Growing Joy with Plants - Wellness Rooted in Nature
Growing Joy with Plants - Wellness Rooted in Nature
Maria Failla- Happy Plant Lady and Author of Growing Joy: The Plant Lover's Guide to Cultivating Happiness
via Podcasts
Informative content that needs pruning
Just started to listen. Interesting tips and content for plant lovers. Update and positive. Wish there was less commercials. Episode length of 40-60 minutes is too long. Snackable length times would work better into lifestyle listening. Eliminate some over explaining in beginning just get to the great ideas.
So informative and inspiring
I absolutely love this podcast. All the content has been so helpful in not only caring for my plants but truly in self care and educating others! I listen to this in the mornings during my morning walks with the dogs or on my drive to work and it’s such a peaceful and easy listen. It has inspired me to grow my own tomatoes, garlic, herbs and others from my balcony of my small apartment. Also my house plants look amazing from just listening to the planty tips. Thank you so much for this podcast and I continue to listen to every new episode and gain new knowledge!
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So helpful information
I enjoy Listening because there’s so much helpful information. I just listened to the episode on bringing your houseplants in for the winter again so I could follow it step by step and not put my other plants in danger. I love all the passion Maria has for this topic and it makes even more worthwhile to listen to!
Growing Joy is just what I needed
I’ve been struggling finding Joy lately. I tuned into How to Overcome Burnout and I’m taking the practice of looking at a plan before I look at a screen into my daily routine. Thank you, Maria.! I’ll be tuning into the podcast again.
Plants by Wade Lee
Hi I’m 11 years old and I love your podcast! I use your tips and my large amounts of indoor and outdoor plants are doing great. So thanks!!!!! 🌵🌲🌳🌴🌱🌿☘️🍀🎍🪴🎋🍃🍄🌾💐🌷🌹🪷🌺🌸🌼🌻
Happy plant lady
I love this podcast and all the fun guests Maria has on. Inspires me to garden and care for my plants. I’ve learned so much. Please don’t go political, there’s enough of that everywhere else. I love the positivity and mental health healing this podcast and plants give me. Thank you Maria!
Tina Bolor
Falling in love with podcasts
I discovered Maria’s podcast summer of 2019. I was going through a tough time, and planty podcasts were so healing and relaxing. I didn’t know why at the time. Over the years, I loved watching Maria deepen the connection between mental health and plants. Thank you, Maria, for forever hooking me to podcasts with your fellow planty podcast colleagues!
Planty Driving :)
I love Bloom and grow so much! I am a traveling pediatric therapist in Denver and this podcast fills my drives with planty joy! Maria I loved the episode at the AZ botanic gardens and would be THRILLED if you ever made your way to Denver botanic gardens for similar one for CO landscaping:)
Love it and grateful!
I have recently gotten into plants to help with relieving stress and anxiety. This podcast has helped me with my love for plants, and with redirecting stress and anxiety. So thankful!
New here and I love it!
I’ve been listening for under a year but I have found so many valuable nuggets and am really enjoying the ride. It’s a JOY to have found a podcast that shares and expands on my love for plants.
Nia Ita
10/10 highlights recommend
Maria is a fabulous human. She loves plants and she loves humans. Each episode feels like it was curated just for you. It is apparent she goes out of her way to create each podcast with love. Her voice is very nice to listen to. I have been gardening and growing houseplants for decades and still find a new bit of knowledge on her episodes. Love the community feeling. 💚💚💚
DevDev yay me
Best plant podcast for beginners!!
I’ve been listening to Maria for a few years now and I have learned so much from it! She offers great interviews with plant experts. Her content is informative and perfect for those who are just starting out on their plant parent journey.
Dr Les
GREAT podcast
SO easy to listen to! I love hearing Maria and her planty knowledge is 👌
nic in the mitten
Awesome for plant lovers!
Love this podcast as a great, positive, upbeat source to learn new things about being a plant parent! Great place to grow your planty knowledge!
accidentally midwest
Great podcast to get grounded
I love listening to Maria! It makes me feel more grounded and connected to nature. I’ve truly enjoyed learning and listening to all the episodes thus far.
Erin Peabody
New listener
This is such an easy to listen to podcast! I appreciate the knowledge so freely shared to help me in my gardening experience. :)
Very Informative
Just recently found you after listening to your interview with Lisa from Simple Farmhouse Life. The few episode I have listened to have been very informative and I can’t wait to learn more from you.
Black Bunny Mama
Everything you want to know about seeds!
New listener here and I love her podcasts. Best podcast - very informative about seeds.
Nana Rinny
happy happy joy joy
Love listening and following and learning - growing joy fits perfect with what I do, helping people dig deep to find their Happy Roots 🤗 using plants as a metaphor to gain freedom by unearthing and understanding and loving and accepting our true and authentic self 💗
Always my first pick when I have loads of podcast episodes to listen to!
I haven’t been listening for very long but I have listened to every. single. episode. Maria is a beacon of light in the plant community and I love hearing her talk about all things planty. She always asks such insightful questions to her guests. Plus she is always sure to go over things for people who are new to the plant realm. I can’t get enough. Thank you Maria!!
Tumblr dot org
Informative and Relatable
Love this podcast. Every episode brings something new to learn and all of the stories and anecdotes that are shared make me feel like I’m not alone in my plant struggles. Not to mention Maria is a joy to listen to!
Brings me joy when I’m feeling down :)
Your podcasts have helped me through some hard times. When I need to get away from my thoughts I will listen to a podcast while taking a walk. It’s also lonely living in the country, so it’s like having a friend on my walk. I’m always in a better mood as soon as I start listening and I usually end up walking longer than planned. I’m working on my horticulture degree too, so it’s even more fun to learn additional information. I appreciate all that you do!
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New listener
I recently started listening to this podcast and I'm going back to listen to previous episodes. I have been able to relate to so many episode because my time with my plants has become part of my self-care routine. As an empath, I am that person who will cry when one of my plant babies dies so learning the most I can from this podcast really helps. I will continue to care for my plants like I don't have tons of laundry to do.
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Warrior Family.
Good for my soul
Maria teaches me about how to care for plants and my mental health. She is literally helping you grow your joy.
King kong Sam
Plant knowledge queen
Maria’s a great interviewer. She always thinks of things I never would have. I also love her inclusion of how plants are effecting her outlook on life
Favorite podcast
Just discovered this podcast and love it! Helpful advice for a novice plant lover.
Newbie Gardner
Love this!
I really enjoy listening to this podcast. It’s super informative and sometimes I feel like she is directly speaking to me because she has experienced so many of the same things that I have with plants. Highly recommend for anyone that wants to know more about plants; both indoor and outdoor!
Maria, my spirit guide!
Maria’s podcast not only fulfills my nerdy need for plantcare knowledge, the show also has a positive vibe that I find very healing in my daily chaos. Maria’s self-help tips sprinkled throughout are well-curated and much appreciated. Thank you for your innovative work, Maria!
Such a wealth of knowledge!
If you’re new to having indoor plants, then this is the podcast for you! Each episode is full of educational information that isn’t overwhelming. She has great guests on that also provide a ton of information and encouragement. This podcast is welcoming to all levels and all types of people, it’s always positive and a ray of sunshine in my day!
AshLou S.
My New Favorite Podcasts
I discovered this podcast after purchasing Maria’s book Growing Joy. I love it. I can’t to listen to more.
Love this podcast!
I recently got into plants for my mental health and I feel so lucky to have come across this podcast! Already re-listened to a few wonderful episodes. Maria’s voice is amazing, too! If you like plants and need a friend, this is the podcast!!!
Fashion Foodie
Great resource!
This is such a great podcast, not just for myself, but I have sent people to listen who are new (and very interested in nerding out all in)!
A treasure trove of plant wisdom
I love this podcast. I have about 75 indoor plants and then garden outside in the spring, summer, and fall. While I have been enjoying my plant babies since I was 13 (I’m now 38), there is always something new that I pick up from Maria and her guests. The topics she covers are extremely diverse and I often find myself driving into a new plant rabbit hole after hearing about a plant-related topic I had never thought about before. My last rabbit hole was about starting plants from seedlings. I usually just buy small plants that I put into a garden, but between the amazing info on the podcast and the useful websites referenced in the episode notes, I may do seeds!
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Phenomenal Podcast for Newbies/Experts!!!
🪴DONT SLEEP ON THIS PODCAST🪴 Maria is such a fun and enthusiastic plant mom! She does an amazing job at explaining theories/ideas as well as choosing experts to bring onto the show! I learned about Growing Joy (Bloom and Grow) from her appearances on Plant Daddy podcast and couldn’t resist giving her show a listen.
This podcast changed my life
Listening to this podcast helped me learn how to take care of plants. What I didn’t expect is that taking care of plants taught me how to take better care of myself. Thank you, Maria, for being a gift to the world, you beautiful human.
Ira Wild
Mama Gaia love
I am new to house plants & came across this podcast & I am so thankful I did. Maria seems like the uplifting friend we all need in our life. Her passion for plants goes beyond what I expected. 3 years ago I opened the door to living a more grounded, positive energy lifestyle & to my surprise this podcast has many episodes tying my new lifestyle into caring for my house plants. I love this podcast so much. Thank you Maria.
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Wholesome, amaing podcast!
Maria's podcast truly sparks joy and is a helpful and peaceful podcast to listen to for anyone passionate about plants. She covers houseplants and gardening, as well as anything surroung the joy that plants bring.
Love you and all the learning !!
I have learned so much from you over the years from all of the platforms you have broadcasted on!!
So good!
I recently found this podcast and I am loving it. Maria provides really helpful information and I love the focus on self care. Also there are a wide variety of topics covered. Her voice is so soothing.
What a wonderful podcast
I am a newbie to being a plant parent and this podcast helps me out so much in answering all the questions I have to grow my plants successfully
Palm City Hats
I am a new listener and I love it! I only have two house plants lol but hoping to expand to a outdoor garden and keep them alive! I love listening it’s education and a good way to relax! Thank you!
My husband and I are small, humble gardeners. We have learned so much from this podcast and it’s guests! We highly recommend giving it a listen even if you dabble in only houseplants!!
Timely life lessons
I came for the plant care help and I stayed for the self help! Maria is a dynamic and engaging host whose passion for houseplants hooked me from first listen. Thank you for bringing so much joy into my life every week!
Helpful and insightful.
I love this podcast for all of its informative episodes but especially enjoy the tips for self care as well as plant care 😄
Sarah Larah Mary Louise
Listening since the beginning
I love this pod for so many reasons. My interest in plants and the power they hold grew so much listening to this show, but also love how relatable Maria is and her ability to share and explain new info! All the convos are so fun and now by listening to this show, people in my life come to me for planty advice!
Love, love, love!!! 💚🪴
I’m a long time listener of the show and started my plant journey along with Maria from nearly the beginning. She’s been the positive voice helping me learn more about plants and the healthy habits of caring for them and myself! She has absolutely helped me grow joy every time I listen! Thank you Maria! You’re the best!
Maria is magic!
Maria’s honest and heartfelt journey into joy and happiness through plants is incredible. I love her energy, her information and growing with her! This podcast rocks!
Great for car rides
Wish you could be doing planty stuff but you are stuck in the car? This is the answer! Maria is a lot of fun and covers great topics. You will laugh and learn!
Maria is so wonderful
I've been listening to this podcast almost since the very beginning and I truly am thankful for Maria. From teaching me new things with my plants to the slippery slope of "oh maybe I'll just grow a couple vegetables outside" we've been through it together and she hasn't even known. She truly wants more kindness in the world and I am so glad to have someone like her putting content out into the world on a regular basis. Love you Maria! So happy to have been witness to your growth as a podcast but as a plant lady too!
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Great podcast about houseplants!
I’ve been lucky enough to be a guest on this podcast and it was wonderful. It is a great! If you like houseplants, you need to listen to every episode!
The Houseplant Guru
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