Organize 365 Podcast
Organize 365 Podcast
Lisa Woodruff
via Podcasts
Uplifting, thought provoking and educational!
The Organize 365 podcast is always something new and fresh. Lisa really puts a lot of thought into every episode. I like the fact that I am learning from someone who is ahead of me in life. This podcast has really helped me go from always being behind the 8 ball to being a person that feels competent and organized.
Love the energy
She refs episode 150 “How to sort a box” a few times in here, but 150 is missing from the line up. Please re-upload!!
Supernatural Fan 68
To suggest that an individual 70-82 is no longer an active, contributing member of society is both inaccurate and offensive.
Love Organizing Content (PhD Bonus)
As a PhD student, I love all of the grad school content! Beyond that though, I have learned how to methodically and intentionally organizing my spaces, my work, and my life.
A lifeline
I recently moved from crisis decluttering to a more methodical decluttering and organizing stage in my home. I found this podcast a week ago and there's nothing like finding a podcast you love with a host you relate to and enjoy, blowing through a hundred episodes... and realizing there are still over 500 left. No matter what she's talking about I thoroughly enjoy listening to Lisa talk about her life, experiences, and organization.
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No longer enjoying it
I used to like Lisa’s ideas, but this podcast became self-promoting, sales pitch and marketing platform which is a big Turn OFF.
The only way I could be a single momma
Is with all the tools in organize 365
The best for home, paper and work/office organization
I have been following Lisa’s Organize 365 journey / business / podcast since 2017. I started with “How ADHD Affects Home Organization” and learned that organization is a learnable skill. I don’t have ADHD, and looking back the title intrigued me because I felt I had to start from the beginning with organizing and that book gave me the confidence to get started. I started listening to the podcasts and bought Home and Paper (Sunday Basket, and binders) organization courses, as well as Warrior Mama. The podcasts will break apart skills and approaches to organizing. It has also been interesting to follow Lisa’s entrepreneurial journey in starting and expanding her business. This is the only podcast you need to follow for complete organization at home and work. Listen, and invest in the organization courses. You will earn back your investment with being able to get out of day-to-day reactivity and structurally plan ahead to accomplish your long term goals for your home, family, and work.
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Lindsey de Rechter
Stay on the subject of organizing please
I am a new listener and am grateful to have tips on being more organized, but don’t care to hear on most episodes, about the writer’s academic accomplishments, and for the love of god, please remove the phone ring tone from the beginning of each episode.
basically an infomercial
I used to listen to this podcast regularly and found it very helpful years ago. Now it is all focused on pushing the purchase of the programs and contains no actual tips in the podcast.
Here for the PhD series!
I discovered Lisa through an interview she did on a different podcast and when she shared some insights about her PhD journey I knew I wanted to check it out! I binged listened to her PhD episodes and they were soooo helpful! I am in my second year of a MA program and I really struggled with time management and getting all my assignments done well and on time. I started listening to some of the other episodes and realized they’re not really for me. I’m actually a very organized person when it comes to household things so the majority of the episodes aren’t that helpful or relevant for me. However, I have learned a lot from how Lisa manages her time, and I would love it if she did a separate podcast simply about getting things done and time management.
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Prolific System - Most Need to Listen to Podcast
Lisa Woodruff’s podcasts and organization methods/systems are indeed life-saving. Fearless with speaking her truth, the organizational tips are unique, and it’s also fun to listen to her journey. Filled with statistical facts and random humor - this is the most cohesive organizational system I’ve found. Having listened for hours to different podcasts on this subject, I highly recommend listening to the Organize 365 Podcast!
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Pure Genius!
Thank you Lisa Woodruff for this incredible resource of organizational knowledge! I have a lot of catching up to but I am ready to be more organized and get started on it with your guidance!
What a life changer!
Wow Lisa is a GOD send! I have had problems with organization my entire life. But no more…going to be following her principles from now in! Thanks for your wisdom Lisa!!
Organize 365
I was a fan - but the podcasts have become an outlet for over-sharing. The podcast tone has shifted to narcissistic chatter.
Stick to the topic - Organization!
I’ve listened to this podcast from the beginning and used to love it. Now it’s all about Lisa…her ADHD and her PhD. If I hear her say, “I’m working on my PhD”, one more time, I’m going to gag! Enough already. Lisa, start another podcast about your PhD journey and stick to the topic of organization in this one. Please!
It’s not all about clear containers!
You CAN learn to be organized! I grew up thinking you’re either organized or you’re not. I was in the same cycle: tidy, buy bins, be proud, MESS! Lisa taught me A) it’s not about buying bins! B) organizing is a muscle! You CAN learn! Highly recommend. Also Lisa is just fun to listen to!
Entirely self referential
I liked Lisa’s content a lot better before it became all about her. It’s turned into a big ego fest and that is a huge turnoff. The last straw was the recent series about ‘Does Lisa have ADHD?’ Sorry but I don’t especially care ….. she’s taken it to a new level and it’s just not working for me any more.
Podcast is changing
I used to absolutely love this podcast! The organization tips were fantastic, and I especially loved the episodes that delved into the psychology of why we are (or aren’t!) getting organized. It was simply terrific content and I was a dedicated listener. However, lately the show seems to be much more about Lisa herself. Even in the Wednesday episodes, she often seems to dominate the interview with her own thoughts. So, as constructive feedback, Lisa might want to reflect on how much this is podcast about her personally, and whether that is constructive or informative for her audience.
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Episode 500 pushed me over the edge
The program Lisa teaches is excellent and very do-able. It’s the podcast that is leaving a bad taste in my mouth. The more I hear her talk, the more clear it becomes that she thinks she’s a brilliant savant. This last episode was unbearable, as she bragged about how she has the equivalent of a PhD and her brain is impressive to doctors… this is beyond organization ideas. I can’t listen anymore.
mama bear in the usa
I love the podcasts. Lisa is entertaining and encouraging, and listening keeps me motivated. Lisa, keep the podcasts coming!
Losing 100 lbs This Year
Me, me, me. It’s all about how amazing she is. Confidence is an amazing thing to have, but good grief! 🤦🏻‍♀️ “I don’t mean to brag, or anything…” Ummm, yeah you do 🤣 So much time spent on plugging her organizing program. Go to ClutterBug. Class’s blog, podcast and YouTube vlog are life changing. She has so many free printouts. What she charges money for are also VERY affordable.
Not for me
I tried listening to this podcast after hearing her on another that I love, but it feels like more of a diary of her day to day life… Like a YouTube Vlog or something a self absorbed teenager would do…I don’t need to hear how “crazy” it is that you got gas on a Tuesday, or that you shower and take a bath everyday (?!) I tried a few different episodes, and they all just seem to be about her and her business.. it feels like an infomercial. I would have enjoyed it more if the actual content was focused on the listener (not the speaker), and gave practical advice. I guess some listeners that have been following her for a long time enjoy that look into her life, but it’s not for me. The Sunday Basket (aka Getting Things Done Method) has really worked for me. However I did not purchase the $100 “System” from her, but made my own for about $20.
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Love the new day in a life episode!
More great content! I love this series and the realistic approach to productivity and prioritizing. Can’t wait to hear the rest of this series.
What to keep what to toss - keep this podcast
Lisa has a way of making organization or should I say optimization fun. I’ve gained hours of time back each week using her sweet and simple organizing techniques.
Totally tracking with all of your thoughts here. Isn’t it crazy? Would love to hear follow-up to it, e.g, how to cope/live a life/maybe even thrive in this current world?
A refreshing and inspiring perspective
I love Lisa‘s podcast, especially the most recent one. Her perspective is so clear and realistic, beautifully blending the down to earth of our daily habits and choices with the big picture of how we can be the kind of person we want to be and live the best life possible for ourselves and our family and community. Thank you Lisa!
What a great system for any age!
I have always wanted to be more organized, and Lisa’s system has really helped! Her podcasts are very engaging and full of information that’s been useful in my world—both in the home and with my work.
Mama of 3 in college
Life changing!
I’m so grateful for Lisa and her ability to speak directly to my place and season in life! It’s so rare for someone to validate the need of a mom of young kids to find sanity. Thank you for sharing so much of your life and wisdom in this podcast, Lisa!!!
Great episode
This was a terrific podcast! I got so much out of it!! Thank you! Josey in Denver
So much progress
I have made so much progress organizing my home and life by listening to these podcasts. Now I’m even helping other women get organized!
Lisa speaks my love language and it’s Organization
I so enjoy this podcast. I think we must be kindred spirits bc we think alike. Lisa thinks of the solutions that matches my process-driven nature. Keep it coming!
Ehhh, seriously needs to get over herself
I actually do like her systems, although she completely builds on Getting Things Done and then literally says that no one else thinks like her. My problem with her podcast is that it's seriously the biggest ego trip ever. She's taken self-affirmations a little too far. For actually helpful podcasts try A Slob Comes Clean, which is life-changing for people who struggle with stuff. Lisa's systems aren't worth the money until you've gone through and decluttered and the method used in A Slob Comes Clean is far more helpful. For actual organizational systems, Lisa has really good ideas, and she's definitely come up with a more structured version of GTD that is fantastic for people who are overwhelmed by GTD. Oh, and she keeps referring to herself as a teacher...she literally taught for 6 years, the majority of her professional life was spent as a Creative Memories Consultant.
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So much more than organizing
This is the podcast I keep coming back to and keep up with. Lisa’s voice and encouraging words have a positive impact in my day. She has a heart of a teacher. Like listening to your best friend, kind and shares real life. When it comes to organization, you get to hear things others don’t show behind the curtain (unlike the pictures I’ve pinned). Start listening now, even if you aren’t ready to start organizing quite yet.
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Love Lisa and Her Ideas
Love this podcast! So many useful ideas. Lisa has the best attitude. She is very real. I am doing her 100 day organization program.
Life changer!
Not just in the organization realm! Lisa has a way of encouraging and spurring me on when I’m tempted to give up! Her passion and positivity is contagious!!!! Lisa is now my friend who encourages me in some way, in every area of my life, and she has no idea who I am! 💜
On Repeat
This is the first podcast series I have ever really gotten into. I have always considered myself fairly productive and organized, but I love how inspired I feel after listening to Lisa. She makes me see things in a different way and I am constantly thinking of ways to improve my home and productivity as I listen. I love how motivated I feel as I listen throughout the week.
Older podcasts hold value for the listener.
I do love her Sunday basket and LOVED the old podcasts. The older episodes were, very listener focused with specific tips. I think some of that has been lost. : ( I’m excited she’s had great success through her products (as she should) but i think in talking about herself and business, and doing multiple podcast interviews with people who use her products , the focus doesn't always come back around to the listener. And in that way I find myself searching for older episodes with more meat in them and straight-up listener value.
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Life Changing
Lisa’s positive can do attitude and how she breaks things down and explains things is completely life changing. She is an amazing teacher and truly inspiring. I have a completely different mindset about my home and the things in it since I discovered this podcast. Thank you Lisa for your commitment to helping us!
Heidi in VT
Positive energy during 2020
This podcast is one of the things that kept me grounded in 2020. Lisa focuses on things we CAN do. Love the podcasts on creating routines. I look forward to every new episode.
Real help with organizing and being more productive !
I have been binge listening to Lisa’s podcasts and can’t get enough. She has systematically broken it down to make decluttering and organizing doable. I have FINALLY been able to tackle the mountain of papers that has caused me too much anxiety for too many years. Her Sunday Basket system along with her help to change my mindset has been life changing. I have just started and I can already feel a sense of calm which is amazing. I can’t recommend Lisa’s podcast and her company Organize 365 enough! Thank you Lisa!!
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Feeling inspired
Lisa has such a positive upbeat voice! I listen to her podcast & it inspires me to get off the couch & get stuff done! She gives all kinds of insights & she is very motivating. Thank you Lisa!!
double golden window
Life changing
Organize 365 programs are changing my home and work life. I started listening to the podcast and started making small changes. Lisa’s wisdom and methods are wrapped in grace and understanding I started with the Sunday Basket then started the 100 day program and now am starting the Work Box. I have dropped so much stress. I now have a way to keep up with everything in my mind, all I need to do and all the paper in my life. My husband has noticed that our home is more organized and I can now quickly find what he is looking for. Thanks Lisa!
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Life saving for young working mom
At first I was skeptical that this won’t work or why pay all that money for what I could just get at target. But after listening to her free podcasts for about 3 months, I took the plunge and brought a Sunday Basket! I couldn’t be happier with the time abd calmness it has given me. I can find all the school papers, the random pieces of mail and my husband finally stopped leaving mail all Over the house! Thank you for giving me a tool and a system to streamline my house with kids under 5 and as a working progressional.
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Motivation while on the go!
I LOVE listening to Lisa! Her entire podcast is her journey, so definitely scroll to find the topics that suit what you are searching for, especially at first. Gradually if you listen for awhile, you will experience a shift in your mindset about your space. I listen to her while I am cleaning and organizing my home and while driving in my car. Her ideas are also helping me in my classroom. She keeps me motivated, and it feels like I am hanging out with one of my girlfriends. There is no guilt! Highly recommend!!!
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Love this!
Happy birthday, Lisa! Love your ideas, creativity, and enthusiasm!
Stars two
Time Over Everything
Lisa’s enthusiastic style is simply contagious. Her message isn’t about bins and baskets (not exactly). It’s about managing your time by managing your stuff with a clear system of how to process the information and stuff in your life. While I’ve never purchased her specific systems, I’m already very organized and had similar informal systems in place. Her encouragement and no nonsense approach is a boost for me every week.
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So helpful in organizing everything 💕
Found the podcast while I was learning to declutter. I love organization and I’m good with visuals but not planning it all out. First - the sunday basket sounded so helpful and it is... Wait this is a podcast review. Lisa can help you figure out your life and these podcasts are full of inspiring productivity and yea, you want to listen if any of the following: You want to get something organized in your life. Need to get more time in your life Need less stress Need help Manage a household Have a home Are a parent Y’all just listen for a bit! Happy Birthday Lisa!
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Lefever Life
This podcast has been soooo motivating! Thank you LISA! It has been tiny steps for me but I am getting organized with your system. Just when I want to give up u r an inspiration! I am still overwhelmed but know the road and direction I want to be on because of you 😘🎈🤗
Kathie MH
Lisa is a very cheerful podcaster. It is very uplifting to listen to her while decluttering things. Her podcast offers grace and progress over perfection. Thanks for all the good work.
Immense Fan
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