Churchfront Worship and Tech Podcast
Churchfront Worship and Tech Podcast
Churchfront with Jake Gosselin
Vocal Training for Your Worship Teams | Worship Vocalist - Charmaine Brown
56 minutes Posted Apr 3, 2023 at 5:08 am.
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One of the most important aspects to our worship services is singing Gospel-centered songs that point people toward Jesus.


And one of the most common struggles of worship and tech leaders in the church is trying to train our vocalists to execute harmonies correctly, sing confidently, or stay in tune without additional tools like Autotune.


For many years, our options have been to dedicate hours of our own time, whether we are good teachers or not, trying to train our team, or the other option was to recommend a private coach or vocal teacher.


Charmaine over at Worship Vocalist came along and built another, better option. Worship Vocalist is an online resource to help your vocalists execute with excellence and get the quality of a private vocal coach at the comfort of their own home.


I'm so excited for you to hear more about the resources she provides and how its serving the church.


If you enjoy this episode, share it with a vocalist on your team, as there is tons of practical advice in this episode Charmaine graciously brought to our listeners.


And check out Worship Vocalist over on their website:


Charmaine also provides an incredible warmup resource you can access for free with you and your team that you can find in the link below: 


Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss out on any future episodes we have coming your way.


And don't forget to check out worship ministry school to get more step by step training in leadership development, leading your musicians or tech team, or leverage today's latest technology for your worship services.