The Axe Files with David Axelrod
The Axe Files with David Axelrod
The Institute of Politics & CNN
via Podcasts
Bill Walton Replay
Exhausting. I tried but it was too hard.
Jen psaki
Yes good CV, yes has experience. Yes completely annoying and on pundit tour.
Cyrus Habib
I enjoyed the podcast and I found Mr Habib inspiring. The conversation left me with a desire to hear much more about his mother. I’d love to hear her on the podcast.
Sister Simone
Dear David, I love your podcast. I learn so much about the people you interview, while my garden gets cleaned up. Your interview of Sister Simone was fantastic. I had never heard of her before; what a kick!
seattle cal
CNN buddies
I love ya, Axe. But can you please move this beyond interviews with your CNN cronies?
Consider an interview with Anthony T. Ironman.🦉
Oil Ads
The podcast with Pfauff and Rove had all commercials for big oil group. All of them, the entire podcast. Way too much. Must have been 5-6 of the same ad touting oil use for American consumers.
Plouffe, Rove and Axe
What a delight it is to hear three political professionals discus the basics of campaigns with such insight and respect. Thank you!
Learner A.
Michael Crow
David’s recent interview with Michael Crow was one of the most interesting and inspiring guests I’ve heard. I wish more university presidents would step up and follow his lead. Education is the key.
Time is a Very precious essential part of life!
Mr. Friedman and Axe, I also have no connection to any platform, social media, etc. this is why I can listen to all my podcast, read the New York Times as well as Washington Post,Wall Street Journal, and the Financial Times. So like you, I am unencumbered and I feel very healthy in my 70s and I’m thankful that we have a healthy democracy . For my mental health I watched two nights ago Jimmy Kimmel, interview with George Bush discuss his portrait book, which included a portrait of Madeline Albright, and all these lovely paintings of people who have immigrated here. I followed with watching his discussion with Barack Obama about his book followed by Michelle and it was wonderful to hear her talking about the girls. It was so essential to remembering that this time really did exist time when we all funded our wonderful politicians our statesman. This happened to be the day that Angel Chao died the sister of Elaine Chao, our former secretary of transportation , wife of Senator McConnell. All these great American's, all these great immigrants., and it was all pre Trump, pre Citizens united. Thank you for your weekly podcast. It helps me every week to keep on having faith in America.
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El tigress
Another hack
You hurt the Dems just about every time you open your mouth. I think you secretly love Trump. Can’t stand when networks give you a platform. Just retire!
Love the Podcast
Andrew Gillum’s life story is an inspiration to me. I was a fan before, I'm a bigger fan after listening especially because I’m also 1 of seven kids. I’m the compassionate sister who does the same as his only sister with the important dates in the family. David, you are awesome.
Love the insight. Too bad more are not getting the message. 4 more years of T will kill us all
JRW 1001
FORMER political commentator
If you simp for not prosecuting TFG in ANY way, your credibility immediately goes to zero for the remainder of your pathetic career
Such a pleasure to listen to these interviews. Always respectful and thoughtful, even personal while still maintaining professionalism. . Axe goes back to his reporting roots.
Nutty mom
Sara Paretsky
I love her novels. I was very impressed with the interview. Thank you for having such diverse guests on your podcast.
How about interview with Yuval Noah Harari?
Episode 558 - Walter Massey
I have tremendously enjoyed many of David’s podcast episodes and would like to comment on Ep 558 with W. Massey: As I scientist (Ph.D. in physics) I see a need for increased communication from the science community on general interest and topics relevant to public discourse and politics. This episode is an outstanding example of communicating science topics as well as the human aspect of the people doing science and taking leadership roles at the intersection between science, business and politics. I was deeply moved by the story of Walter Massey’s life, overcoming so many challenges in his distinguished career as a physicist and serving in many roles well beyond it.
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David Axelrod
You have much to learn - you’re having sour grapes because the Joe Biden presidency has been far more successful in 3 years than the WHOLE 8 years of President Obama is obvious. Time to get behind the winner that is scranton Joe and stop being such a snob!
A UK fan
Great interviews!
David Axelrod is one of the best interviewers in the media right now! All of his shows are informative and also delve into history and feeling that a lot of interviews never get to.
What a treat!
A wonderful, feel-good episode with funny, poignant, historical anecdotes. We need to bend the arc again!
Great episode!
The Obama 15th Anniversary episode (No. 556) is just terrific. The magic of that day fifteen years ago is perfectly captured and preserved. Another great job, Axe!
He’s a Republican Now
We lost David Axelrod folks. It’s over. He’s been rubbing elbows with the wrong people and has lost his faith. This man is pro Trump at this point.
David French
David how could you let him endorse gay marriage as a matter of civil liberty and not press him on abortion? Should states be free to deny to marry same sex couples? Should churches be taxed? Contraception isn’t in the constitution should it be state dependent? Does he support the ERA? Paid maternity leave?
Worth the Listen
David is a great interviewer. Incredibly easy listen but also informative.
Sally Yates
Very well done.
Baywood Resident
John King
Very well done!
Blair Hull Should’ve Won
David Axelrod will forever be considered a detriment to humanity because he helped elect the most destructive president in American history.
Ro Khanna
Please interview him I think he is the future of the Democratic Party. Smart and fearless and non threatening
Bill Gates
I should be thankful to Mr. Axlerod for posting the Bill Gates interview. The unfortunate by product is that I have learned more about Mr. Gates, who is “deeply concerned” about his GOP friends and puts “Party above People” with all the bravado of a life insurance salesman. He is no Paul Boyer or Rusty Bowers and Mr. Axlerod threw him a few underhand pitches because Gates played the PTSD card, with little or no concern of the actual workers that didn’t have a cushy gig at Ping golf clubs to pay their bills. You sleep with dogs, you get some fleas Mr Gates. You deserve karma, not sympathy.
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New Independent
I listened to three segments and as I listen I can see how removed the guests and Axe are from the common person. Government does not create, it only takes. I also suggest the podcast investigate the Biden corruption and have Andrew McCarthy on. The listeners deserve to know what is going on and you can bang on him as much as you want but he will be professional and answer any biased questions asked.
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Great to hear from President Obama again!
Thanks for this interview! I have missed hearing President Obama’s voice and thoughts these past six years since he left office. It was interesting and reassuring to hear his analysis of democracy in the US and world today.
Consistently great interviews
I am assured of learning interesting, useful and new information on a variety of subjects whenever I have the opportunity to listen to the Axe Files!! Great guests and David’s skillful, in-depth interviews are appreciated. Thank you, David and staff! F. Shelton
Kaitlin Collins interview
Timely interview in light of the Trump Town Hall disaster. Her comment at the end “if you need a co-host…” leads me to believe that she is still searching for a home at CNN. Her Alabamian roots will help bring other important voices both to the Coasts as well as the middle of the Country. CNN…this young & ambitious reporter is a keeper👍🏼
Huesos na ma era mi novia
Michael Wilson
I am not a big sports fan nor do I know of Mr Wilbon but thank you for a great interview. What an articulate, warm and engaging man!
Briard girl
Why Is Gretchen Carlson Being Held Up As a Role Model?
While I really enjoy this podcast, I must object to the latest guest, Gretchen Carlson. She keeps saying, "I wish I could talk about that." Well, if she'd actually gone through with the lawsuit and not just taken the money in a settlement, the whole world would have known what was going on at Fox News and maybe she could have saved some other woman the heartache of going through what she went through. Just admit that you were in it for the money and not to make it stop and I'll at least have a touch of respect for you, Ms. Carlson.
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Comments about value of podcasts.
The podcasts are an advanced seminar filled with interesting people. I agree Mr. Axelrod ought to be a good interviewer in that stop cutting off the guest as they are answering a question you posited. The conversation ought not morph to a competition to show how much you know. Additionally during at least 90% of the interviews you repeat your personal information, msny times as a non sequitur. This distracts from a valuable conversstion.
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Useful back stories
Great Show
I am a political junkie, and this podcast is head and shoulders above all the rest. And the great thing is the podcast you think might not be of interest are often David’s best.
Add it to your weekly listening
After finding this podcast last year I’ve turned into a fan. Love how Axe brings out the human side of whoever he’s interviewing by starting with their history. Knowing where these people came from and what their life experiences have been helps frame why they are what they are today, rather you agree or not with their position.
B Hoffman
Would be 5 stars if not for the fact that David continues to cut his guests off in mid-sentence when they are answering a question he just asked.
B in Big Sky Country
You’re a 509 edition with Liz Cheney
What is really wonderful and is now part of history it’s not news that will fade away but will probably remain part of the historical record. I do wish though you were somebody would ask her what she thinks needs to be done about the people who are serving in the house Republicans all who voted against the certification of the election after after after they were evacuated to save their lives from insurgence. These people are cool adjacent at least I need to be looked into to see whether they should still be serving in our government or if they’re Real danger to the institution they are now in charge of. It makes me afraid. And neither the committee i did not have an opinion on it. And someone needs to look into it. For having people serving in Congress who supported the coup and who will now not say in public out loud That Joe Biden is the legitimate President of the United States Sorry for all the typos if somebody does in fact read this. I’m on a very old iPad and it won’t cooperate. Thanks for your programs. Louise Buck and San Diego
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Professor of Medicine
I am a fan of the Axe files. That said, I thought this was David Axelrod’s worst interview. Sununu is a self-serving blowhard who supported an election denier in the Governor’s election. Unfortunately, Axelrod let him off the hook for this and similar statements.
Dr. Gull
Top Interview of Amanda Gorman
David is turning into one of my favorite interviewers, such depth, honesty, directness and inspiration!
Sununu Has Potential
Sununu was doing fine until he pandered to to base regarding the wall. No engineer would seriously consider a wall unless he was tiptoeing around criticism of Trump. Apparently he’s a coward unwilling to tell the unvarnished truth. He’ll need to find his moral compass. Good interview as always nevertheless.
Dr Fauci is amazing
I love Dr Tony Fauci, he is super intelligent and God has gifted him with an extraordinary mind for science. I pray God will protect him and his family. I appreciate him for all he has done to protect me and my family from Covid 19. I pray he will enjoy his retirement and his beautiful family.
Ms cocoa V
Always 5 Stars
What a great interview with Dr. Fauci. He is an American hero.
lowcountyr letgo
Thank you Dr Fauci!
Thank you to all the scientists who helped us through and continue to help us through this pandemic. Science is a miracle! We are grateful! B NC
What I learned (Pence interview)
It’s almost impossible to listen to Pence, but it was fascinating to listen to your voice, Mr. Axelrod. You could’ve demolished him intellectually, factually, and rhetorically, but you didn’t. I heard your restraint. I also heard your passion and some of the pain that explains why do do what you do. The fun part was to listen to moments when your diplomacy found room for exasperation and a little knife slice every now and then. That made me so happy. Thank you.
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Mike Pence
Had to stop listening. Pence ‘s meandering responses to simple questions are an insult to the intelligence of the American people
I cannot listen to one word Pence utters. Shame on anyone giving him a platform to hawk his book when his complicity with Trump has nearly destroyed our country. His despicable, mealy mouthed comments should make him a pariah to any public forum.
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