Breakdown: The Trump Indictment
Breakdown: The Trump Indictment
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
via Podcasts
No Black Voice…Speaks Volumes
Why does the AJC provide zero Black perspective on Judge McAfee’s gratuitous, slanted, and possibly malicious ruling in the March 16th episode? You’re part of the problem AJC.
Jesse Jackson
Just listen to the latest episode. Pretty sure Bill said the late Jesse Jackson? Wait what? No! I’m a huge fan of this man. One of the greatest speeches was the 1988 democratic convention. Keep hope alive. Maybe check it out. Am I missing something? He is not late he is alive.
Just Gossip, Not News
This was supposed to be a podcast about the trial to overturn an election. Instead it's devolved into speculation and gossip about the private lives of lawyers. As if any of it holds a candle to a president indicted on charges to nullify the votes of Georgians. Expected more from AJC.
Longtime listener disappointed
Seems like you all think the DA owes you an answer about an alleged personal relationship. You’ve stated how “frustrated” you are about her not giving an answer so far. You all are stalking her at church and dissecting each word and commenting how it really makes you wonder. Why would she owe YOU or anyone else an answer...even before the judge has a hearing to address the motion? She deserves scrutiny no doubt.. but she probably could do without you all stirring up rumors and creating more drama. Report on the motion and hearings about what is actually happening..not what you suspect. Very disappointed in your “journalism”.
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The Proffers Episode
This was excellent! National news only had clips from some of the leaked proffers. This episode covered them in much more detail and gave analysis. Great job!
Super Informative
I’ve loved every season. Great reporting. Easy to listen to. I highly recommend this podcast!
Love this podcast
Missing Bill Rankin because he is awesome. But Tamar and Shannon are also great. I did not like the lawyers who commented this week… episode 10.
Attack episode
Wow! You folks really don’t like the DA do you. Talk about nasty comments. Yikes!
It’s pretty shameful hearing so-called “journalists” gloat and celebrate the prosecution of someone for free speech. They think it’s a joke to prosecute a law clerk for making a mistake. The only joke is the Atlanta Journal Constitution and the activist losers they employ
Fantastic podcast
Thank you for all the details and explanations over the seasons. The spotlight on how Trump tried to overturn our election and his corruption is sorely needed.
Was interesting
Your podcast started out great with the story on Justin Harris. Now you have become just another tabloid news channel with the Trump story. Like we can’t get enough of this from every other news outlet. BORING!
I don’t want politics
Unfollowed becuase they doing the same “case” again. Didn’t listen to that one and I’m not listening to this one.
Was a Great Podcast ONCE upon a time…
Now…disgusting and pathetic.
The hosts talking sounds so badly scripted like the attempts at jokes. Its politically leaning but people / media tend to do that in both directions, this one is left others lean right. Just understand that upfront anymore its in all media just know which way and filter accordingly. If you can get past all of that it does give good detailed information. Just report and stop the scripted conversation and have an actual conversation or just skip doing that.
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PLEASE go back to the original format you had at the beginning - true investigative journalism! This season’s political biases is just too much.
It’s the politics for me
Breakdown was one of my favorite podcasts until this last season. True crime. The facts. The voice. That was all you needed to do. It was a reprieve from daily life to listen to this podcast. 5 stars then. Now, I’ve unfollowed the show. I hate that because I found so much enjoyment from listening before. Nobody needs any more politics thrown in their faces, especially a biased opinion.
Same leftwing hate white people narrative
Black racists spouting leftist lies!
A great example of professional journalism!
If you are a person who respects well-rounded, thorough examinations and analysis of current news worthy topics in Georgia, you’ll LOVE this podcast. SO well written and engaging. WARNING: Based on the negative reviews by what presents as a bunch of racist,uneducated, misinformed, closed minded, fear based white guys, who probably love Ted Cruz and are attracted to be kind of Melissa Greene, after listening, YOU WILL GET ANGRY, SELF-RIGHTEOUS, indignant AND DEFENSIVE. Then you may find yourself bullying and criticizing these well educated, celebrated and respected professional journalists. SO… If you are a person who: - supports Trump and his band of seditious followers in their attempt to destroy our democracy via misinformation, pathological lying, and threats - believes being against fascism (Antifa) makes you un-American -supported Trumps attack on migrants and the billion dollars wasted on a failed boarder wall - believes the earth is flat or follows Q-ANON - sees no value in a college education - has no critical thinking skills - hates science I SUGGEST YOU LISTEN UP. TRY TO OPEN YOUR MIND. TRY TO LEARN. If you listen and still think this podcast is spouting a radical leftist agenda and you believe in “alternative facts,” please call your dad. YOU’RE IN A CULT.
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Very uneducated opinions
This isn’t journalism it’s a joke I wish I could give negative stars
Rudolph Hotdawgbuger
Biased but very thorough
There is definitely a tone of glee regarding the idea of the former president and his cronies finally facing at least a few notes of music, but the journalists do make a concerted effort to gather sound bites and the opinions of the opposing side of this historic battle. The reporters are meticulous in explaining the laws at play, even the RICO laws that seem permanently hazy. They’ve really educated me, and present the material in an engaging and even entertaining manner. Even my husband, who goes to great lengths to avoid political news got caught listening over my shoulder! Definitely worth a listen.
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Trying so hard to stay relevant
Clear example of pushing leftist narratives while claiming to be objective. Also very funny how they are still pushing the January 6th narrative when most people in the middle like myself realize it was an innocuous parade of morons through the capital.
I agree with Coccoabean. Keep politics away from your podcast. I stop listening when I realize the political climate Early podcasts were better.
Love the early seasons
I loved the early seasons of this show. The story on Tex had me hooked. I try to avoid politics during my entertainment time so I’ve skipped a lot lately. I gave it a 5 because I loved the early seasons. Can we have more like that please? Love the narrator, Bill, he does a good job.
I enjoyed this podcast until they decided to make it partisan. Honestly, the forcing your political dogma down our throats and calling it journalism is a MAJOR turn off. If you wanted to hear this perspective, it isn't new. It is what you heard ad nausium for all of 2015-2020 on CNN, MSNBC, or any newpaper or newscast. But that really doesn't give you both sides of the story, does it? Only a fool decides a case based on one side, but the media gives that to us all the time.
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Excellent Reporting
I love this podcast and enjoy very detailed information.
TC Idaho 59
Possibly the most biased podcast I’ve ever listened too in every case they have decided who they think is guilty or innocent why don’t you just admit your bias instead of acting like you are unbiased
Trg lover
🚫 careful
Our reputation as a state (Georgia) has always been one cemented by the shameful and disgusting practice of slavery - shining a light in the dark corners of the clearly captured on video VOTING FRAUD (feeding repeat ballots/ballots stored UNDER tables ) geeeze. Blow the lid off the topic - don’t be under the spell of the brainwashing “journalism” of Trump Derangement Syndrome Good luck AJC Maybe you can separate yourself from the pack of misinformation peddlers America DESERVES 100% truth. Nothing but the truth So help us God
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Very disappointed
The early seasons of this show were entertaining and informative. You could tell the presenters had their own political biases, but they did a pretty good job of keeping them out of the reporting (usually because the story was apolitical). That was, of course, until they decided to cover former President Trump and his shenanigans in Georgia. I can’t imagine why the AJC would choose to alienate half of its audience, but the idea of fair, unbiased reporting has been thrown out the window for this season.
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I eagerly wait EVERY week for their Breakdown. Clear and factual with just enough tease to make it more than reading the paper. I’m in N.C. So I’m not able to be in the courtroom. The Breakdown gives me the info so I don’t get disinformation.
Breakdown has broken down…
I thoroughly enjoyed this podcast when it was new. And the early seasons. I don’t doubt that a lot of work and research has gone into the current season but I’m not a fan of the proceedings in Georgia. I’m not even remotely conservative but I think broadcasting such a serious waste of resources with the slant that has been taken is pretty atrocious. Maybe cover Netflix and Sony registering their employees to vote in Georgia while they were trapped on movie sets during the pandemic in 2020 from March until November. But covering this nonsense is not that interesting. I’m trying to follow along but from the jump you can see that the targets of the grand jury investigation have the ultimate defense: Stupidity. They lost the election. The moment that happened the whole world (including Georgia) is allowed to move on to bigger and better things. It’s not breaking news that politicians are liars and sore losers. It’s also not fun to listen to politicians accuse politicians of being liars and sore losers with the caveat of maybe influencing things they lost.
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John Door Smithinstein
Was once a good podcast
Clearly going for awards, like they are covering this generations Watergate.
Excellent podcast
One of my favorite podcasts. Always well reported and researched. Interesting cases, well informed commentators, nice mix of interviews, expert comments, and journalists’ story telling. Story always moves logically so it’s easy to follow and understand.
Horrible show
Host is a clown the podcast is a joke
me too baby
Used to be non biased and good
This once was a great podcast to listen to. As a local Atlanta resident it is always great to hear about what is going on. It used to be a deep dive into cases with a journalistic eye. Now it is an unhinged whine fest with a clear agenda. The truth is what matters not your political beliefs. I’m sorry to see this happening. I hope it turns back around. Listen and judge for yourself. Just my opinion.
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Aja is a joke and Bill is a joke
bmr 1234
Using the most even handed and thorough of journalistic skills Breakdown host, Bill Rankin has consistently brought each season into digestible clarity. This is long form investigative journalism at its best.
Devil is in the Details
Liberal podcast
A terrible podcast, with an obvious agenda
Season 7 got off of the rails and it’s unfortunate
As a practicing attorney I enjoyed the prior seasons of Breakdown specifically because of the attempt to be critical and transparent about all involved. This season the political pressure and identity politics were too pervasive. I stopped at Episode 8. Not out of disrespect for the victim, but the over the top one sided political slant. I would very much like to hear this case in the more objective format of past seasons. It’s disheartening to see that I am not the only loyal listener who had this reaction. Hoping and looking forward to a better next season.
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Scoles Family
Love this Podcast
Bill Rankin is one of my favorite hosts and journalists. I always count on him for an episode of information and facts. I find his stories compelling and make me want to be a better human being.
One of the best!
Bill Rankin is a warrior for truth…and as a good journalist, speaks it in a compelling way.
Platinum gal
Top-notch, behind-the-scenes reporting of some of Georgia’s prominent cases with fascinating expert commentary.. love it.. please post more episodes.
Leave Facts In & Take Bias Out
Breakdown in the past has focused more on the facts and details of particular cases rather than the host(s) personal points of view. This season has been different, and unfortunately has led this case to be covered with bias and narrative over facts, details and legalese regarding the case. It feels this podcast has become just another mainstream media approach to “news” rather than focusing on providing information and allowing the listener to decide on their own.
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I’ve been a listener of this podcast since it’s inception back in 2015 and I’ve always loved the attention to detail, legal analysis of experts, etc. However, the current season is unbearably political. As a young defense attorney passionate about defendants’ rights and ensuring that the government is held to their burdens of proof under the law, I am disturbed by the way the attorneys are being portrayed in this season. To attack an attorney incessantly, for what is actually a legitimate argument in terms of what his sole job is in this case, is a disservice to those tuning in. While the defense attorneys perhaps could have been more articulate in the specific wording of some of their arguments, to think that the presence of famous civil rights figures each day of trial will not have an undue influence on the jury in this case is naive. To then infer some racist intent on the defense for making objections on that basis undermines the entire justice system. I signed a petition in support of indicting these defendants after this tragedy. Nothing in the trial has changed my mind on what the outcome should be. So while I don’t disagree with you on that front, I ask that you just please, PLEASE, stop trying to tell the listeners what to think, stop trying to infer that everyone who believes in due process here is a racist, and instead return to just reporting the facts. Otherwise, I don’t think it’s unfair to say that this podcast does a disservice to real journalism as well.
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It’s ok
Past seasons were good, but it’s hard to get past the host’s bias this season.
Extremely biased reporting.
Good coverage of the cases they cover. Great audio of trials and evidence. Great details. However, the bias of the reporters is blatant. So much for innocent until proven guilty.
Podcast is pretty good
The podcast is good. It covers the court cases fairly well. You can tell what side the reporters are on but they still give the details. Quit telling me to get vaccinated “for all of us” - not your place.
Anyone listening to this podcast is already vaccinated. We don’t need you telling us what to do. Your podcast is good but don’t preach to us plz
Good content, but volume very uneven
I really like your reporting, but it is hard to listen because the volume is sometimes very loud, and other times very quiet —and everywhere in between. I also think the music is not appropriate for the show.
Please Fix Audio Levels
I love your podcast but please fix your audio levels - they’re all over the place. Case in point: S08, Ep. 9, where I had to turn up the volume a lot just to hear the courtroom audio only to have my ears blasted when Bill, Asia, and particularly Ashleigh started speaking. There are several audio leveling applications that can perform this function for you automatically. Please consider using one of them.
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its like serial
with more than 1 good season
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