The LIVELY Podcast: No Makeup Needed
The LIVELY Podcast: No Makeup Needed
The LIVELY Podcast: No Makeup Needed
Welcome to The LIVELY Podcast! This is a show for those with wild hearts and boss brains, interested in keeping it real about what it’s like building the life and career you want, leaning into community, stumbling along the way, picking ourselves back up after we fall, and doing what we love with the people we love. In every episode, LIVELY ( founder, Michelle Cordeiro Grant, chats with incredible women about what led them to leave steady jobs to follow their dreams or try something they’ve never done before, the support they had along the way, the high highs and low lows, and how they get everything done, all while juggling their own mental health, families, and more. So throw your hair up in a top knot and put on your comfiest lounge set. We’re here to inspire, ground, and REBOOT. Come as you are, there’s no makeup needed. Subscribe to The LIVELY Podcast on Apple Podcasts, and stay tuned—we'll be releasing every other Tuesday. For the up-to-the-minute scoop, follow us on Instagram @wearlively
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 27 days
Latest episode
2 years ago
June 13, 2022
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