The Brilliant Idiots
The Brilliant Idiots
Charlamange Tha God and Andrew Schulz
Stud Muffins
1 hour 43 minutes Posted Mar 15, 2024 at 3:33 pm.
Appreciating Studs
Cat Williams and Live Comedy Specials
Jake Paul's Boxing Match on Netflix
Dreya Michelle's Pregnancy
Controversial Social Media Posts
Women's Basketball
Discussion on Sports and Competitiveness
Fatherhood and Girl Dads
Discussion on TikTok Ban
Licensing and Accountability for Content Creators
Spreading False Information and AI-generated Misinformation
The Potential Dangers of AI and Fake Newss
AI's Ability to Create False Information
The Vulnerability of Older Generations to Fake News
The Need for Better Tax Systems and Transparency
The Potential of Third-Party Candidates in Elections
Insecurities and Their Impact on Personal Lives
The Potential of Robert Kennedy in the Election
The Desire for a Third-Party Candidate in Politics
The Influence of Lobbyists on Political Candidates
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In this episode, Charlamagne the God and Andrew Schultz discuss various topics, including gun ownership, the appreciation of studs, live comedy specials, Jake Paul's boxing match on Netflix with Mike Tyson, Mike Tyson's invincibility, Dreya Michelle's pregnancy, and age and attraction. They discuss the potential regulations and legislation around social media, including the need for licensing and accountability for content creators. The dangers of AI-generated misinformation and fake news are discussed, as well as the vulnerability of older generations to scams and manipulation. The importance of building a brand and business is emphasized, along with the potential impact of third-party candidates in elections.
Check out Andrew Schulz
Check out all the podcast on Charlamagne's "Black Effect Network"
TaylorMade-It Production
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