Bitch Bible
Bitch Bible
via Podcasts
Take Me Back to the Good Ole Days
What do we want? Jackie’s unhinged, hilarious, stream of consciousness banter! When do we want it? Now! Guests take away from this, and to use one of my favorite Stassi Schroeder descriptors, the Lindsey interview was “bore bore.”
The classics are tragics
Why should we bother with irrelevant episodes from the past? It feels like a transparent attempt to inundate us with advertisements—a blatant cash grab. It’s a pretty disingenuous move. Kinda cheap
Thank you so much Jackie for ALL of your awesome content, especially the interview with Lindsey H. Loyal listener 4EVER!!
This woman is an idiot
It’s really sad to see someone so proud to be so ignorant in so many ways. Africa is a continent not a country. Please don’t re launch the R word. I cannot believe she actually thinks she is doing a good job
I love Jackie
I vote no guests that don’t “get”Jackie..Lindsay is boring. Paige woulda been great, Hannah berner yes! Lindsay was such a podcast one move & too obvi
Love it
I missed cousin Jo!
Back to basics
Don’t need the video don’t need the guests. They can’t hang. Just want you unhinged at 5 am with a microphone and a dream. If your team is telling you you need it to stay relevant, they’re morons. I’ll still listen until I die so whatever.
Just don’t have guests. It’s not your thing.
Love me some Schimmel-Haas
Jackie, the Cardi-b episode was NOT that bad!! Don’t worry about it hahaha 😂
The episode with vile Kyle was a complete snooze fest!! Once again, she skirted the truth and Jackie is too dumb to call her on it. When Jackie asked if she would come back, Kyle couldn’t wait to say yes b/c Jackie didn’t ask any questions of substance. Cardboard meets cardboard. Watching paint dry would be more interesting than these two dummies.
Frankie 1210
Your sarcastic humor is limitless! Masters, Gatorade dump, to declining Mom group invites made me 🤣 THIS is “what the world needs now” play it Andrew!
genuine Jen
Love this podcast but the Kyle Richards chat was especially great!!!!
So funny!
Love this pod
danni grubb
Perfect dose of unhinged
If you can’t take a joke or laugh at yourself this podcast isn’t for you. Jackie is the perfect amount of unhinged and self-deprecating.
Tried to come back but the r word…
I loved your humor in the beginning it was an escape for me but I have a six year old with autism and you have tried to make light of it so I stopped listening then came back because Heather was on and now using the r word to try and be funny again.. as a mom the same age as you have to be more self aware and recognize it is just plain wrong and hurtful.
Kristina Wre
Love this pod cast. ESP after having a new baby myself Jackie makes it soooooo relatable and she says everything I am thinking. Let’s plz bring back the 2000s where people can say Whatver they want without getting in trouble 🙃🤸🏼🥳
Rabies episode 10/10
Highly recommend the “I have rabies” episode, specifically the yelp review. Jackie is a wordsmith and a beacon of light. Could listen to her for hours tbh.
had to unsubscribe
i’ve never completely agreed with some of jackie’s takes, but it was normally pretty funny. now, with her “reclaiming” the r-word and all the other shock value schtick she relies on… I don’t think she’s funny anymore. there hasnt been a good episode in what feels like months and this was just the straw that broke the camel’s back.
What’s going on
I have been a longtime listener and I have always gotten the jokes and actually appreciated her humor being different. I loved her personality and not taking herself too seriously. But now everything that she talks about just comes off… super negative and mean? She’s been saying some super offensive things and laughing like a maniac, maybe I’ve just outgrown it but I just don’t think it’s funny anymore. Same repetitive jokes and stories have also gotten old. Overall she’s been SO abrasive lately and it’s just not fun to listen to anymore …. Srry jack
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Love this podcast but it’s getting tough to listen to. Every other word is OK. You don’t have to say OK after every sentence. It’s so annoying. OK?! Also, just stop with the videos. It’s ruining the whole show.
Talking about how great of a mom you are when you have night nurse and daytime help? Uhhh, obviously. You have someone else handling the hard parts 3/4 of the time. Maybe try some family time, Jackie. Dead parent isn’t an excuse, several people do it with dead parents with no or little family help. Including me, who also works full time. Very out of touch and hard to listen to. Although I relate to lighting money on fire for childcare. Hence, why I don’t do it during the hours I’m at home. Just say you don’t want to do the hard parts. But don’t brag about how great of a mom you are in the next breath. Or just go wall paper another room. Or post another ~edgy~ IG post. ETA: And now the R word. Wow, you’re really just so ~different~
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R-word? Really?
Love this podcast most of the time and I find most of the content funny, but the R word is super offensive. It’s not a matter of being overly sensitive, it’s akin to using the N word. Not funny at all.
So disappointed
I was so excited to hear about this podcast. I can’t get behind someone who uses the R word or anything like it. It isn’t ok.
Hard line on R Word
I can get behind most of your grey area comments but R Word is a hard no. Never ever ever ok.
Begging for the old way
R Word
Usually think you’re hilarious. Using the R word followed by maniacal laughter was super uncomfortable to listen to.
We do cancel for the word “retarted” as slang.
We do cancel for the word “retarted” as slang.
Love You, but no R-word
No R word unless you are ok with, Kike and the n-word. The r word was acceptable in the 80’s. But now no. It would hit different if your child was intellectually disabled. As a retired special education teacher not all intellectually disabled children are born that way. All children/babies are just 1 horrific accident from being intellectually disabled.
cher bebe
if you don’t give 5 stars grow up
still cry often thinking about cheryl opening an amazon package with her teeth
Word Usage
I was excited to start this new podcast. But having a daughter with intellectual disability ….using the R word is NEVER RIGHT OE OKAY!!!! What’s the big whoop? It’s highly, highly offensive!!!
You lost me when you started to use the R word.
Jackie girl you crossed the line. R word just no.
I think I like this little life
I love this woman.
Just stop doing video. You don’t wanna do it, it prevents you from being as unhinged as you really wanna be, just throws off your game and you were fine without it. Lylas
Each week better than the last
I’d wack my sons too
Love this show!
Jackie is amazing. Her style of humor is so irreverent. Love the imitations of her grandma Gloria and her pear shaped husband handy Andy. Super talented and able to carry the show completely on her own.
She’s my guiding light. The highlight of my week. Love her quick wit unscripted mission to give us relatability. Her self awareness is inspirational !
Idaho Latina
Can’t Drive
Listening to you while driving is a road hazard, I am laughing so hard I’m crying and the person next to me at a stop light thinks I’m having a breakdown Also happens when listening to you on JLL w/ Doug Budin Keep keeping it real and saying everything we all want to say
Lost Girl / Mom
I miss the beastiality comments about Leo but other than that 10/10.
I feel like an idiot for sleeping on this
But now I FINALLY get IT! 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’ve now gone back years and have been binge listening which is probably not the healthiest for my mental well being but OH WELL. Thank you, Jackie for keeping it one-hundo for so long. You are a treasure.
Jackie is HER. Period. The end.
A Happy Disovery. Funny and smart!!
Fun,glamoruus,with a dirty-martini on the side!! Love!
Blink Twice!
Obsesssed w Jackie! But who told you you need to podcast with video?? We can tell you’re uncomfortable, it’s ok to go back to your 5 am solo no video rants!
Never change please
We TaKe OvEr tHe isLaNd
I love you but this line was super cringe… also love how you’re exploiting your friendship with jlaw every chance you get while you preach about the importance of protecting the privacy of famous friendzzz lol
Give this woman an EGOT ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Just love this show. Been listening for years now and it’s just always a dynamic, fun emotional roller coaster but like in a fun theme park w martinis. Takes one to know one and this woman is a star. She just gets me what can I say-I didn’t know yosemite wasn’t pronounced like vegemite until after I could legally drive so lacking education on national parks is just one of many things me n pookie have in common. Also I once introduced my dog, a Finnish spitz as a dog from Finland a country in Canada while volunteering at an old folks home. Knowing that charity starts at home, Being bad at geograpy, combatting the rigged music industry as an underrated potential pop star, living in the shadows as a past pre teen w a video camera and a devout passion for beading and prints - just a few things out of a gazillion that I relate to and laugh about when listening. Easy listening for the complex. Few podcasts touch on the greatness of Beverly Mitchell but this one does. PE Enjoy Paris!! Make sure to throw a McDonald’s meal at Andrew before leaving while wearing a beret. A la Carrie. THANKS for recording it and please do the sushi baby a la Samantha - it’s never been done unlike those flower babies or the saxophone ones. Yawn. TTFN lylas ❤️❤️ love from detroit, xo Bridget
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Even in my dreams she haunts me
I keep having dreams that Jackie is my friend & she really keeps me in line by yelling at me about my horrible fashion sense. I honestly wouldn’t want it any other way. I wake up refreshed & ready for the day.
She is my new found friend!
Every episode is so real and raw it’s almost like I’m talking to my best friend.
Eve once
Idk what’s going on with you but, Beyonce knows a Lexus isn’t country she’s saying they are going country like not in Texas. Second, Yosemite is in California. Your podcast is my favorite still.
Jackie marie. Yosemite is in California
Ur thinking of the Sierra Nevada which is also Yosemite
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