Musicality Now
Musicality Now
Musical U
Musicality Now
Musical U
Ever wondered why some people seem to have a gift for music? Have you wished that you could play by ear, sing in tune, improvise and jam? You are in the right place. Musicality Now is a mix of interviews and teaching, featuring some of the most inspiring and insightful musicians and music educators, talking about how to learn the core inner skills you need to feel like a "natural" in music and enjoy freedom, creativity and confidence. Topics include: Playing by ear, Singing in tune, Jamming with other musicians, Having a good sense of rhythm, Writing your own music, Writing notation, Improvising a solo, Talking intelligently about music, Understanding Music Theory, Clapping in time, Knowing your instrument inside and out, Tuning your instrument by ear, Reading notation, Sight-reading music, Playing from a lead sheet, Performing live, and Playing multiple instruments. Musicality Now is brought to you by Musical U (, the leading provider of musicality training online. Learn more and get shownotes at
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 22 days
Latest episode
6 days ago
April 27
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