Thin Air Podcast
Thin Air Podcast
Thin Air Podcast
Episode 38 - Paul J. Fronczak
54 minutes Posted Feb 26, 2018 at 5:59 pm.
a.m., a woman who Dora assumed was a nurse, entered the room, looked at Paul and left. 4 hours later, around 1:50 p.m., the same woman entered again, this time claiming that the baby was needed for an examination in the nursery. Dora handed Paul to her, she left, and, shortly after, both Paul and the unknown woman vanished. The trail quickly went cold, and it seemed that baby Paul was gone forever.
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April 26th, 1964. Dora and Chester Fronczak are at Chicago's Michael Reese Hospital after giving birth to their first child, a son named Paul. Around
But this was only the beginning of the mystery. To hear the full story, listen now on your favorite podcast app!