Optimal Health Daily
Optimal Health Daily
Optimal Living Daily | Dr. Neal Malik
Optimal Health Daily
Optimal Living Daily | Dr. Neal Malik
Optimal Health Daily, hosted by the esteemed Dr. Neal Malik, a tenured professor, registered dietitian nutritionist, and certified exercise physiologist, is a treasure trove of health and wellness insights. Dr. Neal delves into the latest research and timeless wisdom in nutrition and fitness, presenting them in easy-to-understand, digestible episodes. His expertise shines through as he handpicks and narrates the most informative and inspiring blog posts, offering practical tips and motivational stories to help listeners on their journey to optimal health. Each episode is a blend of science-based information and real-life application, making it a unique resource for anyone looking to improve their health and wellbeing. Dr. Malik's approach is holistic and inclusive, recognizing the importance of balancing physical health with mental and emotional wellness. His engaging narration and the podcast's diverse range of topics make it an essential daily listen for you as you seek to lead a healthier, more balanced life. Listen now, and become an OLD friend--your optimal life awaits...
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3 days ago
May 28
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