Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey
Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey
Blaze Podcast Network
via Podcasts
Truth with no grace
Arrogant, self-righteous and judgmental. All truth with no grace.
I love listing to this podcast
I always learn a lot from Allie and her guests. I also love the not so serious episodes.
Melisa McKee
We need more people like Allie!!
I’m so grateful to have found this podcast! She is not afraid to speak the truth of the things going on in this dark, sinful world and most of all speak the truth of the gospel! Thank you for being brave enough to share the gospel!
Allie stands for the truth sweetly and courageously
Allie Beth is a welcome presence in the conservative podcast space. She is actually a reformed Christian, where there are so many nominal Christians attempting to stand for truth as political thought leaders. They can’t. But Allie can! Because she *always* takes things back to compare them to Scripture. She is a beautiful mom and wife and follower of Christ who helps us to see the things happening in the world around us through a biblical lens. Give her a listen!! Also she is from Texas.
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The Best!
She’s always my go to. She’s unapologetically speaking truth in love and is not ashamed of the gospel. My very favorite
Allie needs to change the name to Refreshing. She always has a levelheaded take on whatever craziness is going on in the world. Never change, Allie!
Love Allie and producer Brie!
Always appreciate Allie’s take on things, and I think the episodes with Brie are fun.
My #1 go-to podcast
I’ve been listening to Relatable with Allie Beth for at least 3 years. After all the years I’ve been listening to other podcasts, hers is the one I’ve stuck with, and a must listen to, for each and every episode! The Lord used her show to bring me to salvation, and become a born again believer. I’m so grateful for faithful women like her, who speak biblical truths daily and doesn’t back down or wane no matter what’s going on in our culture. So many people are cultural and political windvanes, and the years I’ve listened to her she’s remained consistent. I’ve also been edified by tons of content and learned so many things around varying subjects! Thanks Allie and the Relatable team.
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Alexandria Ok
Thank you for being so thoughtful about your content!
My favorite podcast!
Five starts just doesn’t seem to be enough! I have sent so many episodes to friends and family because I learn so much and I think it’s important for others to learn it too! What I love the most is how Allie’s faith in God and her love for Christ is evident in every episode. I’m always excited for the next episode to drop!
J Stoud
Life positively impacted by Allie. Thank you!!
Allie is on point with her commentary. She has expanded my knowledge and thought process on so many topics! I recommend to anyone looking for a great women’s podcast!
Ona ML
Really enjoying listening.
I’ve been listening to this podcast for the last couple months and I’m really happy that I found it! I appreciate Allie’s biblical point of view. I feel like we get a good mix of political news, pop culture , and other topics such as motherhood, health, and of course religious news. I’ve been searching for a podcast that shares many of the same views as I do with a podcaster who is level headed and well informed. I started with poplitics, and while I still enjoy that show, Allie’s “Relatable” feels like a more grown up version! Personally…This podcast fits with my season of life right now as a Christian woman, mom, and wife.
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Great Biblical perspective
Love following for up-to-date Christian news and perspective. Thank you for holding your ground against the culture. Would love more “Most misused” Bible verse topics!
My source for news!
Well-researched analysis of current events, politics, and culture from a truly Christian worldview. I love love love sitting in on the conversations of highly intelligent people, particularly when they are strong believers. I have learned so much! Thank you, Allie!!!
Great podcast!
Great podcast for women of faith.
Allie Beth & her community is exactly what is needed right now
I’ve been listening to her show since I found her on the Blaze a year ago. At first I wasn’t sure, I thought she was going to be one of those toxic mom channels and part of the “relatable mom” culture” or toxic mommy culture. But I quickly learned that couldn’t be farther from who Allie Beth is!! She is lovely, graceful, kind, and an upstanding Godly woman with a backbone. She is unafraid to speak the truth, and she has really been an integral part in my walk with God, and navigating this crazy world over the last year. I never felt more alone in my values, beliefs, and worldview until I found her channel and her community. It’s like a breath of fresh air!!! ❤️
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Sundial Realm Photography
An informative podcast that offers a sense of hope
I love political commentary, but often it is discouraging and easy to walk away feeling frustrated, angry, and hopeless. Allie Beth Stuckey does an incredible job breaking down politics and culture but rooting everything in the ultimate hope of the Gospel that Christians have.
Meghan E. Williams
Great content
ABS goes the extra mile to provide interesting, relevant content with knowledgeable and interesting guests. I always look forward to the next episode
Great podcast
I love your podcast as a Christian woman, and I look forward to hearing your views every week. You're a great role model for speaking out unapologetically about current affairs.
Super show!
Great show my favorite 🤩
here's five stars
Biblically based
Well done podcast and she really has a lot of passion for what she talks about. She doesn’t let her guests talk much. She will ramble.
Relatabro and PROUD!
Relatable is one of the best conservative podcasts out there! As a Catholic I’m not always in agreement of everything, but Allie Beth Stuckey is exposing the darkness in the world and preaching truth and goodness where so few are willing to. Always fun and informative episodes!
Balanced perspective on singles
THANK YOU so much for your recent episode about single women in their 30s. I am single and it is NOT because I chose this or didn’t try in my 20s. I appreciate you saying that on your show. I never hear anyone say that. I’m no girl boss. All I hear from people is that my singleness is my fault. Well, what about the men who rejected me in my 20s? The ones who chose more attractive women over me? I can’t tell you how many guys told me they admired my relationship with Christ but just did not think I was pretty enough. Really! And it’s not from lack of trying: I fixed my hair, dressed well, all the things. I befriended many guys, I went to a Christian school and a solid church. I’m still single. I’m 35. Thank you for speaking to me in this episode and others like me who are tired of having Christian men tell us we are the problem and our singleness is our fault. God has us in this season for a reason. That’s what people need to hear. Thank you, sister. God Bless you!
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Quick Note!
Just saying, the latest episode on the Nickelodeon documentary was (judging by the description) supposed to be about an hour long, but it seemed to be cut short by around seven minutes. Just thought you might want to know!
Golden Bachelor Divorce
Allie Beth! The whole Bachelor/Bachelorette show premise is ridiculous! I would not expect ANY of these matchups to work. It is all ludicrous! It’s stupid. $$$$$$$$$ that is all.
Why put down other preachers!
Please interview Doreen Virtue on alternative healthcare!
PLEASE stop having alternative health people on without looking into how they are largely New Age. Chiropractic was “discovered” in a seance! Believe me, I don’t trust most healthcare after 2020 but things like vitalism is Taoism—search an image of Traditional Chinese Medicine‘s 5 Phases (“Wu xing“) or Ayurveda’s 3 doshas 5 elements—does that shape look familiar? Allie Beth and listeners, be careful! Please maybe have Doreen Virtue back on and interview her on alternative medicine! She woke me up to yoga not just being stretching, and I’m hoping she would have a well-prayed take on alternative medicine. Remember God is the first One you should turn to, and then look for natural solutions, but any sort of “liver tincture” or “meridian” or “this is the root of your ills” should make you pause and pray! A lot is the same business model as a “pill for an ill”—just less processed 😂—and/or something evil. I’m worried for listeners who were so disillusioned after Covid that they will get into things they should not.
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Highly misinformed on Catholic Teaching
As a recent Protestant convert to Catholicism, I understand and used to hold many of the same issues about the Catholic faith that Allie holds. After much research, reading, prayer and openness to being challenged, I converted. I find it disappointing the open and flagrant anti Catholic bias she has, and that aside from her one debate of Trent Horn vs. James White, she uses non-Catholic sources to explain Church teachings, which are woefully ignorant of what the Church actually teaches. On the other hand, Allie does great work regarding many other topics, and I appreciate her dedication to the Pro Life movement, and explaining why IVF is harmful. I have, however, noticed her tone of voice during her podcasts sounds quite dismissive and dare I say, snarky and often times rude. Used to love this podcast and listen to each episode as soon as it came out, but am quickly getting turned off by her demeanor.
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In general, I agree with most of your views, however I don’t like when you put down other preachers and claim that they are false/prosperity teachers when I doubt you even listen to them. I’ve listened to Joyce Meyer for years, and I feel that her teachings focus more on humility and following the teachings of the Christ more than anything else. In addition , she has led thousands of people to the Lord and done tremendous outreach to the poor and missions. I have grown more from listening to her than any other teacher I have ever listened to. I really pray that Christians can stop mocking and belittling other Christians. This really causes division… what we need is unity in the body of Christ and to respect and build each other up, not to make untrue claims about something or someone you don’t know about.
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verde river
Wild! Allie Beth endorses Trump
Who endorses the baby murder her entire career is based on ‘fighting!’ Make it make sense?!
Janice Fahy
Sometimes Great Sometimes Not
Use your best judgement per episode.
Show has had a gradual decline in the past year, but 2024 episodes have been awful
I used to love this show. Loved the variety of topics and listening to Allie’s take on them. This year, I’ve grown to distrust the podcast. Several of the guests she’s had on have had very questionable things to say and not based on any solid evidence. If I don’t trust the guests she brings on, I’m starting to doubt that I can trust her takes too. I feel like she’s also become super inflammatory, every episode has some type of fear mongering, and the push for people to buy merch every episode is VERY annoying.
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Amazing. Thank you!
My favorite
Downhill fast
Using personal opinion interviews meant to sway listeners towards her personal convictions is getting old. The whole vendetta against ivf is such a judgmental approach towards a complex (poorly understood) issue. This podcast has become ridiculous.
rooted in truth
the truth is hard sometimes, but we don’t get to shy away from it because it’s hard. ABS is one of my top 3 favorites to listen to - always Bible-based and she’s real. real-life, real truth, REAL GOOD.
Theology, politics, and popculture
Allie is brilliant, bold, and entertaining. She’s not afraid to discuss controversial topics, and has changed my opinion on many things. She knows the word well, and very often references it to back up her takes. I love that she covers culturally relevant topics and has interesting and knowledgeable guests on her show. I also enjoy hearing from her behind the scenes girl, Bree! Would like to hear more from her, because their conversations are interesting and often insightful. This is one of my favorite podcasts (and I listen to tons). Keep doing the Lord’s work, Allie B.
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Regaining pride in America
I’ve been waiting for 30 years to hear a politician talk with pride about our country. Thank You
Helpful! Truthful! Relevant!
I would 10/10 recommend this podcast. Thank you Allie for all you do for the Christian community. Followers of Jesus need to be informed and need reliable sources of information; you provide that. Please listen to this podcast!
Thank you Jesus for this show!
I have been listening to Allie Beth for over 2 years. I love her love for Jesus and her compassion for sharing the truth no matter what.
Sarah Nicodemus
Allie is solid
I love this podcast so much. Allie does such an excellent job bringing information to the masses while adding thoughtful, eloquent and biblical commentary on said information. I’m grateful for her sound mind and articulate thoughts that point us to Christ and his word.
Episode 974
Allie, your presentation of the gospel is so well explained!
Hateful and Ignorant
Protect trans kids! America is not a theocracy!❤️
The Can Man Cometh
Wonderful podcast!
I am a sixteen-year-old and I have been listening to Relatable with my mom for three to four years now. Allie Beth has been very influential in my life and has opened doors for a lot of really good conversations and she has helped me learn how to work through hard topics and look at everything through a Biblical lens. Whether theology, politics, culture wars, or even silly things, she talks about all sorts of topics and looks at what the Bible says about it and therefore how we should act on it. She looks at both sides of arguments and is not afraid of backlash or of admitting if she was wrong. She has a lot of really good guests on her show, too. If you are a Christian, especially a Christian woman (young or old), who wants an engaging, thought-provoking podcast that is Biblically accurate, I highly recommend! If you’re a liberal and/or non-Christian, please find something else instead writing a one-star review about how terrible she is!
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Dr Means
One of my favorite podcasts of yours as well! I'm going back to listen to her again – – you should go ahead and schedule another interview with her!
I like Allie but I struggle with her….
I like her conservative views, but sometimes she thinks she knows more than Jesus. She teaches Bible verses not based on theology but on her own opinion/understanding. She also chooses who is and is not a Christian, only Jesus can say that. So take everything she says with a grain of salt. She also hates Mormons. Why even add that?
Abby Williams 33
Trash trash trash
🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮stay far away from this dumpster fire. A disgrace to women everywhere. Keep your trash oppressive beliefs to yourself. I feel sorry for all the indoctrinated people eating up her garbage rhetoric.
So much wisdom!
Allie’s podcast on predestination left me speechless. I’ve been wrestling with this issue for so long; have read countless books, listened to sermons, etc. In one podcast, Allie laid out the whole issue, complete with verses from both sides. For the first time, I saw the big picture and could grasp both the reality of and mystery of predestination . Thank you, Allie! You are blessed with wisdom and eloquence.
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Tradwife content getting old
The tradwife rants are getting old. Seems more like a personal vendetta against other types of Christians who have different cultures like emphasizing applying Biblical principles and who have embraced Biblical patriarchy. And instead of just saying that, you started a crusade against something that isn’t even a threat to Christians today, which is the “trad wife” trends on social media by conflating your critics with those trends because of the negative connotations that these trends have. Saying the tradwife trend is the biggest problem for Christian women today is like bringing a fire extinguisher to a flood and I think you know that, you’re a smart woman. And maybe this is even a completely dishonest cover up about what you really see as a threat (More and more reformed Christians trying to apply Biblical principles and obey Biblical gender roles)because you always choose the most extreme examples of “trad wives” that are in no ways Christians at all- insinuating that wise, Christians can’t discern fake, harmful content from reality. Girl, we all know the internet is fake and instagram is everyone putting their best foot forward. What an insult to your brothers and sisters in Christ who you either just disagree with or who just disagree with you. I’ve listened to your critics to get a more accurate understanding of all the back and forth. You should honestly apply Matthew 18 and go talk to these people in private via email or a phone call instead of being quarrelsome on social media and your podcast. I’ve listened to you and followed you on social media for several years now and a lot of your rants on Twitter and your podcasts about anyone who even mildly disagrees with you is a terrible witness. You can’t be a public figure who regularly comes out swinging on Twitter, podcasts and conferences and not expect any criticism or disagreement of any kind and then turn around and play the victim and recruit the white knights when you do receive genuine criticism or disagreements. That’s catty, immature, mean girl behavior.
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Reviewer DMS
One of my Top podcasts!!
Allie Beth breaks it down so well on theology and how it relates to the daily news! She keeps it real and has on exciting guests with fun segments. 🩷🩷🩷
Episode 959 Birth control with @littleraeofhealth
This is such a good topic but I feel you could have gotten someone much more qualified to talk on the topic of nutrition, hormones and birth control. Yikes!! Perhaps a registered dietitian and endocrinologist? This episode fell flat. Redo.
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