Ed Mylett | Cumulus Podcast Network
via Podcasts
One More Great Podcast!
Ed Mylett sparks thought in powerful ways! The Power of One More is a definite must have on all bookshelves and keep a copy with you to share with others!
Growth and development
ED your podcast is absolutely empowering! I am so happy that I was able to gravitate to your books and podcast! Everything you have ever talked about has encouraged and enhanced my life✨🌀 🫵🏽 Keep do what you do best brother!
Lem Williams
Soulful and Educational
Ed Mylett is a true leader in this world. He is heart forward and genius. Every episode makes me feel like I am sitting in the living room with him.
Ed the legend
I was recommended this nugget of pure love by my kids. Ed hits my soul in ways I’d forgotten I could feel. I love his faith and story and unconditional love he shows others. Every episode makes me feel thankful to be alive and encourages me to love others right where they’re at! He’s a modern day Mr. Rogers!
GMA juju!
Show with Allison Holker
Thank you so much for this interview you did with Allison Holker regarding the topic of suicide and grief after losing a loved one. I lost my 14 year old son to suicide about a year and a half ago and can relate to everything that was said! I clung on to every word she said! I used to watch Ellen everyday and loved Twitch! I would dance during his segment in the beginning and couldn’t help but to smile no matter how bad the day was. Shortly after losing my son I heard about Twitch and like with my son I couldn’t wrap my head around how this could happen to such beautiful souls. My heart went out to Allison and her family! Hearing Allison talk about Twitch helped me understand and put into words what was going on with my son. My son was very hard on himself and when I heard Allison say how Twitch had a hard time receiving love that clicked right away with me and I thought OMG that was son. Suicide is so hard to understand and so many questions are left unanswered and to be able to shed any light on this topic really does serve in part of the healing process for the survivors left behind and who best to do it then someone who’s walked in those shoes. It was also so inspiring to hear about how she’s moving forward and finding purpose. Such a beautiful strong woman!
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Lauren Faith Harvey
I have just started listening to this podcast 2 days ago and I have already gotten into a routine and I really mentally and physically a lot better I think everyone that seeks a better life should listen to this podcast!!
Simple put it’s my morning Jam!
I never miss a show! His guest and Ed or just an inspiration for over all life! Thank you!
This speaks volumes to me!
Be out of the box. Color with a new crayon! I am so all in on this and I needed the reminder and I needed to put my blinders back on. THANKS!
Another episode of 🔥
What an incredible message!!
Never miss!!
Boy would I love to meet this gentleman in person, he’s an incredible human being!! … He has a compassion to help others grow. He’s one of the best interviewers out there!! I never miss one of his podcast, and I share with my team, my husband, my sisters and my in-laws… We all love him, love the guest that he chooses. There’s such a variety!
Truly enjoy this show. So much knowledge shared. It’s a must hear for me, at least once a week. I take notes while listening and this has helped me in my personal growth.
Life Changing Stuff. Been Binging.
Some of the most impactful techniques for growth that I’ve ever heard. Highly recommend the show.
Dave Mason: Growth Novelist
Amazing Podcast
I can’t believe this podcast is free! Ed Mylett and his guests provide amazing content that is relatable to 99% of people. Highly recommend this podcast to everyone!
Love the content but…
I absolutely love the content but WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS YELLING AT ME!!! I love the messages but sometimes I don’t want to my nervous system to be 100% amped.
False Profit, revolting fraud
Ed is a false profit, a sower of ecumenical / omnism confusion. However, God’s will always shines through his guests. It’s a podcast I often listen to, but listen with discernment.
Changed my life!
Started listening last year….it has changed my life!
Bowman Cole
Inky Johnson
Great interview worth listening to twice
4 Ds
I have listened multiple times to the session you did for the Worthy event. I wish I could send the session including your 4 Ds and the story of your father. My son who is struggling and it would so resonate… looking forward to following your podcast going forward.
Sal PF
New Fan
Last week, I had the great opportunity to hear you speak at the Worthy event. I had to listen to your podcast interview with Jamie plus follow the show. I appreciate your vulnerability, faith and your own life experiences. Thank you it has helped me and I know many others.
B H Ramnarace
Show is good
The show is good! The only reason why I’m giving a 4 star is because too many ads and interrupts while I’m in the moment with the speaker. Beginning of the show - AD Middle of the show - AD End of the show - AD Time length for ads: About 2 mins or more.
Great Show!
Great show
Have gotten a lot out your podcast Ed. Thank you!
Skippy#luv ak
So helpful
I listen to a lot of self-development/motivational podcast. However, I just recently began listening to this one and it’s helped me so much more than the other podcast I’ve been tuning in for about 2-3 years. Definitely recommend!!!
Thank you thank you!
The show with Jamie Lima and Matthew Hussey. Has been like several years of therapy. Thank you Bro Mylett. Your show is amazing !!!
The power of right now
I heard you speak on Jay Shetty’s recent podcast and it was so inspiring. The two of you together was priceless! I loved it so much, I added your podcast to my library and listened to my first episode last night The Power of Right Now. It’s such a blessing when God places the right people at the right time in your path. I love how you ended the podcast Love you my brothers and sisters. We are all in this together. God bless you.
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Super communicator
I LOVED this episode so much! As a speech and language pathologist for the past 25 years, I have worked with people of all ages with varying communication disorders. I particularly enjoy helping neurodivergent teens learn to become effective communicators. The most rewarding part is running into my students outside of the therapy room and watching them effectively generalize their learned communication skills in other settings! I’ve shared this episode with my husband and teen daughter!! Thank You Mr. Mylett and I can’t wait to hear you speak at Coaching Conn in April!!!.
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Tee Lika
The Power of Now
I loved this episode. Right now is the only time you can be in flow. Flow is defined by being completely present and absorbed in the moment. I love being in flow and would prefer to be there at all times. This has been a bit of a lonely road though because most people don’t understand or desire this lifestyle. At least everyone I’ve met so far doesn’t easily tolerate this level of possibility. I guess it took me a while to build up my resilience, too.
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You ROCK!!
I love your messages, your insight, your voice, and your dedication. You are so down to earth and all around a cool man! Thank you for putting out this podcast and sharing your much needed wisdom to the world! 🥰🙏
MW Coop
Just-in-time advice…every time!
Coat + gloves on✔️ earphones ✔️walking shoes ✔️ my attitude-lukewarm as I press play and power-up with Mr Mylette. His transmissions will meet you, greet you in your discomfort, and then will light that proverbial fire under your tush without mincing words. He reminds us: some things we must do to achieve more are repetitive & boring, KEEP GOING, keep showing up… YES, yes you can!
Great Podcast
Loved this podcast, really moved me and me thinking different and in a more positive way to take on challenges. Thank You ED
Great podcast
This is one of my favorite podcasts. Ed is an amazing host. I specifically like how real and humble Ed is. He shares his experience with all of us to helps us be better and happier. I feel that every time I listen to him a grow a little and learn something new about me. Thanks Ed for all you do!
Adriana M Bell
The ads are atrocious
Hard to get into these episodes when there’s an ad every few minutes that seem completely ingenious.
Set backs
Thanks for this awesome episode talking about comebacks, and then setbacks it was brilliant
Love the knowledge! Thanks for putting it out there.
So much value added with every episode!!
I was introduced to this podcast through my friend and mentor Jessie Lee Ward, and I was hooked in the first 30 seconds of the first episode I played. Ed gives so much value alone, and brings even more value with the guests he has! I love listening each week, and I really enjoy the solo episodes on Tuesdays.
Hunger and desperation! One of my favs!
Thank you Ed for sharing your wisdom and bringing some amazing minds on your podcast. You truly have a gift and I am so grateful for your mentorship!
Tres Digi
Love listening to you always so much
Incredible one! That was so scary listening to this! I really liked your take on it in regards of being in control of your life, and people around you. Thank you for always being so real and relatable! I don’t miss an episode! Thank you!!
Thankful for this content!
I am so thankful to learn from Ed each week! These meaningful conversations are on topics I can immediately apply to my life! Ed, if you’re ever hiring on your team in PV, Florida, I am hungry and ready to learn! I would love to join your team!! Kate
Best podcast without a doubt
I have not missed an episode since I first found Ed’s content. I’ve even went back to the beginning and listened to older episodes. Ed is a great interviewer, gives great life tips and has the best guest!
S. Asmundson
Cab Rides
I just listened to the most recent episode about the source of control in one’s life. The analogy to a harrowing cab ride is perfect. Especially if one had ever experienced a similar event. We went on a taxi cab joyride one time in NYC only to put my wife into preterm labor with our middle child and again later as a family of five once again in NYC. All in all, I could not help but immediately think of the closing lines of Lenny Kravitz song Mr. Cab Driver: “ Mr. cab driver f…you I'm a survivor”
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Intensely touching and helpful
We searched for the right grieving podcast to listen to particularly today as we personally awoke this morning to heartbreaking news that we have lost a man whose children my wife grew up closely with and who served as a sort of second “father”, close to her own (my wife's). Scanning through many podcasts on ‘grief and grieving’ and testing a few. We've listened to episodes from others and then found and gave a listen to Ed Mylet. The fact that this is done in ‘real-time’ as he himself works through his own raw personal loss intensifies the relatability factor. This is a fantastic podcast and he delivers it eloquently, and in a very raw and human way. Beautifully done!
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Always Powerful and Lifechanging
Always uplifting and insightful! Thanks Ed!
Ho Ed!
Bert’s episode was great. I missed the non bleeping out. Glad it was left out for this.
Love ALL of these podcasts!!
The Best
One of the best personal development podcasts available.
Powerful. Transforming.
Love the solo episodes! Filled with powerful and immediately useful information that if practiced will transform your life.
Rich at Silence Teaches
My go to podcast
Ed provides so much value & knowledge on this podcast. It is my #1 go to every morning, it’s helped me get through the hard days when the motivation isn’t all there. Thank you Ed for giving back to all of us in this way!
The best
Every time I listen it’s exactly what I needed to hear. Ed’s podcasts are the only ones I listen to more than once. I like to relisten to his because I usually catch something I missed the first time.
Thanks Ed!!!
Inspirational, motivational, and educational. Ed is the best!
I’m learning so much through this podcast. Thank you Ed! Truly incredible information and very inspiring.
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