Bundyville: The Remnant
Bundyville: The Remnant
Oregon Public Broadcasting
via Podcasts
Such amazing reporting
I live in MT, and am aware of some of these groups & their behavior. Still, I'm blown away with how much more is here synthesized into several short, important hours. Thank you!
Me, Mine
Semi bad reporting
I enjoyed this podcast over all with the movements of extreme domestic terrorists. And I would agree with you on most of your reporting but one thing. Your reporting on Steven’s county is a bit off. While reporting north Idaho’s Arian nation and the link to stevens county is false. Do they have a few crazies, yes. But what rule small community doesn’t. Born and raised in the area your reporter from Spokane was false about many things. The Kehoe family and Keyes family were not from the area, they moved there from out of the area and left the area and committed their crimes. What because Ted Bundy drove through the area once now he’s from stevens county now. Yes it’s conservative, sometimes bigoted, and is MAGA everywhere yes. It’s also a great place to live and raise a family away from large city crime and judgment. As a proud gay man in the small community of stevens county I see people that are excepting and full of love. Not how you portray us whatsoever.
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super biased
A fantastic podcast. Well-written, quick paced, very much enjoyed it!
An amazing story of white privileged
It’s obvious the lady telling the story which probably doesn’t identify as a woman is a Trump hating LIBTARD. Sounds like she hates white people and probably marched with BLM and Antifa.
Very enlightening.
This is my second time listening to this. It explains so much of what’s going on out here in the West. Scary bunch. Glad Bundy never got elected governor of Idaho😬. I would love to hear a podcast series on the Lori Vallow/Chad Daybell saga. They have the same Mormon roots. Strikes me as interesting.
Excellent podcast
I have a much better understanding of the Bundy’s mindset & the whole picture of extremism & it’s origins. I hope there is a season 3 since the violence did escalate.
Feral Dog Mom
Fascinating Journalism
Deep dive into extremism. Was much more satisfying to listen to than a lot of the surface-level content and out there.
I regularly see Ammon Bundy in person and on the news and I thought I knew quite a bit about him and his family. I was riveted by this podcast. Agree with previous comments that I would love to see a follow up on Amin’s antics in Idaho the last few years!
Why do so many shows with great content insist on playing music that overwhelms the show throughout? Just stop. It adds nothing.
More, please!!
Incredible, and well done. Hits way too close to home for this 6th generation Idahoan. Pleeeeeeease do an update, since Ammon F. Bundy is now running for Governor in Idaho. Embarrassed to admit that. -J. Butler
Leah Sottile is a great journalist.
She deserves more notice for her work documenting Western extremism.
Desert Kitty Lover
Deep dive into a world below the headlines and sensational 24 hour media reports. We’ll worth your time.
Powerful (and infuriating)
This was an extremely well made, researched, and fascinating pod. I learned a lot, got mad a lot, and am better for having listened.
A Must Listen
Interesting and illuminating!
Everyone should listen to the Bundyville podcasts. The grassroots swell of support for of domestic terrorism, the alt right, religious fundamentalism needs to be on everyone’s radar. Very important. Very well done.
Informative and insightful
Enjoyed the show a lot. Great production and lots of good information. Looking forward to following up with the references.
Excellent Show
Amazing production and outstanding reporting. I was born and raised in Sandpoint, ID so I’m unfortunately very familiar with this brand of extremism, but hearing interviews and recording from the individual events was very revealing and troubling. My hometown is a beautiful place, and I hate to see it fall to white-flighters and extremists but I don’t see an end to it. Thanks for letting more people know about this story that needs to be told.
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Biased but Well Done
I hate to give such a poor review to such a high production value podcast. A lot of effort was put into this, but the creator is about as biased as possible. She goes so far as to cut off clips of the people involved speaking to tell you what to think about what they said, rather than allowing you to form your own opinion. There is value here, but please do your own research too. This belongs on Vox, not Public Radio, which I suppose goes to show how far gone this institution is.
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The worst kind of propaganda from the ignorant left
it's just Gigi
Hands down my favorite podcast
Well-reported, well-written, empathetic and thought-provoking. Honestly a better version of Serial or S-town. Leah Sottile is one to watch.
God, Guns, and the rise of far-right Christian Extremism
This is a fascinating, eye-opening podcast that gives us a glimpse of the evolution of right wing extremism in the America today. In no uncertain terms, it shows the need to pay attention to this rising tide of negativity, hatred, and potential for violence that exists in our midst. Of most concern: the existence of budding violent terrorists; not from some “other” foreign group, but from the same far-right white supremacist Christians willing to martyr themselves for their unique view of God and Country. Horrifyingly, it points to a trend in the US that seems reminiscent of the rise of fundamentalism in Iran decades ago, which led to revolution and the downfall of a country.
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Good grief...
All this white supremacy stuff reminds me of the satanic panic of the 80’s. Doesn’t really exist. Typical self loathing progressive white woman...
Mixed thoughts
Very easy to listen to and well produced. However, it’s tough to listen to seriously since it is told from such a one sided perspective. I appreciate Leah’s desire to dive deeply into the research, and I do believe a lot of research was conducted. I learned a lot! I wonder what might have happened had there been two reporters coming at this story from both ends of the political spectrum? Maybe that would have provided for a much more critical and engaging conversation rather than a one-sided look at an extremely complex issue. It’s also hard when the reporters clearly had a lack of understanding or desire to understand rural America. It is evident they came at this story with an idea of how things are already, and a motivation to prove that idea, rather than uncover the varied stories. It is a part of the country that is increasingly being excluded from conversations and brushed off as ignorant and racist. I, by the way, do not live in rural America. However, the extremely troubling divide between rural and urban America is perpetuated from both sides. I’d love to see more reporting on this incredibly important issue, but perhaps from both ends of the political spectrum in one show. That would make for a compelling podcast!
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This guy is such a joke.
I live in Idaho and nobody takes him seriously. He is the big white supremacist. I haven’t seen a black person in 15 months. He just wants attention. He’s a stunted second grader. Next time I hope he attaches himself to a police car.
The best podcast series I’ve ever listened to
I’m not being hyperbolic. This is the height of real, grassroots investigative journalism, and its superbly produced. I was riveted through both seasons, but especially Remnant (season 2).
One of my favorites
Thank you for producing this fantastic series on domestic intolerance and violence. So professionally done and thought provoking. Thank you for doing this important work!
Well done!
At first I was taken aback by the host’s positive view of these type people. I think of journalist as neutral, stating the facts, this wasn’t the case throughout either series. I guess humanity can be found anywhere & you get farther with a positive attitude than a sour one. I enjoyed both series, I love in-depth stories like these.
So good!
Absolutely fantastic and addicting. I actually enjoyed season 2 more then season 1. Can not recommend enough
We should have listened earlier
Really well reported show that I binged all the way in a single Saturday evening. And, this story as far from over. In retrospect, the through-lines from what we heard about here in the 2 seasons of this show, to the events January 6th are so clear and eerily prescient. That’s what’s scary: once you hear this show, and the background it illuminates, you don’t have to have a phD in criminology or anything to see what’s happening, right in front of all of our eyes, less and less in forgotten-about corners of rural America and more and more out in the open, even inside the very symbols and centers of power themselves. The fringe is out in the open and not shy to tell us what their endgame is. Will we listen to them, to their own words, and act accordingly? Or do we need another January 6th, a ‘next time’, when the ‘good guys’ might not prevail over the hordes, to see how threatening to a decent, open, self governed society this is? Silence is complicity; silence IS violence
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Prejudiced Agenda
This podcast started off fairly good but soon devolved into ambush journalism and revealed its liberal agenda. Liberals lie to push propeganda.
While the subject matter is quite interesting and the story line well written, the quality of the series is destroyed by the obvious bigotry of the author/narrator. Sad.
Shannon's wife
Bundyville is a striking look at how Americans, and people across the world, are being radicalized without even realizing it. Fringe ideas are noses accessible than ever, and I highly recommend listening to this work!
Very good investigation but!
It is repeated a couple times that Lavoy was reaching for a gun. Alot of us watched that video and we firmly believe that he was reacting to being shot in his left side before he reached down. If he was going to pull a pistol he would have done it. He was shot in his side, and reacted to being shot. That is the only part of this podcast that irritates me.
I needed this!!!!!!
Low-info Fodder
I appreciate that you reported on your perspective of this situation. I’m bothered by the lack of critical thinking involved in the investigation and your manipulation of the low-information audience reflected here in the review section. We should be United in a deep disgust for what happened at Ruby Ridge, ID and in Waco, TX. The federal government’s abuse of force and disregard of civil rights. You didn’t even share that they shot the mans dog and then his son. You only mentioned that lives were lost. C’mon, that’s at best lazy reporting. And at worst, cruel. You’ve managed to perpetuate the state’s Official Story™ and dehumanize folks for their beliefs which challenge the status quo. Would it kill a reporter to have some compassion and true empathy to report without bias? Perhaps.
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Incredibly creepy
Especially the episodes The Politician and the Preachers. These people are insane and they are everywhere. I'm scared of what they will do in the future.
Domestic Terrorists
Dangerous white domestic terrorists hiding behind a false god intent upon destroying our environment. Keep your cows off of the People’s land. Dumb, stupid, inbred white folks like the Trumpsters who stormed the Capitol—you’re not true Americans or good people
Well done, scary, and everywhere...
Everyone needs to listen. Digs deep into the dark ideologies overtaking the U.S.
So relevant
Very well reported, a great primer on far right extremism, told with integrity and nuance. Leah Sottile is amazing.
Extremely Relevant in 2021
In light of what happened at the US Capital on January 6, 2021, Season 1 is extremely relevant! It provides a well researched documentation of how the insurrectionist mindset has developed over time. Sadly, it’s become very prophetic.
You touch a lot on the Bundy motto of “whatever it takes” and how it’s inciting followers to create violence. How do you feel about “by any means necessary” used during the civil rights movement and Malcolm X? The Bundys are a religious minority but in the racial majority. I just find it interesting how similar their calls for action are when fighting against their oppressors.
Want to understand why crazy white people stormed the Capitol and where some of them come from? Listen to this. Absolutely amazing podcast
Court. D. L.
i am a ex mormon and have lots of family that is mormon too. this podcast actually had a lot of stuff i had never even heard about. I didn’t know that some members actually believed in these kind of conspiracies. Kinda scary actually 😬
Distrust and FOMO
So much in this tale, very well told. The characters are well fleshed out, and we could see where some of the family’s distrust of government comes from. And on top of that, they have missed the boat, just out of reach, to ranching wealth. Learned that they also intend to kill law enforcement... wow. I feel so sad for the Cuban man attached to the wife who is slowly going mad and needs a new environment. A tale that is still being told.
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Good information
Would have been better if you had the courage to just report the findings and leave the obvious liberal bias of you opinions out of the story. But it’s OPB. You just can’t help yourself.
Worst podcast
trademan plumber
Great Insight!
Great Insight into US Western Philosophies and Politics.
Well done
Very informative, the interviews were well done, and I finished knowing a lot more about the communities that would like to not participate in being citizens of the United States.
Bundyville 😍
So good.
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