Kwik Brain with Jim Kwik
Kwik Brain with Jim Kwik
Jim Kwik, Your Brain Coach, Founder
via Podcasts
Jim Kwik is a gift!
Just discovered this podcast and I am blown away! What a treasure trove of information that can truly enrich my life! Thank you and keep going!
Best for Seniors
I’m a 65 year old man with a history of “severe opiate addiction”. That diagnosis ended at Betty Ford in Dec of 2019 after a 17 year struggle with opiates. I’m also an entrepreneur who has , even in the midst of the addiction, launched a few business ideas and businesses that have had relative success. The last 3 years I retired from a 35 year airline career and moved in with an old friend who has dementia and osteoarthritis. Because I committed myself I had to shutter those ideas and businesses because caretaking in my capacity is 24/7. My point is as I struggle with the unrealized fear that I’m running out of time to accomplish the tasks I feel I am alive to accomplish, this podcast has much of the info on I need for my personal and professional growth condensed and presented in the most efficient way for me to hear what I need to know. One podcast and I am a huge fan! Thank you Jim Kwik ! 🙏🏻
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Great podcast! No ads! Only brilliant ideas to get better in life
This is a truly podcast that is willing to share knowledge and help people. There’s no ads which is amazing! I think this is why people start doing podcast, but nowadays most of them start doing long hour of ads which it is so annoying!! When I start listening to Jim I can feel how nice he is and how much he wants to help people! That’s why he deserve 5 stars for doing it!
Not recommend.
Inspirational and uplifting
I’ve always wanted to excel academically, I feel I truly become a more genuine version of myself when I study hard and achieve things. So having Jim’s voice and advice is incredibly helpful!
So powerful and inspirational!
I have been following Jim for a while. As an educator and a language learner, this podcast inspires me greatly! Thank you!
Just found you
Jim I am so thankful to have found you! Just wish I found you sooner. I was delighted when I could easily learn and remember the top 10 brain foods. I wanted to teach my daughters and to their surprise, they now have some fun stories about food. The one thing I did not plan for, is that now my 3 year old walks around the house saying, “ I have chocolate on my butt.” Lol….. I am loving what I am learning and grateful that there are moments of humour along the way.
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Awesome quick 15-min podcasts that helps with my day-to-day lifestyle
Life changing content
Jim’s content has massively improved my life.
Silas P. Mahner
Amazing Guy Awesome Podcast!
Absolutely incredible teacher! Awesome show! If you want to unlock your the potential this is the show to tune in on a regular basis ! : ) Thanks Jim for all you do! Would love to have you on our podcast one day!
Read for Profit
Amazing nuggets of knowledge! I can’t get enough of every episode. I find myself many times going back to listen to episodes several times.
Super great
The podcasts are informative amd too the point. His courses work
The chapter 149 about focusing and concentration was really really good, I really needed it. Thanks for providing useful information.
The Best Brain Mentor
I just wanna leave a review to remind you how much impact you’re providing not just for me but other people as well who strive in bettering themselves every single day
Thank you so much Jim
As always,Jim,, you are the best. I a always remember that story you told how important a person’s name to them. How it’s everyone’s favorite sound. This must be true! It definitely works when I to be more friendly with someone . . Alison Schuback
Ali Schu
This podcast has changed my life by providing me with the tools I need to make the most out of my life. I love episode 15!!!! Thank you so much Jim!
To the point!
I love this podcast as it helps me improve myself on many different levels. I like how the content gets right to the point, it’s not a lot of elaboration. When I see an episode that’s only 20ish minutes, I’m down for that as opposed to other podcasts that are an hour. There is no rambling on and on. Thanks for all the GREAT content!!
Buddy Obama
Key take away from #2( Improving your memory Now)
There is no search thing as a good memory. In a bad memory. It is just so trained and untrained memory. 1/3% of your memory is determined by genetics and biology that means 2/3% of your memory is in your control. There are three keys to have a supercalled memory also known as quick recall. (MOM) M is for motivation oh is for observation am is for mechanics the key question why do you want to remember this language? Reasons reap results. Leaders are good readers. Leaders have good memories. Listen spell silent. Do not do ANTS A is for automatic, N is for negative, T is for talk. In order to remember someone’s name or something like a language. You to have the motivation to go with it, and the observation for remembering your face???? 😅
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We Can do it!
I am grateful that you have shown us it’s not that we can’t do things such as read with comprehension but we haven’t been taught. Thank you for that realization. I want to know do we benefit from audiobook?
I’ve heard about you and I am ready to discover you. Feeling grateful and excited! Thank you.
Using the whole brain = better note taking
Simple technique (capture and create) has made a big difference 1 minute after listening to your #303 podcast. Thank you
Great info!
Love listening to this show!
Here’s the deal. I listened to this podcast while I was running. So, maybe not the optimal learning environment. BUT, try listening to two episodes and it will BLOW YOUR MIND, like it did to me. Episode 5: My 10 Favorite Brain Foods and Episode 8: A Fast & Fun Way To Recall Lots Of Information I’m like anyone else. I forget things. I have to write things down. Both of these created lists in my head after listening to these (less than 15 minute) episodes. I didn’t do anything more than what Jim asked me to do. No writing. No elementary repeating over and over again. And I still have the lists engraved in my memory days later. AND, I was delighted with a bonus in one of the episodes as well. Listen to these two and you’ll discover why I am so enthusiastic about Jim Kwik and his content. I have been enjoying his other episodes too. I am just recommending these two so you can understand my enthusiasm. Enjoy!!
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Practical, simple, and life-changing
I began listening as I research help for my little one who has a brain injury but find myself using pretty much everything I learn in my own life. Jim has a gift for teaching and making concepts accessible to everyone. Thank you for the time you take to share! It is very appreciated.
Thank you Jim kwik
Thank you so much for all your advices! I have educated my self with all your good techniques. I will keep listening to you. Keep it up! you have helping me and Others too.
Requisite Commute Listening!!
Every episode expands my mind and inspires my spirit! Whatever your goal, purpose, duty in Life, a Limitless Brain will power them to reality. I listen on my drive to work and repeat listen to specific episodes to reenergize and refocus before an important meeting or activity. I was so inspired by Jim’s wisdom, I ordered a copy of Limitless and have begun my journey alongside the Limitless Community! Learn, Earn, Return ♾💥
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Best Episode: (21) How to Listen with your Whole Brain
The acronym H.E.A.R. (Halt, Empathize, Anticipate, Review) captures perfectly what it means to actually pay attention to what someone is saying and making him/her feel understood as well as appreciated.
Emerging budhha
Lifetime learner here!
I absolutely love listening to Jim’s podcast. There are always lessons to be learned and reminders that come at the right time. In a busy, digital world, it’s easy to get caught up with the newest trends, overstimulated by the information that is too accessible, and disheveled in our day to day lives. I listen to Jim’s podcast in the mornings and it helps me to center myself and brings me back to what is important. I write notes (when I am seated at my desk), and I enjoy referring back to them. I also find that sharing the knowledge and strategies that I learn helps others stay motivated, get inspired, and commit to lifetime learning!
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Took Me To Church!
Fired up!!! We are limitless human beings!!!
Albert Einstein said it best it’s about comprehending what you learn. Not just about being able to speed read and take information. Are you comprehending the knowledge as well
wueen of the rwtchet
Amazing lessons from episode #251
“If you want to awaken all of humanity then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you’ve to give is that of your self-transformation” -Lao Tzu This has to be my greatest quote of all time. If you want to transform the outside, you must first transform the inside. To achieve this, according to Sandy: Aware of your emotions— list all your fears and trace them to the source Start with self-care Time ownership— don’t just freely give your time. Your time is who you are Action— take action because experience helps you gain confidence Reset- self care again with movements, stretching and hydration Total immersion- zero in on your goal and out your all into it Try this, and you’ll see you’re enough!
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He GENUINELY wands you to succeed and be happy with yourself
He’s such an amazing human. He wants you to succeed and be the best version of yourself. He said, “there’s a version of you have you haven’t met yet, I promise you. Keep showing up until you’re introduced to an amazing person. “
A long as seen on TV type ad
Listened to the latest episode and felt like I was listening to an ad. Waste of time, couldn’t change it coz I was cooking.
Pentakulv The Blacksmith
10/10!!! Excellent podcast
Thank you!
I had just set the goal to upgrade my reading plan, and listened to “read 52 books per year! Thanks so much; I love your teaching!
Wow! :)
This is one of my favorite podcasts!
Brunos Buzz
Your Kwik Guide to Success
If you're a high achiever, chances are you're busy. But don't be fooled. Taking time out to listen to Jim's show will actually help increase your productivity. Invest in your brain. You're worth it.
Dr. Sharon Grossman
Powerful content at a convenient length
This podcast is amazing! He covers so many great topics that help me in multiple areas of my life- and every episode is under 20 minutes. Makes it so easy to listen to these during short commutes. You can’t go wrong with this podcast.
Audio quality should be improved.
Content is interesting. Should shorten intro and improve audio quality, audio volume is lower than other podcasts.
Will change your life for the better!
I cannot thank God enough for bringing Jim Kwik's teachings into my life. Not only are they simple (which makes following through easier) but they are powerful! I find myself recalling more information recently, which is making me more confident in myself and my ability to trust my decision making Add the ease of having access to his Podcast 24/7 and it's like having a coach by your side all the time. I still have a long way to go when it comes to procrastinating but I have no doubt in my mind that I will get there. Thank you, Jim and team! God bless you all.
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Game-changer for me
Full disclosure: I listen to a lot of podcasts on varying interest to me. I admit that I just roll right through the whole routine of the podcaster telling listeners to “like, share, subscribe, etc) and I never do. I found your podcast through another motivational podcast. I really enjoy your discussions on the various topics. I could probably recite your ending. (Lol) But the episode with Jim McKowen was a game changer for me. Which is why I’m leaving this review and have joined your YouTube page. Thank you so much for sharing your gift. Bless you!
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Currently in the process of reading limitless… I love it!!! Keep crushing it brother… would love to have you as a guest on my podcast…
alpha photography
Boost Your Memory
I really enjoy your podcast; it’s quite helpful in learning different techniques to improve our memory.
Very good
Best podcast to listen to definitely worth your time!
Nate Barut
I have to buy this book LIMITLESS! After listening to his speech yesterday on speed reading I doubled my reading speed by about double very 2nd try. I also got access to over 100 memories that I never had access to. I received those same emotions and it was very healing for me. My heart started to beat differently. It’s like my heart could trust love again and it’s like I learned to love again. It was beautiful. My mother is in Heaven and it was my memory that taught me that. Thank you Jim, truly, I am honored to have the “Kwikness” in me and my thinking. Copy right the word for me please, Lol.
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Great content, poor audio quality
Great content, POOR audio quality
thank you lll
Very useful
Building my Kwik Brain has been very useful for me. Jim’s techniques bring instant results. The information sinks in easily because he teaches you how to remember it. This podcast is great for someone looking to improve their memory and become a more attentive learner. Best podcast I have listened to so far.
Avery's Quest to Success
Reverse engineer success
Loved the episode with Ron Friedman and how he described the way some of the great stories in our culture can be reverse engineered to find patterns you can use to be successful. Thank you Ron and thank you Jim for the easily digestible (and actionable) info!
Good Topics but Bad Audio Quality
I find the topics very interesting and thoughtful. I’ve tried to get over the audio quality but find it hard. I think it would be valuable to invest in a proper microphone setup and non echoing room to record. Plus the intro and song is always so loud and assaulting after the calm and informative conversation. However topic-wise its great and I’ve learned a lot!
great sleep companion
Audio needs work but excellent podcast
I find Jim Qwik to be easy to listen to, the topics of each episode are always really interesting. I do find that some thing is off with the audio at times. His voice audio is always quieter than the interviewee’s voice audio. Other than that wonderful podcast! Earns the 5 stars!
Reasons Reap Results!
For over a year, I’ve listened to this podcast and after reading Jim’s book, my growth mindset has become ‘Limitless’!! Recently, I went through Kwik’s 5 Days Reading Challenge and although I’ve always been a reader, I shocked myself as I read 3 books in 1 week....Wow! Thanks Jim for helping me get my brain in shape!!!
DB in AZ
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