How to Be a Girl
How to Be a Girl
Marlo Mack
via Podcasts
This is child abuse.
Why would you do this to your child? They don’t know anything and now their life is ruined. Depression is going to happen soon and you are going to regret your decisions that you made to this poor young child. Even at age 14, I know what is better for a child than you. God made you child the way they were supposed to be and they can’t change it. Hard time create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create bad times. Right now, we have we men and we are having bad times. Good parents shouldn’t support changing genders at this young age. Shame on you. You are a bad mother. Call me homophobic. I don’t care.
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Yallupsjr1910 Cool Cats😸😺
Mom of a young trans daughter
I truly love your podcasts and really hope you continue. I have an 8 year old daughter, who knows she was a girl since a long as she could speak. Your podcasts are so relatable to our lives as well as current events. We also might have to leave our state due to anti trans medical care. Like I said please continue even if your lovely daughter isn’t in them.
Queer ally (I’m trans too)
I’m new here, but I love this podcast to death. I’m 15 almost 16 and this has given me insight on what I need to do to become a trans girl too!
Trans Woman Ace
Child abuse
Shame on this mother.
I am a transgender girl
So I am 9 and my mom is nine about it and my sister is mean a about it
Chamomile .Bailey
Happy you’re thriving :)
Miss this podcast so much. Started listening years ago. It’s beautiful to hear about the experience from a child and mother. The newest episode brought tears to my eyes.
I have so much love for this podcast and the creator. The way she respects her daughters privacy this whole time. It’s what she deserves. I’m grateful for the snippets. I’m just glad she is doing well.
ggfjfggi CNN lg ok g
Thank you so much 🏳️‍⚧️
I love this podcast and it helped me with my own gender journey. It was one of the first resource I directed my mom to right after coming, honest a trans girl. Thank you so much this podcast has had a profound effect on my life! 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵
I want to go to college
Lived up to reviews
I’m a trans guy and I find this podcast very heartwarming and sweet not only because Marlo is so accepting of her daughter but because she also talks about the issues trans people face in a way very different from the fear mongering in the right wing stuff. Despite some transphobes int he reviews, this is clearly not Child abuse. All said and done I love this podcast so much 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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This is 95% our life and I couldn’t be more grateful.
I’m on episode 12. So many tears. Happy and sad. Terrified. Validated. So many feels. Thank you Mama MM and Little M for sharing your story. Our trans daughter is seven and has been saying she was a girl for as long as I can remember. We’re navigating a lot in the northeast as firsts - and figuring out new stuff everyday. Taking one day at a time. Fearful and hopeful. Thankful for the little welcoming pockets of people in our lives. Disappointed in the family members that haven’t stood by us. But most of all, we are just loving on all of our kids just the way they are and making sure they know that we are here for them. With families like this one sharing their stories, we know we are not alone and we will continue to do what’s best for our kiddos and all kiddos, fighting to be accepted and loved for who they are. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
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Any more episodes??
Any more episodes?? Any more episodes?? Any more episodes??
Show Some Compassion People!
Ms. Mack, you’re a great mother and this is a very thoughtful work. Anyone who’s actually listened will see that and understand you’re not “pushing transgenderism” on your daughter. I wish I’d had parents like you. As a trans person myself, I knew at 5, In 1974, when I began simulating girls clothes with lengths cloth, towels, over-sized t-shirts and curtains. I’d long to be a girl and think of ways I could grow up and be a woman. People balk but at age 21/2 and 3, even without the language to describe it, I knew there was something different about me. I also knew to keep my mouth shut about it because of the abuse from my father when he found me playing in my mum’s makeup. I knew the term “transexual” by age 7 because of bullies on the playground telling me I should “have a sex change.” Children know how to single out what is different in someone and can be brutal. I’ve been gender incongruent for as long as I can remember and it is an intense, very clear early memory. I’ve also aloften run afoul of people who don’t understand, who obsess yet don’t bother to properly educate themselves on the topic and instead lash out. For a long time I believed there was something essentially wrong with my character because that is what my culture would have me believe and I felt shame, deep sadness, and self loathing. And no, suicidality is not a prerequisite to being transgender. If you’re on here arguing it is, as many do, then show some honest compassion for God sake. Start questioning your own beliefs and motives instead of coming here to accuse abuse when it is YOU being abusive. “Those who take up vociferous positions on the social position of transgender people, or the best way to help them, should recognize the limits of their knowledge, and maybe adopt a more humble and tolerant point of view.” —Dr. Joe Herbert, an emeritus professor of neuroscience at Cambridge University
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Love this podcast! Wish there was more!!
This is a wonderful podcast and I have loved following it over the years!! Miss it dearly but I understand a girl needs her privacy! Being a teen is hard! To people quoting the Bible and god…. Let god do the judging. It will never be your place to judge people on gods behalf…
I first want to say, this is a wonderful podcast and I love it a lot. But what I don’t like is the transphobic comments and unnecessary hate this podcast gets. Don’t be mean to this podcasts and to the makers! It takes a lot of time to make I bet. And nothing is wrong with being trans!! Don’t you people have better things to do than listen to podcasts just so that you can hate on them?! Anyway. Thanks for making this cool podcast. Don’t listen to the haters.
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Emmie 77
This podcast is so wonderful.
Especially in the earlier episodes, I always find my face soften at how sweet she is, and how the support she has makes her be able to be fully her authentic self. Not intentionally, it just makes me so happy that your daughter is able to be herself. She seems so sweet and wonderful, and I would definitely be her friend. I’m twelve years old and am transquestioning myself! I am wondering if I’m nonbinary, and it’s really hard testing the waters with my family, and finding out that I live in a household where my parents think that being trans is fake. (Did I mention that they are Christian?) I am also Christian (I guess mostly by default) but I am also probably, like, THE BIGGEST Lgbtqia+ advocate/supporter in my whole school. 6-8 grade middle school. Anyways, I love this podcast, and keep up the good work. ❤️🧡💚💙🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️❤️🧡💛💚💙 PS. I COMPLETELY agree Emmie 77
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I love this podcast so much ♥️
First of all this podcast is amazing. But… to the people who post hate What are you thinking? If you say your not transphobic DONT POST HATE ON THIS AWSOME PODCAST! Marlo your daughter is amazing , strong, and brave . The fact that she knew that she was not in the right body at that age proves something! I myself am not sure what I am all I know is that I am not a cis person. your daughter is helping me SO much ! She is helping did fire me be more educated on this topic then I am. This podcast is a thing that everyone should be able to listen to , fall asleep to, and share with other people My only thing is , could you make a episode on how your daughter came out to you? Please . THANKS YOU FOR MAKING THIS PODCAST YOIR VOICE IS AWSOME AND YOUR GUESTS ARE GREAT PLEASE KEEP MAKING THESE PODCASTS THANKS YOU ❤️😃✨👍🏻♥️💗⚧ TRANS RIGHTS🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️⚧⚧⚧ 💗💙🤍💙💗 Be you :) 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ 💗💜💙 💗💛💙 ❤️🧡🤍💗💜 💛🤍💜🖤
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GalcticCorgi and UnicornCatKid
This is crap.
Call me transphobic. Call me homophobic. I don’t care. I am truly concerned for your SON because if he does have genderdysphoriya, that would mean he has a high suicidal chance. I just wonder how the HECK A 5 YEAR OLD would know what transgenderisim is. If he has genderdysphoria, so be it. But what if he doesn’t and is just trying to please mom. It seems from reading these comments people can’t tolerate other opinions. The gospel says “ male and female I created them” that means that people CANNOT be trans. Signed, gamer who is concerned
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Some concerns
I se people commenting about the mother forcing the child into a transition, now i myself am 15 and a trans woman, and I made my decision 2 or 3 years ago to want to start looking into the topic transgender. I didn’t take any action to change myself or anything like that, I still to this day appear as a male and there is no shame in that, but the child should not be deciding on there gender at such a young age, cause in a sense this YOUNG child doesn’t have the same thought process as an adult, or teenager, they also don’t one day just say I want to be a girl there must be a thought process before you come out. This hose for everyone, STOP HELPING LITTLE KIDS DECIDE THE GENDER AT A YOUNG AGE let them figure things out over the years and then decide. -one love💙
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More please!
Any updates on how the blockers are going? This podcast has been invaluable coming from your daughter's perspective and of course her mother's!
Amazing podcast
I love this podcast! P.S. I’m a trans girl also. Also no more hate comments!!!!!!!!!! Eleven2356 you are TRANSPHOBIC same with sgshoe
For all, this podcast is great to help understand the lives of transgender people. I send much care and love to you marlo. Homophobia is never okay. Love, jack P.S. for ally’s only, I am gender queer and bisexual. All LGBTQPIA+ people are loved by me.
jack, the podcast lover.
Dear sghoes,
Marlo’s daughter is trans. Marlo’s daughter is a girl. She did not choose this for her, her daughter is trans. No one is forcing ANYONE. Coming from a trans person myself, I did not choose this. I am trans. I am Queer. Thank you and have a great life. 🤘🏻✌🏻😄
Thank you
Hello, my name is Rose Lipham. I just came out as a transgender woman a few days ago, August 5th to be exact. I am incredibly grateful to have discovered your podcast. I just listened to my first episode, maybe cried a little. It’s just nice to know I’m not alone. And I thank you and your beautiful daughter for being strong and vulnerable enough to share your story and journey. You are both changing the world, through a single episode have had a positive impact on me. I look forward to listening to more of your podcast. I wish you and your daughter love, joy, laughter, and peace. Thank you, Rose
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Divinely intelligent, thoughtful and loving
I do not wish I lived in your neighborhood but if I did, you can be sure we’d be friends and I’d be showing both of you how to make my secret, vegan, chocolate pudding recipe. This is a beautiful, compelling observant podcast. Thank you
Artie the dog
I didn’t even know I existed when I was 3
Stop forcing your child to be something they aren’t. I’m not transphobic, I’m just disgusted you forced a child at such a young age to become transgender.
Beautifully done, but…
As an ally, I was moved by this podcast and appreciate Marlo and her daughter so much. What started to grate after a while, though, was the degree to which Marlo seemed wrapped up in her daughter’s desire to be stealth. The use of the word “betrayal” as it related to the little girl telling the daughter’s secret was over the top. I wish Marlo had been able to encourage her daughter to be a little more open and unafraid, and that it hadn’t been so much about what Marlo felt about how others would perceive her and her daughter. I wish her the courage her daughter seems to already have. Best wishes to them both.
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Lisa LR
low key poggers
Wonderful & Enlightening
Thank you so much for making such an articulate and sensitive series of raising your daughter and sharing so much of both her growth as a girl and especially your feelings and decisions as her loving Mom (and her Dad’s too!). I love how you approached understanding your son’s needed transition to express herself as your daughter, step by step as you could see what was the best for her. Your journey together has been remarkable and well told for so many of us to learn more about the reality of trans children and what they need to thrive as their authentic selves. Not just as others would have them live just because their reproductive organs at birth are one way and not the other. I truly wish all legislators and community and religious leaders got the opportunity to listen to your podcast series before making judgments or policies that so thoroughly affect trans people’s lives. Hope to continue hearing your family’s journey soon. With respect and admiration.
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An incredibly valuable podcast for anybody learning about trans kids
Thank you so much, Marlo, for this fantastic podcast! It’s intimate, nuanced, honest and very valuable.
Thank you !
This podcast is very useful for every people all around the world thank you for sharing your experiences with us
Nicola Davis
This podcast is so amazing. I love it so much! 🏳️‍⚧️💙💗🤍💗💙
This Seattle mom of three credits this beautiful podcast in helping me understand and support transgendered children. Extra love to that darling girl!
very cool
Start at episode 12
This is a very well produced podcast that I find easy to listen to and deeply disturbing at the same time. New listeners should begin at episode 12. This mother waited 12 episodes to even mention that she shares 50/50 custody with her ex husband (meaning all we’ve heard only amounts to half of her life so far), that she and her ex-husband barely spoke to each other for 2 years after the divorce and that their biological son first announced their identification with girls (at the age of 3) about 4 months after the father moved out of the house. Regardless of your gender ideology (and there are some very mean spirited comments above), this seems to be a story of childhood trauma that has been naively told as if this pure “inner girl” is simply seeking respect and recognition for who she truly is. As a psychologist, I am deeply concerned that we often rush to join the ranks of social justice warrior and miss other causes of transgenderism. I can’t believe these parents (who are now on the same page) never considered the possibility that this child’s desire to identify as a female might very well have been a 3 year old’s attempt at securing attachment to the parent that hadn’t left. Or, at the very least, they should have overcome their own bitterness enough to provide some sort of unity during this momentous discovery of transgenderism in their child.
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Don’t let the haters bring you down!
This is a great podcast! Those Transphobic haters will never make a difference about how amazing your daughter is. I totally support you, and trans people everywhere! 🏳️‍⚧️ ❤️. One of my best friends is trans and he is an amazing human just like your daughter. Love yourself and don’t let the haters bring you down!
Charlotte 🍉
This Podcast is Amazing!
How to be a girl shows that you can be who you want, boy, girl, or non binary. Don't listen to the haters and keep going! Much love, Hailey (3
Haily D
Thank you.
I was so excited to see there was a new episode! Thank you to you and your daughter for sharing your story to the world. I’m guessing the older she gets, the less she’ll want to share (which makes sense) but I hope you are all doing wonderfully!
Love you both so much
I screamed out in joy when I saw there was a new episode ❤️❤️
potent menagerie
Thank You
Thank you for your thoughtful and enlightening podcast.
Absolutely amazing!
You are such an amazing mother! This is amazing representation for transgender youth. Easy to relate to for gender queer people, and easy to learn from for cis people. you and your daughter are both so strong! You are making a difference.
Still Desil
Beautiful podcast!
It’s a beautiful podcast, I’m just sad it didn’t continue and I hope they are safe and live a good life, so many hateful people in this world!
This is a very sweet podcast! I am a transgender Christian and it’s been hard trying to transition and tell people. This gives me a lot of hope! Keep up the great work :)
So important
This is such an important podcast. Thanks for sharing your family’s journey. Its amazing to hear your daughter assert herself and find her bliss.
Review of this Podcast
This podcast really gives notice to the fact that all people are beautiful, no matter if they are black, white, woman, man, bi, transgender, and more. It is incredible how marlo loves her daughter and how her daughter is proud of who she is! Please make more episodes, and don’t pay attention to those haters! Marlo isn’t forcing her daughter to be a girl… her daughter IS A GIRL. When transgender people come out, it’s not that they hate they’re gender. It’s different. And Trans people are not hurting you by being this BEAUTIFUL way! Love you Marlo! 🥰
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Review of this Podcast
Child abuse
This horrible mother has done something to her son that cannot be undone. When I was a little boy I wore dresses and pretended to be a girl. Thankfully I have parents that are actually intelligent and they didn’t try to turn me into a girl. I am a perfectly masculine boy. It’s absolutely insane to allow a child that young to “transition genders” and become a girl. If you are born a male, you will always be a male. If you are born a female, you will always be a female.
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Thank you
Thank you just thank you I felt alone before I listened to you podcast & I came out to my parents to thank you🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
Amazing story
This is such an interesting story for someone who is straight, as I get to hear both perspectives: parent and kid. Very, very cool people, and I thoroughly enjoy your storytelling. Thanks so much for this podcast!
Mr Reviewer Man 🕵🏻‍♂️
Just because you think it’s wrong to do that to her 6yr old child does not mean you have to say it out loud! Stay with me pride supporters! #Isupport!
Child abuse
Child abuse, pure and simple. Girls don’t have penises!
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