Made For Living Well
Made For Living Well
Alexa Schirm
#321: Your Body's Not That Sensitive
42 minutes Posted Feb 19, 2024 at 8:14 am.
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Your body’s not that sensitive. It can be, but only because it’s been pushed into forms of dysregulation so long it’s turned to survival. Survival means your body will do anything to keep you alive, even if that means it works against what is healthy.

It’s not the intended design. The intended design is to thrive. But when forced, it will revert to survival.

I had to learn this the hard way.

For years, I believed my body was just overly sensitive. It tended to react to everything, from foods to different beauty products and even occasionally the sun. My body felt overwhelmed in all areas. I could find nothing that would settle.

While I knew how sensitive a body could become, it wasn’t my own health that made me confront the question as to why our bodies seemed to become so weak. It was one of my clients.

He was only a child but had taken a few tests out of desperation to realize his body was reacting to everything. Not just environmentally, but nearly every food was causing a chain reaction inside his body. What was supposed to nourish him was slowly killing him.

At a loss for how to feed him, his parents came to me for help.

When I laid eyes on him, I could tell his body was overwhelmed, but I also saw something beneath the rash on his skin and the dark circles under his eyes. He had life in him. He was just so undernourished it couldn’t surface. It left me questioning how to nourish him when he couldn’t consume anything that would sustain him.

Here, I began in-depth research into food sensitivities. I wanted to know why we are experiencing them more frequently than ever before. What I found was alarming and provides a solution to health the health space has repeatedly overlooked.

In this podcast, I highlight why we are becoming more sensitive but also remind you this was not the design. You were not designed in weakness but strength. Your body can heal and thrive amongst several healthy and even unhealthy things. But it can only do that when it has the nourishment and support.

You must change the paradigm and see your body as good to get healthy.


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