Business Daily
Business Daily
BBC World Service
via Podcasts
Everything is CLIMATE CHANGE
Seems that even this program did not avoid pushing climate change agenda, seriously now.
No habla español
So can I have American commercials since I’m in America k thanks
My New Least Fav
The fight for pocket parity
What a nice surprise it was to hear an in depth episode about something that never gets talked about but that all women experience: pocket inequality! We started an entire brand because of this issue and now our company PWR WMN (@pwr_wmn & makes blazers for women with REAL pockets that also celebrate her individuality! Thank you for speaking on this little talked about issue!
What's is with the annoying sound after each commercial? Is it really necessary?
Wondering what?
“Cruise ships navigating the narrow canals and waterways” -of Venice? What?
Good Podcast
I often listen to this podcast and hope they continue to report solid news from a honest and fair perspective. It was refreshing to see a headline about something other than blaming Orange Man. I voted for Obama and the healthcare system he tried to put together still almost bankrupt me when I needed help, being self employed. Healthcare issues and affordability has never, EVER been easy for self employed, working 7 days a week. It drains anything we try to save for retirement. Americans just don’t save $ very well and that’s another issue why people rely on outside help for healthcare. Illegals get more free help and support than I’ve ever got working hard paying taxes for the last 38 years. It’s an on-going issue, almost impossible to solve unless we control and manage our laws for the ones that actually work hard and pay into the system. The Amish have a very interesting model of healthcare they manage on their own, and it works! but people keep getting free $ to not work here, that just can’t fix anything if it’s only one side pulling the weight.
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Need someone to check links
I tuned in today for an episode about China which wasn’t about China at all. NOTHING should go to production without being reviewed both before that and another review should happen after going to production. Generally dependable news, but you’re way too good to make such a rookie mistake. Quality control failure makes everyone look bad.
Rethinking the Future, PARTIALLY
As a futurist & technologist, I found this episode to offer a half-baked vision of what could be a possible path for humanity without any consideration to the required economical model. Thank you for your engaging podcast.
Renewable v Coal
One major omission: while reporting renewables are now cheaper than coal, there’s no mention of subsidies in the equation, yet in the very same report detailing Chinese renewable v coal your interviewed expert energy consultant specifically notes coal power in China remains cheaper when factoring in subsidies. Why is India renewable power cheaper than coal while Chinese coal power is cheaper than renewable?
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Edward Esposito
Informative Review
Really enjoy this informative review daily and long with the weekly recap. But oops! Today’s episode got cut off at 5 min?!? Will continue to follow to stay updated.
Informative, but jarring sometimes
This is a podcast about business topics that seems to made by, and targeted to, non-business people. The presenters often adopt an non-business stance, more like a political journalist, lacking an appreciation for how markets and incentives work. The way the “failure” to produce a SARS vaccine was addressed is a good example. Although the interviewee from RA Capital nailed it, this was after skeptical questioning from the presenter who ended up not seeming convinced with the answer. Despite the slogan at the start, this is less what makes the world and its money go round, and more lay people talking about business and coming away confused and sometimes frustrated because they don’t quite get it. Or if they get it, they don’t buy in to it. This can be jarring to those who work in the business world, even when the topic is interesting and informative.
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biotech 1976
Mr. Rowlatt please let people finish their sentences
You just interrupted your interviewers all the time to the point that some of them had to talk louder to stop you from interrupting them. Please stop doing that. You have plenty of time.
Business Documentaries
This is NOT hard business news — for that the BBC has a show called World Business Report. This is, instead, a forum for daily mini documentaries related to the topic of “business” in some way. The quality is always high, and the topics are usually pretty interesting. This is not an essential business show, but it nicely complements the basic “markets are up or down” coverage we’re all used to.
Bossy Women and Bosses
I am entirely surprised by the feedback given to men and women in the workplace. Women should not continue to foster the false culture that we need to “keep the peace” by acting like the “good little girls” that might be expected. Don’t worry about ruffling a few feathers and stay true to yourself. Deepen your voice a few levels and stick to your position. Look the issue and the person directly in the face and put your emotion in check then calmly, analytically state the issue and your position. It has worked for me to reach the Sr Executive level.
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Please stop adding the warning
Hello, but I'm tired of hearing the warning. You guys are insane. I know what podcast this is. Why don't you add the warning in text form on the description? The warning is quite jarring in comparison to the rest of the podcast.
Hate hate the intro
I find the podcast interesting but hate the introduction that is given every single episode that I’m thinking of stopping. By now I know that this not your regular podcast about the figures of the markets.
Helps to expand my worldview
I listen to World Business Daily every morning. The program exposes me to issues and topics that I don’t hear about in mainstream American news - even if it’s business-oriented. This is another example of excellent BBC programming.
Great daily news
Good insights, top global stories
R Liam
Great podcast! Love every episode of it.
Great podcast! Love every episode of it.
Great job on the Elemental Series!!
Sure love the Elemental series. Finally, there's a podcast that could satisfy my thirst for business news and my curiousity on the scientific end!!! Also, this is one of the few podcast that I could listen with my whole family in the car kids love them ...
has gone down a lot
The quality has gone down a lot since Steve Evans left. The interview today with Bob Ruben sounded like it came from one of Murdock's outlets, incredibly dumb questions.
I look forward to it!
They have great insights and good discussion. I feel so much better informed after hearting this show.
Amazingly Informative Show
Love it.
Good international perspective
I particularly enjoy Lucy Kellaway's commentaries.
sick of idiots
just right
excellent balance between technical and more digestible information
In-Depth Discussion of Topics
I enjoy the focused, topical reporting on this podcast. It's a refreshing change from the typical broad overview of financial market indices and earnings. I listen to it most mornings on the train.
definitely one of the better news podcasts
excellent coverage of the issues behind world events. Thank you!
This Is "Must" Listening
A concise, witty, bracing view of goings-on in the world that really matter, as seen through the lens of money. (And let's face it, money affects nearly everything!) No political slant that I can detect, and no irrelevant gasping over murders or gushing over puppies as on too many so-called news shows.
Fantastic Podcast - Good Array Subjects & Questioning
As an American who has lived in the US and UK I think I am objectively qualified to say our media is commercialized bunk that rarely takes on business or political interests with intelligent questions...this podcast the majority of time asks tough questions and covers a broad array of subjects. Steve Evans (sp?) in particular is very good...keep up the good work. Marcus Vannini
Excellent podcast
The content provided by Business Daily is outstanding. It brings enlightening perspective on current business news, I look forward to listening to it every day. Thank you!
Fascinating and consistent
They have great presentation and help stakeholders in current issues to air their views. The interviewing is savvy and helps listeners understand what interviewees are really getting at. I have been listening on and off for years and have never heard a bad show from business daily. The format is such that an issue that you may think is not interesting can become engaging. Perfect to listen to at breakfast. Thanks BD team.
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Informed user
This podcast is 6 stars. 99% wonderful and 1% surprising.
Crooner Lover
Its really nice podcast!
I have been listening this podcast for an year. I could know what happen in this world through this podcast and this podcast covers a lot of issues throughout th world. I have been informed alot. And also i could get my english better i have been listening this podcast for an year! Thanks!!
Yohan choe
Just a Great Podcast
This one of the podcast that you definately have to subcribe to if you love busines new.
A Must Have Podcast
This must be one of the best business podcasts there is. I listen to it religiously every day, even on vacation. More important than the daily business news are the historical primers -- through this podcast I've learned a lot about the Cadbury social experiment, Samuelson's impact on the teaching of economics, and the dramatic unfolding of Lehman Brothers. Keep up the good work, Lesley Curwen and Steve Evans!
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Azlan Ezaddin
Current issues in depth
having been listening to this show on the radio for years, and always enjoyed it, and wanted to catch it more regularly - since the crunch, and the rise of green, have been listening to the podcast and never miss a show - informative, gets behind the normal info available, and presented in a way for both those who get biz and those who like to dabble
love it
I have been listening to it for quite a few years now, initially over FM radio and now via iTunes and/or Google Reader. I love this show, especially the last five minutes of it. :)
Kushal One
easy listening
better than most articles in FT or WSJ together with business daily a podcast I listen to every day while commuting
Not sure why you wouldn't listen to this every day
It is nearly perfect in every way. Miss at your peril.
Thank you for enlightening me everyday of what is going on outside the US. Covering the stories that the US media would dare broadcast. The interviewers ask tough questions that force the interviewee to explain and back up their position. Knowing what is going on all over the world helps me make the right investment decisions. Thanks again for an excellent product. Keep up the great work!
CFal Rocks
Inciteful global perspective with essential background detail
This is programme provides business news but equally importantly they provide additional detail behind the stories: explanation of key concepts and issues, analysis, and background articles, all add up to a 360 degree view.
Best International Business Show
This is a wonderful show on international business. Each show begins with an in-depth perspective on one or two business topics. The daily news is saved for the end of the show. The BBC provides an international perspective that is mostly lacking in US-produced business newscasts.
Business Daily is another shinning example of the detailed and "off the beaten path" podcasts that the BBC produces on a daily basis. With a healthy helping of current business trends and some truely fascinating and bizarre stories, this podcast is a must for any true BBC fan.
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