Please, Finish Your Book!
Please, Finish Your Book!
John P Smith Jr
011: John Lee Dumas | The Freedom Journal
22 minutes Posted Jul 30, 2016 at 1:18 am.
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John Lee Dumas is the founder & host of EOFire, a top ranked business Podcast where he interviews today’s most inspiring Entrepreneurs 7-days a week. While busy while his podcast, he finished writing the book “The Freedom Journal: Accomplish your #1 Goal in 100 Days“.

The Book: The Freedom Journal: Accomplish your #1 Goal in 100 Days

A solution to the biggest problem that listeners of EOFire Podcast had
A step-by-step guide to accomplish a SMART goal in 100 days
SMART = Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Timebound
Requires discipline
Favorite section is creating a SMART goal

The Author:

Grew up in Maine
Wanted to be a Professional Baseball player then Entrepreneur
Spent 10 Years in the Military
Created daily EOFire Podcast in 2012
Proud to have traveled outside of United States
Book he admires:
“Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill

The Mindset:

Realized that his guests all knew how to set and accomplish goals
Loved to write in the morning on his San Diego balcony
Used Scrivener & Workflowy when away from home
Found an editor by asking for referral from a successful author

Tip for Future Authors: Find an Accountability Partner

Learn alot more about John Lee Dumas at:


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