Adam Carolla Show
Adam Carolla Show
PodcastOne / Carolla Digital
via Podcasts
A Good show
Adam is a genius and was spot on with Covid. I’m on his side politically and enjoy his views. But I really miss Brian and Gina! The show was more fun and funny back then. It is too political currently. I’ll continue to listen.
A laugh track over the live show with Brad Williams.
Lew in Chicago
Covid broke Adam carolla
He keeps talking about the same thing over and over once you listen to a month of his shows you’ve listened to everything he is going to say
Politicy word salad
Too much wacko politics. I don’t know where he gets the talking points he pushes but, there’s no context. Not funny or interesting spewing a bunch of names or events trying to connect unrelated things.🤪
Uncle B
DD and DFG Poetry
uncle b 1226
The “Mooch” episode
Great job letting the Mooch have his say. It was hard listening to it at times though. Mooch is not in touch with common folk and it’s obvious most of his opinions are based on his elitist opinions. Definitely not a reliable source of information in my world. The five stars are for Adam, not the mooch.
Big B 65
Been listening since Loveline
This has to be one of the best episodes! Adam, Godfrey and Kyle-What a trio! I could listen to them every day, it was such a fun listen!
i listen every day!
Adam has kinda evolved into a wise grumpy old man and I love it! The most pragmatic host ever.
Stop recommending podcasts “I might like.”
Dennis Prager
Carolla is on fire. Great combo with Adam and Dennis. Those two together would make a great show
Idea for a drinking game
take a shot every time Sam Tripoli says “100%.” You’ll be drunk in five minutes. Love you, Adam.
Paul Virzi
Thank you for introducing m to this guy! Funny and quick. Great episode with him👏🏼
Adam Corolla is a genius
Let me start by saying long time fan, since love line followed your career without knowing, keep up the good work. Hard working in show business and off inspiration to all. We should all tip a page out of corollas book and don’t do your best do Adam’s best get it on.
stellar lucynda
He’s still at it?
He was amusing on Love Line in another geological age, but enough is enough. Is there anything worse than a “comedian” who is his own biggest fan? Between his grating loud voice and the insipid banter, this show cannot be tolerated. Thankfully, Corolla is relegated to podcast land where he is easily avoided. I was going to give the show one star. The second star is for pity.
Where is DFG?
DFG needs to be a weekly guest. Please make it happen. No one funnier on God’s green earth. Surely he has some insights to share on the patriotic frat boys at NC and Ole Miss.
rx in pdx
Hilarious……except for…
I love Adam. Have for years. But please, for all that is holy, no more Erica Rhodes!! Sorry, but her laugh is so grating and cringe inducing that it’s impossible to listen for long!!
Funniest Non-PC Show
Amazing show, so glad you got rid of those leftist wizards that really slowed the show down ( Bryan and Gina )
A sad little man
Not worth the time
Dr Doom Jr
Great comedy
Please bring back gina and bryan/brian
Noname in particular
Loved Orny
I was laughing out loud. Great show
P. Munro
Go back to 5 per week
I need Adam Carolla Show 5 times per week. You’re turning into Howard Stern! Dance with the one that brung ya’! “The Adam Carolla Show”
Love you since the 90s!
Love what you are doing. I miss Brian and Jeana sometimes they were awesome. However, the show’s still growing and evolving and Love it now as well. Quote you often! Anymore movies other than docs coming out?
Excellent Podcast
So happy Brian and Gina are gone. The proof is in the show and how much better this year has been. Thank you Adam for cutting them loose. They were not the other voice you were trying to have on the show to bring both sides together, they were pure resistance and never made arguments that changed my mind. You bring on guests that oppose your views and that is what you were looking for. Max-a-pad-a is much better delivering the news.
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You'd think his mom was the Fuhrer
He entered the world by being pulled out of her gentlewoman parts, and he spends approximately 5 percent of his podcast devoted to hating on her like she was the Fuhrer of Germany. I bet she was the nicest, sweetest woman around. God rest her soul Mrs. Lakers-Carolla
One in a million wife
My loves a ceiling fan on and on high. Wife and I and a daughter and two sons all have fans on in whatever room we’re in. Great show thx ACE
Mitch Green
Adam, can you please provide a translation of this show. I’d really like to hear what he has to say
The not so new anymore formate is great
The old show was great, this this newer formate is crushing it. So many great interviews that we never would have been exposed to. Still plenty of time for fun with the regulars and new comics.
Josh from Orlando
Best Podcast In The Business!
The very best!
Clayton is hilarious!
Clayton is very funny and a great guest with Adam. Make him a regular!
Bil Mattern
The man is still ragging on his mom, posthumously? Alright buddy.
Get it on!
Gotta get it on.
Orny brings it again
Today's guest gives me a headache. Thirsty for talking and yelling….stop it! Stop the loud angry consistently noise.
Stop talking over each other
Adam yelling over his guest and these guys just keep talking over each other is BRUTAL. Love hearing Adam’s rants but when everyone is talking over each other - Have to turn it off most days.
I erase and don’t listen when damashek or tortorich or especially Orny Adams!
Love the pod-cart ;) and the Dr. Phil interview is worth a listen
Keep up the great work and entertainment!
Stop arguing with your employees
Adam I love the show and have been listening for years. Please stop calling out your producers on the air. I feel like a kid in the backseat when the parents are arguing and immediately forward over or shut it off.
Miiiiijooooo… mijo. Mijo? Mijooo. MIJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Been here since the beginning. All you newbies better show some respect.
Closed eyes
What happened w Ace & David Allen Greer? Ba bye DAG What ever did Donnie do to piss off Aceman Ba bye Donnie Ray refused to do things Adam’s way…. *wouldn’t take improv classes *wanted to be paid to do the podcast *was completely unaware of Adam’s sudden “I’m better than you Ray” attitude Ba bye Rayzo! Alison wasn’t working hard enough outside of the podcast Ba bye Alison Lynette has never properly contributed to anything Adam suggests Ba bye Lynette Gina and Bald gave Adam everything he loves-blind adoration, unpaid time, food, they would look bad so Adam could be the shiny boss man smartest person alive. They played Adam’s game as though they were completely aware that one false move and he’ll cut them from the team. Turns out they’re right! Ba bye Bald! Ba bye Gina! Is he still truly friends w Jimmy? If so it’s because Jimmy feels sorry for him And also, what’s w the closed eyes during his rants, or even just a plain speech? It’s as though he physically cannot see in order to understand that which stands directly in front of him. I used to love this guy I do not stand alone
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RFK Jr? Seriously?
You used to have some common sense now you’re promoting this moron? No thanks Carolla!
Show has gone down hill.
I’ve always loved the show, but it has become increasingly harder to listen to; unenjoyable to listen to really. The producers and staff seem to be unaware of what’s going on constantly, the mistakes are not even that reasonable, so the show appears so cheap. Adam’s views and thoughts are often so unrefined that they make little sense, he views himself as an intellectual titan and that has severely clouded his view on himself. It’s really so unfortunate because I have always loved this show, and how topical it is.
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Not good
Not good
Perry Farrell is Awesome
The episode with Perry Farrell was awesome! I don't know much about him and his music, but his history was so interesting! His personality is great and he def sounds like a surfer dude. lol! I really want him to come back and tell the rest of his story. I could tell that Adam was also really surprised at how likeable Perry was.
Morton’s Wife
The only whiny, nasally voice I want to listen to is Adam’s. Norton’s wife spoke frequently and was difficult to listen to. I appreciate the variety of guests regardless. Wishing the show continued success.
Stuck on Repeat
Man Adam has become really boring. He stuck on repeat . Over and over on same story almost daily his views on Covid. That is yesterdays news in rear view mirror . Please get back to funny
Family and education
You don’t have either, and you claim it’s the solution.
not a persuadeable
My favorite podcast over any other
Hi Guys!!! Just had to to write to tell you how much I looooved the Kyle Dunnigan and Erica Rhodes episode, I was exploding w laughter!!! The skits u do are insanely hilarious, You and Chris are perfect!!! Ty for bringing so much happiness as I start my work day❤️
D the reviewer in my own right
Lots of common sense
Plenty of funny with the occasional veer into some common sense political and social commentary. Don’t miss it!
Still good but not as good
I’ve been a fan since his klsx radio days back in 06’. It’s still a great show with lots of awesome guests but the show has changed a lot. I really really still miss Bryan and Gina . They added so much comedy and mirth to the show. I miss the old drops and improv bits. It’s all under the guise of progress and growing but not all progress is good as Adam once said.
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