Deep State Radio
Deep State Radio
The DSR Network
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Alternative to legacy media
For those who want to understand what is actually happening in America. Yes, the frank truth scares me, and I modulate intake so that I can process it emotionally, but knowing/understanding is the critical first step. We must work together to build safety, peace, and stability into our communities.
Please stop saying “Right?” Over and over. This is now a national epidemic, as awful as vocal fry. It sounds insecure, needy of reassurance, bush league, and beneath the intelligence of the show.
Bravo, Noga!
...26:44 April 3, 2024, “I’m curious, from the three of you, what do you wish Joe Biden had done?” Noga Tarnopolsky asked David, Eddie, and Meir Kahane’s own Rosa Brooks regarding U.S. policy in the Land of the Chosen People of the Kahane Master Race. The Pundits’ responses were, at best, mediocre if not downright pathetic. Bravo, Noga! Bravo! Encore! Encore!
Peter Guillam
Name is fitting, Soyboy story hour.
I’ve really enjoyed this show and thought they were quite balanced on most subjects. But, when I posted a single comment about an episode on SM, I was immediately blocked. Very disappointing.
Op Args Review
Julia Azari gives me hope
Wow! She is amazing. She cut right through my pessimism and I can see a light through the gloom.
Cats feet
26 February 2023
I was listening to your interview with Ruben Gallego, I am a supporter and have been donating to his campaign since he came on the scene. Did he say, since I becoming a ‘communist?’ Sounds like something I need to Google! I enjoyed your interview very much, I found it both interesting and informative, thank you!
Honesty and trust
In a sea of lies, our compass remains steadfast, guided by truth and integrity. We see through the deception, choosing to cast our vote with clarity and conviction, ensuring a path forward built on honesty and trust
And OK podcast that is a bit boring compared to some of the other political podcast like the Bulwark or Hacks On Tap. But if you’ve already listened to them, this one is OK.
Idk what happened
Latest episode I listened to had the host lose control and started yelling about republicans. Not comfortable listening even if I agreed with some of his points.
I trust David Rothoff to provide clear and honest assessment of today’s important events.
Excellent podcasts. I listen to every episode.
Bias and just like all other slanted left wing propaganda
First time listening and just to much republican hatred obviously slanted and bias opinions.
DSR Daily Brief
I like the new format. You get more from Chris and Riley. It shows they have insights rather than just reading news stories
on a downhill slide
This show was good & informative during the Trump administration, but its … editorial position? … has been degenerating into a there-is-no-alternative style celebration of the Dem-side neoliberalism. It feels very out of touch with the lived reality of people who aren't policy insiders, government workers, or procedural wonks. Its guests broaden the politics on display, so it's not exactly an echo chamber, but is very tied to the current moment's overton window of "centrist" liberal vs conservative. Some of the spinoff shows are embarassingly awful in what they're presenting as fact (the spy shows in particular); they all show up on the main feed. A few examples of out-of-touchness from the past few years: - immediately after George Floyd's murder, when there was massive unrest and street violence with the *police attacking the citizenry*, several eps came out in various policy related topics; the George Floyd related events were not even mentioned in passing. - uncritical acceptance & presentation of the sketchy "havana syndrome ray gun" syndrome as being factual. - partisan identification with the Biden administration leading to repeated "how do we educate people that Biden's economy is good" when, in the lived experience of many people, it very obviously is not. - mostly glossing over the indiscriminate destruction of Gaza and slaughter of Palestineans by Netanyahu's IDF, instead sticking to the Biden admin perspective of "how do we help them" / conflating Hamas with the Palestinean population at large. - assuming that "AI" technology (LLM based generative models, particularly as offered for widescale use in 2023) will inevitably grow and be used in more places, such as for autonomous war machines, platforming its boosters and buying into the current tech hype cycle uncritically. There are things related to the show's production that make this worse: - locking themselves behind "The DSR Network", which listeners are expected to join to give any feedback, creates an echo chamber of people who are mostly bought in to their distorted perspective. (When they first announced it, I did not join because I was irritated by the out of touchness; it has gotten a good deal worse since). - they do an annoying "well, that's it! unless you want to join, to hear the rest of the episode" in most eps. Frankly it's better to have some short snippet full-eps-for-members-only previews, and other full eps, than cutting each ep off. I feel like this show could come back, but only David Rothkopf and the DSR Network stakeholders wake up and stick their head out of the echo chamber they're evidently working in. These problems are avoidable and *embarrasing*. Please turn this around!
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Honore Doktorr
Where are the smart people at
Reagan Should Not Seek Second Term, Majority Believes know history to know the fact’s. Almost six in 10 Americans feel Ronald Reagan should not run for a second term as president, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. If Reagan were to run again, he would be trailing if the Democratic candidate were Edward Kennedy but leading if it were Walter Mondale, as things now stand. The poll did not ask citizens why they were opposed to Reagan's seeking reelection, but the pattern of responses made it clear that those who have been most dissatisfied with his presidency are the ones who want him to step down in favor of another Republican nominee in 1984. Ninety-five percent of blacks who were interviewed, for example, said Reagan should not run again. Among Democrats, 81 percent said the president should not seek reelection. But opposition also surfaces in segments of the electorate that helped elect Reagan. Independent voters, a key to his victory over Jimmy Carter in 1980, now oppose a second Reagan candidacy by 50 to 42 percent, with 8 percent expressing no opinion. Even one-third of the Republicans interviewed said they are opposed to Reagan's seeking renomination.
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Another Propaganda show
Another Propaganda show
Please clarify how to subscribe
Great informative engaging information on current events. Highly recommend. That said, how do I subscribe via Apple? You offer & recommend we do, and I’d prefer to do in my Apple Podcasts, but I can’t find any option. Please advise!!
You lost me and probably anyone under 50 who is watching the genocide in Gaza happen. This gerontocracy is destroying our country.
Belle of the Brawl
Laurie Garrett
She’s absolutely painful to listen to. She’s got so many fragmented thoughts in sentence all running together you lose track of what the subject is. I’m surprise she ever finds her way back and a lot of times she really doesn’t. Trying to catch what she’s talking about is impossible. talk about words salad. Downright irritating.
Kori Schake is wrong about Gen Milley “military seem more political”
Did Gen Milley Go Too Far: With all due respect to the knowledge and expertise of the hosts, Kori Schake, is wrong to say that Gen Milley’s words make the “military seem more political.” Gen Milley continues to emphasize that service members take an oath to the Constitution, our loyalty is to the Constitution and to the ideals the nation was founded on. I am a 24-year Air Force veteran, and I deeply respect Gen Milley’s service and appreciate his brave words as he voluntarily leaves the CJCS position.
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Polling Rerun Missed Opportunity
When you re-run an episode like this discussion on polling before the 2022 midterms, it would be so much more valuable to then update it with a 10-15 minute discussion through the lens of the actual 2022 voting results. A sad missed opportunity to really make it relevant.
Democrats State Radio
These people are nothing but democrat talking heads … you can find more intelligent conversations with a wooden door. Ukraine good USA bad is what these morons preach . They turn a blind eye to the blatant corruption of the biden crime family and blather on about how big of a criminal that Donald J Trump is. The reason they hate Donald J. Trump is because when he wins the 2024 election he will cancel their podcast because the deep state with cease to exist ( it really does exist no matter much you idiot democrats want to say that it doesn’t )
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Straightforward, Objective
News presented straight-up without speculation or “both sides” diffusion of fact (editorial obfuscation).
DSR - Trump town hall
Is there any conceivable chance that licht (CNN CEO) staged this Townhall with Trump supporters so he would be as bad as he could be, thus revealing his horrible self?
crap nic
Love it
Nice objective summary of today’s news.
gray paw
The Best
Than you.
Deep State Radio
Good podcast. Often poor audio. If you’re going to be a podcast, you should have decent audio. Downgraded a star for that.
Any podcast that has the opening bars of “Midnight Rider” has to be great!
Lackland Cowgirl
Love Deep State! Love AG!
mert 08
Daily Brief - deadpan and tough listening
I have but rarely heard a voice less suited to audio presentations than the voice doing DSR DAILY BRIEF. DB’s content, like all the rest of DEEP STATE’s content is great! But for mercy’s sake, get another voice, please.
Deep State Radio is Essential Listening
David Rothkopf and guests are superb !
I have heard smart analysis here, but taking my leave after listening to shockingly facile analysis of the way that the”left” (by this they mean Greenwald apparently — Oy, Rosa —srsly?) has come to mimic the trumpist right on Russia - this is dangerously wrong — it is shockingly myopic as well, because many throughout the world are deeply concerned about escalating the war— not because we “love Russia and hate Murica” but because this war is being escalated by the same insulated and naive coalition of hawks and neocons that brought us into disastrous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan — and that coalition does not represent “America” any better than Trump does. And the Ukrainians are not the only peoples waging a valiant struggle, though their struggle is indeed our responsibility— we must handle that responsibly. The globe cannot be reduced to the views of people in UK, US, and those that we select as interlocutors because they say things that mirror our own fantasies or preoccupations. Other people matter and they do not fit your cookie cutter vision of the world — and there are other, better, podcasts to be found…
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Monetized push ruins show
I appreciate DSR trying to make a buck, but there is the process of over monetizing your product. The last episode I listened to, they cut it off in mid sentence to play an ad. The show should be monetized because it is a fantastic product, but the middle ad needs better placement.
Best podcast for those interested in the world today
A must listen to podcast. Incredible important info.
Connie RR
Feb 24, 2022
‘Russia is not China in terms of its economy”. This statement should make us all think. Maybe pay a little more for things, and bring chip manufacturing home completely, before China puts the screws to us. They will.
Pablo Puppy
Africa Summit
Good show. While it is right to focus on China, the real problem for Africa is the role of France in Francophone Africa. US government does not really focus on that aspect.
Great show
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ five-star show
Awful sounding Text-to-Speech in Nov. 21 2022 episode.
As DSR listener from Day 1, I found the banter, personality and opinions of the participants 75 percent of the podcast. With the info being the remaining 25%. Episode #185 November 21, 2022, was all (at least all of what I listened to) multiple computer voices of very flat affect Text-to-Speech. If I wanted to hear an A.I. read the news, I’d listen to my toaster go on and on about the differences between rye and wheat.
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Recently Subscribed and I love it!
After hearing David interviewed on amicus by Dahlia Lithwick, I went straight to sign up to your podcast. Very thoughtful and clear. This can join us all together: these are things we should all be thinking about and discussing together.
vieille dame
Love the podcast.
So much that I joined. With all due respect to her, however, Rosa Brooks is out of place on these panels.
Kinda boring.
This thing makes me fall asleep.
DSR reports
The podcast’s hosts Rosa Brooks of Georgetown University and David Rothkopf are excellent. They usually talk with Ed Luce of the Financial Times and David Sanger of the New York Times. The group discuss current topics in the world and United States, domestic affairs with the depth unavailable anywhere else. A topic cable news may spend 10 minutes on they spend an hour. Their knowledge and insights are something I look forward to listening to every week and never miss an episode.
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Excellent Foreign Policy Podcast
Dinner table type discussion of (mostly foreign policy) issues. Bright, often humorous analysis.
banjo mando
Great podcast!
Great Podcast! Love the insight and humor!
Poor Judgement
If you give a platform to Yashca Mounk, I'll find the time to say your podcast stunk.
Bait and switch…
Successful insiders torture us with uninformed humor promising insight to come….for those who pay.
Beware trying to pay for this
Interesting enough I thought I might chip in to become a “member” and get the additional content, and help the cause. Although the signup instructs to pay any amount you think appropriate, it changes a lesser amount entered back to the $5 they first suggest. (Limited income here.) Did this several times; no warning, nothing. This is misleading at best and essentially dishonest. An organization that would do this suggests their substantive content be viewed with suspicion, too.
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Great source of reality
Absolutely love this podcast. Intelligent discussion of today issues from foremost experts. Haven’t heard a bad episode after listening to 40+ episodes.
Deep State Radio
It’s filled with knowledgeable commentators and humorous too. I’ve been a member for 6 months or so. Alongside the Times “Daily” it is my go to place for what’s happening.
Once Great Show with Fatal Business Model Problem
This was once one of the best news and information shows anywhere. Then they started playing half of a conversation and holding the rest hostage behind a pay wall. Even that wouldn’t be so bad if it were possible simultaneously to consume podcasts the way you want to AND pay them. Instead, they expect you to stop what you are doing, open a browser, enter a password and listen to a podcast on a webpage! It would be funny if it weren’t so pathetic.
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