The Dr. Drew Podcast
The Dr. Drew Podcast
PodcastOne / Carolla Digital
via Podcasts
False information
The podcast with Michelle Miller, Farm Babe, is false information. The data provided is factually false. She attempts to debunk the organic food industry, which exists and was created so that U.S. Americans could have clean food. Anyone who has spent time researching organic farming and the egregious abuses that happen in factory farming, whether it is our fruits and veggies or our meat, and how factory farming and GMO affects our health, recognizes right away she is a shill. The fact that Michelle is being given an audience on this platform raises credibility concerns for the entire podcast and regarding the character of the podcast host.
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Bike Girl 123
Holds inherently racists views towards the hip hop community and young Black men. What a disgrace. Redbar’s watching.
I Might Be Biased…
I just really love Dr. Drew. I may not always agree with him, but he has just always been so, so open minded. I get the purest vibes whenever I hear him speaking. I wasn’t a Love Line listener. I’ve known Dr. Drew tangentially via Adam as I was/am a fierce fan of Adam’s having discovered him when he had his morning show on radio back in the early 2000’s. The Teresa Strasser episode sent me over the edge. I love her. I love Adam. I love Dr. Drew. This podcast has SO MUCH GOOD STUFF!!! Again, I don’t always agree with Dr. Drew, our the guests but I ALWAYS learn something. I always come away with something. I always feel richer emotionally after listening. If you are a reasonable human, with a curious mind there is no way you would not enjoy listening to this podcast. Please remember that just because you don’t agree with someone is no reason to tear them down. Someone as intelligent and accomplished as Dr. Drew, and his guests, will always leave a gift. That gift is knowledge. Thank you, Dr. Drew. Thank you for sharing so selflessly throughout the years. I love you so much ❤️
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Keep getting the word out!
Great podcast. Would like to hear you interview Trent Loos about government overreach as it pertains to property rights, agriculture and our food production.
Ufferey J
Drew’s addiction
Drew’s addiction is fame. He seemingly wants to be a reality tv star (still), and he books a lot of boring guests. I’m out.
Poor audio quality
Great content , terrible audio quality. The hour long interviews are over Zoom or speakerphone and are miserable to listen to. I suppose it doesn’t bother Dr Drew, so why should he change anything? How many downloads does this podcast get? Is it more than one (Dr Drew)? Then again, why would he listen to his own podcast… Maybe the audio technology has not advanced over the years to adequately address this easily avoidable problem? I will remind Drew that the idea is to make a catalog of podcasts that are listened to at the time of release AND revisit in reruns. These low quality podcasts will not be re-listened to and will not garner ad revenue in the future.
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Please more caller shows!
Love hearing just your advice on caller’s issues.
Dr. Mark McDonald
Dr. Mark McDonald needs to get on Joe Rogan and go hypersonic with his message. Thanks, Dr. Drew, for having this conversation. (Drew should go on Rogan too, for that matter...)
Quack Doctor
Quack doctor, but relatively pleasant.
Michael Malice!!!
Outstanding, Dr. Drew! I love Malice!
Obsessed with his own celebrity
Dr. Drew will do anything and say anything that he thinks will increase his celebrity. He’s not to be taken seriously.
Michelle Ward
Loved how Dr. Ward was interviewing you. Please talk about your mom more. It’s fascinating. Great interview!!
Eminem is da best 12345
I am a long time listener. I appreciate your work and all of what you do and have done in your many roles. A couple of things to consider: 1. I notice how often you’re interrupting and speaking over your guests. Please stop as it makes it very difficult to consume your content. 2. What has happened with you in the past few years? Seems you have changed and lost your wonderment and yearning for connection and understanding in others. Please listen more & speak when truthful, necessary, and kind.
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Julia Wildchild
I want to, but I can’t
I want to like Dr. Drew still but his “rational” Revolution and all of his platforms are so sickening to listen to. Want to have a conversation with vs listen to propaganda from a white, heterosexual male millionaire. This isn’t the place and he and his friends are not the people..
Five stars
It’s refreshing to hear podcasts with level headed, educated, normal dialect. I enjoy listening.
Good for you for telling the truth about the world and standing your ground
Dr Stupid
Hey Dr Stupid, I hope you die from Covid! Your part of the problem. Hurry up and die.
Q with Triple G
butte county California devastated by wildfires homeless population booming
I’m begging you to do a show on Butte County California, we have more homeless per capita than Los Angeles. Thank you for putting out this public education. By the way you and your wife are so cute how you act around each other, couples goals!
Blue hairpin
Dr Peter A McCullough
If you can get Dr McCullough on your show, it would be a great benefit to all your listeners regarding Covid and all the information we are not being told by the mainstream media, politicians, and the medical profession.
Information you can trust
Dr. Drew is so smart and knows so much. I love his approach because He is never condescending. I feel like he would be talking to me.
Enjoy the podcast; please keep fighting and educating on drug addiction and how it is responsible for the homeless tragedy NOT housing costs.
villans of Rose
Fantastic podcast🔥🔥
I just wanted to take a moment and say thank you for creating such an impactful podcast! I believe that we all have a voice that deserves to be heard. Thank you for putting this into the world! BE UNBROKEN! @MichaelUnbroken
Handling anti vax idiots with kid gloves
I can’t believe drew is giving this much air time to anti vax callers on his listener calls episodes. What happened to you, Drew?
Let the guest explain their content please !
Awesome podcast!
Dr. Drew, host of The Dr. Drew Podcast, highlights all aspects of health, wellness and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
Dr. Drew, I think your endorsement of BetterHelp might be questionable. After completing lengthy intake forms here is what I received: We have limited counselors available for new clients right now. To guarantee that you are matched with a counselor, please start your membership by clicking here
Listener calls
I love Dr. Drew and the listener calls is my listening version of “people watching.” If you’re calling in to ask Dr. Drew questions or have a conversation, FOLLOW THE SOCIAL QUES!!! He’s being so polite and direct, but people STILL just blabber on and on. I still get a kick out of hearing Dr. Drew try to shut the caller up- it’s SO FUN! Dr. Drew, will you be my daddy?
Interesting interview. The part where dr drew was arguing against people becoming vampires (that analogy) felt very resistant on dr Drew’s part. Because isn’t the point to bypass years and years of therapy to get to the vampire stage? How amazing that they can achieve such growth in such a short period of time.
Ray Oldhafer
Very reviling episode, great display of skilled interviewing technique
I LOVE Dr. Greene!
Thank you for this episode! She is amazing and right on the money with everything she said, beginning to end. I am a mother of a 13 year old boy, and I WISH this community and society could think like her. I want to put her on a loud speaker and just drive around schools, government buildings, and churches.
Pound lb
Thanks for guest Dr Greene
Thanks for the episode with Dr Vermelle Greene. Wow, she is an impressive lady.
It's time Dr. Drew!!!
Dr. Drew MUST RUN FOR GOVERNOR!! It's your time and so obvious that everything you've ever done in your lifetime of helping people, HAS LED TO THIS MOMENT IN TIME. It's now or never. You are uniquely qualified. Please answer the call!!
Lita Sixx
Dana Perino Get It Together
No excuse in 2021. Her connection was so bad none of us could follow the conversation — not even the host. Unprofessional, Dana.
Thank you!
Love that you have the courage to have a differing opinion!! Feel better soon and THANK YOU
Great Podcast; Again, Grammar questionable...
Dr. Drew, On your 17 February podcast, did you really say, “...for you and I...?” One would ALWAYS say, “...for you and me.” Medicine: A+ Grammar: D
אופנוען בקולורדו
One of the best podcasts!
Love Dr Drew. Love his professional insights.
Angela Deem was a refreshing episode!
Ryan Holliday
I have always enjoyed your conversations with Ryan and his thoughts on stoicism however I believe he let too much of his political bias come through in your most recent conversation. I think the things he alluded to about republicans or conservatives (comparisons to Hitler) could be applied to liberal ideology and agenda as well.
Episode 450
I love this podcast so much but I cannot listen when the sound is terrible. It was as if the guest was talking through a coffee can🤭
comeon colleen
What is there to say..
The man is a legend. How opinions are usually middle of the road, but he often backs them with common sense reasons that everyone can relate to. He is a very intelligent man and gets annoyed by the same things the rest of us get annoyed with. Very relatable. Good man and great show. Always.
Don’t be overly sensitive
He’s very sensitive to areas that get no attention. His overall goal is to learn people and help people. Those claiming he’s insensitive began listening to him with an agenda in the first place. Absolute phenomenal podcasts, and he says exactly what most of us think and provides alternative views 👌🏼 20/10
Great conversations
Listening from the hills
Dr. Drew for President!!
Great episode!!!
Fox News pawn
Previously believable and entertaining. Now just another science denying Dr Oz-Dr Phil-Dr Chopra. COVFEFE!
Granny 1313
Some people can’t handle the truth... Keep up the good work ✌️
Dr. Drew and Christina P are bullies... we should focus on lifting people up right now.
Would give 0 stars if I could
Dr. Drew is nothing but a bully at this point spreading dangerous misinformation about COVID-19. I used to be fan, but recently have lost all respect for him.
Keith U.
Dr. Drew has become a kkkrump apologist
I stopped listening to the Adam and Drew podcast about 8 years ago because Adam became unbearable to listen to with his conservative bias. He would spend an entire episode complaining about Obama golfing too much. I bet he doesn’t complain about kkkrump golfing. Dr. Drew talks about the “mob” and how they’re curbing free speech by complaining about his speech. Dr. Drew, the freedom to criticize other people’s speech is free speech. Free speech doesn’t mean your speech can’t be criticized. If you’re too sensitive to criticism on social media then get off it. This pains me to write because I’ve listened and admired Dr. Drew since I was 12. I’m 43 now. I first started listening to him and Ricky R on KROQ loveline. I really tried to continue to be a devoted listener of all his podcasts. The last four years has been really hard to listen to yet I continued because I am grateful for all his services back during the loveline days and early podcast days. The latest episode with Adam Scott finally did it and made me unsubscribe to all Dr. Drew’s podcasts today. Thank you for all your guidance all these years. Good bye and take care. Update: I want to clarify that I’m absolutely fine that Dr. Drew has a conservative viewpoint. What I don’t like is that his podcasts no longer have diversity of thought. He doesn’t engaged in constructive intellectual discourse where everyone can learn from each other. There’s no intellectual curiosity. His podcasts are becoming like conservative talk radio and fox news. If his podcasts change and have engaging diversity of thought, I will subscribe to them again.
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cal bears blue
He needs to let loveline just die out. It had its moment now move on.
Dr. Drew is a great guy that truly care!
All of these one star rating are left wing fools that are sheep following a Marxist agenda. Dr. Drew is true to common sense and his own moral compass. You haters are phony hypocrites!
Radman 64
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