So Money with Farnoosh Torabi
So Money with Farnoosh Torabi
Farnoosh Torabi
via Podcasts
Good listen
Was looking for a new personal finance podcast and this came recommended. Is informative, has good guests, and really breaks down finances in a simple to understand manner. I feel like there are too many ads, maybe more can be done at the beginning or end?
A healthy state of obsession
I have been listening to Farnoosh’s podcast for over 5 years now and think of her as my financial fairy God Mother. Her advice has helped me focus on paying down debt, asking for promotions at work and buying a home. Her episodes are like a buffet and have something for everyone. I recommend her to all my friend who want to learn more about finances. I appreciate the diversity of guest she has and love that she admits that she’s not qualified to talk about a topic.
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Addie Renee
In our house, we love “So Money”
I found “So Money” a few years ago during a time in my life where I was struggling financially. I had more than enough opportunity to grow wealth but instead ended up in debt due to poor decisions. I appreciate Farnoosh’s approachable and intentional cadence to providing financial education in a way that makes me feel seen. She is an ally to all but her episodes where she championed Black voices in the finance space resonated really well and were so sincere. In “So Money” you will learn about the tactical landscape of finance but also the emotional and psychological considerations that make the journey more meaningful. I would recommend you take a listen.
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1639 money and culture
I have been listening to So Money for almost 2 years now. I’ve loved every episode, Farnoosh. However, this episode hit home with me. I may be a young white woman, but I do feel an immense amount of pressure to support my low income family. To feel guilty that I am striving for something bigger and better. And I wouldn’t have found the framework for that without Farnoosh. She reminds us that we can do it all ❤️
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Best 1 stop shop for all things personal finance!
If you are looking for an amazing personal finance podcast that caters for everyone, from those who don’t know much about personal finance yet to those who consider themselves pretty knowledgeable, look no further. So money covers everything from getting started, saving, investing, debt, money psychology—to social, environmental and other societal issues impacting personal finances. A lot of the reviewers here will explain how this podcast has changed their lives, and I’d like to also add to the conversation in the hopes that my examples on how listening to this podcast has impacted my life can help you decide to listen to So Money as well. I was moderately happy at my previous job and Episode 1147 (Ramit Sethi) helped me evaluate that job, discover where I really wanted to be in my career, gave me actionable steps on how to prepare for and ace the job search process. Then when it came time to negotiate a salary, Episode 1122 (Alexandra Carter) gave me the blueprint on how to negotiate my salary. My original offer was 40% more than I was making before, and after negotiations that rose to 53%. Now I have a job I love more than the last, where I get paid more, and have a better work-life balance. Believe me when I say there are more episodes that have specifically made my life better, and I am confident this podcast will do the same for you. I am forever grateful I found this podcast in 2020! What are you waiting for? Hit the subscribe button and join the fun. I promise you will not regret it!
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More ads than content
No exaggeration, half of the show is ads - either for herself or paid ads. I’ve never complained about ads or self-promotion within reason, but this show doesn’t have a reasonable balance for the listener.
Excellent, relatable content w/ tangible takeaways
Happy birthday farnoosh! This podcast has given such great tangible takeaways and advice I can apply to my daily life. I love the Friday q&a segments as well as so many of your guests. I love finding new financial gurus from your show and hope you continue to make more podcasts!
Digestible PRACTICAL tips EVERY episode
Each episode I am impressed by the diversity and high level of expertise Farnoosh exposes us to. Even if a topic on the surface may not be relevant in my life currently, I can count on having a kernel of wise and practical insight I can take away from each conversation. As an immigrant myself, I am inspired by not only Farnoosh's story but also those of all of her amazing guests overcoming unique challenges and persevering.
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Just What I Needed!
I remember one of the first episodes I listened to of Farnoosh around the time of the onset of the pandemic, and I felt a hole being filled in what I was missing in life. Her show has been a HUGE part of my financial awakening and journey. While I’m not 100% of where I’d like to be, this show has 100% increased my financial literacy and especially appreciate her recent episode of how she manages money within her marriage. We need more transparency like this in the industry especially since not all women make more than their husbands in marriage, and I appreciate her shedding light on these dynamics as they can be subtle and subconscious. Truly hope to someday be able to get on a 15 minute call with her. But thank you so much for the work you do and for holding the space that you do! ✨
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If you don’t listen to So Money you are missing out!
Ever since my initial foray into the world of podcasts back in 2017, I've been a regular listener of So Money. Farnoosh’s expertise in finance shines through in every episode, and she has a knack for breaking down complex money matters into easily understandable segments. The guests she brings on are fascinating and intriguing, and she engages them with insightful, relevant questions. I find myself recommending this podcast to others who are interested in enhancing their personal finance understanding. Thank you for all you do!
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Engaging podcast
I really enjoy this podcast, its refreshing and an actually fun way to get financial advice and tips I can implement to build healthy financial habits. I resonate with Farnoosh’s background and its influence on her old money mentality.
Ask Farnoosh Fridays are my fave!
A friend introduced me to this podcast in 2020, and it has become my go-to finance podcast! Farnoosh speaks in a way that takes the intimidation out of finances, and she helps you understand how to get your financial feet on the ground. Thanks to Farnoosh, I not only feel empowered in my finances but also empowered to have conversations about it. I love all the episodes, but Ask Farnoosh Fridays are my fave! I love hearing all of the advice she shares with her audience, and I appreciate her heartfelt money wisdom!
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podcast ang
Love this podcast
I have listened to this podcast for a couple years. This is one of the few podcasts I continue to listen to because it continues to teach me about money and finances. Farnoosh is engaging and a great interviewer. Thanks, Farnoosh for sharing your advice!
Long-time fan: I have a new *favorite episode* (w/Shirin Eskandani)
What can I say? Every once in a while, your favorite podcast surprises you in the best way possible. I’m a long-time listener, here to geek out to personal finance tips and to get some weekly inspiration. But this week was something special because Farnoosh’s guest, Shirin Eskandani, told the story of her departure from the opera world into a world of service and coaching. While my story isn’t exactly the same, I can really relate in so many ways. I was a professional ballet dancer for many years and decided to step away at what some would consider a “prime” age for a dancer. As passionate as I was, I knew there was a next chapter waiting for me. Fast forward years of studying (also attending top schools, like Shirin and Farnoosh, being a perfectionist to a fault…) I eventually became a School Psychologist and I’m loving this chapter! No, I’m not here to just tell my story — It’s all just to say that these types of stories… the real life stuff that make us human… it’s all part of how we approach money and success. And Farnoosh gets that. If we were here for the latest stock tip, the show would be completely different. But this podcast keeps getting better and better, showing us how to face our fears and live life to the fullest. Thank you Farnoosh!
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Brittney, School Psych
Seeing myself in/and my financial future
I’ve listened to Farnoosh for several years now and have appreciated her sharing her financial experiences and wisdom rooted in realistic perspectives. As a child of refugees and immigrants, it’s so important to hear from someone with similar stories and backgrounds. She offers insights that are relatable across a wide spectrum of life experiences and backgrounds. I especially love that she doesn’t default to dominant narratives and experiences. I appreciate that she prioritizes guests who have great insights to share that help give us good perspectives about how to live a whole life with financial security. I am able to see myself and my experiences in the stories and perspectives she shares. Now as an adult and professional, I feel I am able to leverage this knowledge to create wealth for myself and my family’s future, which is a big deal coming from a low income background. Grateful to So Money as a great resource to achieve my goals.
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Farnoosh is my BFF (best financial friend)!
I've been a dedicated listener of Farnoosh Torabi's podcast, "So Money," since its inception, and I can confidently say that each episode is chock full of practical financial and business advice. Farnoosh has a unique ability to make the complex world of finances accessible, and her insights have been invaluable in enhancing my personal wealth and financial security. Farnoosh has an easy-going and approachable style, creating an environment where listeners can engage with the content effortlessly. Her friendly demeanor and conversational approach make even the most intricate financial topics enjoyable and easy to grasp. One of the standout features of the podcast is the actionable advice provided in each episode. Farnoosh doesn't just talk about theories; she delves into real-world strategies that listeners can implement in their own lives. Whether it's investment tips, business strategies, or wealth-building techniques, each episode leaves you with tangible steps to take on your financial journey. But what truly sets "So Money" apart is its impact beyond personal finance. Farnoosh's insights have not only helped me navigate my own financial landscape but have also empowered me to educate my kids about money. The podcast has become a valuable resource in teaching my children essential financial principles like investing early and the power of compound interest! In addition, the confidence and knowledge gained from "So Money" have played a pivotal role in my entrepreneurial journey. The episodes on business strategies and the stories of successful entrepreneurs have inspired me to take the leap and start my own business. The podcast serves as a constant source of motivation and guidance, providing me with the tools needed to navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship. "So Money" isn't just a podcast; it's a reliable companion on the path to financial well-being and entrepreneurial success. If you're looking for a podcast that seamlessly blends practical advice with a friendly and enjoyable atmosphere, Farnoosh Torabi's "So Money" is a must-listen. I look forward to each new episode, knowing that it will bring valuable insights, a refreshing perspective on managing money, and inspiration for both personal and professional growth.
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Practical tips
Love the guest interviews but especially love when their experience is translated to practical tips, as well as the Friday episodes that are only this! Keep it coming!
So great I had to dm her to say thank you
Thank you sis for being a fire you’re phenomenal and after listening I always feel inspired and motivated to be within similar likeness! This podcast is like a hit of something lol
Level-headed, fair, and thorough guidance
Based on a coworker’s recommendation, I started listening to So Money in 2020. I’ve been hooked from the start. Farnoosh is transparent about how money goals and tactics can change over time and disarms the cloudy world of personal finance. I feel more secure in my financial decisions not just because of the facts and research that she shares but because she leads by example: It’s amazing to see a woman, with her fears and doubts, face challenges and creates her own path—and be successful at it. Thank you, Farnoosh! (Also, shout-out to Jersey, my home state, which needs more good reviews too :)
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go ba!
Changed my money Mindset !
I love this podcast! I’m 28 and have been in the States for a little over 5 years. As an adult, trying to Understand a completely new system is a hard thing to do (specially when you come from a place or background where financial education is almost non existent).. So Money has contributed in making this process easier and most importantly, to change my mindset and break patters around money and finances.. I’ve shared this podcast with people that are in a similar situation than me, in hopes that they can also benefit from it. Thank you so much, Farnoosh!
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Relatable and diverse!
As a child of immigrants and a former journalist, I relate to Farnoosh in many ways! I enjoy listening to the podcast for her palatable, insightful and smart content. Thanks for interviewing diverse guests, too! Finance impacts every part of our lives, so I appreciate how she weaves the topic into subjects about relationships, women empowerment and so much more. Thank you, Farnoosh!
Accessible and inspiring
I love how this show is always so relatable. Advice is offered that is interesting, a fresh idea or perspective and accessible no matter your level of expertise. I never feel shamed or “behind” or like it is impossible for me to become more financially literate. I always feel inspired after these podcasts to get more educated about finance, and even when I forget and come back again, I’m just as inspired all over.
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Coming of Money Age
I’m embarrassed to say I’ve followed this podcast since 2015 and am just now writing this review! Farnoosh and her financial advice have seen me through college, my 20s and now 30s living and working in NYC. I will never forget meeting her in my Finance 100 class at Penn State in 2012…! I still have her purple business card! She is a fantastic journalist and this show is some of her best work. Thanks for everything Farnoosh! Can’t wait to see what 2024 has in store.
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Practical and mindful
So many podcasts out there but what I love about Farnoosh’s podcast is that it’s practical and stems from mindfulness. Farnoosh makes it fun and also real. I started listening since last year and haven’t looked back.
Love this podcast
I love listening to Farnoosh, she is down to earth and practical, never judgmental. She gives great money advice on a variety of topics. The show is always relevant, and I listen whenever I see a new episode pop up. Thank you Farnish for your seasoned advice.
So Money Podcast Review
The So Money Podcast covers a wide range of financial topics in an engaging and relatable way. Farnoosh, is highly skilled in breaking down complex money matters and making them accessible. The podcast offers valuable insights and actionable tips, whether it’s personal finance, career advice, or conversations with successful individuals. Thank you Farnoosh!
Sonja MU
So Money, So Inspiring
I found Farnoosh on Instagram and then read her book, A Healthy State of Panic, then found her podcast. When I was listening to her book, I felt like I was talking to a friend. Here’s a business woman who is my age, with small kids like me, from an immigrant family like me…and she’s wicked smart about money. What I love the most about the podcast is how real she is. She’s not telling us this specific way will make you rich, she tells you, through her work and the work of her guests, ways to best make and keep and utilize your money. I’m so inspired and really can’t wait to see what So Money has to offer this year!
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Complete Waste of Time
First and last time listener. Very scattered and more off topic than. Like a squirrel on crack!
Start Subscribing!
I adore Farnoosh! Not only is her finance wisdom extra helpful for all financial journeys, she’s down-to-earth and transparent about life as a working mom! It’s fantastic. I’m always encouraged and leave feeling empowered no matter what season I’m in. Highly recommend!
Perfect for women new to investing
I’m turning 50 and have a new interest in wrapping my mind around investing. I’d always just left it to packaged plans. I’m ready to learn, and this podcast is so accessible and interesting.
Love, love LOVE Farnoosh
I discovered her about four months ago and started listening to her podcast and her new wonderful book. She’s so smart, so normal and so down to earth. I learn so much from her and her interviews.
Officer Hopps
Great show and amazing host
Great insightful show! I’ve been listening for years and love this. Farnoosh is real, authentic and gets it. The show and her advice will change your money and life if you simply follow her thinking. - Mel Abraham, The Entrepreneur's Solution
Mel Abraham
When money is fun!
I found this pod through the Entrepenista and I’m loving it so far. She makes finance fun and gives me the skills I need to improve my IQ and raise financially literate kids.
Best money therapy
I’ve been listening to Farnoosh since 2016. She always manages to teach me something new in each episode. She keeps it real as a working mom, woman and minority. Just when I get too comfortable with my finances, Farnoosh reminds me that there is work to be done.
Better Wealth
I love that this podcast offers well rounded financial advise with a diverse range of opinions and expertise. Keep up the fantastic work!
From anxious to empowered
Thinking about money used to be a huge source of anxiety for me. I had a lot of student debt, was working many grueling and low-paying part-time jobs, and constantly felt behind, confused, and in the dark about the state of my finances. As a result, I would mostly ignore it, not checking my bank account for weeks at a time. After lamenting about this cycle with a friend, she recommended I listen to So Money. While hesitant at first, I can honestly say that this podcast has done so much to help ease my anxiety about money and make me feel empowered about my finances, career, and plans for the future. I am now debt-free, track income and expenses through an app with my husband, and have opened a Roth IRA for myself and a 529 for our young son. I would not have even known what those things were if not for So Money. Thank you for making this topic approachable and for sharing multiple perspectives with your many guests - it has helped me face my fears and develop my own perspective on how money can be used to live a better life. Looking forward to continue learning more!
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Elsie Browncow
Awesome podcast, take a listen!
I started listening this summer after she was featured on another podcast I listen too. I enjoy hearing her perspective on money, fear and how to concur both! While some of the guest may cover topics not of interest to me, I still listen because I know there’s something I can learn from them. Keep up the great work!
Thank You Farnoosh
This is long overdue. I have been listening to So Money since its inception back in 2015 when Farnoosh used to do new episodes 5 times a week. From Tony Robbins, David Bach, Jean Chatzky to Queen Latifa Farnoosh has had so many awesome guests with their perspectives(along with Farnoosh’s POV) on money that has produced to many quality episodes. It has also been a pleasure to witness Farnoosh evolve into being on TV as the money expert on various interviews and hosting a series on CNBC along with writing another book. It’s like cheering on your friend/family member with every adventure they take and wanting them to succeed. Farnoosh has also influenced me in not just how to make wise financial decisions but also life decisions. Much appreciative Farnoosh, continued success in this financial and life journey. Kris
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Farnoosh Changed My Life!
I grew up in a low income household with no financial education and, two years ago, I decided to make a generational change. I began searching for female financial resources (as a female myself) and immediately found Farnoosh! In the last two years, I have negotiated a new job AND promotion, increasing my annual salary from 45k to 75k by following Farnoosh’s advice to step out of my comfort zone and ask for more! I found out I was being significantly under paid in my role and took control of my financial future. I have been able to buy our first house and contribute additional retirement funds to a Roth IRA that I would have never been able to do! I cannot thank Farnoosh enough for standing up and speaking out as a woman, and non-white woman, in such a white male dominated space. You have made me feel safe and welcome when I was coming into the financial space with absolutely no financial education or background. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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Farnoosh Keeps Me Going
I just pre-ordered my hard copy of A Health State of Panic, and it could not be coming at a better time. I have been working on my relationship to my own fear (and the fear I inherited) for a long time, and I am excited to read how Farnoosh reframes what fear can mean and do for us in a culture where we’re often told to ignore it and forge through it without intention and awareness. I am a long time listener of the So Money podcast, and it is an endless source of learning, inspiration, and motivation. I deeply resonate with Farnoosh’s voice and the way she owns her intelligence and power (yes, you are powerful!!) but also her vulnerability and authenticity. She is real as f***, and as a fellow woman in the financial industry, I am endlessly inspired by her ability to be unapologetically herself in a way that is both strong and compassionate. Farnoosh, you keep me going, and I am so grateful for what you offer to me and the world!!
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A must-listen!
So Money has quickly become a favorite on my feed! I’m consistently impressed with the engaging conversations, insightful content, and actionable ideas. I truly learn something new every time I tune in. Thank you, Farnoosh, for putting out such an amazing podcast. Keep up the great work!
Farnoosh is gifted in making tough topics sound easy and maybe even fun! She is thoughtful, strategic and on-the-money! LOVE listening to this podcast and feeling empowered.
veer the king
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shop door
Michelle Buteau episode was FIRE!
This by far was one of the best and most relatable episodes this season. It made me smile and feel as if my common-sense way of thinking about life and money is okay. Always better yourself but have a little fun and love life along the way.
Love this podcast!
So Money is such a helpful podcast! I’m always learning something new from Farnoosh and her amazing guests. As a fellow Iranian-American, I really appreciate hearing from someone who gets my experience growing up in the US while also taking away great financial tips!
Jasmine Hormati
Excellent Podcast
So Money is a very well-done podcast with a wealth of information. On top of that, Farnoosh Torabi is a great host and thorough interviewer. I greatly appreciate the effort she puts into every detail of the show and her professionalism.
All the $$ things
I love all things finance and love how this show marries money with a powerful woman in the finance space. Thank you for sharing all your insight and serving listeners so much. 100% recommend
Episode 1548
Per the last question addressed concerning finding a money coach. A trusted resource is, where you can search for Accredited Financial Counselors. AFCs are purpose-built for just the kinds of questions your listener posed.
🙌🏽🤎Perfect for my mind and heart!🤎🙌🏽
In every episode, Farnoosh engages topics that I know that I need to learn more about as well as topics that were not on my radar, but that I also need in my life. Importantly, as a BIPOC, female, divorced, mother, researcher and instructor, my ears pick up on the nuances of someone (Farnoosh) who has deep insights about my own life paths and challenges. This is a safe place to come for accurate financial info that isn’t violence to my mind and heart in a hostile country. She also weaves a network of brilliant BIPOC specialists that contribute so much to the public. Thank you for this sophisticated space!
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This is 40?
Hi Farnoosh, Love the show and all the education you are always giving me! I just turned 40 and have only recently started my financial education, so I am discovering how many opportunities I’ve missed on: Roth IRA, investing and maxing out contributions to my company’s Simple IRA. I am trying hard to gain some ground, but every time I plug in my current savings and investments into a retirement calculator, it seems to come up short. Here’s where my husband and I are as of this year: -Joint income is $315K 💵 -Totally missed the boat on Roth IRA 🤦🏼‍♀️ -Built up my family’s 3 month’s emergency fund held in a HYSA🚨 -Maxing out my company sponsored Simple IRA ($15,500/year) (husbands as well) each of us currently have about $100K in our Simple accounts.💰 -Contributing monthly to 2 children’s 529 plans, $500/each 👱🏻‍♀️🏫👦🏼 -Investing $500/month to an Index Fund 📈 -Saving $500/month to Travel in HYSA ✈️ Travel and experiences have always been important to us, so while I know that would be a big cost saver, I feel like we’d be unhappy if we were missing out on that part of our life. It feels like I’m doing everything and nothing at the same time and I know I need to be patient and just let thing grow, but still, I worry constantly that I’m not looking at the right savings & investment opportunities and was hoping you might have some guidance for someone trying to play catch up! 😵‍💫 Liz P
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