The Better Leaders Better Schools Podcast with Daniel Bauer
The Better Leaders Better Schools Podcast with Daniel Bauer
Daniel Bauer
via Podcasts
Inspirational Leadership
Danny brings in some of the greatest minds in education who are making a Ruckus in todays schools.
Awesome for expanding your mindset and staying current!
This podcast has directly impacted my leadership and vision for our school. Thank you, Daniel!
Incident Command System 4 Schools
Hi there! I’m impressed with how your group is getting the word out and sharing about all things safety at schools. I’m a Retired Fire Captain who owns a business called ICS4Schools. We have been working with school districts in California for the last 13 years. If you accept guest speakers, I would love to share in the narrative of school safety. Thank you!
Safety app
Insightful and Passionate!
Danny is thoughtful, insightful and passionate about helping listeners level up their productivity so that we can impact young lives positively. Super applicable and realistic; excellent PD in a podcast!
Engaging and insightful!
Love starting my day with this podcast. The host has wonderful energy and discusses great topics that help me be a better leader for those I serve. Thanks!
So excited I found this podcast!
Moving the Needle One Podcast At a Time
I'm an aspiring administrator, I am always looking for things to assist me with making improvements or provide suggestions to myself and others. This podcast does just this. The visitors that Bauer has on the show are amazing. The information and knowledge that is shared assists viewer with the knowledge and motivation needed to keep demanding more, hence making us all better. I wouldn't miss an episode. Join the ruckus makers and learn how to move the needle forward.
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Great way to learn about other schools
I am a teacher leader in my district and have found this podcast to be a way to break out of the “silo” and expand my thinking about education. Even with over 20 years as a teacher, this podcast has exposed me to new ideas and timely topics. Give it a try.
Tetris freak67
Totally shifted my thinking!
As an aspiring administrator, I'm learning to switch from my teacher mindset to that of a leader. This podcast helps me make the mental shift with an emphasis on mindfulness, compassion, creativity, and personal development. Thank you Daniel for your honest and grounded approach to leadership and for the powerful content you out out! A must listen for any leader, but also great for new leaders who want to get started with the right mindset.
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Thank you
Daniel, thank you for the support and inspiration you bring with these podcasts. I can’t wait to join masterminds! Laura Schlottman
Danny walks his talk
In addition to being a great podcast, Danny "Sunshine" Bauer makes every effort to bring relevancy to the everyday challenges of being a school leader by being accessible himself through social media and even direct email. His energy is contagious and his insights are spot on! Thanks Danny.
Andy Lindsay
Great Podcast
AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME podcast. Always timely information.
Reflection Tool
I love podcast like this one that allows me to reflect on my practices. I am always able to take something away that helps me improve.
Fighting Isolation Indeed
It can be difficult to find leaders to collaborate with when you live in a rural district driving to distinguish itself from those around it. Add to that being as the one elementary school in that district, it can be very lonely. Every morning of my first year, listening to this podcast, I have had a team. Sometimes I feel like I am drinking from a fire hydrant, others it is just one gem that makes my day smoother, and sometimes the episodes are written exactly for me! Thank you for fulfilling your mission! It is needed!
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Laurie Walton
Thorough, Inspirational, and Practical
This podcast is such a high quality resource for school leaders. The structure is predictable yet enjoyable and practical. Danny’s enthusiasm and skill at guiding the interview is so high quality. Lastly, the resources provided are invaluable in the show notes. It is clear to me that each podcast has several hours of work put into it. One criticism I have of the show is the release dates. Some interviews appear to be 6-7 months after the actual session occurred. I sometimes hope Danny would provide more current interviews as they relate to education issues. One example I have: How do you lead a school as it feels the ripples of Parkland or other school shootings. That kind of interview would have been so beneficial in March 2018.
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Soul Food for a Teacher or Educational Entrepreneur
I absolutely love this podcast! I hardly skip one. Each one has inspired me in one way or another! I have shared with several educator friends and will continue to do so! Hoping to one day be a part of the Mastermind! Kathleen
Enjoyable Interviews
I always walk away from this podcast with one or two things that I go to find out more about for my school. I enjoy the interview format and feel like it’s The perfect bite-sized amount of learning.
Mentoring in a Podcast - Incredibly Helpful!
This podcast is one I recommend to all my colleagues and is a must for school leaders of levels. Listening to it gives me advice/anecdotes/etc., from a seasoned school leader. Daniel Bauer’s guests are always highly interesting and provide insights into school leadership. I highly recommend this podcast!
Inspiring Leadership
I just recently discovered Podcasts for education, and Danny’s show was my first listen. If you want to be inspired, or looking for a source of motivation, than look no further!
Thank You Danny and friends.
Better Leaders, Better Schools is an amazing resource for any school leader, teacher, or staff member that works in education. Each episode demonstrates the power one person can have on influencing and improving school culture and achievement. Danny Bauer is a great interviewer and the amazing guests on the podcast share valuable tips, strategies, stories, and resources that show how a great leader can create a better school experience for students, staff, and communities. I always look forward to how a guest on the show will answer the last question on the podcast. Listening to this has changed the way I think about leadership and challenged me to be the change I want to see in my school. I can’t thank you enough for helping me to reignite my enthusiasm for the positive impact leaders in education can make in our schools. Please continue the good work you are doing. It has certainly helped me to become a better leader and person.
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Better Leader
Love this podcast!
I've been a teacher for 18 years and am on a mission to encourage a new paradigm for education. I'm a firm believer in personal development for professional growth. This is a refeshing podcast and I get new ideas every time I listen to an episode. Thanks for interviewing great people! I just shared a few episodes with my superintendent and elementary principal. :)
Lift Up Leaders
I Need This
I am a student who is taking classes in School Leadership and hearing various versions of how leaders cast their visions is so interesting, inspiring, and motivating! I just listened to the Kansas State Education Commissioner and I am so inspired by his story! The questions asked of school leaders gets to the heart of their passion and drive!
Essential for today and tomorrw's school leader.
I'm a bit biased because I was on the show, but have been listening to it for years. There are scads of tips, tricks, and resources that will help anyone grow, learn, and move onward in education.
Family Engagement Success Strategy
Jnterview is very impressive. It is amazing when I think about what we can accomplish together when we think outside of the box. Thank you for sharing.
Don’t miss this!
Inspiring and a must! Every teacher needs to hear this.
Nikki Henry
Great show
Danny does a good job with interviews and really goes in depth with his guests on their tactics. This podcast has introduced me to some of the best leadership in education and has helped me grow as an up and coming administrator.
Teachers and administrators need this podcast
This is a great resource for those in education, including for those looking to jump into it. Fantastic leadership principles (and principals) here.
Mark Lineberry
More than what you're expecting
Listen to any episode and you will see that Daniel Bauer has the heart and the drive to make the world a better place. His passion for students, schools, teachers, leaders, everyone and anyone involved in the betterment of the youth who will one day take the reigns is powerful. Learning, growth, change, improvement....we all need it. Dive in and enjoy!
Great inspiration for leaders!
I love listening to this show! As an educational leader, I find the information shared by host Danny and his guests to be truly inspirational and uplifting. I was excited for him to be a guest on my own podcast, "Leader of Learning," and I look forward to being a gust on his show in the near future!
Learn so much with all the advice and experiences given by all the guests in the podcast. Great learning tool for leaders.
I'm a leader?!
This podcast has made me realize that, as a classroom teacher who is striving to innovate and get creative with my teaching getting my students more connected with their learning by finding them audiences outside of our four walls, I am a leader! I love the advice and encouragement I get from this podcast. Thanks so much!
I love this podcast! Great ideas & book recommendations. Guests are upbeat and conversations are positive.
Nice to have an education podcast!
Good questions, good content and insipiring.
Great resource
What a great resource for new, aspiring, or veteran teachers and administrators. I loved the podcast with Todd Nesloney and the simple advice given with social media and learning. This podcast is an excellent resource for professional development!
Education is life and Daniel Bauer helps you improve yours
While others podcast to meet people or show themselves off, Daniel Bauer is clearly there to improve our educational system by improving us as educators. He chooses interviewees who make a difference (I'm honored that he chose me) to share their experiences for listeners to learn from. His passion shows through and he engages his guests to share theirs. The experience is fun and enlightening. It builds community. It helps students. He cares. If you care about education, I recommend listening, learning, and acting on Better Leaders Better Schools.
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Joshua Spodek
Good stuff.
As a new administrator, I am always looking for new resources. This podcast has been a great find. Lots of insight from a wide variety of perspectives. Well done.
Lute Croy
Best Practice Resource
This is a great resource for educators, leaders, and community leaders. This Podcast helps educators connect and grow through the use of social media. The stories resonate with practitioners and enlighten legislators about the ability to make a positive change.
Not flash
Wow! such an important show
My kids already left school many years ago and they had great opportunities to find their leading path. However anyone that had the opportunity to see the unbelievable influence one true school leader, Know why this show is so important.
Hayut Yogev
Inspiring Content
This podcast is truly excellent. Daniel Bauer knows how to find amazing people and draw out their greatness so we can learn and take action. Every episode has been valuable to me.
Practical and Personal
Best podcast out there for school leaders. Solid conversations with diverse leaders who present easy to implement ideas. Addresses both practical issues and also works on shaping your leadership skills.
Great PD for any leader!
This is a great podcast! It's too engaging to listen to while driving so I listen while running. Even then I have to hear the episodes a couple of times to reap all the benefits. Go listen now, you won't regret it!!
Much Needed Conversation
Education needs more attention on resources like this to improve it, and the communities we serve! Thank you for creating this awesome show!
Athena Rosette
Great job
I love the value you bring to your listeners, and the questions you ask your guests. Great job! -areyoureal podcast
Download and listen
Daniel does a great job with the format of the show and bringing in a variety of guests. Listening to the pod has helped me really think about the mind of Leader I want to be and has given me tools to get there. Keep it up!
As an aspiring principal, the interviews Daniel has had are so inspiring. I have started a notebook of all the advice his guests have shared.
Excellent Food for Thought!
Great resource!
Kitamu Alimu
Makes me better
Daniel has done an excellent job challenging leaders to move to the next level. He's consistently produced great content, and I always know I'll walk away better after listening to his show.
David Beard
Authentic leadership advice
Daniel is a prolific and skilled podcaster. I appreciate his honest and experienced words. I will remember all this great advice when I become a school leader myself.
Latino Incognito
Go for it, I never heard bad advice on the podcast.
Relevant Content
Daniel consistently creates great content that is authentic and relevant to school leaders. I leave each podcast with new nuggets of wisdom and a renewed energy to continue the hard work.
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