The Pitch
The Pitch
Josh Muccio | Startups & Venture Capital
via Podcasts
Full pitch unedited
Great episode listening to the full pitch, unedited! Totally great hearing all the details and makes the founder more impressive being able to handle all those questions that are non sequential, in real time. Good practice for founders to hear the line of questions in true, full speed. Also, since you you have 100+ episodes, and significant breaks between each season, you can do full length re-releases to engage audience between seasons. Or even during seasons when you need to extend out. Guy does this very well with “How I Built this”. Love the show! Glad you are back. Been with you since Season 1!
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So good
I just binged every single episode of this show in about 1 month. I was listening to it constantly and could not stop. Really great investors. Very educational. Makes me feel like so much more prepared in my own business ideas and endeavors. Would greatly recommend to anyone thinking about how to think about business or if you are going to be pitching business ideas to people, especially if they might invest. Josh’s jokes are sometimes pretty cringe but in an endearing way. Im sad that I caught up to the current episode and don’t have more to binge.
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Great to have this show back
After a long break, it's wonderful to have The Pitch back in my podcast feed. The well developed pitches and the follow up interviews provide a cohesive look at start-up life, equal parts entertaining, insightful and motivational. I do have some constructive criticism. While certainly enthusiastic about the show, Josh can be a bit much at times (when he gets "super amped"), with his excitement feeling forced, his interview style gets a bit cutesy, and we don't need so much of the "narrator voice" interludes. And Jillian? PLEASE stop cutting off the entrepreneurs, the other investors, and the host. It really takes me out of what is otherwise a great podcast.
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Nick McNulty
Love listening with my 12 year old daughter
My daughter has started a baking business and was on Food Network's Kids Baking Championship. Listening to these pitches is helping her understand why it is so important to know her numbers for when she wants to expand her current business or one she creates in the future. Thanks to all the founders out there!
Love this show
Not a business person but I still find this show super interesting, and the stories that come after the pitch make it feel more personal
Updated review
There are aspects that I both like and dislike about the new format. I like the input from the investors and I think many people would find it valuable. I also like that it differs from Shark Tank in that there is more help given not tied to money, just investors that want founders to succeed. The parts I don’t like are that the pitches don’t really explain the companies that well and also I don’t like the host. Im not sure if it’s the editing or what but most of the time I don’t fully understand what the company even does. It would be much more helpful for people who are interested ir there was an intro that explains exactly what the company does, who it’s customers are and if it’s profitable or not. Second the host talks like he’s a kid just listening to adult conversations. The pitch has been going for many years. At this point Josh should be able to provide some valuable feedback to the pitches himself instead of fan girling on every founder. Please be more professional!
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So Happy To See You Back
I am so impressed with the way you bought your podcast back from Spotify and are reinvigorating it in a new way going forward. Like many listeners, I really missed The Pitch and I’m excited it is back and even better!
Why is Vox doing Dollar Store Shark Tank?
I have absolutely no interest in this crap, especially from a news organization.
Good listen, annoying background music
Please stop with the too loud overdramatic background music during the pitches, it’s so distracting and just makes it hard to listen to.
Will 1648
No minority shows
This Is a great show however, it shows a lack of opportunity for black start up businesses. This is just a continuation of capitalism and not really given opportunities to black owed business. It’s hard to believe that no black on businesses apply for the show.
Good content but hate the narration breaks
No need to literally just recap what was said intermittently throughout the episodes, it’s repetitive and loses my interest
Can’t wait for Wednesdays!
I can’t express how excited I am that The Pitch is coming back! This more than almost anything makes me feel like things are finally returning to normal since 2020.
Super excited that you’re back soon
Re-listening to old pitches is nice but getting new ones is even better. Good luck!
Glad you are back!
Like others, this show was part of what has inspired me to become an entrepreneur. It provides examples, business insights, strategic advice… a lot of wisdom packed into every episode. Excited for the new season.
So happy to hear the pitch is coming back — I really missed it!!!
Love it!
One of the best business/entrepreneur-oriented shows out there. So entertaining and educational :)
Lola Luffnaigle
Really good
I would love to hear more food startups to.
wheel house the robo man
Stop the Morgan investor parts
Honestly, I would give five stars but the Morgan and Morgan parts between episodes are absolutely annoying.... I skip through every time. On a side note! I would love the opportunity to pitch my start-up for n the show!
Solid podcast
Love the podcast, but there’s been so much emphasis lately on entrepreneurial “diversity”. Please get back to business and away from victim hood and identity politics. Everyone that isn’t a “white male” gets coddled, as a person of color I must say it’s a little patronizing at this point.
Great podcast!
Always both entertaining and informative, highly recommend!
Another great podcast from Gimlet
Really enjoy the structure of this. It’s exceeded expectations. Very helpful being a fly on the wall and hearing the pitches and entrepreneurs that get cash, and comparing them to the ones who don’t.
Love the pitch but the latest story is off
If the founder Kevin can afford his two kids go to private high school this year, then why he can’t afford a developer to turn on the pay wall following apples requirements.
Where’s the $?
Great show, concise episodes with varied companies and founders. But it seems like the investors never actually go for it! It’s frustrating
miss cgh
The podcast that got me hooked on podcasts
Absolutely love The Pitch. If you enjoy Shark Tank, you will definitely like this show. I love the check ins, both at the end of the episode and in later episodes. I never miss an episode.
Great for the Biz mind
If your remotely interested in learning more about or starting a business, this is the podcast for you! This team casts a wide net around the start-up experience, from before the pitch room (concept stage) to after revenue generation, they truly uncover all of the various nuances companies face along their journey.
Every episode is fantastic
The Pitch is one of my favorite podcasts. I love the authentic view of the entrepreneur, VCs, and the pitch. It’s everything you hope for watching tv shows like Shark Tank, but without the taint of network tv.
Fellow entrepreneurial and creative people....
This show was made for you. I work in education, but have always been interested in the the path of entrepreneurship. I really enjoy listening to this podcast. I do wish it offered more episodes with female guests.
Great Podcast
This is one of the few podcasts I enjoy listening to. It’s fun to hear new ideas and how investors react. The host is great and it’s an all around great podcast. After hearing an ad on Spotify, I had to listen and it was a great decision!
Pitch...Perfect for budding entrepreneurs
This podcast is perfect to help entrepreneurs avoid some of the pitfalls when dealing with VC. I love that in the discussions the VC gives alternative ways to raise funds and suggestion(on product improvement or marketing, pricing etc.) if the company is too earlier.
No One Ever Invests
Aside from every once and a while an investor putting in $25k, they always “pass” on the entrepreneurs. Otherwise a solid show, but what’s the point if they don’t put their money where their mouth is?!
~ K B ~
Love it!
So entertaining and informative
Good, except for the host
The interaction between the entrepreneurs delivering their pitch and the investors is extremely interesting to listen to but the snarky comments made by the host really detract from any otherwise solid show.
Great for any entrepreneur
The behind the scenes recap separates this from the rest as we get to hear what happens after the initial commitments and the diligence process. Not every deal goes through from that first pitch or sometimes investors get even more excited and put in larger amounts. I like the approach of the Pitch!
This show is so manipulative and boring. Like Shark Tank only more overly melodramatic if that is possible
Really thought provoking
I learn a lot from this show about entrepreneurship
Alex Pedersen
Mixed messages about female founders
UPDATE: "Got Goals? Grab a Cru" is a great episode; the (minority female) founder nails it. Here's a review I wrote about an earlier episode that sent a chilling message to female founders: This show was great until the last installment "I Want Bro Money Too" (#75). The founder was unusually abrasive and evasive, saying things like "You either believe in it, or don't" and "We expect that this is going to be growing exponentially". Unsurprisingly, the investors did not fund the startup. The host Josh Muccio did a follow-up talk months later where the founder admitted to not having received funding and... blaming sexual discrimination for her failure. That, in spite of the fact that she said "I go to a lot of events that only have [...] investors that are specifically looking for female founded companies" and "I was able to kind of cut through a lot of clutter because I was a woman". She admits to there being structural advantages to being a woman, yet blames her failure to raise funds on misogyny (she doesn't think investors are applying the same metrics when evaluating companies founded by men and women, without citing evidence). She says "Screw this VC fake world that's not doing what they're supposed to do". Mr Muccio who relies on the VCs to run this show piles on: "about half the population is getting 2.2% of all investment dollars. That just doesn't add up." Half of the population is building startups? That's a strawman argument -- the only valid metric is the percentage of men vs women receiving funding. The episode is encouraging young women to give up being entrepreneurs, telling them that they will never succeed because the cards are stacked against them. The show has previously shown many successful women; there was no need to promote someone who can't answer questions related to what they're building, sticks to their pitch, fails to get funding, and then blames sexual discrimination.
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Great for pitchers and non pitchers
I’ve listened to every episode of this podcast. Sad to see it go. Even if you aren’t looking to get money for your business, it’s informative and exciting to listen to these business owners pitch their ideas and see just what they go through.
Don’t go...
While downloading this week’s episode, I saw that this is the first episode for the final season. No! Don’t go! I really enjoy The Pitch! What can we do to get you to change your mind? #sigh. This makes me so sad.
Aye Are Kay
Please add some video or images
I love this show! Great feedback and a fun listen. Wish there were some images or video to go along with it, so one can see the presentation. I love making my own predictions and whether I would’ve invested if I were a billionaire too😂
Wannabe Investor
I enjoy this every time a new one comes out!
Great show
AbbyLane design
A favorite of mine.
I cannot recall if I’ve provided a 5 star review previously. But here it is. I work and speak with startup founders weekly. The investors provide excellent analysis of these businesses. On top of that, they are kind and supportive towards the founders. It is a very positive and informative show. Love listening every week. Just wish there were twice as many episodes.
Nick Rishwain
One of My Favorite Podcasts!
Ugh, I accidentally put this review on the wrong "The Pitch" podcast page. Sorry! Wanted to say I'm not an entrpreneur (too scared for that) and I'm not an investor (too broke for that) but I LOVE listening to this podcast about young businesses and what they do. It's very interesting to hear about the products and services people think about putting out into the world. It's equally interesting to hear the investor-experts give their opinions on the future of these businesses and whether they think they have a chance to "make it".
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I think these investors are almost too old school for their own good. I’m not suggesting that defensibility like patents in some arenas isn’t possible, but in today’s environment, defensibility is perhaps your least likely advantage. Just because something can be replicated doesn’t mean it should not be pursued. Branding, execution, customer engagement, leveraging data etc. seem inherently more instrumental for businesses success today.
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I loved the pitch
Like all of the Gimlet media show it has dropped in quality it’s very sad I’m giving it 3 stars because of affection
Great Show, One Word of Caution
I love the show. As an individual with no business background but an entrepreneurial mindset and a drive to take my innovations to the next level, the show presents lots of food for thought for future entrepreneurs, like me. Over the last season, the show has done a commendable job of better explaining what certain acronyms or jargon term mean that might not immediately register to those like me. Now, while you still get a five star rating from me, I would like to offer a modicum of feedback. That is, I suggest avoiding prefacing phrases that could inadvertently marginalize a part of your listening base. I took issue when Josh said in episode 31 @ 00:25:00 that unless you’ve been living under a rock you probably already know what an ICO is. I’ll be quite frank, I have some very successful people in my family who are entrepreneurs and I’ve lived around business language quite a bit in my life, but I’ve never heard of an ICO and I felt like there are probably others like me who haven’t either that really don’t want to want to be put down for this. All this to say, going forward it would behoove you to avoid these sayings by exercising a little more sensitivity to the fact that you have listeners that are still learning. Try not to absentmindedly exclude them or marginalize them. Otherwise keep up the good work. Please bring back the values of the investments!!! Michael Hyatt needs to go. Hate him. No compassion. Frankly, I think business classes at all levels should require listening to this podcast. Thanks for all you are doing. Keep up the great work!!! Ari in Grand Rapids, MI.
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Michael Hyatt
Please get rid of this guy. He brings down the industry.
Jack Park 2014
Fire Michael Hyatt
A pretty good podcast but OMG MICHAEL HYATT. He is the worst. He is unreliable, self-aggrandizing and pretentious and also gives the worst advice. One time he told a former addict working on an app to track addicts that he should check into rehab undercover and get addicts to use the app for user research, describing them as "animals on the savannah" - telling an ADDICT to check into rehab, under false pretences, to spy on other addicts without their permission. Disgusting and outrageously unethical. Please Gimlet, get rid of this guy, he brings nothing to the table and is horrifically damaging.
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Love it! More convos like with Sarah!
Love this entire podcast! So much knowledge dropped in each episode and for someone who is a previous teacher, joining the startup world, this has been extremely helpful. Just finished “80% Off!”. Would it be possible to do more conversations like the one at the end of this one with Sarah? More in-depth info about valuations, etc. would be awesome!
Stop Recycling Old Episodes
Many weeks that should have new content are substituted with old episodes. Not sure what’s going on but it caused me to fade out pretty quickly.
What shark tanks does, but without the reality tv treatment.
I love the real-time feel of the show. The pitch lets you hear and learn from the pitch makers mistakes; while staying nicely out of the way of the story.
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