60 Minutes
60 Minutes
CBS News
via Podcasts
What Happened?
The writing and editing has really gone downhill.
Five Stars
Great journalism.
Love it
Used to love this show until MTG
Literally unfollowed after the fluff piece on local terrorist MTG. Literally no one asked for it.
Bill is a painfully irritating and annoying interviewer
This show has an annoying irritating arrogance and uncomfortable way of interviewing and reporting especially from Bill Whitaker....what a tool.
You all couldn’t honestly report the follow up story on Ray Epps. This man is recorded many times, over a number of days telling people to go to the Capitol. He sent an email (or text) to his son admitting involvement and Epps even said he could go to jail for saying what he was saying. In light of all of that, you all still say there is no credible evidence. No, there is no integrity at 60 minutes.
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Big B 65
60 minutes
Best 60 minutes of news listening this week! I will add this to my weekly listening, specially on a Sunday night when many news casts take a night off. CNN well done! Just as I was down on US news sources, preferring British news to American. Thank you for what sounds like honest unbiased stories!
American Institution
The MTG interview was relevant, useful and interesting.
Team Ridgeback
60 minutes
Bro this podcast is the greatest show ever
Brayden Hastings
Truth about insulin prices
I’m 40 years type 1 diabetic, insulin dependent. What I’m telling you is a fact. I or anyone can go into Walmart pharmacy (for the last ten years) buy a vial of insulin, no prescription, no doctor, no insurance (please pay attention now) for $24. Anytime during the last 10 years. No insurance, no doctor, no prescription, voila. Thus, the hoopla about reducing insulin costs is ? Please let me know you’ve received and understand my communication, Appreciatively, Marco the tucson cowboy
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King of a
Programming to the QOP
PLEASE, PLEASE,PLEASE don’t give oxygen to toxic morons like MTG anymore. Get Mitch McConnel instead……
Doc whatever
Yes I miss the old crew but these folks know their stuff. My fave deep dive tangible podcast.
4April 2023
MTG? Was that the best 6O minutes could do? So many wonderful Congressional members, merely a run for ratings… Depressing and pathetic!
I don’t want to hear terrorists get more airtime. What a puff piece. This isn’t journalism or befitting for mainstream media. Stop normalizing the hate 60 Minutes!
You are elevating a conspiracy theorist who never would’ve had a voice if our Country was a democracy. She’s a Radical right wing nut who Doesn’t represent America
Used to be respected but now it's just another clown show
Once upon a time 60 Minutes used to offer some very inspiring shows. But when they seek to "entertain" above educating their viewers about critical issues of the day - they become no better than Fox News. Pathetic.
Primary watcher
60 minutes giving time to MTG
I am done with 60 minutes. You are willing to entertain an election denier, a misinformation spreader and insurrectist that wants to do away with the FBI, the ATF and all regulation. I won’t be watching anything you air anymore. You used to stick to the truth. This is disgusting!
Leslie Stahl
Please keep your biased opinions about the republicans to yourself And apologize to President Trump
Right Wing Tears
The podcast is great for the way it makes the Trumpist fascists cry.
Stop restating the facts
I enjoy the interesting stories and appreciate the hard questions the hosts raise. My only suggestion is to stop restating the facts over and over again. It is annoying and feels like you’re looking for ways to extend the program. We ARE listening and rehashing the same facts is frustrating this listener.
Please stop with the Jill Schlesinger adds, I stopped listening because of her
She is killing the popularity of this podcast. I know several people who have stopped listening as a result, including myself. Content is good, but not worth listening to her for 60 seconds several times per episode.
The show is repeating stories for most of 2022
The reporting is getting repetitive. I actually hear the same stories week after week. I'm an extremely disappointed with where this podcast/show are headed
Just the facts
I admire and value the consistent presentation of well researched and presented content. The stories about drug shortages, college scholarships and a world class tenor educate me as a citizen of the United States and our world.
cool grabdma
Trump derangement over&over
Just can’t stop any and ever other story with anti-Trump work into a story. President always look into ways to hit back hit back at foreign enemies. He wasn’t the only one to look for ways with the military to hit the Mexican cartel. He is one of the few who didn’t use the military when he has the chance. The attempt to make Trump into a war hawk not working. Biden and the swamp are the war hawks
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Another manipulative show
Follow their paymasters leanings to know their agenda, for each topic.
Obnoxious pitch woman
The ads by CBS business analysts are obnoxious and a turn off. Makes me less ignored to buy off listen. Please take her the podcast—the rest of the podcast experience will be better.
60 Minutes of Lies
Has 60 Minutes ever told the Truth about any subject or remained unbiased on anything ever? More like 60 Minutes of Lies. Stahl is such a senile old hag and pure trash.
One sided reporting
If you just want one side of the story this is the podcast for you. 10 thumbs down.
Alaska salmon
I agree with the review about the ads. Alaska seafood packed in Brooklyn, yes, the one in New York. Hmmmm
Ads are obnoxious
The ads that 60 Minutes agrees to have on their podcast are among the most obnoxious and out-of-character ads for such a serious podcast. Cheapens the experience to solemnly learn of the torture of children by the Assad Regime - only to be blasted by tacky and obnoxious advertisements.
Volume problem
The volume level of commercials is deafening. Please adjust. It’s very difficult to listen to the podcast with the sudden massive differences in volume.
Sound level issue, consistently for months
Please, either increase the volume of the podcast to match ad volume and other podcasts’ volume levels or lower volume of ads. Holy cow!
Keep Your Finger on the 15 Sec Advance Button
I truly love this podcast — let me just make that abundantly clear. I have been watching 60 minutes since I was in my early twenties, and it is the most solid and reputable of (in my opinion) ALL broadcast journalism. It works perfectly fine in audio format, as there have only been a few episodes where I wish I could see the images of the screen. I am leaving only three stars here because of the longstanding annoyance of the un-normalized audio. The episode itself is at relatively low volume, but the ads are at an astounding, eardrum piercing volume, and they come suddenly. I am not using hyperbole here. It would be best to either: 1. Normalize the audio 2. Announce with a 3 sec notice of an upcoming ad I have a podcast show myself, and I normalize all audio tracks so that the listener has a good listening experience. It is my hope that 60 minutes can fix this issue sooner than later, as I have written to them about this problem before.
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Consistently Solid Reporting
60 minutes asks relevant questions and pressing questions of newsmakers. There is a recent rash of clique criticisms (that are not intelligible) They appear to support the Trump. I was impressed by the coverage of COVID, the questions they asked and information provided (60 Minutes continued programming during the pandemic rather than go to hiatus) My only critique is some segments are too short to fully explain the issue they are covering. The 4/25 reporting Blinken interview was informative and Lesley Stahl asked good questions about the current microchip shortage. consistently Solid Reporting
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The next next week would like ok ok
Okaypools o. I I’ll have on plus in
Biased reporting
There have now been too many examples of slick 60 Minutes editing to bolster a predetermined narrative irrespective of facts or differing opinions. I cannot simply trust any of their reporting any longer. Raw footage of events they cover show that they have abandoned any semblances of honest journalism.
Fix it
You were a very trusted source of information for me. The attack on Florida’s governor is poor. Please, for the love, stop being so obviously biased with the defense of this report. I want to trust you again. There’s WAY to much evidence that your reporter was inaccurate. FIX IT!!!
Someplace I used to trust now destroyed
60 mins has no officially turned into the white personal press of FAKE WOKE GOSSIP RAG
Di McC
Please, release the UNEDITED videotape of Governor DeSantis explaining the decision to use the grocery stores for Covid vaccines. I am so disappointed at the disingenuous portrayal you presented by editing out all the steps he took in making the decision to allow vaccines to be distributed through Publix grocery stores. Your program used to have so much more integrity than this and many other recent “WOKE” stories you’ve reported on!!
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How could you edit so deceptively? Poor
60 Minutes- The New Rag
Listened to your report and then heard the same report on NTD News. They played the DeSantis interview. Lo and behold!! You left out All if the relevant bits- as in the whole point of the interview. So very sad to see a once great bastion of news media hit rock bottom.
Reliable journalism? If you’re partisan
I thought 60 minutes was mostly insulated from the partisanship... not totally but mostly.... but dishonest editing changed my mind on that. The journalist and the first line supervisor should get a lengthy unpaid suspension over the coverage of Florida’s governor and Publix distribution of the Covid vaccine.
Show on 4/4/21
Shame on you!!! You failed to give the accurate report of the vaccine distribution in Florida. I’m very disappointed in your editing which caused the report to give a false narrative! I will not watch your show again and will remove you from my podcast library.
Leftist propaganda
Unfortunately just more lazy one sided journalism
Corey Skaff
Please moderate volume of advertisements!
LOUD and ANNOYING transition to advertisements from regular program are not representative of the news broadcast of record. Fix it, please!
What??? Jan. 6th was racism?
Freddie bag of donuts
Reliable Journalism
Tried and true journalism with factual, unbiased reporting. No surprise seeing the stain of Trump-era haters with their negative reviews. They can have their Fox News; I’ll stick with 60 minutes.
Lies and propaganda. Totally biased
Finally Unsubscribed
Long time listener, so sad to say this but 60 mins has been coasting for years. Occasionally, some really great stories but needs less Cooper, Stahl and Pelly. Finally had to unsubscribe
Texas Flamethrower
Journalism is dead in this country. I can remember back in the 1970’s when the journalist cared about the truth instead of just playing to the Polititians. Now there is no balance and when the journalist becomes the party they will and have not held all Polititians accountable for the past 20 years. Journalist would rather lie to the American people than tell the truth. What a shame and sham.
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