9 to 5ish with theSkimm
9 to 5ish with theSkimm
Ava DuVernay on How Listening Will Help You Level Up Your Career
22 minutes Posted Mar 5, 2024 at 5:30 pm.
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Award-winning director and producer Ava DuVernay, known for her groundbreaking films like “Selma,” “A Wrinkle In Time,” and “Origin,” didn’t actually start her career behind the camera. She spent years working in public relations before taking the plunge and pivoting in her 30s. Spoiler: it paid off. And she’s got an Academy Award to show for it. To kick off our new season of "9 to 5ish," we spoke to Ava about how she embraced change and found joy in her career.

PS: Ava’s film, “Origin,” will be streaming on demand starting March 12.

In this episode, Ava shares: 

  • Why she’s intentional about finding joy in her work 
  • What “ear hustling” is – and why it’s helped her level up in her career 
  • How she’s learned to embrace change in her industry 
  • The secret to a good working partnership (plus, what she’s learned from Oprah)