The Beat with Ari Melber
The Beat with Ari Melber
Ari Melber, MSNBC
via Podcasts
What's your problem with Michael Cohen? "Bloodbath?" Lol!!! Was that in between sharts or snores? Michael Avenati? Who's next, Shrieking MTG? That Stepford wife who "served" all of us with a "bloodbath" (the QMAGAt answer to President Biden's speech) delivered in whispers from her kitchen table? There's a seat at Faux or Newsmax with your name on it, run, they're waiting for you there! Unsubscribed.
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Paphuahua mom
Harry MACK
WOW! Wow… not a huge rap fan, not up on hip hop, casual listener…but freeeekin WOW. I was on my feet. Can’t wait for the freestyle w/ rev Al preaching. Wow. Thanks for this Ari
Magpie Jinx
A bloodbath?
Really? NOT.
A rare television journalist
Ari is a rarity these days. He delivers information without tons of loaded language, hand-feeding you opinions. I don’t want the media to think for me. I want information and analysis but without the blatant bias. Ari does this. Thanks Ari
Love your program , Ari Melber
I love when you expose Trump!!
Marie Tellez
Ari interview Karl Rove, not
I was looking forward to interviewing Rove, April 3, disappointed no interview. Also, carping on loud phone news on NYC subway, come on, a worthless irrelevant subject thanks Marc
King of a
Thanks MSNBC + Podcast Staff
Thanks so much for making this show available as a podcast so I can listen while I workout. — 🍬🍬🍬. I know Ari is eye candy, but thanks for understanding he's also ear and brain candy too. 🍬🍬🍬 ——- PS: Also, thanks for getting this pod up same day without fail. 🙌 I can always count on a new episode each evening. (That’s 4 “thanks” if you are counting…) ——PSS: I could do two hours of Ari a day super easy. So, if room opens in the program schedule for a longer show, I’d be down. ————-Just sayin’ 🧘‍♀️
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Don’t miss a moment
I have been watching Ari on MSNBC for years and while I’m traveling I’m so glad I can listen to the podcast. He gives even coverage of the topics and presents the legal facts. Thank you Ari.
GS-TOP Leader
Dear Mr Melber, I’ve had in my wallet, 6-7 nude pictures of Ms. Melania Trump that her husband,(Donald Trump), posted on Facebook soon after becoming President. Inquirer Gold? I’ve planned to make a deck of cards w/them but have never had the time.
cancel free
Honest reporting!
I love listening to Ari’s take on things. He’s honest, to the point and clear. Thank you!
Your Style!
Hi Ari! I like your style of news reporting. I can’t always catch your TV show, so your podcast is a wonderful way to catch up with the daily news. You explain the legal side of the times we are living through and show both sides of a situation. BTW your musical Fridays are fun and informative. Your podcast extras are most welcome and informative. That’s cool! I’ll keep tuned in! :) Judy
You idiot!!!
Nice job, Doofus, having M Avenatti on your show. Ratings that important. Shame on you. Done with your show.
august dog
Stop both siding
Please stop saying both sides are the same when the only legitimate and right side is Democratic.
beachdream tunes
Eric Holder
Thank you for highlighting Eric Holder. He becomes more impressive every time I hear him. A true American treasure!!
Go with the Flo travel
Ari Melber x Peter Navarro: the 1st WH Aid affiliated w/1/6–in Fl Prison
When Trump knew He had the power of the Office—He didn’t pardon Navarro/Others for Their Plan…..Navarro went to a South Florida Prison FOR THIS STINT in defiance of the Select’s Subpoena…We are in limbo/delayed, no due process/Trial of the Former….or Bannon/Trump’s GA Rico Lawyers/Rudy—I cannot help but to wonder, if the Supreme Court circumvents the Judiciary and grants Trump, Immunity—would that mean ALL that broke the law on 1/6 and after—would also be immune?…absurd as THIS untested self clemency sounds and the wave thereafter—what if the Supreme legitimized pardons as Immunity?…Trump without the Office, IS putting the squeeze on The Supreme..much like formality of the VP on 1/6! As Ari drives Home=Pardons are for Criminals—could be that in the Justice Extremists FRAMING—Society is supposed to believe the same Court that “legally” took away Our Rights, CAN FINISH THE CRIME=Steal Our Democracy *residual effects? What do You wake up in a sweat for?
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McConnell - the perfect example of most Republicans
They’re all the same. It could be Idi Amin, Hitler, or the Devil himself, if there’s an (R) after the name he gets their vote. Not true with a Democrat, just ask Al Franken or any of the others who have broken their oath or the moral standard we live by. They will not knowingly be allowed or elected by our party. We will suffer a loss for our ethics. We will live by that code to the end.
Always good factual listen.
“dat boy good!!!” No LoL. No slight.
Liv Life Luv Life
Too partisan
Shows his beliefs way too fast
The Beat
I look forward to Ari every day.. He’s calm and gets to the point . The show is great.
Ari Melber you are awesome.
I love Ari Melber. He is such a gentleman. As an interviewer he is the best. Yet, his cultured comments shows him at his best.
Who if not Biden? Jon Stewart? The editor of the Economist?
Biden’s administration governs so well Amazing SOS Blinken and AG Merrick Garland and Secretary Yellen etc etc We’ve been so fortunate
Che Block
I just heard Ari close his interview with Eric Holder with a quote from HOV off the top of his head. Ari is the Michael Jordan of news!
I’m a concerned citizen. I value the communication skills Ari exhibits when he explains what is happening in the political scene. His ability to pinpoint what is important and therm explains it in an undesirable manner. I watch many other news shows and wonder why the host can’t explain the situation well. When this has happened repeatedly I can’t give credit to the show writers as I once thought. It’s clear that Ari Melborn has an exceptional talent. Why isn’t he repeated in the late night like other shows. Other voters need to hear him. Please consider giving him a better time when the viewership is greater. We have a critical election upcoming for president of the United States. Trump election would be a problem for the continued Democracy of our country. MSNBC owes it to our country to put critical thinking to a greater audience so our country might have the information needed to make an informed vote.
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Grandapa Ross 11
Love it but 1 suggestion!
Love your show. I highly recommend we STOP saying “threat to DEMOCRACY” & instead say “threat to constitution” or to “the republic”. A LOT of people directly associate ‘democracy’ with the Democratic Party. I know it’s hard to believe but it’s very, very true. Iowa is such an example. When someone says “threat to democracy”…a lot of ppl think that means the democrats!!!
Ari’s response to Colorado AG shocking
After the news that the U.S. Supreme Court was going to take up the quesion of the legality of Trump being removed from the Presidential ballot, in response to the Colorado AG’s justification for her decision to complete the legally required process to remove Trump from the ballot, Ari essentially told her that she should be careful what she says! He explained essentially that what she says could result in a dangerous response! First, the AG is a brave and patriotic woman who felt compelled to honor the oath she took. I’m insulted that Ari implied that she wasn’t clearly aware of the danger involved in doing the right thing. Second, if we don’t stand up now and do the right and just thing, when should we!? Tragically not enough people were willing to stand up to danger before WWII and the Civil War. Who’s going to be around to clean up our mess!? What country is going to accept us as migrants when we need to escape the tyranny of a dictator?
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Trump accepting foreign money not a surprise
I'm glad to learn the facts behind Trump's ill-gotten gains but unless his Republican opponents start throwing mud at him, liberal media tarring him with these facts won't impact his ratings.
Let your guests speak!!!
While I thoroughly enjoy watching and listening to your show, please allow your guests to answer the questions posed to them before interrupting them. Your guests are all experts in their fields and it’s very helpful to get their insight on the topics at hand. But it’s very annoying when you’re constantly interrupting them before they can answer the question.
Enjoy the show but…
They continue to run THE MOST ANNOYING commercial ad I have ever heard. When a break begins I run to my phone to fast forward past the ad. It’s so bad I have no idea what they’re selling. Please tell that sponsor to find a better ad.
Atl in Hz
Great interviewing skills
Loved the Liz interview. Thanks.
Scheduling Timing Guests
Please give your guests enough time to answer the questions you ask before the interruptive phrase about running out of time is said. That phrase can be disconcerting to me as a listener. Your invited guests and their perspectives are an important part of your show. They generally have very useful information to share. Your thoughtful and legally based intelligent responses finish up nicely, and are your gift!
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PDX Grandmother
A Gaetz too far......
Inviting Gaetz back on to spew his lies & right-wing bull resulted in my giving Chris Licht-less CNN another try. Better coverage of Gaza escalation, so I appreciate the impetus. I'll still be loyal Nicole Wallace/Lawrence O'Donnell fan but combined with never seeing/hearing Andrea Mitchell geriatric mumbling, my MSNBC viewership is over
Like it more with Ari Melber
I found your perspective authentic and faithful to the job your should do in your position in the society. Is simple if everyone just do his job the best way possible the world around us improves exponentially. Of course it is just a theoretical approach but like our dream guide us that dream is also valid. Just a general comment that I would like you to consider and if so, divulge and let expand, In may view the best play to select as Speaker of the house is Liz Cheney… it would be really unifying!! Don’t you see it likely? Thank you so much!!
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Thanks for
having Howard Dean on. He always speaks the truth in a straightforward manner. Would like to hear more from him. Thanks, Ari, for focusing on Fani Willis - she’s a hero. Appreciate your calm, fact-based presentation everyday.
Ding ding ding
I have Sto listening to your podcast because I hate that ad!!! It’s too often and too horrible!!!!
Melissa Murray
Melissa Murray is a fantastic hostess of this show. I always enjoy her as a guest and she excels in the interview chair.
Legal questions?
Please ask General Mark Milley: WHy the U.S. military court martial trump? They can use Fort Leavenworth to lock up EX Commander and Chief. trump’s secret service can stay on Post at Fort Leavenworth. trump is a Vietnam draft dodger. A privileged Rick kid, had an in grown toe nail. he owes us Vietnam Veterans 365 days. 365 days is equal to one Vietnam tour.
Last straw
Just unfollowed your podcast…seriously you had Matty in your show?! If I wanted to hear gel a horses rear-end, I’d go to my barn! For shame!
No more shop rite ads please make them stop!!!!
cet blaine
Bill Maher
Can’t believe you had that loser on. Deleting you now.
Podcast lag time
What is up with the lag time in dropping MSNBC prime time podcasts? In this rapid-fire news environment, last night’s news will be passé in 24 hours.
Here for it all
I look forward to Ari’s analysis of the current political news. I am also hear for his genuine pop culture knowledge and the respect for rap, rappers and it’s message. Keep it going! Ms. V
Top notch political coverage
I could do without the pop culture referencing and pop culture interview specials, but at the end of the day, Melber’s political coverage is the best and unmatched.
Really enjoy this show. Feels like we are given objective, factual information. Really enjoy when John Flannery is a guest.
Love your show and you kept real all the time so continue to do that work and hold all these people feet to fire that want to destroy this great country this is the land of opportunity which I came to so keep fighting what is right putting it out these for the power because truth matters .
Always a good show
Melber has the rare ability of being able to inform in-depth while also entertaining and injecting humor at just the right moments. I’d wager that what you see is pretty much what you get with this guy.
Why is it so difficult to send a note to Ari Melber? He makes it seem like the easiest thing in the world, but no. It’s problematical.
Skip Peter Navarro
Normally I like this show but the interview with Navarro was ridiculous-the guy won’t shut up & just pushes misinformation. Had to turn it off-we’ve heard Peter’s crap before. No reason to give a platform to a Trump clown.
2020 Indictment by Velshi
Well done. Love when you do this and thank you
Facts are appreciated
In these turbulent times, competent,calm legal consultants and journalists expressing the facts give Ari the powerto show there is hope in the law of our land defending democracy. Thank you for giving the audio version of Judge Jackson’s descent. It is powerful !!!! Wish it could be part of a civics class for All high school seniors ... not to mention voters as well !!!!!!!
valiant voter
Ari Blends All, and Excludes None
I love that Ari brings in elements of all cultures, while analyzing subjects that appeal to and affect everyone.
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