Made For Living Well
Made For Living Well
Alexa Schirm
via Podcasts
Jesus therapy is spot on!
Alexa thank you so much for putting this out there. What a blessing! I’ve been listening to your podcasts and started this Jesus therapy (eps 237) today and was so very blessed and encouraged by it. I pray that I can apply it all to my WHOLE life (mind, soul and body) to create the change I need in my life.
Goey (pronounced- GO - EE)
My go-to wellness podcast
Alexa breaks down health and wellness into understandable, easy-to-follow tips and systems that have really changed what I thought I knew about health and diet.
Helpful and fun!
Alexa shares so much helpful health information, even if it goes against trend. I love her heart and that she wants us to benefit from true health- not just to experience a quick benefit from whatever the popular health fad is at the time. I’ve learned so much about health in general, but most of all, I’ve learned how to take charge of my own health.
Love this podcast
Alexa is full of so much wonderful information! She is so down to earth and shares in a way that is so relatable! I so appreciate all she does and shares!
Turns the struggle around
I’m fairly new with Alexa but she has turned my thinking (entrenched in years of following current diets) completely around and I HAVE HOPE-hope for feeling energetic and in tune with what my body actually needs. I’m excited to be on this journey with Alexa’s help!
Life changing!
Alexa shares her knowledge with her listeners and is so passionate about health. She gets you to really dive in to change your mindset about everything you thought you knew about how to be healthy. Diet is a 4 letter word, change your mind first to begin to change your health. Thank you Alexa, because of you I realize I am made for Living Well.💕
Great podcast
Really appreciate this compassionate and helpful podcast!
Super Easy and Quick!
Easy-to-understand health concepts, super motivating, and all under 20 minutes!
P Mantis
So glad I found this podcast!
I’m so glad I found this podcast! It’s very inspiring and mindful. Thank you for all of the great information.
Cara Joy H
Such Great Information
I have listened to a lot of podcasts about health and never really was able to stick to one. I have listened to at least two of Alexa’s episodes everyday since I found it. She is knowledgable and she's mindful about who listens to it. You can tell she cares and she definitely equips you with knowledge that will help in your everyday life. She even did two shows for each of the nine enneagram types. She really cares and I highly recommend this podcast to everyone trying to just be a little better each day.
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Amazing Mindful Health Podcast
Love the information
This podcast gives awesome scientific information about how our bodies work along with how to use this information to help you become the healthy person that you want to be. I have always felt like Alexa understands all my thoughts and helps me figure out the direction I need to go instead of just being stagnant. Highly recommend!!
Love these podcasts!
Alexa (and her guests) discuss so many great topics regarding physical, emotional and mental health. I can feel “frenzied” yet know that if I pop in my ear buds for a segment and go for walk, I inevitably return home a more balanced, calmer woman.
Worth listening to
I really like the perspective of this podcast. It’s worth a listen!
A breath of fresh air...
Alexa’s podcasts are so well thought out and informative. I love how she approaches each subject and researches and reveals it all so you can understand it (hello I’m enneagram 6!!!!) the enneagram Series blew my mind as I never knew I was a 6 and much makes SENSE now. I understand my being - why I’m a negative thinker why I mistrust why I can’t stick to diets and life seems to overwhelming at times...and why I have a zillion thoughts a day and anxiety. I had wondered why when I started the calm and headspace apps and meditation WHY I felt better I know now - I’m able to quiet my racing thoughts and let my mind rest - just as Alexa said. I’m gonna to sign up for her program...she’s just amazing and I’m a huge fan.
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Great perspective!
I stumbled across this blog one day while I was in the midst of dealing with my disordered eating. I had been looking at many "anti diet" blogs and the title was appealing to me, I have listened--and replayed--about 25 episodes so far. I love the fact that Alexa reminds me that small steps lead to big changes, and that we need to grasp health before we can work on other things. I feel my mindset has been changed the most. This is clean, no "f" word podcast, which I appreciate.
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Great podcast!
I don’t know how I stumbled upon your podcast, but listened to the self-care one today and I’m so glad I did! I could completely relate!
Healthy Mom Project
Real truth, real simple
Alexa Schirms is one of the most authentic voices of our time. She does the soul searching work of digging deep into the life experience only to draw out simple, intuitive truth. She presents this wisdom as something we all know deep down but have forgotten - a reminder to reconnect with our own inner wisdom. In this way, she lacks the overpowering arrogance and ego you get from many other podcasts spouting beliefs on diet/exercise, mindset, mental health, parenting, money, etc. This show woke me up from a dizzying vortex of trying so hard to find the answers somewhere else. The answers are actually pretty simple; I already know them if I am quiet enough to listen. Alexa's show helped me to get there.
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A Must Listen!
This is the first time I've ever bothered to leave a podcast review, but for this one, I must! It's fantastic! Alexa's message is one for everyone. I have not heard anyone else speaking this message. As someone who has dealt with chronic illness for years, this podcast brings me hope. It recenters my focus to where it should be: fulfilling my purpose. Thank you Alexa for your hard work and thought provoking messages! Your work is inspiring me to be and do better!
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Show 174 on self forgiveness
So kind and real yet deep. Thank you.
Excellent. Life changing. Inspiring on so many levels
Really interesting information. I am going to look into this more!
Straight shooter!
I love that Alexa practices what she preaches and tells it like it is. I agree with her 100 percent about health in episode #168, “Are We Doing Health All Wrong.” We need to get back to the basics. We have it backwards. We need to heal from the inside out and quit focusing on the outside. ❤️❤️❤️ this podcast!
fitness 13
Who lvs U baby
Your the best
Yay for soul care
Loved this podcast episode! I generally just love the direction of this podcast, how relatable, and resourceful this can be.
Podcast with heart and wisdom to share
Loved the episode with Hannah Brencher and so many others. Alexa’s passion, energy and unmistakable heart for her listeners and their nutrition- body, mind and spirit nutrition, makes you want to keep coming back for more. 💗
Amy VanSlam
Heartfelt Health 💞
I feel completely at home here - bowled over by brilliant advice and nourishing conversations. Alexa and her incredible guests give listeners an unfair advantage when it comes to health & wellness, personal development and everything in between. HIGHLY recommend listening & subscribing to Simple Roots Radio if you’re interested in exploring your own personal evolution (and experiencing life with a new physical & emotional resilience as a result)!
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J. Barshop
Fresh air
Alexa is a breath of fresh air that has me so completely encouraged to begin a new chapter in my life ! Here I come new me!
As Alexa would say, this show is, “So good!”
My daughter told me about Simple Roots Podcasts. We have always been interested in pursuing health, both physical and spiritual- and there is a lot of information out there! Alexa is the perfect balance of both. She brings current and pertinent information and delivers it in a way that is relatable, and then shows you how to incorporate this information into your life. I always learn something, and love the passion and energy she invests. Thank you for using your talents, and thank you for sharing who blessed you with them! You are a light for Jesus and the life He designed us to live!
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Love this show (and wish you were my best friend!)
Literally loving the direction this show is going! You are really do amazing things for people (me!!) when you not only talk the facts but also the faith. I have always believed there was a connection to it all, but was taught it’s all compartmentalized and health is not connected to faith. Or more, God doesn’t care about health, just your heart. But you’ve opened the door to seeing it all as one! Oh and SUPER SMART LADY! I just wanna sit down with you and ask you a million questions because I feel like you’re so honest and real. You’ve done the work of learning the truth but you also so lovingly listen to the Spirit and share your heart. Thank you ❤️
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Caity Barnesy
Wonderful Podcast!
Alexa Schirm is amazing! She helps you understand health and look at it in a whole new light. This podcast really helps guide me and inspire me! This podcast also has wonderful guests and great content! f
Informative and Engaging
I have been listening for about 3 months now and love when I get a notification for a new episode! The information is so helpful and Alexa’s positivity and honesty helps me stay engaged even when topics are tedious :) I have learned so much and can’t wait to use the meal guide for more efficient/ balanced meal prepping!
Great podcast!
Absolutely love this podcast! Simplifying health with great bits of information and awesome topics. I love tuning in each week to learn more :)
Alexa is amazing!!! I feel like she answers all of my questions regarding a health topic with well rounded, researched knowledge. She approaches everything with a wholistic viewpoint! In a world full of health advice that pulls you five different directions, I know that I can listen to Alexa’s podcast and not worry about the validity! She truly offers so many great topics and guest experts who give great advice! I am always constantly learning something from this podcast! Such an easy and enjoyable listen- definitely makes my long drives go so much faster! Thank you Alexa for sharing your gifts and talents with everyone!!
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Such great ideas!
I love listening to Alexa. She has such great ideas on how to make meal planning work for my family! And to make health easy. Check it out!
nagy 66
This podcast got me hooked
Best podcast (and only podcast) I listen to. Alexa is phenomenal, her guests are brilliant, and I am so much more aware of my health and environment because of it. My family is getting annoyed with me talking about it so much but just like I tell them, everyone should listen to Alexa.
Thanks for being there
I am so thrilled that I found simple roots. Thanks for sharing the journey to health and wellness with us and I love that you freely express your belief in Jesus!!
Give it a try!
I have listened to MANY health & wellness podcasts and Simple Roots is by far my favorite.
Love Her Style
Alexa has a vibrant energy about her she speaks. I can tell she is very passionate about what she talks about. I listen to her at least 3-4 times a week and even fall asleep to her and let it run all night. Her advice has helped me a lot! Blackievix
An Essential Message of Health
I listen to Simple Roots Wellness often. Alexa’s message, that being healthy is about SO much more than food, has changed the way I think about not only my physical health, but my mental and spiritual health as well. She offers such a perfect balance of universal messages, accessible knowledge and practical implementation, all while being very REAL about what those messages and simple practices look like everyday— with a job, kids, emotions, relationships, and life! I am so grateful to have found this podcast. It feels like the health advice I’ve been searching for my whole life.
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Worth your time! For sure!
Alexa is so honest, motivating and educational. There’s so much goodness in the messages she shares. It’s mind blowing how much information she knows. She makes it easy to comprehend, why it matters and how to apply it. So good.
So informative!
Love Alexa and the information and education she brings coupled with honest real life experiences
Love it!
I listen to Simple Roots on my way to work each morning. I just started listening about 2 months ago and I stated from the very beginning. I love the mix of nutrition and lifestyle advise. Alexia has fantastic guests that are interesting and give great, and easy, tips that you can actually implement into your life. Since listening I have been starting my day with lemon water and doing intermittent fasting and I feel great! 2 simple realistic tips Alexia has shared! I was in a major funk before starting to listen and I am finally snapping out of it! I highly recommend this podcast if you want simple and realistic tips/information on living a healthier life!
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Sending this to all my friends!!
Hfndjaoqhsbd ubmsks
I love this podcast, the things she covers with science and general stories has helped me so much!
Awesome podcast!
I truly love this podcast! It contains the right amount of information that’s needed for someone to evaluate their life and actually want to change it.
Alexa’s voice is grating on my nerves and speaks too fast for my comfort. The content is good.
Life changing
I can’t express how helpful and informational this podcast has been. I think that anyone who takes this whole lifestyle approach to health is going to see drastic changes, and Alexa breaks everything down so beautifully.
Simple Roots for the Win!
I love this podcast & Alexa's website so much. I finally feel at peace with the way I'm eating (under the advice given here) and feel like my body is actually getting healthy. The "Metabolism Series" podcasts have been so helpful and encouraging! I feel like I now understand why I was ALWAYS hungry & had no energy. I'm hopeful for the future and so so thankful for this information. Thanks Alexa, keep them coming! xo, Rachel
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Great podcast
She has a really positive message about health!
Great content, lots of ads
Great content, but Would be much better if less Ads in the first 7 mins of the podcast.
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