The Melissa Ambrosini Show
The Melissa Ambrosini Show
Melissa Ambrosini
via Podcasts
Ridiculous nonsense
“Unleash your inner witch” that’s my cue to unsubscribe
Highly Recommend!
Melissa brings so much heart to every episode! She’s genuinely passionate about the topics she and her guests cover, and she has thought-provoking questions. Melissa is positive, encouraging & inspiring with her podcast… A MUST LISTEN! Highly recommend.
Lately the guests and topics have been a miss for me. I feel like her new business is being shoved in my face on instagram. I stopped clicking on her story. I miss the episodes about health and relationships.
Capitalism is racist and horrible.
I loved this episode! I love that it discussed the effects of fast fashion on the environment. I also think you did a great jobdicussing the effect on society and minority groups throughout the world. I would love an episode that dives deeper into these issues and how we can help on an individual level.
Fast Fashion 10/10/2023
Beautiful podcast!
Melissa is a beautiful interviewer. Podcast is full of love and light. Loved the Danielle LaPorte episode!
Dr. Holly Battey
The amount of teachings are infinite in this podcast
I have been following Melissa for many years now, and I am so happy every week when a new episode comes out! I always learn and grow by listening and implementing things that I hear on the Melissa Ambrossini Show! I am a health nut and I just love to learn about anything related to health and Melissa’s podcast offers a wide variety of teachings not only on the physical health aspect, but also on the mental health, on parenting, on relationships, time management and so much more. I love all that she puts out into the world, she helps so many people, and as a holistic health coach myself, I aspire to one day give back as much as she does to the world. ~ Andrea
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I learn more about myself each episode
Melissa covers the full 360 – physical, mental, and spiritual wellness. Each episode I learn more about myself and how I deserve to live the life I want.
The perfect timing
Love this podcast, and came across it at the perfect time. I was drawn in by her podcast episode w/ Alyssa Nobriga that was filled with so many wonderful nuggets and have continued listening & enjoying Melissa's wisdom & love for what she does and her continual service to helping others through this podcast
Life changing- THANK YOU!!!!
One of the best podcast out there!!
I came across Melissa podcast years ago and it continues to be one of my favorite go-to. Not only is her voice so calming but you can feel her heart being poured into every episode. Huge fan and I highly recommend to anyone looking to improve their mental, spiritual, and physical wellness
I love listening to Melissa and her show. Her voice is soothing and her message is always spot on for me at that moment in my journey. Sometimes I’m reaffirmed I’m doing what I should or her inspiration allows me to focus on moving forward when I need it.
Inspires me!
Melissa brings positive, upbeat energy and thought-provoking questions. You can tell she’s genuinely passionate about the topics she and her guests cover, and she always promotes self-improvement without guilting.
I stumbled upon Melissa’s work 5 years ago — I saw Open Wide on display at my public library and something told me to just check it out. I had no idea who Melissa was or what this book was about but I devoured it and quickly started listening to her podcast. I love that Melissa brings on guests from a wide variety of healing modalities — she exposes her listeners to a wide range of ideas. Even though I may not agree with every guest that she has on her show, I am able to walk away from each episode learning something new. Thank you Melissa for continuing to help me open my mind and my heart wide!
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A podcast to open up your mindset!
This podcast is such an amazing inspiration to all of us and how much more work we have to do spiritually as a community. I love the way it opens up my mindset and sparks a fun conversation with friends on philosophy, relationships, spirituality.. etc ❤️
vesselina raltcheva
Always be learning !
To me, melissa is such a breath of fresh air in the podcast world. Bringing light to subjects that sometimes aren’t talked about and leaves you feeling exciting about the topic. I find myself clicking back to her episodes every week!
Consistently expansive
I’ve been following Melissa and listening to her podcast for years. She never fails to stretch my belief system and expand my heart capacity with her personal stories and the guests she interviews. Her recent interview with Dr Zach Bush reached a whole new level of integration between physiological and spiritual health. I can’t wait to see how this community continues to grow and change the world (and me) via these important, soulful conversations.
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Clairen Julia
You give me hope
Some how the universe put you in my life in a moment of darkness. Divorced, broken heart and with 2 kids on my own to raise almost alone, I couldn’t find the light until I listen to your podcast, read your books and most importantly follow your advice and the little homework you send to help me find the right path and it has been amazing! Thank you so much for what you do and for every message you send that changes my life. I am very grateful for having you. 💓🙏
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Life changing
every single word announced on here, keeps us and me one step closer to my truth, essence, and confidence and joy thank you Melissa
This show found me
I’m 9wks postpartum and the episode about matressence literally found me. I’ve just begun to feel all the feelings Melissa & Amy discuss, so hearing their works could not have come at a better time ❤️ I have a feeling it’ll be one I come back and listen to over and over again
Stevie Rodis
Life Changing
Melissa is an amazing human being, she does an excellent job interviewing her guests in this show. Her work is life changing! She inspires listeners to live a healthier life (at all levels) and the results are a more loving, kind, strong, and happier version of yourself. Thank you Melissa!
Great Show But Let’s You Down At Times
I absolutely love Melissa. However some of the guests should be interviewed and questioned before coming on the show. Drinking your own pee?! Cmon. The dude looks 55 it’s clearly not working and I cannot believe that would be a recommendation. Not believing in a higher source (God etc)?! Despite the numerous SCIENTIFIC benefits of believing so. Don’t blindly follow the blind.
One of my favorites!
I've been listening to the MA show since I was 17 (I'm now 22)- this podcast was the biggest catalyst to my spiritual journey and growth, and I am so endlessly grateful for Melissa for introducing so many inspiring people in this world to me and for being such a light. The way Melissa lives her life is so so inspiring and incredible. I especially love the episodes with both Nick and Melissa, and I love the variety of guests she has on. Thank you for being you, Mel!
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My All Time Favorite!
I can’t begin to describe how grateful I am for this amazing podcast and all of Melissa’s work. I’ve been following her messages for years and each time I return back to the podcast I’m reminded of my truth. Melissa and her guests are inspiring, honest, vulnerable and real. In an ever changing world, Melissa helps remind me of my own light. Thank you! You have brightened my life in so many ways. I highly recommend this show for anyone wanting to return back to love.
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Nichiren Buddhism
Excellent representatives for all of us in the SGI! Thank you, Jihii, for speaking of those changes within that are impossible to put into words. And, the realization of possessing the power to create the me since time without beginning? Greg hit that ol’ nail square on. Thank you, Melissa. You brought hope to so many. Including me. Time to chant.
I’ve started my healing journey about a year ago. I was searching for any resources, especially free ones, that would help with my healing journey. I came across Melissa’s podcast and I’ve been listening to her ever since! Everything she has to say is so beautiful and empowering I love the range of topics she chooses! It’s my perfect way to start my morning, I listed while I drive, do the dishes or anything! She is who I inspire to be some day!
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Best podcast ever
This episode was so enlightening! I’ve always known to steer clear of toxic chemicals in our products and have always had a super simple shower/make up routine, but I didn’t realize I needed to keep my skins micro biome thriving! I am vibing off this episode and all of her episodes! Her questions are very thoughtful and her guests are top notch!
Oh soo good!!
This episode on motherhood and self care was so great!
Good for your soul
Melissa is not only amazing at giving guided meditations, but she also is a great podcast host! The information I’m learning is so valuable from her and her guests. I constantly stop and rewind just to make sure I soak in every bit of the show. I can’t wait to go back and binge some of her earlier podcasts!
I feel better after I listen
This podcast is always so great. I ideas and inspiration I get from the episodes with just Melissa and Nick are my favorites. She always has great guests that have thought provoking and interesting new information that sometimes I haven’t heard of and I love learning about new amazing clean living styles and points of view. I take notes every episode and she never steers me wrong !
I love this masterclass on all things health. Melissa does such a great job at going a level deeper with the guests so as to get the details that really matter especially when it comes to health/self improvement.
Love Love Love
This podcast is my new obsession! Melissa’s informative array of discussions and interviews has opened the world of health and wellness to me. After suffering a heart attack at 36, it’s time to grow in my self care and I have picked up so many positive ideas to implement in my life. I have also found other likeminded podcasters to listen to from her interviews. Thank you for doing what you do Melissa!
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Nothing better to trust love can last
Melissa and Nick, thank you SO much. You can not be more inspirational. While listening to you podcast together I had this pleasant smile in my face that gave me that endorphine high. You talk so openly, grounded and generously. At some point I thought "I will never find my one". Your vibes took that thought away. Keep l eachother, Theo and Bamby. That resonates into all of us. Sara.
Thank you for the insight!
Melissa, this is the first time I’m listening to your podcast. The first episode I stumbled upon is “why wealth is not a dirty word” and all I can say is wow! I will most certainly be practicing more gratitude and complain less. This episode made me look at my life and I realized how extremely blessed I am. So I cannot thank you enough.
Thank you for all that you do
Melissa, I have been a listening to your podcast for years and if I could only listen to one podcast it would be yours! I have been listening to you ever since I started my health journey and spiritual awakening. I love all the different conversations you are having and how insightful they are. I learn so much with every episode I listen to. My favorite part is the questions you ask! You ask the juiciest questions and I love hearing how different people respond.
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Thank you for your services!
Melissa, I want start off by thanking you for the help you have given to so many women and men. I’ve been listening to your podcasts for almost a year now and I have read all your books. I’m can’t wait to read your new one comparisonitis. You have helped me through so much and I couldn’t thanked you enough. Your name is always on my gratitude list. I love sharing your stuff with my family and friends. I wish to one day do a one on one coaching with you and meet you. I would love to help others just like you do. Thank you Melissa for all that you do. Josephine P.s Congratulations on your beautiful new bundle of joy. She’s going to be absolutely beautiful❤️
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Josie Gover
Can’t stop listening
Omg! I don’t even know how I stumbled upon your podcast. But I can’t stop listening now. Thank you so much for your high vibe.
So Relevant!
Melissa’s podcasts never fail to inspire and teach! I’ve been going backwards through some of the episodes and just listened to #273 with the Medical Medium, Anthony William. It blew me away! He is now someone I can’t do without 💜. Thank you, Melissa!
Eye-opening, Inspiring and interesting
I am forever grateful to Melissa for brining important topics and insightful knowledge into this world. I am constantly sharing episodes with friends and discussing new and interesting things I have learnt or inspiring people to follow that are changing the world. The questions are engaging and the topics are broad. I look forward to a new episode every week. Thank-you Melissa.
constantly Inspired by life
Inspiring. Authentic. Transformational.
I adore The Melissa Ambrosini Show, it’s been my favorite show since I first discovered it over one year ago! Each episode I listen to leaves me feeling inspired, motivated, and intrigued. I love the thoughtful and powerful questions that Melissa asks the experts she interviews as they provide a more comprehensive understanding of the topic, a true gift of an interviewer! Melissa’s passion and brilliance shines through each episode and she’s such a joy and inspiration to listen to! I trust her with my whole heart and feel so grateful for the meaningful contributions she’s making in the world through this show and all of her work! Thank you, beautiful Melissa! xx
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Anna Marie F
Real, Inspiring and Life Changing!
I have been listening to Melissa’s podcasts every day now for 239 days! I gain soo many nuggets from every single episode! I have been on a holistic, healthy, self love journey for about two years now and getting daily inspirations from her podcast has been an integral role in shaping my inner self and transforming me into the woman I want to be! She is so real and fresh and delivers messages that are practical and hit you right in the “heart space” as she likes to say 😅 Thank you, Melissa, for all that you do and for helping women across the world love themselves more and really transform themselves from the inside out!
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leilei K C
Life changing!
I’ve been listening to Melissa’s podcast ever since it was released - and I can say without a doubt, it has CHANGED MY LIFE in all areas - love, wealth, health, relationships, joy, spirituality, the list goes on. Melissa, thank you for all that you do in this world. And thank you for continuously inspiring me to learn, grow and be the best version of myself possible.
Maddy Fryer
Melissa is such a light!! Just hearing her voice puts me in a good mood. She shares such valuable information in such a joyful manner. Her zest for life is amazing. I love her approach to wellness and mindset, and I’ve been loving all the guests on the show!! ❤️❤️❤️
I’m so thankful that I found Melissa! I just love the sound of her voice and her positive energy is always so uplifting. Each podcast is full of interesting and helpful information. She’s helping me to improve my life everyday!
Set your soul on fire!
Hello darling! I have been listening to your podcasts for several weeks now. I have always had an Inkling for holistic health but never knew how to go upon it. Listening to your podcasts and reading your books, it’s as if you have illuminated a pathway that ignited my soul with pure vibrations and fire! Anyone who listens to you will immediate recognize the compassionate that radiates from your soul. I love how you are able to bring unbiased information to your content and still deliver ‘food for thought’ to our own lives. You inspire so many people in so many area of their lives. Thank you for opening your beautiful heart and extravagant mind to share your practice, knowledge and experiences with all of us. May the New Year bring good vibes, unconditional love, and wealth of all aspects that the universe provides. Much love to you and your beautiful family, Alyssa Kowalski
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Always something new
Where do I start? I’ve been listening to Melissa since 2018, I had taken a leap of faith and then found her book two months later started having breakthroughs when I listened to her book “Open Wide” then “Mastering Your Mean Girl.” While I was sad they were over, it was so great when I found her podcasts. She has so many amazing guests that share so much insight to help myself so I can be of service and helpful reminders that take me back to taking action from lessons we’ve learned. There is always something new; a new topic, something I hadn’t discovered and she’s just sincere with her energy. And my biggest takeaway after being a fan for years— get eight hours of sleep and start the morning with some lemon water, movement and meditation. I swear that’s how every guest primes themselves for the day! Much love and so grateful for her continuing to put out great conversations in a time I think we all need it the most. Hugs! Xx Alyssa
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The Ways of the Universe
My husband and I had hit our “it will never happen to us” scary plateau. We have been together for 14 years and this year will be 5 years married. We are 31 and 30. We woke up and said “we are not boring people” what is going on.... I had heard Melissa on a IGlive talking about Mastering your Inner Mean Girl and had us do an exercise on what that mean girl looks like....and ever since then I RECOGNIZE HER IMMEDIATELY. But it has helped me tremendously in my relationship with myself and my husband. I am worthy of his love. I am worthy of our growth TOGETHER. I am worthy!! - - - On a whim I looked up Melissa’s podcast and randomly scrolled through until I “felt” the right one....I landed on #83. Rich Roll and Julie Piatt. I have never connected so hard to a podcast this hard, this fast in my life. I came home soooooooooo excited to talk to my husband, and to share how similar we are to them. Melissa thank you for sharing your gifts, your network and a true art of creating such a open and safe space for all who listen. You are a beautiful being. Thank you. From the bottom of our hearts. Thank you! Zac & Kelsey Greensburg, Pennsylvania, USA
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Life changing!
The most positive and growth-set minded person to motivate you each day! I love Melissa’s messages of self love and kindness.
Happy Dance for your Soul
In a world where it can be so challenging to believe in yourself, your worth, and your purpose, Melissa shows up each week with the most beautiful of messages. After listening to her and her incredible, uplifting guests, you will feel as though your heart is shining right out of your body and illuminating all of the beauty around you. The narrative of this world will change for you and you will begin to spread this wonder to those around you. Melissa and her guests remind you of your truths over and over again, lifting you up, and create a burning desire in your belly to show up in this world as your highest self. Listen, remember your truth, and help spread the love in a world that desperately needs it. I can promise that you won’t regret it! XO Stephanie
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Above the rest
Melissa!! I’ve followed from the early days.. and still look forward to your podcasts ❤️ today I went through the long list of podcasts I subscribed to and took out allllllllll that just say unlistened to and cleaned up my library... your podcast had to stay!!! It is a must - listen to. Thank you for your wisdom, amazing guests and positive podcast in this wild world. I actually created a journal to take notes from all your guests. Such wisdom ❤️ wishing you all the best and thank you again!! Erika
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No fluff just the real stuff
This podcast was an enjoyable listen. She brought on a guest speaker known as the “ mind architect” and he dives into describing how to simply and effectively move past mind hurdles. He goes into embracing your humanity and how that’s beneficial. There is allot more he talks about, one of my favorites that stuck out was “ success is being at peace” and he describes why that is. I would recommend this as an easy but most definitely powerful podcast to listen too! You won’t regret it ❤️
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Speaks Authentically💕
Thanks for continuing to share your story and life experiences so authenticity! Melissa I don’t know if you ever shared about wanting to conceive prior to announcing you were pregnant but wow a lot of what you have talked about the past year or two on your podcast totally aligned with what my husband and I were calling in and now it totally makes sense why! I am a new mama to be as well and have put a lot of love, time, energy, and patience into the preconception phase myself so hearing your journey brought me back to how I felt during the process at times and the magical moment of when we found out. Your episode on your pregnancy journey will help so many out there. It can happen! Congrats Mama!!! Love your podcast (especially the Monday Motivation episodes) and excited to hear more of your journey :)
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