puts a lot of things into perspective for me. I’m only two episodes in, but it really helped me feel a bit more confident in my life. I always get so frustrated at life, because, on the internet, everyone looks like they’re really living their best lives. And I know deep down that that isn’t true, but I’m not going to go up to them and ask what kind of crappy things are really going on in their lives. So for Cindy to be real about her life in such an honest and open way was really very helpful for me. Not that I’m glad people have more going on in their lives, but that I’m glad I’m not alone in my struggles.
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So good! I’ve been in the planner community for almost 5 years now and I’ve always appreciated your talent and sassiness. As a busy mom of 5, my planner is my lifeline for organizing my family’s life and it gives me a creativity outlet. I loved listening and will be back!
LOVE the realness!
I can't tell you how much I needed to hear this. I am currently listening to the first episode, but I can't wait until the very end to review. Within the first few minutes, Cindy drew me in with her family's experiences with PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease); my father had it, I have it, and I could pass it on if/when I have my own children. She talks about it like it's REAL...with all the swearing you'd put in such a topic. It was fantastic, and I can relate to it so much. I have NEVER experienced that before, so thank you!
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You ARE Amazing!!!
So I had heard over the lat year about llamas love lettering, but I had never checked it out, then I saw that you would be at Go Wild in Vegas so I had to come and check you out because you are doing a live podcast there, I needed to know what I was getting myself into and all I can say is you ARE amazing. The items that you touch on are so me. I lost my mom 11 years ago when she was only 56 and ever since I have felt so lost. I have been married twice, I do not have any kids of my own, but my current husband has a daughter that his ex and him adopted from China when she was a year and a half. I have a bad self body image of myself as well and I am always hating on myself and your podcast make me feel like I AM someone, and it is so good to know that I am not the only one who feels the way I feel. I have suffered from depression since I was younger and I have Polysystic Overies and knowing that is why I cant lose the weight, knowing I will probably never have kids and always feeling down on myself is not healty. But your podcasts are helping. I am so glad that I found it and I am so very EXCITED to meet you in Vegas!!!! Keep being you and keep on keeping on!!! Like I said before You ARE Amazing!!!!
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My gf Tina made me!! 😂
I absolutely love this podcast!!! It is definitely the best I have subscribed to that my gf recommended. I love Cindy on here and on YouTube - she is the only planner related videos I don’t mind watching 😃
So Happy I Found Cindy's Podcast
I found your podcast because of your recent episodes with Sam from Happily a Housewife. I am only sad I didn't find you sooner! I'm catching up on all your episodes and just finished listening to your episode about being in photos. You got me right in the feels with that one and I just wanted to say that you are a beautify human! I enjoy your perspective on the planner world and beyond! Thank you for being real and for sharing!
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One episode in and hooked!
I just finished the first episode, and I’m already hooked. Cindy has a personality that I instantly feel drawn to. The first episode is so raw and emotional. Loved it.
Kevin Savoie
This is the podcast you’ve been waiting for
Amazing content from an amazing human. This is honest talk from Cindy and her guests about real life, chronic illness and social media through the lens of the planner community. But it’s about so much more. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll binge all of the episodes today. Oh, and Cindy swears.
Jen (yes, another Jen)
Love the honesty and courage to speak about what we all have trouble with.
The real deal
Cindy is the most honest and realistic person I have found in the planner community. She makes me feel like it’s okay to not be perfect. I love all her content!
Cindy is beyond amazing, as is this podcast!!
I have been a fan of Cindy and her work for some time now. Her podcasts are the icing on the cake!!! She is the most genuine person/podcaster you will ever meet. She’s down to earth, and she says it like it is. She is a wonderful and patient teacher and motivator!! Listen & subscribe, you will not be disappointed!!! You have my word!!
Tina-Louise Wallace
i loveeee putting this on in the background while i work and make it thru the day. awesome topics and discussion
beck who is upset
Subscribe to this Situation!
I LOVE her!!! So inspiring and real.
Cindy I love listening to the podcast and I’m sorry that I’m just now figuring out how to leave a review. I seriously feel like you are speaking to my soul EVERY SINGLE EPISODE! The planner community is such an amazing place, and I’m so glad that you’ve given me another way to fill my day with your wisdom 😉 lol. But seriously you are doing an amazing job and the “Why” episodes have so far been my favorite podcasts ever.
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Cindy, you’re the best!
I have loved Cindy since I found her on YouTube. I don’t remember when I subscribed. I just started up with podcasts and it is really nice to have her fresh take on things the same way she does stuff on her channel! And by the way, I find the occasional f bomb refreshing! 😂
Kenzie May 14
Time well spent
I’ve listened to nearly all of Cindy’s podcasts, and I’ve begun a list of quotes. Seems nearly every episode lately has struck a chord in me, always unexpected and thought provoking. Each podcast just keeps getting better and better. I began listening because I’m a part of the planner community. I continue to be a loyal follower because she has me hooked. She’s real, she’s honest and she’s funny, discussing fluff and real stuff. Thanks, Cindy, and keep on keepin’ on!
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Cindy’s willingness to have the hard conversations and show vulnerability is refreshing in a world where we are only given the choice to consume the best blips of people’s lives and businesses instead of being shown the reality.
My absolute favorite!
I love this podcast. It is real, thought provoking & fun. I listen while crafting & planning. I look forward to it. Please listen. U will be glad u did.
Good but let the guest talk
I do enjoy this podcast. She talks about things that few other people discuss in the planner community. She is very honest and interesting. I do think the episodes with guests end up with too much host. Otherwise recommended.
OMG!!!! Love it!
As member of your FB group and follower of your on social media, I just listened to your first podcast. I can see why so many people cant wait for your next episode! It is so refreshing to hear someone unmask their life, plus I love the potty mouth!!! Your amazing!
I love Cindy!
I’m a relatively new follower of Cindy - I found her when she started bullet journaling a year or so ago, because that’s when I started. She cracks me up and is so much more in line with the way I like to do things. The subject matter of this podcast fills a GIANT void in this community. There’s more to planners than the Pinterest perfect stuff you see, and it’s nice that she pulls back the veil, even more so than in her YouTube videos.
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Great Conversations
I love you Cindy, but you gotta let the guest talk!
I love Cindy. She is unapologetically herself. I have been subscribed to her YouTube channel for years and now to her podcast. She is the same!! She is funny and genuine and a real person. She expresses many of my own thoughts and feelings. Thanks for being you!!
Thank you for this podcast! I follow/stalk you on YouTube and now I can listen to you on my way to and from work! Loving your content so much!!
twitchy nose
Cindy is a kindred spirit.
As someone who often feels alienated on social media (due to the curated perfection of other people's lifes) and like an outsider in the planner community due to my background, my views, and my general irreverence for things that other people take very seriously, finding Cindy's Youtube channel and ESPECIALLY this podcast has been utterly life-changing. As I listened through all the episodes, I found myself thinking "OMG SAME" in a way that I very rarely do when hearing from a stranger on the internet. This podcast isn't just about planners, but also about the pressure to present perfection, the sometimes stifling nature of having an online presence, and ways that we can try to let go of those things and live our truths instead. With a side of profanity :) I've been on a bit of a self-discovery/self-help/self-care journey lately due to a personal tragedy, and I feel like everything I've encountered has come across as aggressive in its positivity and ultimately unhelpful, because they always ring false in my ears. This podcast ended up being exactly what I needed: not someone who would say "Just be positive!!!" but someone who says "Dude, I see you're struggling, and I totally get it, because me too." (Sorry for the essay!)
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My favorite podcast!
This is a great podcast for anyone who uses social media, whether you’re in the planner community or not, because the concepts discussed are universal across all online communities. I listen to this podcast anytime I’m driving and it turns my commute from a nuisance to something I love. If you’re a fan of Cindy’s YouTibe channel, you’ll love her podcast, and even if you aren’t or haven’t seen her YouTube videos but you use social media, you’ll still love it! It’s the perfect combination of earnestness, vulnerability and introspection mixed with comedy and lightheartedness. It’s very relatable and makes you realize that even people who look like they have it all together on social media are second guessing themselves and that what you see on social media is only the tiniest bit of what someone’s life looks like.
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Everyone needs to give these podcasts a listen. There is seriously so much value in these podcasts, Cindy!!!! Thank you so much for saying what we all needed to hear and for encouraging folx to be more real. The curated stuff is pretty but if that’s all we ever see it’s a very warped and manipulative view of the world. There’s so much more than just succulents and candles and I thank you so much for sharing these thoughts and interviews with us. It has 110% changed the way I interact and engage on social media and it’s given me the “permission” to be less polished on my own channel.
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The Real Mamajama
I love this podcast! Cindy is one of the most refreshing voices I've heard on the Internet lately. While admitting to her own foibles, she examines the hows and whys of what people on the net do, and always has something interesting to say. Her latest podcast, about why or why not people speak out on the net about issues outside their "field" is outstanding. She looks at some of the repercussions of speaking out, and talks about how to balance activism with the regular business of her online presence. I think everyone should listen to Cindy's podcasts. She makes a lot of sense,and is a lot of fun to listen to while she does it.
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Deb Wunder
Love it!
Great podcast!
The only podcast I listen to
Absolutely fabulous. Love the discussion and the guests. Can't wait for more episodes!
Honest and entertaining
Cindy’s style of presenting each episode is honest, genuine, and sincere. She entertains without trying- nothing contrived or forced. I really love this podcast!
I’m absolutely loving Cindy’s podcasts! Probably the best one out there right now. All of the guest interviews have been so entertaining and interesting. I would love to hear more from the guest when they are being interviewed- it’s such a rare opportunity to hear from some of these people. Thank you for an amazing podcast and I can’t wait for what’s to come!
Love this podcast
I love everything that Cindy is trying to do with this podcast and her motivation and I think she is succeeding so great. I didn't even get more than 10 minutes into the first episode before I was completely hooked. Her talks are real and honest and they can be extremely relatable and it has been great and helpful hearing her perspectives on these things.
I USE iTunes
Keeping it real!
Cindy’s podcasts, YT videos and FB group truly keep it real! I love her and what she brings to the planning works. Always honest, always real, a refreshing look and this social media works we live in. Keep up the amazing work you do my friend. ❤️❤️❤️
Asking the good questions!
Cindy asks questions of both herself and society at large that need to be asked, without pretending to have all the answers. She encourages us all to be real - with ourselves and with our followers on social media. She does all of this while being charming and utterly #relatable. Highly recommend this podcast and her YouTube channel!
Loooove it!
This is my very first time listening to a podcast. I’m so glad I found Cindy’s. I already watch her awesome YT videos and her podcast is just as amazing! Thank you Cindy for being so open and honest. I’m a timid planner. Like you talk about, so many of the wonderful people in the planning community have such beautiful perfect photos and I feel like I can never be that good. It’s so great to hear the “behind the scenes” type things and helps encourage me (and I’m sure countless others) to get more involved!
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