TED Talks Daily (HD video)
TED Talks Daily (HD video)
via Podcasts
Super good
Lots of podcasts that I listen to or watch are about drama and this podcast is a very teaching podcast
You get to listen to whatever topic interests you, stop whining about what you don’t like.
Elon Musk was the final straw
There have been some really interesting people that TED has given voice to over the years. But, giving Musk over an hour was too much for me. Perhaps in the early days before it was clear how deeply problematic he was, but to give him such an extended platform in 2022? Hardly the first time TED has elevated rich, white, middle-aged-but-oh-so-adolescent tech bros. I’m done with TED.
Usher brightened
The once-great forum is dead
Ted talks have degenerated into a series of underqualified middling orators using the platform to push one leftist cause after another. It’s wandered far afield of its original Technology, Engineering, and Design focus. I haven’t seen a compelling segment in months; I’m not the slightest bit interested in how women and girls can stop global warming, nor do I care about trans activism.
Stay out of Politics
TED talks is slowly turning into VICE news. Keep on the scientific and interesting topics, I don’t listen to TED for politics. Hundreds of other political podcasts I can go to for that.
Excellent description of my sister She developed her on following on the Internet I am not sure of all the different terms used for the various platforms used But it about killed her to get put into face book jail for spewing hate messages This Ted Talk definitely afforded me an understanding of social media But not range on all those find a friend. Make a friend. Fake a friend sites
tell my story
A lot of people stereotype Tedtalks to being something to listen or watch, but learn nothing at all. And that’s what I thought. Until about 3 months ago. Now I realize that these people’s life passions and success are being told through this “outreach.” It’s amazing and definitely worth a listen.
Love it
One of my favorites to listen too.
Love is the future
Sunday morning Ted Talks at its best. How to get rid of hate.
Great talks...
Ted talks is awesome, learn about new technology, solutions to world problems, and the fabric of society itself. Ted talks is awe-inspiring...
Atlas Tobin
Thank you
Its awesome to know that people are out there, doing these amazing things. I love that Ted Talks inspires us, and hope that they keep up the good work!
Clarinet Pro
High Quality Production, Ideas, and Guests
These podcasts really provide a wide range of interesting things that we humans often ponder, but do not research. They are just long enough, not too short, and the production is great.
Harry Baker was the BEST
Most of these talks are vapid leftist screeds. Harry Baker was Awesome.
TED; an innovative, intovesive, introspextive, look into basics: of understanding, knowlege, reason, mind, and ingenuity.
Such a shame
TED talks used to be so good. Now apparently it's down to a guy reading a hokey graduation speech off of a piece of paper, and somebody putting on costumes and doing stupid impressions? I think they made too many of these.
Love these talks but can't see the full title on iPhone app.
Thank you for these! Inspiring and so very interesting. Rating would have been 5 stars if I could see the full title of the podcast on the iPhone app. Please fix. :)
That Saudi woman
I am from kuwait I've just heard that Saudi woman speech she is an inspiration. I support her 100 % . If she is reading this I will say to her ur my role model
Please add the texts in bodcasts . I need it .
I am student
Tracking the trackers
Scary look at how we are all being watched throughout our days as we use the web for work, for pleasure and for education or research. All without our explicit approval or knowledge. This knowledge leads me to consider a multitude of fictitious and disparate web accounts to try to "hide" my tracks.
Georgia Prime8
Get smarter and open your mind
One of the best things to further your thinking.
The future
Through the idea of involving everyone in our ideas together we can build the vista of the future now. Love the podcast i am happy to be induced to so many topics and hope to help
Marc's app
Teddie's GOLD. -snakecharmer.co
Guy Guillermo
TED has become a part of my life. I've learned so much over the last 2 years, since i discovered the podcasts...wonderful. Thanks Chris!
I love HD! Great!
I like it
Best podcast! 5+
Absolutely fabulous!
Watch the cutting edge of progress and ideas.
I can't get enough
This is the best window of what is happening in the world.
Sam Harris
Why did you take down the Sam Harris vid?
The Nobelist Pleasure is Understanding
TED is the highest quality episodic media collection to date. Some episodes seem flat compared to others. But overall, the caliber of the speakers, diversity of their topics and importance of each message consistently rewards its viewers.
A Staver
Best of the Best, now for iPhone 4
I have been listening to this Podcast for over two years, first on my iPod Touch and now on my iPhone 4. It is a show of great ideas by great minds that refreshes the spirit after a long day. I am happy to report the HD version is now compatible with iPhone 4. I don't know about the other iPhones, but on mine it plays great.
Give Life Back 2 Music
Great. Unfortunately many don
The presentations are terrific. Unfortunately, I haven't found one that will copy and play on my Iphone 3G. I get "format not supported" messages. This is a shame since the content is truly enlightening and inspiring. Not sure what the barrier is to making them portable so people can enjoy them outside of their homes. Two stars off because they dont play on Iphone and Apple should tell you this before you get hooked on them!
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Ordinary citzen
Note for iPhone users
I love these TED videos. For you iPhone users complaining that the HD version won't sync to your iPhone, you need to look for the "TEDTalks (video)" podcast, not this HD podcast.
David Frazee
Great Content. Wont work on iPhone!
Cant sync most of these file to the iPhone due to being an unsupported format. Whoever is making these please fix this!
Great content but largely wasted because much of it won't play on the iphone.
I would rate this 5 stars if all of it actually played on the iphone.
Won't Play on Apple TV
The title says it all. +5 stars for superb content, but -4 for not playing on the Apple TV.
Gabe Dowie
Wonderful Podcasts, Bad Video Format Support - Be Warned
I would have given these podcasts an enthusiastic 5 stars for the content, but I have deducted 2 stars for poor video format support. Out of 8 podcasts I have downloaded 5 will not copy to my iPhone because the format is not supported. Isn't our acceptance of onerous DRM supposed to allow us to play videos on Apple's own devices, especially the much ballyhooed iPhone?
Thank you
I lived in Monterey, CA from 2001 - 2003, but even then, I never heard of the TED conference. It was not until it was recommended by a friend that I go to the TED website to watch a video. I have watched nearly all of them and recommended many of them to people that have never heard of TED. I have found TED to be one of the best forums for global innovation, cultural understanding, and academic, technological, and business unification in the world. It has inspired me to continue to think outside the box and I continue to aspire to the highest levels of global ingenuity in order to one day be invited to the TED conference. Thank you for putting these videos on iTunes and spreading those great ideas!
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Amazing that this information is free and in a format that's easy to watch and visually pleasing. Watched the first video and subsribed right away. Thanks for providing this! :D
Excellent Podcast, However it DOES NOT PLAY ON APPLE TV
A big downside to this HD podcast is you can only watch it on your computer or iPod, but not your TV. I don't know what the TED people are doing when they're encoding it, but it will not play on Apple TV. You only get a green blinking screen and a distorted image (but perfect audio). I have two other friends with Apple TVs and they have the same problem viewing this podcast, so it's not just something wrong with my setup. I hope the TED people see this review, try to pull up their own podcast on an Apple TV and see what I'm talking about...and then fix it.
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King of NYNEX
Excellent Podcast, HD Won't Play on Apple TV
This is a fantastic podcast. I've watched the conventional video feed for ages. Tried to download the HD version, and while it plays fine on my iMac, the video feed it won't play on Apple TV. I can hear it, but the picture is a mess. Even the standard video feed is great though. It's exceptional.
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