Left, Right & Center
Left, Right & Center
via Podcasts
I do like that talk show but
But, that host from “right” spending more time talking about how left and democrats gonna react on this and that and how it will be bAd for J Biden but barely have any articulated position on her own “right” narratives and moves on political landscape. Seem like she knows more about democrats than about her own political spectrum. Really strange approach to have a dialogue, more like 5 yo attitude.
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Losing the plot
I have been a fan since the beginning but the show is becoming too pointlessly partisan since Sarah joined. The May 17 show is particularly bad with her spouting the same republican talking points you hear on the Sunday circuit that LRC was supposed to be the anecdote to. Add the endless ‘whataboutism’ and petty own-the-libs insults and it’s becoming a different show. There are so many thoughtful conservative voices out there, please mix it up a bit!
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This show has become exhausting…
I have listened to this show since the mid-aughts. I find Ms. Isgur exhausting… please find someone less smug to represent the right. She is constantly interrupting the other two hosts who seem to tip toe around her.
Who’s show is this?
I’m tired of hearing Sarah’s laundry list of grievances against the Ds. I get it, it’s her viewpoint. But mostly I’m tired of Mo politely letting her rant on while she interrupts and talks over him. It’s irritating, extremely RUDE, and impossible to listen to. Maybe this is the Trump influence. Whatever, this long time listener will be unfollowing if it continues.
Left, Further Left, and Center Right
David Greene’s ant-Israel schtick is getting old. Israel is at war and a “news” agency that is openly anti-Semitic and openly hostile to Israel shouldn’t be surprised when they get shut-down in Israel. Sarah and Mo are great. This show desperately needs a new host.
Oh Sarah …
Maybe if someone is an adjudicated liar, grifter and sexual assaulter, they get satirized by sketch comedy for more than just their age? You can’t two-sides humor. The Left isn’t all that funny and their problems will huge and incredibly problematic, aren’t out to pander to the would-be Emperor without Clothes. The fact that the Republican Party won’t abandon someone who uses them like tissue *is*hysterical. It’s like the rakish guy who ends up with a daughter — you reap what you sow (that said, Clinton was an is a creep and honestly Edward’s is a much better comparison.) In the face of the Reps giving them so much to work with and Biden being a basic Betty politician, it doesn’t take a genius to see where the comedians are going to for their bits. That said, nice work on Israel this week. I quite almost agreed with you on the TikTok comparison and that has never happens. (And then you spiraled into making the Dems and the Left the same thing again. Which, I get it, they do the same to the Republicans, but what you get when backing a bad horse, is the glue left over sticking to you like a bad smell. And Trump is a terrible horse to back.) For country karaoke? Those are easy, go Brooks and Dunn, Garth, or Diamond Rio. Basic 90s country rock anyone can sing. Neon Moon always goes down wel. Lost and Found, Friends in Low Places, or Standing Outside the Fire, all good and everyone knows. But, if you want to reach deep for that sense of humor? DR’s Meet in the Middle. I’d pay to see you sing that. Cheers for a good and thoughtful show.
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Sarah Isgur on Israel and Hamas
Thought she was both right and properly forceful with her questions and attitude. What DOES the world want Israel to do?? Nothing seems to make others happy. Israel needs to be sure this can’t happen again so Hamas has to be routed out. The humanitarian aspect is going to be awful but should Israel just stand by looking at the sky and pretending nothing happened? So sad it has come to this. All of it can end today if Hamas surrenders. Hamas should consider the future of their Gaza citizens and choose accordingly.
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Sue in Boise
Please reevaluate
Updated edit: does ANYONE with this show read any of the comments? What is the common denominator in the negative reviews? Sarah Isgur is insufferable, painful to listen to and yet of all the strong female voices, this is the one you landed on? please please please rotate voices. I used to look forward to this podcast each week. I keep it on my feed to see if Sarah is not on one week and I’ll listen, otherwise nope. Sarah’s both sidesing everything and talking over people and the self-satisfaction being exuded is so off putting. And her assertions are often so wrong and easy to challenge and yet no one does. I no longer care about this show. I am female, I want a female voice. Isgur is not it. Please please consider new and more voices.
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The Protests
I agree with an earlier reviewer: Isgur is insufferable. And she is on two podcasts and CNN and Bill Maher etc. Dumbing conservatism down? Can’t you do better? Maybe there are no conservatives who can think critically.
Still worth a listen, but in rapid decline…
I rarely agree with Sarah Isgur’s takes but appreciated that she made her arguments like a lawyer, Which is far more than I could ever say for most right wing commentators. But the past few weeks, she has been completely unhinged. My suspicion is that the campus Gaza protest have completely broken her. In any case, the show would benefit by having an attorney either in the center or on the left who is a little more able/willing than the ultra-congenial Mo to stand up to her. She clearly intimidates him.
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Wally H. Dog
Sarah is Great
I see lots of reviews on here complaining about Sarah being “insufferable” or having “bizarre” takes. I think what they actually don’t like is having to listen to an opposing view that is learned and counter to their own. If you need the opposing side to tickle your ears and tell you things that you can stomach hearing, then find a different show. I disagree with Mo all the time and think his views are absurd. But that’s why I listen, to here views ironed out in the crucible of debate. Go listen to Pod Save America if you want an echo chamber. She only seems “insufferable” because you do can’t handle someone disagreeing with you. Excellent show!
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Part-Time Barbarian
Have loved the show for years but is Sarah the only conservative choice
I love LRC, but is Sarah the only conservative voice to bring on? I disagree with her views, but that’s why I listen to LRC. It’s her constant half-giggle and overly-loud and grating pronouncements I find so irritating that I’m glad when the show is over for the week
Good Job
This is one of the only NPR podcasts I’ll listen to. Discussing both political sides is informative…. I’m grown up enough to make my own decisions and like having BOTH points of view. I wish more news was this way and not bias to the left. Good job NPR.
Can’t even listen anymore
I used to recommend Left, Right, and Center to my friends, clients, and relatives. Now it’s a vapid fluff piece that pretends trump and republicans are a serious political party. The “center” and “left” join in, never pushing back on the pretense. We have republicans publicly quoting Hitler, praising dictators, have a 2025 plan that will end democracy, support a corrupt Supreme Court, and are trying to give a clearly compromised ignorant unethical old man the power to cause work wide chaos. Yesterday Sarah’s rant was that plants are hard to grow.
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Not What it Used to Be
As a solidly moderate voter, this show used to be required listening for me because there was insightful debate. Unfortunately the new host and regular panel is becoming unlistenable. The host is no Josh Barro, and barely pushes back against the increasingly bizarre takes Sarah has. The show also suffers from the fact that Mo & Sarah are friends, as there is very rarely strong pushback from the “left”. Unless there is a shakeup soon I can’t imagine listening much longer. Too bad.
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Had to unsubscribe
While I like the other hosts, Sarah is insufferable and makes it intolerable to listen to
Mushy Ro
Irresponsible Journalism
I used to listen to Left Right and Center weekly, looking forward to it every Friday. I have been increasingly disappointed by the show, and this week’s episode represented the election interference case in NYC so poorly, so ineptly, so inaccurately, it was not worth the time to listen to even while I was doing something else. This is not merely a case of my political view not being represented. It was a case of journalists being ill informed and spreading that lack of information.
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Sarah Isgur has ruined this podcast
Update: Sarah’s inappropriate laughing at serious topics gets nauseating. She’s so busy trying to be the “right” representative that she says some truly appalling and easily provable false things. It’s getting to the point that I can no longer enjoy a podcast I have enjoyed thoroughly for years. She’s very different than she is in other podcasts like Advisory Opinions. On this show she becomes smug and works hard to be a character. ——————————————————————————— In general, I usually enjoy this podcast. I appreciate the range of left to right discussion. The only real flaw of the podcast from this Texan’s view is the constant application of the East coast view on all the topics. Like so much of our sources of policy information, there is the perpetual assumption that the East Coast is representative of the country as a whole.
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Where’s the left?
Without Liz Bruenig on the show there’s really no left voice. This show should be called Center, Right and Center It’s funny when they will have someone from “the left” on and introduce them as “now a senior fellow at the Kissinger institute for foreign relations”
Miss the old show
Had to unsubscribe:( Sarah is insufferable.
Fancy Nanct
Listen to hear Sarah, not the two progressives
What a lot of the reviewers get wrong about Sarah is that she doesn’t have “partisan brain”- she doesn’t parrot the party line of Republicans. Moa, on the other hand, won’t criticize democrats unless he can lump it with criticism of “the right”. Free-thinking conservatives appreciate Sarah. Partisan Republicans…less so.
Christopher deM
I am totally on the side of Israel but I thought Sarah was being excessively rude by talking over the men trying to present the Palestinian side. I cannot stand this type of behavior and if Left Right and Center cannot stay true to its mission of civil discussion, there are plenty of other podcasts who can. 4/12. Again, Sarah talks over the more liberal guest. It seems that nobody else talks over her. She is the only one who thinks that hers is the only option that matters. So rude and arrogant. It reminds me of the talking heads on CNN who talk over each other, at which point I change the channel.
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Calm down
OMG ! Sarah is exhausting in both a good & bad way. She needs to remember most voters are not looking too deep into who ends up covering their student debt that they possibly no longer have to pay They are just so relieved they themselves no longer need to worry about it
still republican ?
Mostly garbage and boring
But they put Elizabeth Bruenig on sometimes
Right wing propaganda platform
Listening to former trump officials make stuff up is really disheartening to hear on a NPR show
More Elizabeth Bruenig
I enjoyed listening when she was a regular. Nice to hear again this week and hope she is in more often.
susie bruce springsteen
Gone stale
I used to regularly listen but the new host, coupled with the same guests every week, are just boring and often times irritating. They don’t seem capable of doing serious research or in being skeptical when they report on what politicians say rather than what they do. This week’s episode on abortion was almost unlistenable because both host David Greene and fill in guest Liz Bruenig seemed to take Trump at his word about leaving abortion to the states despite his past actions and words. Are these even journalists anymore or just pundits spewing their seemingly uninformed and often stale opinions? I might not have always agreed with Josh Barrow but at least he was funny. Disappointing.
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Awful Democratic representation
What is up with the awful democratic representation lately? This guest didn’t even understand the question
Marci McC
Liz + Sarah together forever
I was happy to hear at the top of this episode that Liz Bruenig would be back on the show, but not until listening to their discussion and ensuing horseshoe politics did I realize why I was a fan of Liz when she was a regular on the show and am a fan of Sarah now. I feel that both passionately represent positions on opposite sides of a spectrum that, although embedded in American politics, transcends them. Both are ready and willing to criticize their own political factions where appropriate and especially to condemn the parties that ostensibly represent them. I respect Mo and his beliefs, but I get frustrated that he too often falls into political tribalism and fails to separate himself from the politicking of the day. I realized while listening that I held a similar opinion about Rich Lowry when he was a regular opposite Liz, so it should be no surprise that having Sarah and Liz together on the panel works so well. David did fine moderating, but one episode was really too short for Liz to hit her stride back on the show. I, for one, would love to hear Liz on the show opposite Sarah far more often in the future.
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Colorado Coloroda
Improved balance of views
Still left tilting but used to be more so. They’ve done a nice job at balancing it out more. Really enjoy the podcast as it’s one of a dwindling number of media shows that presents serious views from both sides and not just talking heads. Keep it up
Left, Left & more Left.
Change your show name so it accurately depicts your true viewpoints. There is nothing center or right about this show. Get real! - ALL of your pundits are so obviously anti-Trump and very liberal.
I have listened to LR&C since the “old days” when it was Robert Scheer, Ariana Huffington, and Matt Miller. I enjoyed the days of Josh Barro, Elizabeth Bruenig, and Rich Lowry. I’ve grown increasingly frustrated with the current incarnation of the show. It seems under-prepared, with Mo and Sarah just shooting from the hip without much that actually helps to expand or inform the news of the week. There is a weekly diet of too much of histrionics and uncritical looks at news headlines, without the more in-depth, thoughtful, and through-provoking conversations I once appreciated. I get way more nuance and clear-eyed assessments of news from Substack - it seems like the current pundits on LR&C might benefit from more research and better planning of their talking points before each show.
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Far Left, Left, and Left of Center is correct!
Please replace Mo Elleithee with Ruy Teixeira!!! Someone else stated “This should be renamed the "Left, Far Left, and Left of Center" or "I Hate Trump"” This show just keeps moving farther and farther left!
Discarding the Truth for an Imagine of Neutrality
Last Left, Right, and Center Episode was the most Disappointing The following is a copy of the comment I submitted to Left, Right, and Center produced by KCRW in LA hosted by David Greene. I am a regular listener to this show. I have, on occasion, been frustrated by the lack of pushback on commentators on the show when they make either false or non verifiable statements. This last one was the worst because both the left and the right were making statements that needed evidence and none was provided. Here’s the statement: “This is less a question than a comment. I am very disappointed with the direction that this show has taken, specifically with the last episode. It has become less of left right and center and more of RIGHT and center. Ruy was not a left perspective. Or, if he was, he was not a good representative of it. He is apparently directly engaged with the modern mass panic over campus culture, specifically regarding DEI. He made several inflammatory statements that needed more pushback for actual evidence, such as saying that universities required DEI statements of loyalty for tenure professors or that professors are being fired now in this new intolerant liberal environment. He provided none. These were throwaway comments that David Greene provided no pushback on. We were just supposed to accept the veracity of his claims of out of control liberal campuses with no evidence or pushback from our moderator David Greene. Even cursory personal research myself has failed to reveal anything similar to what he claimed. But perhaps the worst part was at the end of the episode where they discussed the Atlantic article “The War at Stanford”. The opening anecdote is of an undergraduate student section leader with extreme opinions. Both Sarah and Ruy bandwagon on this as an example of out of control campus culture, even though it’s a single student teacher in one section with no context given for the conversation. Instead it’s just reaffirmed as an example as how CAMPUS ADMINISTRATION is out of control. Still, even with this dishonest characterization, you can’t deny the underlying free speech issue here. You can have pretty awful opinions protected by free speech, which conservatives always have wanted to be the case on campus. But Ruy dismisses this offhand by saying “it’s a computer class and not a Middle East studies class.” He says this without even knowing the context for the comments of this “student” section leader. Maybe someone else started the conversation? But David Greene, our ostensible moderator, provides no pushback to this. Despite the blatant logical inconsistency between valuing free exchange on campus and condemning speech on campus you find reprehensible, David Greene says nothing. I love NPR. David Greene is one of my favorite reporters. But this show has devolved into one that is allowing talking heads to say their favorite talking points with no pushback. Even when what they say is blatantly false. That isn’t news. That isn’t debate. That’s just propaganda. That’s not what I listen to NPR for.”
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Sarah missed the point
Oh my goodness … it’s tough being a congressman in this polarized world. I’ll quit in the middle of term. Sure wish I quit every-time the going got tough … Afghanistan, Iraq, life. Serve out your term. You owe to your constituents. Civil servants are pathetic.
Going down hill
I had to stop listening after the regular host who brings a rightward perspective has become more combative and misleading. This isn’t a discussion with multiple perspectives any longer. It has become a show where facts and arguments are presented from the center and center-left to be rebuked by non-sensical arguments and what-aboutisms from the right. I miss the days where the guests rotated offering differing perspectives from within the political spectrums.
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Isger finally made me unsubscribe
This show has become unlistenable. Isger is bad faith all the time and loves to conveniently leave out facts to push her talking points. Other hosts have become increasingly disappointing in their inability to push back. You guys had something good going for a while but you jumped the shark a while ago.
Boring leftists discussing nothing of interest
This show is the exact same every week. Absolute garbage. They never debate anything interesting. Isgur is such a fraud, bring on some decent guests and switch up the panel like the show use to be. These people think they are so smart with their lukewarm takes and it’s hilarious
Isgur??? This week?
I cannot believe that Sarah Isgur is on this week when it is well known that she is advising Robert Hurr. She is currently taking about lying in politics and she’s purposefully associated herself with a liar. Please get rid of her.
Reminds me of an earlier time
I greatly appreciate this podcast and wonder why such shows aren’t more common. I would say I’m center-left, but I try to understand opposing viewpoints as best I can. What I’m particularly concerned about is understanding the far right. I don’t think that voice is represented on this show. Sarah is the voice of the 1980’s conservative. Mo sounds like the 80’s and 90’s liberal. Today’s liberals and conservatives seem much more extreme. I never hear anything mature or rational from these extremes; they both play the victim card endlessly (blaming someone else for America’s problems). Would it be possible to rotate in an educated/rational modern Republican or Democrat occasionally while keeping Sarah, Mo, and David as buffers against irrationality?
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Bartleby the Cat
Not very good overall
The host is disappointing.
Babette former listener
The most gullible people alive debate politics
I genuinely don’t know why I keep listening to this show. All the hosts are complete hacks and just kind of regurgitate centrist arguments that they’ve heard somewhere else without actually thinking about whether or not they make sense. These people think they live in an Aaron Sorkin show without any real stakes, and subscribe to the dumbest, gauziest compromise worship possible. I wouldn’t recommend this show to my worst enemy because it could only make them worse.
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Sarah Isgur is good.
Too many of these comments are coming from people who don’t expect a right-leaning host to defend the positions. Let’s be real guys, the host is left, Mo is left and most of the guests they bring on are left. We need her sass and her aggressiveness to actual have any semblance of balance.
Great idea but.
This podcast needs a right commentator more like the guests that have filled in. I’d like to hear Ms Isgar even once be able to acknowledge accountability for herself or other conservative subjects being discussed.
Update: She’s back and the pod is worse than ever
Update: 2/23/24 Michaela is great! I hope she is on the pod much more often. 10/13/23 aannnddd she’s back. Glad to hear Mo pushing back, but Sarah cannot handle it - constantly interrupting him and talking to him like he’s 4. Wont be listening again. There are so many others who would do better than Sarah, this pod doesn’t need her snark and condescending righteousness. With all of the negative listener feedback re Sarah provided in these reviews, one would think LRC would want to find a replacement for Sarah. Apparently they don’t. Contrary to the pod’s name, LRC is just another media source that’s ok with giving more air time to one side. Update: 9/1/23 episode felt like the LRC I know and love. Mo and David were much livelier and engaged. The banter was respectful. —— For years LRC presented different perspectives that really got me thinking and challenged my beliefs. Now I can predict what each person is going to say. I’ve really tried to like this pod again but I cannot listen to Sarah Isgor any longer - her condescending tone to her fellow panelists is unprofessional and distracting. She’s the weakest link and she repeatedly compromises the quality of the pod. Mo and David are great, but seem to always let Sarah go on and on and on, long after she made her point. Mo’s and David’s counter arguments are always brief and to the point, but get totally overshadowed by Sarah’s need to dominate the podcast. Hopefully some changes will be made to strengthen LRC, as I see several people have similar complaints. For now, I’m looking for another pod that can fill the void.
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Rita Sherms
It’s just Left
Some of the discussions are good, but I don’t know if these three honestly believe they’re anything but progressive Dems-maybe they should look for additional hosts. It’s in my rotation but I’m inevitably disappointed because I’m forever seeming to be on the hunt for balanced views.
Far left, left and center right
Not quite balanced but, OK. I stopped expecting a mainstream conservative opinion on anything other than The Daily Wire. It’s a great addition to my political podcast though. I rarely miss an episode.
Used to be a favorite
But Green’s move to install 2 permanent panelists was a step backwards. And Green himself is a class below the former host. Just not as interesting or insightful as it used to be. But if you want to hear Mo quote the same polling results every week, you’re in for a treat. Reduced from 4 to 3, now from 3 to 2 due to the above reasons. Bring back the rotation and get some new centers. This lineup is tired and boring.
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Need a middle not far left, left and right
Would be nice to see actual balance and for the so-called middle host to stop blaming right for all the problems and ignoring the totalitarian tendencies of current administration.
Lacking in Substance
I’ve been a listener since 2016. The show used to be interesting and insightful. These days, it is a weekly rehashing of clichés about how “nobody can have a civilized debate anymore” and aren’t we so enlightened as to be doing so? Sprinkle in some junior-high sass from Sarah Isgur and self-congratulatory “fearlessness” from David Greene, whose favorite phrase must be “I feel like,” and you’ve got yourself an episode of Left, Right, & Center. Mo is fine.
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Dylan Seeger
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