Hello Rossipes
Hello Rossipes
Ross Mathews | Cumulus Podcast Network
Hello Rossipes
Ross Mathews | Cumulus Podcast Network
Hi, I'm Ross Mathews and I'm obsessed with food. But I’m also on a journey to be as healthy as I can, so I create my own Rossipes (like ‘recipes’ made by me - get it?) that are delicious, but still good for me. I’ve lost 60 pounds and maintained for over three years! And now I’ve created Rossipes.com and this podcast (alongside my bestie since high school and fellow foodie, Bethie)! This is a place for all of us 'Rossi-Peeps' to connect and chat about our all-time fave dishes, the best things we've eaten all week and try all new Rossipes that make getting healthy and staying that way do-able, fun and delicious! PODCAST SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram.com/HelloRossPod Facebook.com/Rossipes Rossipes.com ROSS MATHEWS SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram.com/HelloRoss Facebook.com/HelloRoss Twitter.com/HelloRoss TikTok: @HelloRoss HelloRoss.com BETHIE HUNGERFORD SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram.com/HungerMama TikTok: @HungerMama
Also Available on
Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 9 days
Latest episode
a month ago
April 16
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