The Impact
The Impact
via Podcasts
Helping a minor hide birth control use, propping her up, I can’t even finish the episode. Shame on Vox.
Snarky commentary
I usually love Vox but the tone of this show really irks me. They often take a look back at history around whatever the subject it but the tone is always wayyyy too judgy. As if the hosts of this show haven’t been gifted with the benefit of history and hindsight. The tone always seems to be like, “Weren’t they just so stupid for doing things that way?!”. Never mind that they’re talking about something that transpired like 75 years ago.
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Love love love
I love anything Vox so it’s great to have it as a podcast to listen while I plug away at work.
Best podcast
This podcast is very informative and interesting. I love the set up and how the episodes are written. 10/10 definitely a great podcast.
Evaluating all sides
I LOVE this podcast. I can’t wait for the next season to come out! The topics are so relevant to the times. My favorite episode concerned healthcare in Taiwan and Australia. They try to provide you with all sides of a topic and allow you to draw your own conclusions (for the most part).
Sadie Foote
An always-current, entertaining civics class
I feel and more informed and hopeful every time I listen. Makes me excited for policy changes in my lifetime.
I typically listen to podcasts all day while I’m working. The podcast app recommended The Impact to me and I just pushed play. I’ve loved every episode so far and sometimes I think to myself “okay that’s enough podcasting for today” once an episode is over and then I hear the first 30 seconds of the next episode and I can’t stop listening! Highly recommend.
for sheeeeep
Great way to be well-informed!
The subjects are important, but not sexy. Box does an amazing job providing information about IMPORTANT SUBJECTS! A must listen to podcast!
Where are you?
We need your coverage on COVID. Thank you for what you do!
After Serial
Great Show!
I heard about this show from a different podcast and it’s really good. Well worth a listen
Misleading Info on "Green New Deal"
The is a polished well presented podcast. The information provided is true. However, The advertising claimed it would examine political issues. That Was Misleading. The Green New Deal podcast explains how Germany now allows people to sell power back to the power company. Claiming this to be an innovative New idea, which is wrong. This was also done on a much smaller scale in New York City in the 70's. Only offering this single example to justify a massive proposed legislation that attempts to completely rework our economy. It concluded the Green New Deal is good Without Examining the non Climate Related Issues included in it.
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MJParker 31
Great if you like liberal propaganda.
Very well produced but very obviously a left-leaning vehicle to legitimize all liberal agendas. If that’s you thing it’s a well done podcast.
So Amazing
This show is amazing. Crucial for understanding policy. Great historical perspective.
Justin 214180
Brilliant premise, well executed
The current season has a brilliant premise: select ideas being proposed by candidates for U.S. President and look at places around the world where these ideas have already been tried. The results should be required listening for every American voter.
Really appreciate the programs you are doing on healthcare. We have to get something better in this country so thanks for educating people on what is possible.
Biased and only give a third of facts
I just listened to the episode about free tuition and I must say I’ve very disappointed in this podcast now. Until this episode I’ve thought it was very informative and unbiased. Now I don’t believe that is the fact. Please keep your political views out of your reporting, I do not care. Give me all the facts, not just free tuition isn’t enough, let’s have debt free college, free books and housing, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren believe that. That must sound nice to people who only read they headlines but what you didn’t bother to explain is how they intend on paying for that. I know they all say by not increasing taxes but everyone knows that is not a possibility. So please don’t try to glorify poor idealistic polices without showing the negatives to them.
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Outlaw 39553
One sided
One sided and biased analysis. Doesn’t do a good job showing or explaining both sides of policy if it doesn’t fit the narrative
Always fascinating
I love this podcast! Great topics and the editing is really well done in terms of narrative flow and pacing. Just the right mix of interview and explanation.
More please!!! This is my favorite
its good
One of my favorites
I have been a fan of this show since it launched. It goes into depth on a range of policies and is very informative and engaging. 10/10
Needs a date tag, i.e. current events
Great show. But the content expires. Expires except for someone trying to find the host’s take on a story that did not exist before a certain date and made headlines for a couple of days. -FWIW: I came to this show looking for an item in podcasts that was referred to as “James Carville on Vox.” (on the Tony Kornheiser show) - I found the web page of the story, and the transcription within, but some voices, particularly James Carville’s, are better experienced with the ears than the eyes. (“Better heard than read” I like the first phrasing more, but pithy is good, and recursively, the second one is better heard than read too!)
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Biased since Sarah Kliff's departure
I'm updating my original 2017 review for 2020. Under Sarah Kliff, the Impact had lots of potential. It did a great job of digging into practical effects of policy. Since Mrs. Kliff's departure, the podcast has gone downhill. Now, major concerns with a policy go unmentioned if they don't fit in with the episode's narrative. The nuance is gone.
Informative and hopeful
I’ve learned a lot listening to this show. It has also given me hope that maybe some of the policies currently being discussed can be more than campaign lines and might make a positive difference in our lives.
The Story Of Ryan White
What a great episode for me to be introduced to this podcast. I, too knew people, both gay and straight that were affected at the beginning of the epidemic, so I remember this time well. Jill and her staff did a fantastic job disseminating the information- clearly, with care for the subject, and in an entertaining way. Look forward to delving further into this podcast. Would highly recommend. Kudos to the Ezra Klein Podcast for presenting it for my perusal.
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Great show!
This how is entertaining and informative. By telling the stories of real people “impacted” by government programs and policies and by interviewing the policy makers and implementers, it explains what worked and what didn’t. It’s simply excellent!
Defense wins championships
Great show!
As an policy student, the theme of this podcast seemed super relevant and that’s what drew me to this podcast. I have loved the breadth and depth of the topics that are covered here. In fact, have found myself coming back to its episodes even from the older series because the discussions are quite relevant for other countries/times as well.
Let’s get smarter
Catching episodes on current issues opens my mind and eyes to make wiser opinions and decisions in a very important election year.
A Light to Our Way Forward
I like to think I know the details of the issues of our times. IMPACT really made a dent in my default confidence and reminded me how important context and the past really are. As one with a graduate degree in History snd decades of service in American public schools I place this podcast into the Must Subscribe and Study category.
Amazing! Such good information
Especially this new season that tackles candidates’ policies and how they’ve worked elsewhere. Plus, love the music.
Good stuff
Humanity has a memory problem. It’s why we “repeat history” and never “learn from our mistakes”. This podcast is useful in showing how big ideas have been tested before, either worked or didn’t, which can inform how we make similar approaches in the future.
Great breakdowns of complex issues in a digestible relatable format
I found this podcast in Season 3. So far very good content with human angles, first person interviews, and context. Recommended
So glad I found this one!
This is THE BEST podcast I listen to because it’s SO RELEVANT and presents the subject matter in an unbiased way. I highly recommend The Impact.
Every episode is interesting!
Can’t say that about many podcasts! Listen if you like intelligent reporting.
Snow Biscuit
Good stories but fails to achieve its intended goal
The stories about past policies and how they were formed and who they affected are interesting. The podcast fails to follow through on the goal of analyzing proposed policies by 2020 candidates. The propositions are not explained or discussed at all and that is a massive missed opportunity to help people be informed voters this year.
The Ryan White episode didn’t live up to its billing—it didn’t actually compare fighting the AIDS crisis to fighting opioid addiction from a policy perspective. Also, the host speaks too slowly. We’re not in third grade, thanks.
I love this podcast!
I’m so glad season 3 has started. The issues covered are so important to understand how policies effect everyday people. I’m a big fan of all Vox products! Thanks for making this and all your podcast.
But what about the 2020 policy proposals?
The discussion about the Ryan White Care Act was great. But now how does Warren plan to translate that into opioid prevention and treatment? I was expecting more about that, and was disappointed when the episode ended! Everything up to that point was great, but... My English teachers would have asked me for a better concluding paragraph to tie it all together, you know?
The podcast I was looking for
Fan of Vox’s The Weeds and have been looking for another politically-focused podcast to listen to. The format of this show is great to listen to- story-based and easy to follow. They break relevant topics down in a way that significantly contributes to your grasp on the depth of current issues.
Every episode is an evidence-based masterpiece
This is the best podcast from Vox. Every episode is a topical, policy-oriented look at a specific issue. They are deeply researched, cites sources, and is presented in an unbiased way that is clear about the uncertainty associated with evidence and with various policy choices. This show is for you if you like BBC's The Inquiry Planet Money Intercepted The Healthcare Policy Podcast Drilled
Very good, straight forward and a great pod
Really like this. I would perhaps like a little bit more policy discussion about the specific plans of the plans for 2020 and how they have fared in the past, but there is always The Weeds for that too. Great work guys!
For people who care about getting stuff done
The Impact is my single favorite podcast in the world. It's all about getting stuff done in politics, and how policies really play out in the real world. I find that it's very balanced and non-partisan, and it's all about results - not just talk. Would recommend to anyone who cares about how policies really work.
Orange man bad radio
To be fair, I only listened to the one episode but you can tell from the ad alone that this is another biased and left leaning podcast. On its own, that’s completely fine but why market your self as a fair and unbiased look at 2020?
For those who love to learn
I learn so much with every episode.
Thanks so much for your work. Finally a podcast that is poignant, honest and fair. My new favorite for sure.
My absolute favorite podcast
I avidly listened to seasons 1 and 2 and desperately searched for the season 3 release date. So happy it’s back! This podcast is easy to listen to yet incredibly informative. Thanks for the wonderful content!
So refreshing
When all you get are sound bytes from mainstream media, here we get an actual analysis of what makes the candidates tick, what policies they stand for in detail, and how their policies are shaped.
A Bite Size Policy Snack
This podcast and it’s focus on health policy was such a great find and resource for me in school. I loved hearing about new and creative ideas in a bite sized, well researched, and artfully presented format. The episodes are engaging and keep your attention and bring to light snags in policy that are emblematic of bigger trends and concerns. I missed it between seasons and am so glad it’s back. Five stars!
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Wow! Compelling!
Amazing podcast. Vox once again does it again with thought-provoking content and insightful dialogue and stories. The podcast on the AIDS epidemic was riveting.
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