Another Mother Runner
Another Mother Runner
Another Mother Runner
Another Mother Runner
Another Mother Runner
A family of three podcasts to get (+ keep) you moving without losing your family, job, or sanity! Nearly 1,000 (!) back episodes to enjoy. Every Friday on the original show (launched in 2011), host Sarah Bowen Shea, a mom of three and veteran of 14 marathons, is joined by a rotating cast of co-hosts and often a guest expert to discuss topics ranging from how to reach a big race goal to finding your athletic happy place, and everything in between. Training, nutrition, motivation, mental toughness, TMI issues: This show covers it all (and then some!).  Many Happy Miles and AMR Answers drop on alternate Tuesdays: Many Happy Miles is hosted by AMR co-founder Dimity McDowell and Sarah Wassner Flynn, and it celebrates and explores all types of forward movement, whether an epic hike, century ride, or your first brisk walk after a setback. The co-founding duo of Sarah and Dimity host AMR Answers, providing insightful responses to listeners’ called-in questions. All three shows are witty and conversational, making them great running partners because the AMR gals do all the talking—even on the uphills!
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
Every few days
Latest episode
2 months ago
April 4
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