The Smart Passive Income Online Business and Blogging Podcast
The Smart Passive Income Online Business and Blogging Podcast
Pat Flynn
via Podcasts
5 min of ads before even starting the topic
🥴Came for the content but 5 mins of ads before it even gets started is a turn off. Maybe space it throughout instead.
Amazing Human, Solid Contributor
Pat is one of the most genuinely caring and giving people I’ve come across in the business improvement space. I’ve been listening to his podcast for many years now and always get something out of each episode. He’s the real deal and his books and courses have helped me tremendously. He’s also a great host and interviewer. There are some folks in the same entrepreneur space that…well, they don’t always have your best at heart, but Pat does. Would love to meet him someday to shake his hand and say “thank you”.
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B Quig
Doing it for the money
Seems like a 50/50 ads to content ratio.
Still have some actionable content every now and then but not as much as before. The “Teaching Fridays” with SPI members is difficult to listen to…most of them can’t inflect their voice at all and it sounds like early version of speech-to-text. Grasping for content?
Don’t waste your time here
Advertising and rambling about nothing.
Too much of a motivational speech. Not enough actionable info.
I have really moved away from this podcast, because it is just too much of a pep talk or motivational speech. I don't need find my purpose. I don't need a pep talk. I don't want a bunch of fortune cookie stuff. I know excatly what I'm trying to get done and why. I've moved more towards the podcasts that give you actionable ideas and info in each episode.
Fast forward first 8-9minutes
Good info except you should probably fast forward the first eight or nine minutes every single episode because half of every episode is nothing but advertisements.
Solid episode, per usual. Solid podcast.
Please stop talking about 2008
Another creator with the same old tired content and same old revolving door of guests telling you that you too can be a successful entrepreneur if you try hard enough. Considering Pat is the "master" of affiliate marketing I wouldn't be surprised if he and his guests/friends all make money off of each other with every referral any of them make for one another. So many of them (including Pat) talk in vague and overly positive language that I've found it hard to actually apply their advice to my business. I'm not convinced any of them know anything about the true ins and outs of business and are only in it to amass money for themselves. If you're looking for truly helpful advice look somewhere else.
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Love SPI, Check out Episodes 122
Love Pat Flynn’s 100% relatable style. Have been listening for years, and fell off for a bit, but today’s episode with Shane and Jocelyn from Flipped Lifestyle got me back into SPI. They are fun, approachable, and have a real MISSION centered business. Great story on this episode, and love how they are real friends.
Patricia | The Uncommon Career
Flipper Lifestyle
Loved the episode with Shane and Jocelyn from Flipped Lifestyle. They give hope to real people that online success and life change is actually possible!
Great Show!
Pat's podcast is overflowing with information! I'm really grateful for all that I've learned from Pat and the experts on the show. Every episode is packed with valuable content. I'm always telling my friends and coworkers about it - I just can't recommend it highly enough!
The ads are just too much!
I’ve listened to this podcast since you started in the beginning. You have amazing content. I run a 7 figure operational management firm so I get the ads produce revenue, I respect it! However, I’m listening to the most recent episode and I swear it was 9 minutes of ads before you even started talking! That’s crazy and I know its off putting! Can you mix them in the episode instead of all in the beginning? It’s turning me off as well as many others.
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So encouraging for the little guy
I really appreciate Pat’s focus across all his content on encouraging and lifting up the newbies with just a dream but no idea how to start. I love his episode 432 with Sophie Walker - she’s so relatable and she figured it out and has helped so many as a result.
Real Talk. Smart wins.
This podcast is smart, engaging, and impactful. I’m so glad I found it!
An amazing listen
From creative ideas in expanding your business, to insightful advice on diversifying your passive investments + income, Pat covers it all! We love the energy and conversations of this show!
GoodGood Investing
Insigtful and relatable on how we can do the same!
Love the stategies that Pat shares and how he uses almost every type of online business to make a profit!
TaneshaHalstead_CRM Consultant
This podcast is a treasure trove of knowledge. I’ve learned so much from Pat and from the experts he has on his show. Each episode is a gem. I’m constantly sharing episodes with my friends and they all agree as well. Thank you SPI! -MB
Check out this guide to instagram!!
Amazing!! I’m absolutely speechless!!
tomm cado
Great episode
Found this from the episode from Casey Hill… loved the insight around testimonials. We will be applying this ourselves. Thanks!
Pat Flynn is the best in the business
If you are a creator and looking to grow, there is no better podcast out there!!!
YFM love this podcast
As a Podcast we love to hear about stories and strategies to have secondary income. Are goal is to build our podcast into a media company and make it our primary income. This podcast lets us know it’s possible!
Highly informative and actionable advice
I really enjoy listening to this podcast each week. Pat brings on great guests and there is always something to learn from each episode. Just make sure to keep a notepad handy because there are always great takeaways!
Great content
Hey Pat, thanks for the great content. Thanks a lot. God bless and please keep it up. Big cheers to all your team. I totally recommend your podcast!
A fan for a decade plus
I remember first being introduced to Pat Flynn back in 2012 … following his journey, learning from his experiences. Not much has changed over a decade except that Pat has impacted tens of thousands with his blessings. One of the best hosts and podcasts ever created! Thanks for always being relatable, authentic and pouring out value in everything you do!
Love the show!
I enjoy every single episode! Ty!
Motivational and Inspiring!
Pat is motivational and inspiring. He always discusses relative topics which are great for new and aspiring entrepreneurs and investors!
LD the Infinite
I’m Now a Full-Time Podcaster - Thanks Pat!
Thank you for creating helpful and free tutorials on how to start your podcast. I used those to start my podcast in 2016 and now it's my full-time job! While I don't make nearly what I used to make in my corporate career, I'm 100% happier. I am a more present husband, father and the work I'm doing actually makes a difference in thousands of lives. (And I don't take that 1,000 lightly ... I think of a room full of 1,000 people (like you taught me) and realize that these are REAL folks, not just numbers) Your serve-first mentality reminds me a lot of my father and I'm trying my best to follow in both of your footsteps. Thank you for all that you do.
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Always learning something new
Been listening to Pat for years now and I’m STILL learning meaningful and actionable things I put into place in my businesses and in my personal life! I’ve made some really good marketing decisions based on what he teaches. Love me some Pat Flynn!!
Inspirational Podcast!
Learning about your five tips truly resonates with my professional goals. Especially, "recognizing and remembering your why". Enjoyed the guests on the show as well!
Awesome podcast!
Pat always delivers so much value! It’s clear he knows his stuff and is a genuine person!
Joe 648
Inspiration at it’s best
I’ve listened to a few episodes and they are so inspiring. Really it shows people that anything is possible. The tone of the show takes on a “you can do this to” perspective that is just what you need to keep going towards your dreams!
Katie (Family Travel Folio)
Inspiring and helpful
Stumbled upon this podcast and found myself bing listening. I love the guests and the host. Great and inspiring information. I’m also glad that Pat says his ads in the beginning so the rest is uninterrupted listening. Thank you for this podcast gem! 🤩🙌🏽💕
Favorite business podcast
SPI is my first-click, go-to podcast for online business resources. Pat’s podcast and his classes have been absolutely critical to helping me grow my business and podcast. Pat is so relatable and his content is top notch. He teaches me things I didn’t even know that I needed to think about! Thx for everything, Pat!
So Helpful!
I turned to SPI when I was starting my business for advice I could trust. It feels like Pat’s offerings (podcasts and classes) have grown with me. Highly recommended wherever you are in your entrepreneurial journey!
SPI is the bomb!
Love listening to Pat! I feel like he’s so down to earth and really cares about our success as we build whatever it is we’re working towards! Not scared to admit I’ve binged and listened to 96 episodes in the past month and 1/2 and always leave super inspired.
Love the human touch
I stumbled across Pat’s show with the goal of learning some podcasting tips. That’s when I spotted his show on “Why people hate”. All I can say is I was super impressed with the vulnerability he showed and the humanity. You can always tell when someone is being real vs. when you are being sold a bag of goods. I loved the message - hurt people hurt people. Dr. John - The Men’s Self Help Podcast
I love your podcast Pat!
Hi Pat! I know you’re taking a break from the Friday episodes but I just want to say they’re the BESSSSSTTTTTTTTTT, they’re more intimate and I feel we get to know you so much! So please don’t forget about them! 🥰 I love your podcast!
Jess de Mamita Emprendedora
Great show!
Pat, host of the Smart Passive Income podcast, highlights all aspects of blogging strategies and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
Changed our lives
The original episode with Shane & Jocelyn Sam’s was the prime catalyst for my wife and I to build a passive income stream that brings one adult income into our home every year. This has brought us the kind of freedom we are grateful for every day. Subsequent podcast episodes and “Will it Fly” have helped us continue to steer the ship. Thank you, Pat and team!
Thanks for all that you do!
Thank you, Pat! I really enjoy the content you deliver, and the great interviews you conduct. Gary Youngblood
I camt tell
Budding Entrepreneurs must listen!
I’ve been listening to this podcast for 8 years and it’s still on the top of my list. Pat always delivers valuable info in his episodes. Also Pat is the best interviewer I’ve listened to. He has a gift for it. Thank you Pat for always giving💙
Jennifer from NC
So good
I love this podcast. As an entrepreneur its good to listen to podcast that shares such a wide range of experiences, knowledge and value to its listener. I had to binge listen after one episode because it was that good and filled with so much actionable steps to take.
Mompreneur Oanike
Too much
Ads are so annoying
badiii uuee
Awesome Story!
Loved listening to your story of taking that first leap to being an enttrepreneur. It's always so cool to hear about the background of the success. Keep up the great work and the awesome show!
Pat’s advice has helped me for years
I’ve been a huge fan of SPI for years, so this review is long overdue. Pat and this podcast has helped me launch my digital course business and start my own podcast - I’m forever grateful for whoever it was that originally recommended I listen, because it’s truly changed my life. Thanks so much! Keep up the solid work.
Pat always adds value
Whether it’s with a solo episode or through an insightful conversation with one of his amazing guests, I always learn something from each episode. I have not only learned about podcasting, online marketing, and creating passive income as an entrepreneur. I have also discovered all sorts of areas of business I previously knew nothing about. Check out a few episodes and you will be hooked.
Greg Harrod
Loved the Surprising State of Podcasting
It was super helpful and encouraging especially for me, getting ready for my podcast launch. I appreciate that a lot of the episodes on here are heart level and then tactical which is huge for self leadership and being able to serve others well. I shy away from content that feels overly punchy or gimmicky, but I sense I’ll be getting a lot of growth and maturity as I go through more episodes. Thanks!
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Dami M
Team Flynn for the Win!
Pat and his team have the best stories, advice and encouragement for entrepreneurs and those even just dreaming someday about starting a business. Pat’s compassion and passion come through every episode, and his humility helps you feel that you can get there too.
Ali ManRay
Constant self promotion and advertising
The show topic is exactly what I was interested in but the content is just the host self promoting himself and his products as well as hawking other products he’s clearly getting paid to plug.
Etsy Student
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