Economist Podcasts
Economist Podcasts
The Economist
via Podcasts
Gaslighting Americans on behalf of Biden
A few weeks ago, there was an episode where they discussed why Americans perceived the economy as being so bad when "really" it was actually doing well. I think we know what we're experiencing with the economy. That episode was just an attempt to gaslight us to try to get people to have a more favorable view of Biden. I've been listening to this podcast since 2017, and it used to be great. What happened? Why has it become so biased?
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Xenophobic garbage
For every one podcast they make that’s illuminating and worth listening to, they make ten that are so shamelessly angled to their own interests that it’s no longer worth listening. Drum Tower is especially egregious.
Checks and Balances
I find the discussions informative, both for the “Checks and Balances” episode and all the other episodes, but the lack of conservative voices in the discussions is very noticeable. For instance, in this episode there was no consideration of the economic impact of any of the proposed increases of government spending or increased taxation. Very glaring omissions. Again showing the inherent bias of Economist reporting, the 3 part CRT report was portrayed the CRT advocates very negatively, and completely ignored the involvement of the teachers unions in all the issues discussed in the report. Also, the interview with Senator Te Cruz was very pointed, yet the interview with the Biden economic advisor consisted of a series of softball questions with no critical follow up on any of her very specious answers.
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Is Ad Revenue Not Enough?
Teasing longtime conventional listeners with “Subscription Only” Content just backfired, this conventional subscriber just unfollowed your feed.
Subscriber getting commercials
What’s the point of subscribing if you still get commercials?
dissatisfied longtime user
Advertisements by groups like American petroleum institute.
Very misleading ads by the America petroleum Institute. Seriously why are you sponsored by the American petroleum Institute?
Naomi Rosen
Our allies and our responsibilities
Our Asian allies are much more committed to there self defense than most of our European allies.I believe we should match or exceed their commitment if necessary. Our NATO allies have been slacking in their efforts and need to step up their efforts. The Chinese threat is much more urgent currently , even though the Russian threat is active. Australia is included in my Asian assessment. We need to find a balance of meeting our commitments and not bankrupting our nation!
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Kurt in Detroit
Loved the Should I Own a Gun episode. Very thoughtful and objective.
As a retired, 20-year Army veteran with Desert Storm and Iraqi freedom experience, I always enjoyed live-fire weapons training. Yet, while consistently qualifying expert with hand guns, rifles, and grenades, etc., I’ve never had the desire to own a personal weapon. I respect responsible gun ownership, while feeling concerned about the consequences irresponsibility has wrought on our society. Great podcast!!
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arrogant propaganda for the rich and powerful
the economist serves the same purposes today as it did when it justified slavery, colonialism, and war in the 1800s - to give an intelligent and benevolent *expert opinion* appearance to the propaganda of mass murderers. no change, perhaps even more arrogant and detached from the reality of most people today
Remove ads
Please monetize through ads or subscriptions but not both. Love the content but not the ads.
Disappointed - for the eighth time
I am a long time listener to all the Economist’s podcasts and I have always appreciated their non-partisan approach to news that is impossible to get in the US. However your new series, the Weeknd intelligence, shows a clear, left-wing biased in the stories they report. How disappointing. If I want partisan tripe, I can watch MSNBC or Fox News. I hope the Economist doesn’t turn into such an organization. The world needs the old Economist back.
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BD Earl
“Economist” ironic.
Used to be a great series of podcasts; very informational, in-depth conversations, and great guests to spark thoughtful discussion. Economist podcasts have now become politically biased propaganda mediums with a keen interest on spreading alarmism. The irony is in the name “Economist” because they don’t conduct a whole lot of conversation about economics but will speak endlessly on moral rhetoric, the imposed guilt of western society specifically the United States, and humanitarian crises with no proven objective metrics but subjective opinionated rhetoric about how the world could be not how the world is.
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Highest quality no ads
Always if the highest quality in standards of journalism but free of junk both ads and self aggrandizing statements by politicians. Just good reporting with value added insight.
Top tier journalism.
Honestly, the best podcasters. Worth the subscription.
Sweater Karen
I finally decided to try the free offer with part of my birthday gift. I was so excited!! I Set up acct only to learn AFTERWARDS I NEED IOS 17 WHICH WILL REQUIRE I BUY A NEW IPHONE. My phone CANNOT BE UPDATED TO IOS17. THAT IS A LOT FOR A PODCAST SUBSCRIPTION!! Now I get to jump through more hoops to CANCEL IT!! Unfortunate for me that birthday gift wasn’t enough to buy a new phone. YOU GUYS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE PROFESSIONALS. EVERYTHING NOW IS A RECURRING SUBSCRIPTION WHICH IS GENERALLY MUCH HARDER TO CANCEL. STILL, I am so grateful for the period you offered your podcasts for FREE!! There were a few years back in the day when all podcasts were free but they mostly have all gone the way you have. I wish you hadn’t and here’s why: For years I was intimidated by the name of your publication and never thought I would understand most of what you discussed but the podcast was a must listen for every segment that dropped!! And I learned so much and I understood all of it. I waited hungrily for each episode to drop every week. Paywalls, though now deemed to be required by most podcast publishers, have the unfortunate effect of limiting important knowledge to those few who can afford to PAY ALOT for news. I don’t understand why you didn’t just use ads? So much is lost to so many who are already so limited in life. Lost even to those who haven’t time to read your magazine if they can even afford to subscribe. We all understand that No one works for free but your original podcast exposed so many to things they may never have heard any other way. Nothing against the Intelligence but it is not the juicy science and economic news and interviews I so will miss. Sadly, the News overall has become another elite product, available only to those few who can afford to pay ALOT or who have time & ability to visit a library. It isn’t like there is someone leaving their copy on the lunch counter for the next person to read anymore. Who even sits down for lunch? Living on a fixed income, I can’t afford to subscribe to everything I am hungry to read and now that I finally have a bit more time to do just that, everything is gone behind a paywall. I couldn’t change the stars for rating. If I could you would get a -50 for the misleading promotion of your subscription service. REALLY BAD JOB ON THAT GUYS.
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Excellent Journalism
Ended up subscribing because there’s continually great content.
Delighted to pay
Love the Economist podcasts and delighted to be paying a very small amount to ensure you can keep up - and expand - on the excellent reporting.
Strong content. Subscription model needs work
The podcasts are great. So good that I agreed to try their subscription service. I could not get it to work. Then when I tried to cancel I found you had to do it through their chat service, where they waste your time trying to change your mind. They should have worked out the subscription service better before launching it.
Checks and balances episode
In regard to Bill Clinton election one glaring fact not mentioned, why George H Bush lost was there a 3rd party candidate Ross Perot. If memory serves got 18% of the popular vote. Votes that most likely would have gone to Bush along with electoral votes.
Please remove ads for subscriber edition
Please remove ads for subscriber edition
Absolutely best of the best. If you want to keep track of current events and history with verified facts, diligent reporting, and expert analysis, this is the place to be. I am incomplete without my daily updates from the Economist.
Shows not showing up
Ever since I subscribed, the only shows that show up in my feed are the Intelligence. I forget about the other shows until they are mentioned in the Intelligence, then I have to go to the show page and search for them. Also, why am I getting MORE ads now that I’ve subscribed than I did when it was free?
Can’t link
This is ridiculous. I subscribed but can’t link because there is nowhere to enter the details. You have my money, so where is my access?
Kevin M Arner
Not able to subscribe
I tried to suscribe with the introductory offer a number of times after clicking on the banner with the offer but couldn’t find nothing to suscribe, looked everywhere in the app and nothing. I ended up subscribing in the website at full price, it would be fair if I get a credit and you honor the half price offer that you offer for months!
Apple link
Charlotte told me I only had to link once, this would be easy, and effective instructions would be supplied. I’m disappointed to be unable to verify any of these assertions.
Bill Mc Donald
Totally crap-tastic roll-out
Like are you freaking kidding me? The Economist and Apple have had months of hype on this subscription linking. It is absolutely bull-crap that this does not work. The link appears to be totally broken. This is profoundly disappointing. Boooo :( p.s. I still love the Economist… I still rely on you for your excellent reporting… I’m just sad😔
Same as everyone- can’t link subscription
Your linking system for Apple Podcasts doesn’t work. Your chat experts are rude and intentionally unhelpful. I may completely abandon the economist.
Won’t link to subscription
The link for apple doesn’t work, so I can’t link my account.
Failing to link a subscription
This shouldn’t be a problem but you manes to make it one
“Already a Subscriber” link does not work for Apple Podcasts
Given all the hype and pre-launch commutation, this is very disappointing.
Apple podcast linking doesn’t work
Just recently subscribed but cannot get Apple podcasts to link. Support is only through an AI, which only leads to more frustration. Sharing feedback here as I can’t find another avenue so maybe someone at the economist will see. Hopefully they get this worked out, otherwise they may be losing someone instead of gaining one.
The content is great. There’s nothing else out there that’s is as wide-ranging and current and rational, while also being available on-demand. But will premium subscribers be forced to listen to ads forever? Nice job double-dipping…
Premium subscription with ads isn’t premium
Very frustrated that the premium subscription has ads on the shows that I’ve listened to so far, especially including the shows that are supposedly ad-free. Also frustrated that the intelligence shows still have ads — I get that they’re available to non subscribers, but why aren’t there exclusive no-ad copies of the same episodes?
Overcast Fan
Paid subscription rollout stumbled
The linking of paid subscription on Apple Podcasts is broken. You’d hope that this key feature is tested exhaustively but, alas, it’s not the case. Also, the support is very scripted and borderline useless in a such non-standard scenario.
Dr Goldin
It bothers me a lot that during this podcast on money talks each correspondent referred to Dr. Goldin as Claudia, instead of as Dr. Goldin, I think that’s disrespectful. Would male doctors of economics, be referred to simply by their first name?
Not a fan of them moving to a subscription model
I used to be a fan but now that they’ve basically made all their content subscription based, I’m unsubscribing. Some may find value in what they’re charging but in this day & age, there are so many free sources of high quality news, commentary, and information, it’s not necessary to have yet another subscription. It may be $2/month or whatever but all these deaths by a thousand cuts really do add up.
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Great. Fix audio sounds at closing.
One of my top 3 podcasts. Really good reporting and audio. Plan to subscribe. But please cut the annoying sound effect (like a news beeping) at the end of the podcasts. Really disturbing at night time
Used to be good
For a few years I listened to almost every cast. The Intelligence was fantastic, but the addition of Ore made it unlistenable. I started listening just to Checks and Balances and Money Talks. Now those shows are going behind a paywall, so I guess that's that. If The Intelligence can find a new co-host I would reconsider subscribing to the paid feed but when the daily cast has fallen so far I don't see the value.
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All your favorite shows are about to go behind a paywall!
Only a newspaper could try to spin “all your favorite shows are about to go behind a paywall with economist podcast plus!” as a positive thing. Sad to see them go, but I will not be paying for a service that every other newspaper will be giving for free. Back to the times, wsj, and npr I guess. RIP Economist podcasts
Dadadadadafrgajjrdkcbsjsjdkabdkebfjvrjcvdvdjsbajxskbdjc djfocksvdidjdvdjdndhdhd
Chinese Students
I would be super interested in understanding what the implications of placing a moratorium on accepting Chinese college students until the Chinese government condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Used to be free, going paid 👎🏻
Love a lot of the shows and have been an avid listener for a long time. Now that it will be required to pay for it, don’t know if I’ll continue. I understand why they did it, and it’s a shame the ad-model doesn’t work well enough for them. Will miss listening to it. Good content, not sure it’s worth the price.
TEFL Professor
What has happened to this podcast?!?
Smart Listen
Don’t catch all episodes, but when I get one in, I always come away with new outlook and perspective on issues. Very good content.
Not about economy but just biased view on politics
I would highly encourage listeners to turn to NPR’s Planet Money or The Indicators series, instead of this show. This show doesn’t really talk about economy facts and examples, but just biased view against some countries like China, with some overheard anecdotes rather than economy level observations. Really, try some of the economy theme shows like those mentioned above, you’ll then realize how much of your time is wasted on this one.
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Peak Elitism
Most hosts went to elite schools, living in the same bubble, and think the same way. They are full of themselves and can’t wait to tell you their lefty, predictable opinions. The weekly editors episode, the same annoying banter in every single episode, an non-American accent casually commenting on U.S. politics, is just examples of some of the worst.
Is this app dead
Is this app dead. It hasn’t updated with new podcasts for three days.
Please no more Ore Ogunbiyi
Please no more Ore Ogunbiyi
Need better focus
Hope The Economist podcast can have better focus on core economic and financial issues. When it comes to political topics, there is a lack of depth and certainly intentional/unintentional bias/prejudice which seems disappointing.
Dragon JZ
Getting worse over time
I’ve been a dedicated daily listener to Economist podcasts for at least 5 years and am starting to understand why other reviewers are saying its quality is degrading. On today’s show on Inequality there was an embrace of Piketty and interviews stating that free market economics didn’t work as though it was fact and utterances of things like “post-neoliberal”. I like the coverage but don’t want the Economist to become just another progressive MMT podcast where only writers who are way farther left than modern academic economists are interviewed and taken seriously. As a monetarist and devout follower of resources like and also student of modern international neoliberal superpowers like Panama, Nigeria, the UAE, South Korea, Singapore etc. where the neoliberal miracle appears to still be working, it’s sad that the Economist still seems to view the world as just Europe and the US and to hold up the US as the only example of free markets worth paying attention to, which feels extraordinarily stale. It also feels like the Economist has forgotten that there’s a diverse set of economic philosophies and has almost comically placed itself ideologically among the devout post-WW2 continental European Keynsians who are so thoroughly pilloried in Daniel Yergin’s Commanding Heights, etc. The US is a complex, highly government influenced and funded economy and to blindly accept the position that all of its problems lead back Reagan and Clinton is, to use a gen Z word, cringe in its bias at best and willfully one sided at worst. While the Economist’s international news coverage is still great, its actual economic coverage is only slightly less shallow than a CNN or New York Times. I’ll give it a few more tries. Like I said I prefer a broad range of ideas so the progressive, Piketty influenced and MMT mantras are good too, but I’d also like to know for instance why the quality of life in the UAE and Singapore appears so great despite having no income tax whatsoever, and why the UK seems so stagnant that not only its economy but its population is collapsing, etc. or why Europe relies so heavily on the US for innovation in healthcare and technology despite being 3x larger in population, without Charlotte Howard’s stern motherly remonstration or Idris Calhoun’s upper crust east coast academic tut-tutism which often tends toward advocating for European style policy which as we’ve seen lead to economic stagnation, demilitarism, indebtedness, and population collapse which are all mocked on the world stage and seen more as a symptom of blind privilege and generational experience of wealth than a serious long-term set of rules to govern by
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Not credible
Extreme bias, not credible journalism
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