Emotional Badass
Emotional Badass
Nikki Eisenhauer
Emotional Badass
Nikki Eisenhauer
Hosted by psychotherapist Nikki Eisenhauer, M.Ed. LPC, LCDC, International Life Coach, Licensed Professional Counselor, Yoga and Meditation Teacher. Emotional Badasses are survivors, thrivers, seekers, and healers! This show provides essential emotional education on topics such as Mental Health, HSPs (Highly Sensitive People), narcissists & manipulative personalities, healing from trauma and PTSD, calming your nervous system, inner child work, and setting healthy boundaries. Expand and awaken to your higher purpose, be more present and authentic, find strength in spirituality, quiet the monkey mind of modern society with meditation, and connect deeply with yourself and safe others. We let go of what doesn't serve us to heal old wounds, find our voice guilt-free, and learn to be the hero in our own story, embrace guerrilla self care, and laugh with lightness on the self development path. This show is designed to mindfully be the emotional education so many of us crave; emotional badass is where we learn to love ourselves without apology. Emotional Badass is where Moxie Meets Mindful.
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Latest episode
a month ago
April 7
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