Made For Living Well
Made For Living Well
Alexa Schirm
#324: Do Calories Really Matter?
23 minutes Posted Mar 25, 2024 at 6:38 am.
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Calories tend to be another controversial and somewhat confusing subject. But I'd argue that is only because we don't understand how they interact with our bodies. If you've ever wondered if calories matter, the answer is yes and no.

Let me explain.

Calories are a metric of energy often used to describe the nutritional value of food. Technically, a calorie is a unit of energy equivalent to the heat energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by one degree Celsius.

Our simplistic view of calories does not determine nutritional value. It's the nutrients within those calories that truly matter. Calories are only significant to the degree they influence energy levels.

Understanding this is much easier when you break through the misunderstanding of energy and thus understand the role of food. In this podcast, we dive deep into the misinterpretation of caloric energy while diving into the only thing that matters: your internal energy.

Calories cannot change you, but they can influence your internal energy, which matters more than how many calories you consume.

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