Diane Rehm: On My Mind
Diane Rehm: On My Mind
WAMU 88.5
via Podcasts
Always insightful
I’ve listened to Diane for many years. Wonderful interviews. I catch up on road trips. Makes learning while driving delightful. 🌻
Diane, always a national treasure
Just finished listening to her interview with Eddie Gaude. As usual, it was an inspiring, thoughtful and super smart conversation. Thank you Diane, for continuing to allow us to hear your incredible interviews with so many remarkable people via podcast.
She’s a Lady
So grateful that you are still going strong Diane! You are one of the few I trust.
Every week
Every week, I eagerly anticipate the release of a new episode. I used to listen to Diane on my local NPR station, and I’m grateful that I still can through my podcast app.
I LOVE Diane!
Been a fan for more than a decade. So grateful to hear her take on the craziness of the 21st Century.
Creative Task Master
Thank you
Thank you for the information in every episode I hope more people listen to your program
Thank you!
I am listening to your episode about the difference between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism. once again, it is clear that your show is one of the only places where one can find thoughtful, evenhanded, clear presentation of the issues, without inflammatory biases, or Political, talking points. Please extend my thanks to the reporter who presented both sides so well. I am so happy. We still have your show online.
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Diane is the absolute best
Such a Washington mainstay, and excellent interviewer and thinker.
Wonderful interviews
So glad Diane is still doing an hourly show each week!
Connie RR
Always a delight
Having just finished listening to the recent episode with Susan Page, I feel compelled to share a simple note of gratitude for each and every episode. Diane is simply one of the best, consistently. I always learn something new, often something surprising — no matter the topic, the way she does it is a delight.
Abraham Lincoln
Love Diane...used to listen to her on WAMU when assigned to the National Capitol Region before podcast became available. I listened carefully to John Meacham, he said that if I think differently than, presumably, his friend Joe Biden, the Left, and their policies, then I'm crazy. That only Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger and a small few others are "good" Republicans. I non-concur. I'm a 34-year veteran of the Marine Corps, Black, Ivy League educated, former assistant professor at the National War College, who took an oath to the Constitution upon enlisting and at every promotion up to retiring as a colonel. Understood and can agree with his description of Unity as not necessarily finding those areas where most or all agree but rather acknowledging the process and accepting the outcomes. That's fine except why does the Left not have to accept when Conservatives want something different than what President Biden, Speaker Pelosi, and Majority Leader Schumer and use the system to achieve it? To use his own words, I certainly do not compare Joe Biden to the Almighty, and I cannot imagine any Conservative being worse for the Country than this idealogue who's insecurities cause him to exaggerate his accomplishments and abilities. God Bless America...we got through the Racist President Woodrow Wilson, we'll get through a not-quite-bright President who can't articulate a coherent position on anything so he just shouts and denigrates anyone who disagrees with him. I've never heard him acknowledge that Mitt Romney is a good man (like Senator McCain said about Candidiate Obama) who certainly didn't deserve to be characterized as "...wanting to put Black people back in chains!" DISPICIBLE
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This is how it’s done
Diane is a lovely host. She’s long been a favorite of mine going back to her days when she hosted the best show on NPR. Her deep understanding of the issues and compassion for humanity should be an inspiration to us all. She’s the epitome of a class act.
Great program
I have sorely missed the Diane Rehm show on NPR and am delighted to find this podcast! Diane is not afraid to tackle tough topics and asks pointed questions. Great guests as well.
She clears out the clutter
Time well spent with Diane! Her intelligence, broad knowledge base, and interviewing skills always bring out the best in the topics and her excellent guests. Highly recommended.
The Ruler’s Back!
Massive DR fan. NPR was at the top of the game back when they had The Diane Rehm Show, Talk of The Nation, “And I’m Robert Siegel.” So grateful that I get to listen again!
patrick swayze fan
My go to podcast
Absolutely love this show. I find it to be a close look into what’s happening, with facts. Interviews with people you normally wouldn’t hear on main street media but are closely involved and knowledgeable in different areas of expertise. Also Diane is an absolute pleasure to listen to.
A CFR & NED shill
Always great!
We always appreciate the thoughtful conversations Diane has each week. So happy to have this show after missing the regular NPR daily show.
National Treasure
The daily show still missed on PBS radio. Diane still has the X factor on interviews that can’t not be found elsewhere.
Thomas O71
I miss the weekend roundup, this show is spectacular. Diane has a knack for the right top and asks the right questions. Thank You Thank You
There's only one Diane Rehm
We are SO lucky to have this Podcast available. I trust Diane to ask questions that are right on point. Her guests are informative. I look forward to listening every week! Thank you, Diane Rehm - you are an American Treasure!
Diane’s Coveragevif the Fillibuster.
Finally I understand the impact of the Fillibuster. Thx.
Best interviewer of her generation
Diane never lets an opportunity to ask the hard question pass. I love that she will not shy away from an uncomfortable situation and I can always count on her to ask the questions I want to hear answered then not let them off the hook with non-answer. She’s a treasure.
still my medicine for the world’s madness
She's still got it! I love to listen to Diane Rehm. Her questions are so thoughtful and she listens so well. Most recently, she has a great interview with Charles Blow.
donna ree row
David Winston
David Winston is a trumplican liar and should be called out on his lies and rhetoric. Diane, you should not give these delusional republicans any voice in this country. He is a piece of s* and still supporting trump softly. The entire party needs to be in jail.
David Winston
The future of the Republican Party is a worthwhile topic but, David Winston was a very poor guest. He sounded like the Republican political consultant he is and refused to answer in any way Diane’s very specific questions.
Great Topics, Great Guests, Informative
Diane is great as always, but this latest interview with David Winston… so frustrating. I hope you never have him on the show again. He would not answer any of Diane’s questions directly. Every response dodged culpability and criticism of the Republican Party. No wonder he was an advisor to GOP reps, every answer he gave was some adapted version to their scripted response on gun control after mass shootings, “Now is not the time to talk about gun control.” They’re trying to say this impeachment trial will only divide the nation further after they’ve been trying to divide the nation for decades now. What they might be realizing is that the less sensible part of their party (social conservatism/Christian fundamentalism) is dragging down the more sensible part of their party (fiscal responsibility & national defense) and they don’t know what to do about it but they know convicting Donald Trump may cause the schism that has been much needed for a long time now. P.S. Please stop running the Nick Hardigan (Cardigan?) promo.
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Diane is no longer trying to be fair
Diane’s original show was outstanding in its early days. This show is very different hence my review being a 2. While is was always clear that Diane favored a left of center point of view; she would usually have two guests presenting both points of view and would host a spirited and educational discussion that conservatives and progressives could both enjoy and learn from. The discussion would be balanced with Dianne only slightly showing bias in her comments or tone of questions. Her questions are always well thought out and set up to elicit the whole story & not just zingy one liners. Over the last 5-10 years of her original show it became more slanted leftward and more predictable. The whiplash listening to the unabashed cheerleading for President Obama’s administration and the cogent and critical questioning of the Bush administration on similar policy subjects is comical. Someone should do a mash up to demonstrate the party line hypocrisy of those interviews & discussions. This podcast is the ultimate conclusion of Diane no longer trying to be fair. She interviews one person and generally focuses on one topic and they are very biased. Even a discussion about religion and virtue will stray into either vilifying cultural/political conservatives or cheerleading progressive ideas. If you are looking for something that resembles the Early Diane Rehm shows of the 80s and 90s be ready for a very different show both in topic and in tone. It is properly titled “On my mind” so do not expect balance.
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Susan Glasser
Glasser lost me when she glibly guessed “Garfield” when asked who is the only non-consecutive president in US political history (to date). Cleveland...Grover Cleveland. Hard to take someone who holds themselves out as a political “expert” who doesn’t recall basics of American political history. It calls into question her political perspectives, which started to sound like warmed over warmed over thanksgiving leftovers still in the back of the refrigerator. Please do better in your guest selection next time Diane!
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Still great
Diane gets thoughtful answers out of good guests. I’m often surprised by the stories Diane gets out of guests and topics that don’t initially seem like something I would be interested in.
The Best Interviewer on Radio
Diane Rehm and Bill Moyers are, bar none, the best interviewers available. For me to combine Ms. Rehm and Mr. Moyers in the same sentence shows my deep regard for each.
Thank goodness
How lucky we are to have Diane Rehm. I miss her radio show, but thank goodness for her podcast. In these times especially, we need her thoughtful and informative interviews of the greatest source people. Diane provides me with a sense of comfort, even while things in our country are scary and upside down.
Shorter Episodes
Diane, I feel I’ve listened to your programming for a lifetime. I wouldn’t quit that lovely voice with a lovely pace discussing issues that matter to everyone’s life. I would hate to say this, but that consistency must be burdensome. I’d like to suggest shortening your episodes. This generation really doesn’t have an attention span greater than 30 minutes. Also, webinars & zoom conferences consume long hours that this generation doesn’t have time for. Thanks again for your lifetime of knowledge you have & still pass on. Keep healthy & stay safe!
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Accountability and professionalism
Diane Rehm represents all things great journalism stands for, she is a breath of fresh air in the busy, muddy world of podcasts. Do yourself a favor and listen to her.
Great classes
As good as it gets
Diane and her team still offer the smartest discussion and best guests. Straightforward questions, very intelligent answers.
Thrilled that I found this!
I always enjoyed listening to Diane on the radio. Now I am thrilled that she is now on my podcast subscription list.
Thank you Diane
When Diane’s book “On My Own” was published in 2016, Phoenix’s NPR station, KJZZ offered an autographed copy to sustaining members if we increased our monthly contribution by an additional $5 per month. The book retailed for $23.95. I’ve paid approximately $250.00 to date. The book is a signed copy of pure Diane. Maybe one of my best investments, today’s value, Priceless.
The best
I listened to Dianne for years each morning in my shop. I don’t think there is a comparable interviewer. She gently guides the conversation and gets the most from her subjects without being the least intrusive. Thanks for decades of enlightening radio.
tony the binder
The best
The Diane Rehm podcast On My Mind is the Jane Austen of news. It’s rhythm is spacious, and peaceful. It’s guests and analyses are deeply insightful. She is the best interviewer. She asks such well-informed and penetrating questions. She allows her guests to speak uninterrupted and then simply asks another brilliant question. I don’t think she speaks for five minutes all together in each show. She addresses the hardest topics with an approach that makes it a pleasure to learn and think. Thank you, Diane.
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Fantastic interviews
The Marlo and Phil interview was lovely! My husband and I are on our second year of marriage and we listen to you together often.
The Most Thoughtful Podcast on Politics
Diane’s thoughtful content Illuminates the days issues. Great guests and her team’s work has helped my understanding. Please listen and support. Thank You.
karma means
The Best
It does not get any better than Diane’s interviews. She is The Best.
I love Diane
National treasure
Oh, Diane ❤️❤️❤️
I have tears too
N much faith!!
Diane. Only years of experience make for interesting conversations. Your top notch. Keep on and on. We need you.
Labbie rules
I listen to a lot of podcasts but yours is really the best. It’s like a conversation in my living room!
You’ve been so missed!!!
Love the high quality guests and Dianne Rehm
I have been listening for years and I am so glad she is continuing with her talk show. She is my role model as to how to age beautifully with grace and style. I love her joy of living and real interest for her guests. Thank you Dianne. ❤️
Reason to Listen
The reason I started to listen to NPR, back in the day, was because of The Diane Rehm Show. Thank you Diane, for your thought providing interviews and for helping enlighten all of us!
Groupon Revie
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