My Dad Wrote A Porno
My Dad Wrote A Porno
My Dad Wrote A Porno
via Podcasts
Better Help is a scam. And you shouldn’t be promoting it.
Sexy beast123333335555
I’m a late bloomer when it comes to Belinda!! My neice told me about this podcast because I was looking for comedy to get me through my commute to the office and my workday in general! OMG! I was hooked right away! First of all Jamie, Alice and James have me laughing my head off. I love the way they dissect every chapter, sentence and word! People think I am nuts, sitting at my desk stifling my laughter. This has truly been my feel good podcast! I started listening in November 2023 and just finished May 7th, 2024. I loved all of the finale episodes and the Rocky Flintstone interview! These books brought me so much joy! I’m sad that it’s over! I recommend this podcast to everyone I know. I might listen again this summer for the laughs. Great show! Thanks for giggles,smiles,amusement, gasps, unbelievable porn detail, etc!!! NATALIE - New Jersey, USA
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I cannot listen to anything else
I’ve listened to nothing else, since I started binging this. Thank you to Crime Writers On for flagging this to me. This has me both cringing and laughing out loud. Despite the completely insane erotica that we are forced to listen to, I cannot stop. It’s. So. Funny.
GD 100594
So good
This Podcast is totally amazing. Funny, disturbing, and arousing all at the same time. I am playing catch up on it now and will be heart broken when it ends. I hope they start another podcast when this series is done.
Have ceased listening to anything else
This podcast is EVERYTHING I never knew I needed. It is the funniest, most awkward, best narrated, most unexpected podcast I’ve ever listened to and I can’t get enough. I have stopped listening to anything other than MDWAP and I will be so devastated when the Belinda series wraps up. James, Alice and Jamie are hysterical and so quick witted. Rocky is obviously such a character that this came from his mind. Perfection.
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Funniest podcast in the history of podcasts
I’ve laughed so hard I’ve cried. I usually listen in my car an must look like a psychopath I’m laughing so hard. I’m on my 3rd re-listen and it’s just as funny as the first time
Hilarious laughs!
You all make me laugh so hard listening to this! Rocky is delightfully talented with giving the public a laugh! 😂 He needs to write a series so this can continue!
Pure JOY
This podcast makes me BEAM a smile alone in my car, and laugh out loud every episode. I think doctors should prescribe this podcast (alongside actually prescriptions) for people with depression. This show got me through a low time, but I at least knew my 50 minute commute every day would be nice thanks to these fabulously hilarious hosts/friends, and of course Rocky himself.
The Absolute Best!!
I’m currently on my 4th time of listening to Belinda Blink and it never gets old. Love it so so much. Rocky is a genius. James, Jamie and Alice are just the most wonderful narrators and reviewers. I still laugh so hard it brings a tear to my eyes. I have a signed poster, the books and a WWBD pomegranate tattoo. It’s not a podcast, it’s a lifestyle
I listen every year
I listen the full run every year around Christmas, so I’ve heard it many times. I still have no idea what is going on in the plot at any point ever. I love these three and Belinda and the glee team and turkey and friends and Chardonnay, etc.
Absolutely hilarious!!!
Hands does the funniest podcast I’ve ever come across!
I used to love this podcast and I’m sad
I used to love this podcast. But your silence is loud. For a podcast that claimed to bring people together, your silence about what is going on in the world is deafening. We know that your silence is due to your sponsorship. We know that you remain silent because it pays well. I’m just disappointed. After all the support we have given you and the platform we have provided, the very least you could do is use your platform, use your influence. But I cannot listen to this podcast and drift away into nothingness. I will not engage in cognitive dissonance and escapism while you continue to make money at the behest of innocent lives. What was once a spark of joy for me has been tainted by your complicity. I am just one review and they will probably delete this afterwards. But, I have emailed you and received no response. I hope that one day you can prove me wrong. But liberation cannot wait. Free Falasteen 🍉 Free Congo 🇨🇩Free Sudan 🇸🇩 Liberation for all ✨
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Panic at the Panopticon!
Truly a gift
The funniest podcast ever, what a joy❤️
Guess I’ll listen to it again from the beginning. 😬
Try it!!
This makes me cry with laughter every time! So bizarre and an absolute must-listen! Update: if you haven’t listened don’t be crazy, get crazy with the rest of us and listen to this. GO ON TOUR AGAIN I am devastated I found out about this podcast after the live shows.
After the suckiest summers of my life my friend recommended this podcast. I didn't think I would laugh this hard ever again!!! Seriously the best!!
A 3aome and a Laugh!
These 3 have made my day countless times, so great to have them back bantering, I don’t even need the Belinda stories to enough this podcast. Thanks gang the world needs more funny friends to listen to!!
I get the appeal, but not for me.
I get the appeal of this podcast, but it’s hosted by three posh twats who sound like prudes. The concept of the podcast is solid, but I don’t enjoy their company, especially Alice.
They’re Back!!!!!
I’m so happy the trip is back!!! This best of show is wonderful and I hope there is much more to come.
Amazing series that nosedives at the very end
For many years this was my absolute favorite podcast, one that I’d gleefully share with friends and family and we’d all look forward to each weeks episode. Even own the original hard copy of the first book and traveled to Chicago for one of the live shows right before the pandemic shutdown. While it was never going to win a Pulitzer (sorry Rocky), there was always a semblance of a plot and story that kept me invested year after year yet once the pandemic occurred things just went downhill and it feels like everyone essentially gave up. Obviously there may be factors we, as listeners, don’t know about and COVID impacted the world in a very severe way so I’m not trying to minimize that but to go an entire year with little to no updates besides the compilations and Christmas episodes only to then release a season with a huge cliffhanger and go ANOTHER year+ with nothing just doesn’t seem like good business sense. Apps like TikTok and other streaming services skyrocketed in popularity and use during the pandemic and Rocky even wrote a Belinda lockdown volume which was released in November of 2020, why not cover this? Instead we get radio silence for years and the end we were eventually given felt VERY rushed and barely addressed anything from the major cliffhanger in the season before to a point that was immediately noticeable, even by Rocky’s standards. Listening to the “finale” gave the impression that everyone had perhaps found new jobs or interests and were simply wanting to be done, which is valid but after having invested years and hours upon hours to this podcast, are longtime fans not worthy of a bit more transparency as to why the show was ending rather than acting like this was a logical next step or that the storyline made any kind of sense? Not since Game of Thrones have I witnessed a series tank so suddenly and so poorly and as a result of this I no longer enjoy listening knowing how the ending was handled nor do I feel compelled to recommend it to anyone else. I hope the hosts are happy with whatever they’re doing now and while it won’t be the same I suppose it’s good to know Belinda’s story lives on in print. Still, I was really hoping for better and am left with a bitter taste not unlike an old pomegranate.
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This podcast is so dumb
Why am I absolutely sobbing now that I've made it to the final season? Why am I so devastated? It's such a dumb podcast, I felt physically sick more often than I laughed. And yet, I'm crying so hard my dog has given me side eye and stopped cuddling.
Love this
This is so funny and brilliant. I was hooked after the first episode. Every comment and even the actual porno they are reading from has me laughing like a crazy person.
Has me crying with laughter
I was told about this show more than a year ago but wasn’t into Podcasts until recently, as I’m in the car more lately and getting bored with music. I made sure to start at the beginning and I am SO glad I did! It is freaking hilarious to listen to their commentary on this ridiculous series. I LOVE how oblivious but also how so excited Rocky is about this. After a few months, I’m already to the beginning of season 6! And I’ve been careful to stay off their SM because I don’t want spoilers! I have literally cried tears of laughter throughout this series, I’ve gasped with shock at some of the insane things that come out of Rocky’s brain, and sometimes howled with embarrassment when I get caught with my windows down at a light listening. But hey, IYKYK! What went from a joke amongst friends to a globally touring comedy show.. I give these guys all the props in the world! And of course to Rocky, who thinks he’s may be the next great Shakespeare. Keep those lofty goals!
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So funny
I’ve never really listened to a podcast before this one. I decided to try podcasts instead of music during my runs. My runs go by so fast, lol! I listened to season 2 episode 1 yesterday during my run. I thought I was going to have to stop because I was laughing so hard. I’m sure anyone who saw me thinks I’m nuts.
In the dirt
Sad to see it go!
I've lost count of how many times I've listened to this podcast all the way through, what a wild ride every time. Thank you Jamie, James, Alice, and Rocky!
Chloe Reynolds
Do you really have to end!?!? No podcast has ever made me laugh so hard! I am really going to miss the entertainment and jokes over Rocky’s work. I will definitely re-listen a few times over.
Sad to see it go
This podcast helped me laugh during some dark times and awful traffic. For that, I’ll be truly grateful.
Laughed so hard
I am only on episode 8 (which I binged all day today). But I laughed so hard every episode. The commentary is so dry and funny. I really haven’t laughed so hard in years. Thanks!
Best podcast ever
I laughed, I laughed until I cried, and then I laughed some more. Thanks for all the memories Jamie, James, and Alice!
Farewell to a great show
Loved this from start to finish, hope to see Belinda and her friends again some day.
Rocky for President of the world
I’m relistening to the series, after it sadly ending. Of this, I’m more convinced of this than ever: Rocky Flinstone is the modern day Shakespeare , Milton, Homer, and Hemingway all rolled into one amazing author. Read by his son, and accompanied by friends, this podcast is crylaugh out loud funny, endearing , and tingly . I hope Rocky and friends have more greatness in store for us!
Maddie Torskopet
I’ve saved the best for last
Thank you, for bringing such joy and strange porn happiness to my life and to millions of others lives. I waited until after Christmas to listen to the final episodes and as I cry in realization that it’s really over, I wish nothing but the best for all three of you. Thank you again. Emily, Oregon, USA
Oh, Rocky!
Wow, what a podcast! I laugh so much during each episode. The 3 co-hosts have fantastic chemistry. And the source material is BRILLIANT. Rocky learned well from Steph King. His work really makes you think. And the fact that there was a plot the whole time?!? Amazing. He thinks in a whole other level.
Just good ole gross fun
Thank all of you so much for giving me laughs, guffaws, gags, confusion and most important of all joy.
Stefanie Mancudi
I’m so sad that it’s over. Thank you Jamie, James, Alice, and Rocky for everything!
The greatest thing to enter my life;
I don’t know where to start with this… The world of Belinda is insane, literally insane, but there’s something so endearing, funny, exciting, suspenseful (I could go on) about it. These characters have become so near and dear to me, (Bella is my absolutely favorite because she is a hot mess express, and her voice is perfect!) and Jamie, James, Alice, and Rocky also have a special place in my heart for taking me on this crazy journey that is Belinda’s climb to get her big bonus! They have definitely created a wonderful community here of Belinkers, and I am grateful to be part of this family…. “Yes; family;” Thank you!
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Cure to my seasonal depression..
I am on my fourth holiday season listen- of the entire show from beginning to end. It’s just as good as the first time.
Offensive Tripe
This show is the most offensive experience I could possibly imagine... what is wrong with these people? What’s wrong with me that I love it SO MUCH!!!
#1 favorite podcast.
I listen to this podcast the same way people watch and rewatch the entire series of sitcoms. I just listen to all 6 seasons on repeat and occasionally will listen to all the footnotes/bonus stuff too. It’s a strange comforting safe space. Hilarious, clever and delightful. I’m so sad it’s coming to an end.
Love it
On my 5th or 6th listen, still laugh out loud.
heaven on a hatstand 💗
This is there greatest podcast ever. My self care routine includes taking a bath and listening to Belinda’s adventure. So sad to learn it’s coming to an end 😭😭😭 to quote Jamie, “I’m in myuuuhning”
Makes my driving commute sooo much better!
I just started listening to this. Already on book 2. What an awesome podcast. While people are angry in traffic, I’m laughing my head off with this podcast.
So sad I started so late
This glorious tale of the world’s pre-eminent pots and pans salesperson, Belinda Blumenthal, has brought so many smiles and new knowledge to my life! You guys are the best! Alice, keep them in line. Jamie, I hope therapy is going well. James, call me; you’re adorable!
The Worst in the Best Possible Way
Recommended by a friend and I’m hooked! Best binge I’ve ever divulged. What a hilarious crew James, Alice and Jamie are. Thank you for sharing this gift with the world Rocky Flintstone. You are a GEM. ❣️Sending love for U.S of A.
greatest of all time
so so sad this is ending, I'll never be able to properly express what this show means to me and how it got me through so many hard times. I'll never stop re-listening. brought so much joy !!
Best Porn Ever
There’s nothing that brings more joy than the adventures of the Glee Team! Impatiently awaiting more bad grammar, incorrect anatomy and Belinda praying to the Norse gods 🍆🌮💃
Will forever be the best comedy podcast
Ian Snail
I cried laughing on the episode where Ian Snail was introduced. All time favorite way to end book 6!!🐌
Flesh of Mankind
I laughed. I cried. Weirdly I was never aroused… 11/10 would recommend
Kameron Kicklighter
So. Bloody. Funny.
The fact that the three hosts have been close friends for so long really helps to make this show as LOL hilarious as it is. I can’t think of any other show, comedy special, etc. where I’ve quite literally LAUGHED OUT LOUD so often — at least 6 or 7 times an episode. It’s the best.
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