More or Less: Behind the Stats
More or Less: Behind the Stats
BBC Radio 4
via Podcasts
The cass review is a joke
It was revealed ahead of its release that some of those writing the report have direct links to a group that advocates for the practice of so-called ‘conversion therapy’ - something they didn't declare. Dr Hillary Cass herself met with 'Don't Say Gay' architect Ron De Santis stafferswho went on to ban trans healthcare in Florida - Trans Safety Network
“Math is hard”- but More or Less I love this show -Barbie
They ask the experts and that is so refreshing.
This is the good stuff!
You did miss out on the central question re natural gas- will there be a world where it is not part of the energy solution- not by 2030, I doubt by 2050 so the question is do we need the supply not if it is polluting. A side from this, More or Less brings the research to the questions of the day! This is the good stuff and what you wish your politicians did.
moving on-missu
Not Dismal
The way ‘economics’ should be taught.
This is what the world needs.
As they say they look at the numbers all around us. One often asked question is “is this a big number?” It’s always when a number sounds big but on large scales sometimes it’s actually not a big number. Many people don’t have have a good grasp of scale, as numbers get big they are hard to visualize if your not used to thinking this way. Another question often asked is where did this number come from? They do an exceptional job of fact checking, sometimes the numbers sound unbelievable but are in fact true but other times the trail leads to a single questionable source. With so much false or at least ambiguous information that no one can take the time to check every source we really need More or Less or similar coverage for everything at least until we pass through this beginning of the Information Age and get a firmer grasp of what we are doing with the internet. It’s like the Victorian age for industry, lots of good things came out of it eventually but they had so many things wrong at the time.
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Think any? If so, this podcast is worth your time.
Think any? If so, this podcast is worth your time.
Just listen
This is one podcast that I almost never miss. Give a listen;you will be almost be guaranteed to learn something…. More importantly it will be something worth knowing! If you don’t care about the data or analysis, then just listen to hear Tim’s velveteen vocal tone and British accent. 🤣
High Fidelity
An excellent podcast, always very interesting.
Sometimes good, sometimes awful
It has often been good, but then the guest about the “gender pay gap” was a reporter from leftist NPR. I unfollowed the podcast. It isn’t that I object to disparate opinions, I object to activism masquerading as expertise. Surely the host of the show knows that there are experts on this topic.
great show
My only complaint is the ANNOYINGLY LOUD SOUND after ADs.
I share this podcast all the time!
I am so glad i stumbled upon this podcast. The explanations and statistical analysis done by the contributors is fascinating. I would like to have access to some of the research articles, etc mentioned in each episode for further reading and education.
Should be part of the national curriculum!
Well, that’s my opinion. For the rest of us who are out of school, ‘More or Less’ sorts the wheat from the chaff (dating myself with that perhaps). Keep it up for those of us who want to know—and appreciate—empirical evidence.
Host great; correspondent- no
Tim Harford is inquisitive and brilliant. Sadly, a new correspondent named Amy has a decidedly political and preachy bent.
Interesting and well-done show
Great show! The topics are interesting and well-explained. The host is engaging, informative, and really helps the audience understand topics that initially seem really complex. Keep up the outstanding work!!
I can’t believe the BBC won’t continue this
There’s nothing quite like More or Less. How could this engaging tool for numerical fact checking of the news be dropped? Could another podcast production group take it on? I’m in distress. There has to be a way.
Podcasting at its best
Listen and learn from each and every episode. The best crew supporting a invaluable resource of information.
I listen to a LOT of podcasts. This is becoming my favorite. The Information provided is clear, detailed and interesting. It’s provided without judgement or the nasty political tilt that has become so prevalent in NPR podcasts on my side of the pond. I only wish there was more of it. Fantastic job.
1No nickname is available8
Tim Hartford’s the best
He is.
h. bemis
good except for the short episodes...
Overall I like this podcast, but recently they have started releasing short episodes that just recycle material from the main (longer) episode they just released the day before. Since these short episodes are just reused content from the episode I just listened to, I find them tedious in my feed.
Going downhill unfortunately
The BBC political bias is getting advanced here too much. The episode prior to the UK election is overtly political. The metropolitan elitist politics are so arrogant and self assured that it ‘s unapologetically pro-Labour. And that’s BIAS on a show about accuracy and accountability. You couldn’t make it disappointed. You can’t trust mainstream media now
Made me smarter
I am much more critical when I hear or read stats in the news. Thank you so much! Please keep on!!
Unsubscribed After the Latest Episode
The podcast was good at the start, but took a turn for the worse lately. The episodes become duller, and the ads gets annoying. Look, I even like podcast ads at times, but you could at least offer some variety rather than blasting the same single ad for weeks.
Ahmad ibn Taymiyyah
Fact based research!
Now more than ever - please BBC
Catherine & Bill
Tries to be rational, typically looks for stats to reinforce its bias
The “experts” they consult typically are advancing the same agenda
Tim Hartford is like a missionary to the math-fuddled; of which I am one. I wish he had a segment after every news show where he could say, “True, true, not true, and wildly deceiving.” Fascinating and calming, both. I am so grateful Thirteen Minutes to the Moon advised checking out other BBC podcasts.
Making Numbers Fun
Even if you hate math, you’ll love this show. It deals with statistics and all things quantifiable in a really fun way. Many shows are derived from listener questions. Some recent episodes discussed who the greatest chess champion is, how dating app algorithms work and how to measure who the richest people in the world are. It’s a great listen.
Terrific podcast!
Poddy boys
Excellent topics, well researched!
Another great on from the BBC! A treasure!
Debunking fake news since before it existed
The presentation is knowledgeable and enthusiastic, with humor too, if appropriate. Format usually follows questions from listeners about numbers in the news (e.g. "Crime has risen x percent in the last y years"). The team examine what such claims really mean and show how claims made in the media, while possibly true, can also mislead.
Great show
I wish more shows covered these topics, I can't get enough!
New Years Resolution: Leave Podcast Reviews
New Years Resolution: finally leave reviews for at least your top 50 podcasts. They give you way too much free entertainment. The least you can do is leave them a quick review. New Years Reality: I listen to 50+ exceptional podcasts. I don’t have time to write that many reviews. New Years Solution: Leave this cookie-cutter review for the few(ish) podcasts you love. Only review the ones you would (or have) recommended to people in real life. Review Note: I have listened to hundreds of podcasts, this is (in my humble opinion) the best of the best. Download, enjoy, and then recommend widely.
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Entertaining math
High quality show that anyone into Planet Money should check out. Lots of fun facts and statistics too.
Does a great job diving into numbers
They do a great job chasing down where numbers being thrown around in the media come from, and how well they are being used.
Poignant, entertaining, and great for dinner parties
Compelling interviews and topics that are current. This podcast is part of my weekly news feed. The figures discussed are also great conversation starters at social gatherings!
do the math
so few thoughtful math or stats podcasts out there. Harford walks the line between geek interest and mass appeal.
Got me hooked on podcasts
This was one of those podcasts I discovered early on that was not simply a podcast version of a show I already listened to, and it has been so consistently good that it has encouraged me to dig deeper for other gems--but few can match it for continuous high quality and entertaining information. I recommend it to young people I know who have any interest in math or science.
NitNicked in LA
Fantastic to unravel so many presumptions
Wonderful. Listen to it and you can't help to be informed and amused.
LNG fxvmbhresh
Interesting and informative
100% recommend! Clear, concise, and interesting snapshots of where the news has gone wrong and occasionally right. I do miss having Tim Hartford hosting--things have gotten a bit punny lately, and I enjoyed more when the topics are about current news items.
Must Listen in 2017
With all the fake news and slippery statistics being bandied about in 2017, the More or Less podcast should be essential listening. Helps you get your head around what's happening in the world and develop critical thinking skills. Tim and team are skilled presenters and my attention never strays.
short and to the point
This is a great little insight into why we should be really careful about statistics we hear. And to help us to spot questionable statistics. And it's presented in a really engaging way. Who knew statistics could be such fun?!
Reality in a Post Truth World
Ah, More or Less, my warm statistical blanket. The place I run to when the world seems to be going crazy. I don't always understand what they're talking about but I love the way they say it. Anything that references Trumpton as much as this programme does has got to be good.
Still the best
This show consistently surprises me by making the statistics in our news entertaining, great podcast
Extraordinary podcast!
This podcast provides consistently outstanding content! The presentation style is both quirky and accessible!
Great Stats Podcast
Examines the numbers we hear in the news in a fun and rigorous fashion!
djdgdjckebsy fonev
Everyday numeracy
A kind of"Thinking, Fast and Slow"in the news
georgina orwell
Stats I can relate to!
Clearly explained stats on topics and with investigations that grab your attention and with a sense of humor too.
Newberg guy
Clear reporting with understandable statistics
Clear reporting with understandable statistics, from back-of-envelope to advanced.
Really grew on me
It's difficult to listen to this one casually as every minute is full of data and info, but I've come to love the joy Tim and crew take in getting to the fuzzy truth behind harmfully wrong stats.
More important than ever!
One of the best and most important podcasts for any news consumer who wants superior analysis has just changed their format to provide more unique stories and repeat less content. I didn't think More or Less could get much better, but it just did.
Statistics made relevant!
Excellent discussion and information about the blizzard of statistics we hear every day.
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