The Minimalists Podcast
The Minimalists Podcast
Joshua Fields Millburn, Ryan Nicodemus, T.K. Coleman
via Podcasts
By far my favorite podcast!!
Joshua, Ryan and TK are awesome! This is a very well prepared show - does not waste my time. Yet at the same time it feels spontaneous. I thought I was pretty good at minimalizing before coming into contact with them — but they have allowed me to take it to a whole new level. Fantastic job — I always look forward to what they have to say on Mondays!
Wanted lo like this more.
Sorry but was really hoping you'd get to the deeper, "grey" areas of the issue of toxic positivity. I just felt you played around it, but didn't dive too deeply into it. Also the issue was not seen from a variety of angles so really felt uninformed, though idea of how class can play into it was interesting. I might try another episode at some point, but am hesitant.
Changed my life
As my life was falling apart, these guys brought me back to real. I have my life somewhat together (well, who has it all together?). And it was all thanks to these guys.
Minimalist adjacent partnership
I have found having this podcast on while cleaning and going through my things really helps keep me focused and reminded of long term goals with a clutter free house, less spending on randomness, and more time for traveling. My partner was not as on board as I was. The way I helped show the value was when I started going through my things I started my my closet with sports jerseys. Listed online lots of things I knew had monetary value. I then started working on the smaller things that would have minimal value to try to sell and went through to decide donate, repurpose, etc. at the end of 90 days I was able to show my partner that while I made a tiny dent in our closets and total stuff in the house we made over $3,800 that is going towards our next travel adventure. Now, they are able to see a little better the longer term vision and has joined in on going through and questioning what truly brings us value and what can we pass on to bring value to others. Being able to show a few months work turn into a financial value add to our future helped us get on the same page and enjoy this journey ahead together! I will never push them to be as extreme as I have been going with my personal items but even being able to give them more space for what brings them value has been a beautiful gift I was happy to share (room of sports memorabilia and jerseys just sitting and collecting dust has been turned into an art space for them to create paintings and relieve stress in between their 2 jobs).
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Love it
Love, Love,Love!!! At first I thought it was a podcast on just letting go of things..but I’m slowly realizing (from listening to this podcast) that minimalism is way more deeper than that. You’ll definitely get a great listen from these guys. Oh yeah & I love the intro song! We need a full version of it lol!
Love the variety of topics talked about by the minimalists. Always willing to give insights into making sure we are being the best versions of ourselves.
Great content, lose the laugh track
Love the show and content, entirely relevant to my life. The guffawing from some woman in the background is painful. Most often there is nothing amusing being said.? Maybe on YouTube it makes sense, but just listening to the podcast it is annoying. Thanks!
Where are the pre-2019 episodes?
Yea. If you think I’m going to go an pay for this on Patreon or through a different source…I might as well start cutting the proverbial cord here. If it isn’t on Apple Podcasts app, I’m not going to pay for it. Good luck.
Minimalist podcast with Maximal outcome
This podcast has taught me a great many things. I have followed The minimalists for years now and began my minimalist journey then. The podcast is a compliment to my life and how I live. To this day I learn something new from each podcast. Time here is time well spent.
In perpetuity
I return to this podcast over and over again! I’m the wife of a career Air Force officer (we’ve moved a lot in 20 years!) and I’m the homeschooling mom to our large family (baby to teen!). The synergistic relationships of the hosts has been invaluable in supporting my own mindset and lifestyle choices in a world of overwhelming over abundance! Keep going friends. Your craft is appreciated!
The Best
I absolutely love this podcast. The hosts are authentic and honest and they talk about a wide variety of topics related to living a meaningful life. I appreciate their thoughtfulness and use of humor to make each episode worth my time. I also subscribe to their private podcast that expands on interesting topics. Highly recommend!
They must have a Patreon
I excitedly downloaded a few episodes of this show only to be bombarded by constant pleas to pay for a Patreon membership. On top of that the show hosts constantly reminded us as listeners how they were “so much better than other podcasters” since they didn’t run ads but also couldn’t seem to understand that begging for Patreon money was even more disgusting. How about considering the fact that some podcasters prefer to put out a good product up front supported by ad revenue rather than produce half-baked episodes with promises that “the good stuff is locked behind a pay wall for just $5/month I swear.” I’ll pass thanks.
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This podcast is my weekly reminder to slow down my way of living through simplicity and purpose. I admire the original minimalists, and deeply appreciate TK’s faith lens. I have a long way to go in my own minimalism journey, but the supportive reminders that this way of living is a daily act and not a monumental project brings an abundance of reassurance!
The podcast everyone needs in their life.
Love it
Perfect start-your-day podcast.
Door county DC
Podcast Gold
So good it’s hard to believe it’s free. No ads to boot! Excellent content. HBD Ryan!
So much wisdom gained from listening.
These three and their occasional guests bring up so many good points and tips. As someone who’s trying to learn how to live with less, it has been super helpful. Thank you!
i discovered the minimalists in 2015 and their message of simplifying and keeping only that which brings joy or adds value changed my life. i love continuing to listen & learn from them and others they have on the show. i can always learn & grow, and often need a “tune-up”.
A breath of fresh air
I have been listening to this podcast for MANY years and I always look forward to their weekly episodes! They have such refreshing perspectives which focus on being present in your daily life. Not focused on the other “noise” that is surrounding us constantly. Figuring out your priorities and living by those, whatever they may be. Such a great podcast. Thank you for creating something meaningful ❤️
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So meaningful
I thoroughly enjoy listening to the show! I plan on becoming a patreon member
So many tidbits.
So many little nuggets of goodness on all topics from minimalism to mental-emotional-physical-spiritual health. I am never bored listening to them ponder on various topics.
Life changing
I’ve been a follower of this bunch since their earliest days with the blog. The takeaways I’ve implemented in my life have been extraordinarily impactful. I know I’m a better version of myself because of the content they have put forward in the world.
6 stars
I just love and appreciate the “let’s figure out what’s right for you” attitude they always carry. Therapy through headphones and my wife even says she notices that I’m a more positive, optimistic, loving person.
You won’t regret it!!
These folks have changed my life. Inspiring my years long journey of buying less, being more self sufficient, removing clutter both physically and emotionally. They inspire me to keep pluggin’ along day by day.
The Minimalists: Happy Birthday to Ryan & thanks for your awesome podcasts.
I’ve been listening to Joshua & Ryan for over a year now and get much more than “minimalism” advice. I’m learning how to find the important things in my life and how to get rid of the superfluous. Great guest interviews….I love the TJ Coleman ones.
Great but some background noise distracting
Love the podcast topics and quality of the podcasts. The laughter in the background (the women laughing super loudly and sounds forced) is very distracting while listening to episodes. It sounds like a cackle to me and I can’t concentrate on the episode.
The best!
I just really appreciate this episode. It’s such a positive and inspiring podcast amongst so many other chaotic podcasts. Thanks guys!
Out of focus
Another guest from the Dave Ramsey show advising a listener to get three jobs and buy a $1000 car. Done with this podcast. Goodbye.
Clutter of people
This podcast has too much going on. Nothing about it says “minimalist” except for the title.
Great podcast.
JFM, the main host, is off the rails. He’s lost his ethics/boundaries/morals. I’ll no longer share their content or support it. Content is inappropriate. It may have to do with pushing sexual boundaries on a girl friend, having an open relationship to cheat on your partner, or persuading a partner want a sexual experience they said they weren’t comfortable with. I’ve dropped my jaw! When I left a constructive comment on their Instagram post with my complaint, it was removed. It’s important The Minimalists take constructive criticism, know their audience, and their purpose! The content should be family friendly because ultimately the minimalist principals are being applied in family settings.
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Promoting “Wellness” influencers
I do not typically take time to write bad reviews about Podcasts. If I don’t like the podcast, I don’t listen to it. However, using this platform to spread terrible advice from “wellness” influencers is troubling. Much of the mental clutter we experience is from consuming bad advice on social media. This isn’t minimalism. There is no “minimalist diet” or “minimalist exercise routine”.
Health Misinformation
I started out listening to older episodes of this podcast very intrigued by the minimalism idea, specifically as it relates to physical belongings and interpersonal relationships. I do believe there were some helpful discussions that clarified for my personal life where “clutter” was accumulating and how to free myself from that. However, lately they have been increasingly featuring guests who tout themselves as nutrition and health experts that are blatantly spreading false and misleading information. At this point I’ve had to stop listening. They will claim it’s just a “different point of view” but this is dangerous misinformation that they are presenting as factual and is just morally wrong to continue to do. I hope they will reconsider the direction their podcast is taking, it used to be thoughtful discussion about how to simplify your life and reduce clutter and distractions, now it is getting to be a bunch of fear mongering about food.
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TK is so insightful!
I’m glad he has joined the podcast in a more meaningful way. His increase presents has made a huge difference in how much I take away from each episode. You’re fantastic, TK!
New Favorite
I just started listening. Going from most recent to oldest. I LOVE the topics discussed. I’m really thinking about these topics and it is changing the way I think. I’ll keep listening.
Gina's Phone
Great Show
Very inspirational! Life changing information that will guide your life into a better tomorrow.
Steven Jara
The style feels like Dave Ramsey
I keep trying to break up with this podcast but the information is really helpful and spot on. I am a fan of TK Coleman and you should listen to him on Against Everyone with Connor Habib. Thanks for having Malabama contributing more.
Kara K. B
Played out…I miss the old Minimalists.
I started listening to this podcast since around 2016 and really enjoyed it. I have listened to every episode for years. I was even a Patreon subscriber at one point. But since they moved out of Ohio and went to the most expensive place in the country, California, hired a whole lot of more people, have this new studio, now have a third minimalist that they awkwardly placed behind them in their thumbnail, things just aren’t as good as they used to be. The written description for the podcast declares they are Netflix stars and New York Times best selling authors and you have to stick around until the last sentence to discover that they teach you how to live with less. Why is it so important to state how credible you are before you get to the purpose of your podcast? The recorded listener questions go on way too long and they really just need to sum it up for everyone in 10 seconds, instead of the caller dragging everyone through their life story. Isn’t there an editor? The bird squawking laughter that randomly occurs in the background is very annoying to listen to as well. All the years I have been listening to this podcast I will chuckle from something Josh says every now and then. Overall I think Josh and Ryan are good people but I don’t like how they’ve tried to grow their brand by living in California. That doesn’t make any sense to live in the most materialistic area in the country yet claim that you’re OK with just a stifling room with a table and chairs. You could do that literally anywhere else in the country for a lot cheaper. And trying to grow their brand by charging on Patreon to hear the whole episode and just giving little snippets on the “free” podcast…they have to pay their bills somehow!
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Living Intentional
I have been listening to The Minimalist for almost a year. I have never learned so much about myself and how unintentionally I was living. The Apple podcast is only part of their weekly podcast. It was an easy decision to continue this journey by subscribing to their Patreon. I suggest listening to the free version and enjoy that content.
The podcast that changed my life
We’ve all been in a place in our adult lives where we feel something is missing. I stumbled upon this podcast over five years ago. This podcast won’t change your life in itself. Though with an open mind and self evaluation the minimalists will give you the tools to live a meaningful life. Each episode provides valuable information to help serve your day to day decision making. A podcast where they put a message out without ads or pushing product. The authenticity the minimalists provide through this podcast is second to none. A well curated podcast that has evolved almost in the sense of a piece of art. This podcast has transformed my thinking and given me the tools in order to find true meaning in my life.
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A Breath of Fresh Air
This podcast is so informative, authentic, and relevant to our current culture and society. It goes so much more beyond minimalism to really consider your lifestyle, future, and how to live intentionally in this world of more. For anyone experiencing existential dread, this podcast is the soothing balm to those feelings and potential questions. It really helps to recenter me. I highly recommend!
Amazing Podcast
I absolutely love the message of minimalism. Josh, Ryan, and TK bring their own experience and perspectives to minimalism. I loved this podcast with Josh and Ryan. From the first podcast with TK added I loved this podcast even more. The guests they bring are all though provoking. Most amazing podcast. 💜
Love it but…
Love this podcast so much! I do agree with the latest reviews though on Alabamas laughing in the background…it’s distracting…too much. I’ve been listening to this podcast for YEARS which is why I rate it at 5 stars…I don’t mean for this to be disrespectful at all but please consider taking the very loud laughing out of the background.
Loveeeeeee this so much but…
Hi! Recently watched your Netflix doc and fell in love and was so inspired. Now listening to your podcast on Spotify and truly find value in it so much. I wanted to give some feedback on your podcast… couldn’t find a comment section in Spotify so messaging here. Pro’s - love all the 3 hosts (men) Con - the female producer (unsure role) Mallory I think her name is… her laugh is extremely loud and long winded and excessive (sometimes after every statement someone says). It really throws the flow off and takes away from the main hosts messages. I get hung up on her laugh 🙉 and it’s hard to work pass it but then really soon later hear it again and feel like it unintentionally gets in the way of me fully loving the podcast. I don’t mean to be disrespectful in any way to her, and kudos for being funny.. I mean I laugh along too. It’s just an unnecessary and loud laugh track that I hope can be “let go” 🙏 please consider. Thank you and much love!
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Generally enjoy the episodes but why does Alabama sound like an AI? I find it quite annoying.
Incredible podcast
I have de-cluttered so many aspects of my life and see the world through a different lens. The best part? Im no where near done. Cant wait to continue on my journey. One critique: sometimes I get a little lost in the over-explaining or deep deep dive into the multiple definitions of a word
Great podcast
Although I am not and probably never gonna be a minimalist as I have too many hobbies , still, I listen to ur podcast as you guys are funny and have a different view on life. This always inspires me. Really awesome job guys!!
Amazing podcast!
This podcast was amazingly helpful!!! Loved it ! Thank You!
To The Minimalist Family
I want you to know, you are an exceptional human beings. Thank you for simply being. That’s all. I find so much inspiration with your perspective. You inspire me to love more than [insert any other emotion that deviates me from disengaging my pride]. You inspired this movement in me where I say to myself “I love this person more than I will ever be upset, angry, mad with them in the end, so why do anything else.” It’s not always perfect, I’m not always in congruence with feel good feelings, but ultimately I know life is better with the people who add to my life and love me, than one without. So thank you to all of you. And T.K., a special shout out: The Minimalists were wonderful prior to you…but like any good recipe, moms divine cooking is always a little better; you were and are that pinch the Universe knew they needed; Christmas comes a little early whenever I hear you come alive. I love you. All of you. I am a patreon.
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Been listening for years 😊
These guys are so genuine, smart, funny, and have a great message and ideas. I am constantly inspired by them and love this podcast. I don't find these guys pompous at all... just confident and very clear with what they believe and are doing. And I think repeating these ideas is crucial to change because just hearing it once isn't good enough for me. I personally need to be reminded over and over and over again about the ideas and processes that go with living with less. 👍🏻😀
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Michelle Warren, MI
Making room for what’s essential
This podcast goes much deeper than decluttering your closet (although they cover that too). They dig deep into decluttering various aspects of your life. I’ve been listening for years, and they keep surprising me with more interesting topics— many things that I wouldn’t consider otherwise. This podcast is stimulating and adds value to my life. P.S. Happy Birthday, Josh.
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